MSc RenewableEnergy 240CF002 - ELECTRONICS FUNDAMENTALS (BASIC SKILLS) Number of ECTS Course Responsible Contact details: 3 Rosa Rodriguez BRIEF COURSE DESCRIPTION 1. p-n junction. LEDs. 2. BJT and MOS Transistors. 3. Switching and amplifier behaviors. 4. CMOS digital gates. 5. Operational amplifiers. LEARNING OBJECTIVES AND OUTCOMES The main objective of this course is to help students to understand the basis of electronic devices, both in the analog domain and the digital domain. In order to achieve this objective, the course mainly focus in practical works where the students analyze, measure and characterize diodes, BJTs transistors, logic gates and opams embedded in practical examples related to power electronics and control of systems dealing with energy concerns. METHODOLOGY The course is developed through theoretical learning sessions and practical sessions in electronic and computer labs. In the theoretical sessions, the teacher introduces the fundamental concepts of the course, which is after worked on practical sessions using application examples related to power electronics and/or simple energy circuits. In the theoretical sessions, the teacher introduces the fundamental concepts of the course, which are subsequently worked in practical sessions using examples of applications related to power electronics as well as simple circuits related to renewable energy systems. 240CF001- ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING FUNDAMENTALS (BASIC SKILLS) Number of ECTS Course Responsible Contact details: 3 Luis Sainz BRIEF COURSE DESCRIPTION 1. Single-phase circuits. 2. Three-phase circuits. 3. Electric network analysis. 4. Electric machines.. LEARNING OBJECTIVES AND OUTCOMES The main objective of this course is provide insights into single- and three-phase electric circuits and electric machines. In order to achieve this objective, the course mainly focuses on the theory of the proposed themes together with the resolution of practical exercises. The students determine voltages, currents and powers in electric circuits and analyze the main problems related to energy concerns. Electric machines are MSc RenewableEnergy also introduced, and synchronous and asynchronous machines are studied and their main applications are analyzed. At the end of the course the students will be able to: - Solve single-phase circuits in DC and AC steady state. - Solve balanced three-phase circuits in AC steady state. - Solve single- and three-phase circuits with transformers. - Determine voltage, current and powers in DC and AC rotating machines working in steady state. - Apply Node Voltage Method for network analysis. METHODOLOGY The course is developed through theory sessions and exercise sessions. The teacher introduces the fundamental concepts of the course in the theory sessions, which are subsequently worked on with practical exercises related to the main electric circuit topologies and energy concerns. 240CF009- FLUID MECHANICS AND HYDRAULIC MACHINES (BASIC SKILLS) 240CF006- THERMODYNAMICS APPLIED TO RENEWABLE ENERGY SYSTEMS (BASIC SKILLS) Number of ECTS Course Responsible Contact details: 3 Xavier Fernández Francos Laboratori de Termodinamica (ETSEIB H-building, 8th floor) BRIEF COURSE DESCRIPTION 1. Basic thermodynamics concepts. Energy. Thermodynamic properties. Mass and energy balances. 2. Energy efficiency. Use of thermodynamic cycles in energy production. 3. CASE ANALYSIS: Use of biomass as a non-fossil fuel. 4. Heat transfer mechanisms. Optimization and design criteria for heat exchangers. 5. Pipe flow. Friction losses. Pumps. 6. CASE ANALYSIS: solar water heating systems. LEARNING OBJECTIVES AND OUTCOMES The objective of this course is to give students the basis for the understanding of relevant energy production and storage processes related to the use of renewable resources. Fundamental thermodynamics, fluidmechanics and heat transfer concepts will be reviewed. Elementary processes will be discussed and analyzed using mass and energy balances. Global processes will be discussed and optimized on the basis of energy efficiency and economy criteria. METHODOLOGY The course is developed through sessions which will include both theory and practice. The teacher will introduce the fundamental concepts of the course, but the students will be encouraged to further develop these concepts in the analysis of elementary processes. Two relevant case studies, integrating the most relevant theory concepts, will be analyzed. MSc RenewableEnergy 240SEL80 - ENVIRONOMICAL PATHWAYS MJ2490 (MANDATORY) Number of ECTS Course Responsible 6 Viktoria Martin (KTH) E-mail: BRIEF COURSE DESCRIPTION This course discusses the basic concept of exergy and efficient energy technologies. It relates the environmental consequences in a life cycle cost perspective. The lectures will highlight the concept of energy “sources”, identifying the presently only “primary sources” as the sun, the moon and the geothermal sources in the earth. The focus is on future, sustainable supply chains from primary energy source to energy services in society. Here, the fundamental tools of exergy analysis, life cycle analysis and environomics, are introduced. When striving to take significant steps towards a sustainable energy system, a thorough link must be established between technical innovations, sound engineering design and business and entrepreneurship strategies that enable a market introduction of new technical solutions and energy services. Therefore, this course introduces the basic definitions in the field of business and entrepreneurship. LEARNING OUTCOMES After the course the student should be able to Apply a system approach in analyzing the chain for energy conversion, from primary energy source to energy services. This includes: o To suggest a system boundary for some basic energy conversion problems like sun/moon/geothermal to comfort heating or cooling. o To conduct an overall analysis of energy, environmental and cost efficiency of an energy conversion scheme. o To use the result to carry out an environomical discussion, at a basic level, regarding the relationship between energy, environmental and cost effectiveness using the exergy concept as a basis. Describe and explain the basic concepts of business, entrepreneurship and innovation Develop and explain a need of your product or service Describe, analyse and develop linkages between technical feasibility and business feasibility By using project based working method, be able to work with energy systems analysis and environomics in a structured way. MSc RenewableEnergy 820730 - ENERGY RESOURCES (MANDATORY) Number of ECTS 5 BRIEF COURSE DESCRIPTION Block 1: Introduction. 1. Basic concepts. 2. The energetic problem. The energy economy. 3. Energy storage and transformation. 4. Legal framework. Block 2: The energy sources and its technological applications. Actual and future trends. 5. Oil. 6. Natural gas. 7. Coal. LEARNING OUTCOMES The student must understand, describe and analyze in a clear and complete way the energy conversion chain; beginning from the “energy source” up until its final use as a “energetic service”. Identify, describe and analyze the characteristics of the different energy resources and the final use of the energy, considering its economical, social and environmental dimensions. 820732 –ENERGY AND ENVIRONMENT (MANDATORY) Number of ECTS Course Responsible Contact details: 5 Jordi Llorca BRIEF COURSE DESCRIPTION Energy: demand, primary sources, energy vectors. Sustainability. Fossil fuels: impact of extraction and transport, atmospheric impact. CO2 emissions and capture. Renewable energy. Catalytic, photocatalytic and electrochemical CO2 reduction. Catalysts, preparation, characterization and use. Principles of "Green Engineering". Waste to energy. Biomass. Biorefineries. Hydrogen. Direct photo conversion of water. Storage. Thermochemical processes. Fuel cells. LEARNING OBJECTIVES AND OUTCOMES Knowledge: 1) knowing the different sources of energy, and energy delivery devices interconversion of energy, 2) Understand the impact of the production and use of energy in the environment, 3) become familiar with the techniques and use of CO2 capture; 4) become familiar with their importance in catalysis and related energy processes, 5) understand the principles and methods of the so-called "green engineering". Skills: 1) contextualize the use and abuse of different energy sources, 2) learn on the utilization different methods of physics and chemistry of CO2, 3) learn to value different routes of conversion of biomass and biofuels, 4) adopt criteria to the different possibilities of interconversion of energy use energy vectors. METHODOLOGY Theory classes, problem solving, work / exercises outside the classroom and discussion of work / exercises in the classroom. MSc RenewableEnergy 820733 –RENEWABLE ENERGY TECHNOLOGY (MANDATORY) Number of ECTS 5 BRIEF COURSE DESCRIPTION 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Energy Renewable energy resources. The renewable energy sector in Spain and Europe. Directives, development plans and regulatory frameworks. Solar energy. Use of solar thermal energy. Photovoltaic solar energy. Eolic energy. Biomass energy. Hydraulic and marine energy. Geothermic energy. LEARNING OBJECTIVES AND OUTCOMES Perform in an efficient way the data collection of renewable energy resources for its statistical treatment. Apply the acquire knowledge and valuation criteria in the design and evaluation of technological solutions for the use of renewable energy resources; considering stand alone and connected to the grid systems. Recognize and evaluate the newest technological applications in the use of renewable energy resources. 820733 –WIND POWER (ELECTIVE) Number of ECTS 5 Course Responsible Oriol Gomis-Bellmunt Contact details: BRIEF COURSE DESCRIPTION 1. Module 1: Introduction to wind energy 2. Module 2: The wind resource PC laboratory. Activity 1 3. Module 3: Principles and components of wind turbines PC laboratory. Activity 1 4. Module 4: Fix-speed wind turbines PC laboratory. Activity 2. 5. Module 5: Variable speed wind turbines PC laboratory. Activity 3 6. Module 6: Wind power plants PC laboratory. Activity 4. LEARNING OBJECTIVES AND OUTCOMES The course will focus on providing the knowledge and the tools needed to understand and analyze wind power generation systems. Steady-state and dynamic analysis of wind turbines and wind power plants will be conducted. At the end of the course the students will be able to: • Understand the principles of electrical generation with wind turbines MSc RenewableEnergy • Determine the steady state conditions of a given wind power generation system • Analyze the dynamic behavior of wind turbines • Understand how wind turbines can be aggregated in wind power plants • Size and pre-design wind turbines and wind power plants METHODOLOGY Theory classes, Simulation practices, Project assignment to be developed at home. 820740 –SOLAR PHOTOVOLTAICS (ELECTIVE) 820743 –SOLAR DEVICES (ELECTIVE) Number of ECTS Course Responsible Contact details: 5 Joaquim Puigdollers BRIEF COURSE DESCRIPTION 1 Introduction 2 Properties of sunlight. 3 PN Junctions and solar cell operation. 4 Crystalline solar cells. 5 Thin film solar cells. 6 Solar cell characterization. 7 New Concepts in photovoltaic conversion. LEARNING OBJECTIVES AND OUTCOMES This course provides an introduction to photovoltaic solar cells. Course contents cover from conventional crystalline structures to thin film technologies. Advanced concepts in photovoltaic conversion are also introduced. 820744–SOLAR THERMAL ENERGY (ELECTIVE) Number of ECTS Course Responsible Contact details: 5 Asensi Oliva BRIEF COURSE DESCRIPTION The course is devoted to: the availability of solar energy, solar collectors, energy storage systems, and low, medium and high temperature solar facilities. The topics considered in the course will be: 1. Introduction. Basics of solar radiation and solar energy availability. Estimation of the available solar radiation. 2. Materials used in the feedback systems. Opaque and transparent surfaces. Selective surfaces and transparent insulation materials. 3. Low, medium and high temperature Solar thermal systems (solar collectors). Principles of operation. Study of the mechanisms of heat transfer. Performance of the collecting field. Testing of a solar collector. 4. Thermal energy storage systems for low, medium and high temperature. Thermal stratification and its influence on the performance of an installation. Testing thermal energy storage systems. Modeling of thermal storage systems. MSc RenewableEnergy 5. Low, medium and high temperature facilities. Solar thermal plants. Applications of solar energy: i) domestic and industrial systems for hot water and heating; ii) solar thermal installations. Dimensioning and simulation of Solar thermal facilities . LEARNING OBJECTIVES AND OUTCOMES At the end of the course the student: - Understands the role of solar thermal energy in within the global and regional energy systems framework, its economic, social and environmental dimensions, as well as the impact of technologies on a local and global context. - Has a deep knowledge about relevant organizations, and major international projects, and is able to use the main sources of information and regulations related to solar thermal technology. - Has the knowledge and elements of analysis necessary to carry out an engineering project, related to energy supply, using solar thermal technology. - Understands advanced concepts in thermal conversion, and is able to elaborate transferable results that can come through the development of new ideas. METHODOLOGY The course combines the following teaching methodologies: • Lectures: exposure of knowledge by teachers through regular lectures or by outsiders through invited lectures. • Troubleshooting and case studies activities: collective resolution of exercises and discussions in the classroom, with the lecturer and other students. • Supervised work: conducting in the classroom an activity or exercise of a theoretical or practical nature, individually or in small groups, with the advice of the lecturer. • Project, activity or work of limited scope: learning based on carrying out a work of reduced extension of reduced complexity, individually or in groups, applying knowledge and presenting results. • Project or work of broad scope: learning based on the design, planning and implementation of a project or work of vast complexity or scope, working in groups to apply and extend knowledge and writing a report, which describes the approach, results and conclusions. 820750 –POWER ELECTRONICS APPLIED TO DISTRIBUTED ENERGY RESOURCES (ELECTIVE) 820757 –COMPUTATIONAL METHODS IN ENERGY TECHNOLOGY (ELECTIVE) 820763 – THERMAL ENERGY STORAGE (ELECTIVE) Number of ECTS 5 BRIEF COURSE DESCRIPTION 1. Energetic audits: energy, Exergy and other performance indicators. Use of the accumulation of energy and heat pumps. Generation systems and storage of distributed energy: co-generation, thermal cycles and cold and hot networks. 2. Accumulation of thermal energy by sensitive heat. Active and passive systems. Main accumulation means. Importance of thermal stratification. Strategies to intensify thermal stratification. Quantification of thermal stratification: methods based on energy and exergy balances. Modelling of the accumulation system. 3. Accumulation of thermal energy by latent heat. Selection of materials of phase change according to the application. Typology of the systems of accumulation by phase change. Modelling of phase change systems. 4. Accumulation systems in solar-thermal plants. Importance of energy accumulation in solar-thermal plants. Typology of main utilized systems. Main storage means: advantages and disadvantages. Integration of the accumulation system in the solar-thermal plant. Cost of the accumulation system. MSc RenewableEnergy 5. Accumulation of thermochemical energy. Operation principles. Reactive couples. Applications: energy storage in buildings, cooling by absorption. Actual developments. Technological aspects. 6. Accumulation of thermochemical energy. Fuel cells: theoretical fundamentals. Operational fuel batteries. Technological development of different types of batteries. 7. Hydrogen as energetic vector. Gathering and storage of hydrogen. Processing of used fuels in the different types batteries. Conventional and non-conventional methods. LEARNING OBJECTIVES AND OUTCOMES Understand, describe and analyze in a clear and complete way the energy conversion chain, from its form as “energy source” until its use as “energetic service”. Identify, describe and analyze the situation and characteristics of the different energetic resources and the final uses of energy, in its economic, social and environmental dimensions; as well as formulate value judgements. Entender, describir y analizar, de forma clara y amplia toda la cadena de conversión energética, desde su estado como “fuente de energía” hasta su uso como “servicio energético”. Identificar, describir y analizar la situación y características de los distintos recursos energéticos y de los usos finales de la energía, en sus dimensiones económica, social y ambiental; y formular juicios valorativos. 240SEL82– MJ2493 ENVIRONOMICAL PATHWAYS (MANDATORY) 820747– INTEGRATION OF RENEWABLES IN THE ELECTRIC GRID (ELECTIVE) 820750– HYDROGEN AND FUEL CELLS (ELECTIVE) 820755–SMART GRIDS (ELECTIVE) Number of ECTS 5 LEARNING OBJECTIVES AND OUTCOMES Apply technical and economic criteria in the selection of the most suitable electric equipment for a determined application. Size equipment and electrical installations. Acknowledge and value the newest technological applications for production, transport, distribution, storage and use of electric energy. BRIEF COURSE DESCRIPTION 1. 2. 3. 4. Control, monitoring and automating of electrical system. SCADA Design and operation of power systems Introduction to reliability and maintenance by condition. Communication systems for the control of the system (IEC 6185) 5. Smart Grids and Microgrids (DER Distributed Electrical Resources): Generation, storage and distributed consumption. 6. Technical mechanism of smart grids, electric market and technical restrictions: EMS (Enrgy Manegment Systems), PMU (Phasor Measurement Units), WAP (Wide Area Protection),IED (Intelligent Electronic Devices), FACTS (Flexibe Ac Transmission Systems, SVAr (Static Var Compensators) 820757–COMPUTATIONAL METHODS IN INERGY TECHNOLOGY (ELECTIVE)