M Mrrss.. LLaattooyyaa C Caam meerroon n 12thGrade/College & Career Counselor (901) 416-2008 (Office) ccaam meerroon nll@ @ssccsskk1 12 2..oorrg g CCoonnggrraattuullaattiioonnss,, CCLLAASSSS ooff 22001144!! You are about to embark on one of the most important events in your life. My goal is to help guide you on your journey of making a college selection by providing information & suggestions for college and career planning. I will be your College & Career Counselor this year, and I look forward to helping you with your life after high school plans! M Mrrss.. LLaattooyyaa CCaam meerroonn cameronl@scsk12.org O Onn YYoouurr M Maarrkk,, G Geett SSeett,, G Goo!! The following list consists of things you will need to get started on… (1) Letters of Recommendation – allow at least 2 weeks for a teacher, counselor, and/or administrator to write letters or fill out forms for colleges. Consider people who would be the best to write these letters for you. (2)Transcript Release Form– all seniors must have a release on file before any transcripts will be released to a college/university. You may obtain this form from me. It is located in the box outside my door. If you are not 18 years of age, it must be signed by a parent or guardian. (3) Transcript Request – see Mrs. Cameron to request official transcripts to be sent. Transcripts are FREE for current seniors only. Transcripts mailed on Tuesday and Thursday of each week ONLY. In order to get a transcript sent out on Tuesday morning, all transcript requests must be placed in the red envelope (located on my office door) by the previous Thursday (before the end of the school day). Likewise, in order to get a transcript sent out on Thursday morning, all transcript requests must be placed in the red envelope by the previous Tuesday (before the end of the school day). NO EXCEPTIONS! Please remember…………… A LACK of PREPARATION on YOUR PART does not CONSTITUTE an EMERGENCY on MY PART! (4) College Information – start researching colleges now by visiting college campuses, requesting catalogs, & looking at admission requirements. If you visit a college, you need to get proof of your visit, on a college letterhead, to turn into attendance. Each senior should apply to at least five colleges/universities. A great site that will automatically give you lists of colleges/universities across the US is http://dir.yahoo.com/Education/Higher_Ed ucation/Colleges_and_Universities/United _States/ (5) Counselor Request – when you need to see me, please fill out a request form in the Guidance Dept. I will meet with students in the order that I receive requests. Keep in mind that I will be coming to your English class to W Weellccoom mee B Baacckk TToo S Scch hooooll!! AAuugguusstt 22001133 give you current information/updates throughout the school year. IIM MPPO OR RT TA AN NT TD DA AT TEES S ACT Registration Deadline – August 23, 2013 ACT Late Registration- August 24September 6, 2013 ACT TEST DATE September 21, 2013 You can register online at www.act.org & stop by the counseling department for a practice guide also. Check the library for copies of the Princeton Review and other guides that will help you increase your score. Juniors & Seniors can take the ACT up to TWO TIMES for FREE if you receive free or reduced lunch. See me for a FEE WAIVER. CCO OLLLLEEG GEE RREECCRRU UIIT TEERRS S’’ CCA ALLEEN ND DA ARR @ @ CCH HS S AUGUST Cameron’s Senior 28th – 29th Presentations “S Starting the College Process” SEPTEMBER TN Achieves Scholarship Days Austin Peay State Rhodes UT Knox Agri-center College Fair 17th-19th 17t h 19th 25th 30t h OCTOBER Don’t forget to check out the Bulletin Board (outside the Guidance Office) for College & Scholarship Information. Stephens College 1st Penn State 1st Vanderbilt 2nd Loyola University New Orleans 2nd CHS College Fair 3rd Wheeling University 6t h Fall Break 7th-11th hhttttppss::////w ww ww w..ccoom mm moonnaapppp..oorrgg October 3, 2013 CCoom mm moonn BBllaacckk CCoollleeggee AApppplliiccaattiioonn College Fair @ CHS C Coom mm moonn A Apppplliiccaattiioonn IInnffoorrm maattiioonn (allows students to submit online applications to any of the over 400 member institutions. hhtttpp::///wwwwww..eedduuiinnccoonnlliinnee..ccoom m//eedduuww eebb//aappppllyy..hhttm m (allows students to apply to all 31 Member Institutions for a one-time fee of $35.) 6:30 P.M.-8:00 P.M. Juniors, seniors, & parents should plan to attend. Over 65 College recruiters will be at CHS this night! CCO OLLLLEEG GEE IIN NFFO O S SEEM MIIN NA ARRS S && O OPPEEN N H O U S E S HOUSES Tennessee State University’s Office of Admissions and Recruitment will be hosting its Presidential Academic Scholarship Reception for the Memphis/Shelby County area on Wednesday, September 11, 2013 at the Memphis Sheraton Downtown Hotel (formerly Marriott) at 6 pm. Tulane University “Face-to-Face” Wednesday, October 16th @ 7p m Hilton Memphis 939 Ridge Lake Blvd M e m p h is , T N 3 8 1 2 0 tulaneinfo.org/events OOTTHHEERR SSOOUURRCCEESS OOFF IINNFFOORRM MAATTIIOONN… …… …… …… …… … Be sure to check the CHS calendar website under the category of “senior information” for the latest senior updates! www.calendarwiz.com/chs AAffrriiccaann--AAm meerriiccaann SScchhoollaarrsshhiippss scholarshipamerica.org list of resources for students including diversity scholarships collegeboard.org/psat/student/html/nmsc.h tml National Scholarship Service and Fund for Negro Students (free college advisory & referral service) nationalmerit.org National Achievement Scholarship Program (Black American Students) uncf.org Gates Millennium Scholars scholarships for minority students state.tn.us/tsac Tennessee Minority Teaching Fellows Program - scholarship thurgoodmarshallfund.org Thurgood Marshall Scholarship Fund for Minority Students (1-877-690-8673 for general information) coca-colacompany.com (Coca-Cola Scholars Foundation) leadnational.org LEAD Summer Business Institutes for minority students & scholarship information jackierobinson.org/ Jackie Robinson Foundation Scholarships research.att.com/academic/urp.html Women & Minorities Underrepresented in the Sciences nabj.org/html/studentsvcs.html National Association of Black Journalists Scholarships (NABJ) baeo.org/options/privatelyfinanced.jsp Black Alliance for Educaitonal Options Scholarships nmjgsa.org National Minority Junior Golf Scholarship (Minority seniors and undergraduates students who excel at golf.) uncf.org/merck/program.htm United Negro College Fund Merck Science Initiative HHiissppaanniicc AAm meerriiccaann SScchhoollaarrsshhiippss hispanicscholarship.com (A source for Hispanic financial aid/scholarship opportunities hispanicfund.org/ (Hispanic College Fund, Inc.) hsf.net/ (Hispanic Scholarship Fund) hispanicoutlook.com (Hispanic Outlook Scholarship Fund) chci.org The Congressional Hispanic Caucus Institute Scholarship statefarm.com/foundati/awards.htm State Farm Insurance Achievement Scholarships statefarm.com/foundati/hispanic.htm State Farm Insurance Hispanic Scholarships KKoorreeaann AAm meerriiccaann SScchhoollaarrsshhiipp kasf.org Korean American Scholarship Foundation JJaappaanneessee AAm meerriiccaann SScchhoollaarrsshhiipp jacl.org Japanese American Citizens' League IIttaalliiaann AAm meerriiccaann SScchhoollaarrsshhiippss niaf.org National Italian American Foundation (Italian heritage or are interested in studying Italian language and culture in college). CCoorrddoovvaa HHiigghh SScchhooooll’’ss CCllaassss ooff 22001133 hhaadd aa ttoottaall ooff 1133..44 m miillliioonn ddoolllaarrss iinn sscchhoollaarrsshhiipp ooffffeerrss.. W Wiilll tthhee CCllaassss ooff 22001144 bbee aabbllee ttoo lliivvee uupp ttoo tthhiiss eexxppeeccttaattiioonn?? SSTTAAYY TTUUNNEEDD… …… …… …… …… …