the guide - Helitech International

An exhibitor’s guide to PR
Prepared by Storm Communications
Official PR agency for Helitech International 2016
What is PR at Helitech International 2016
Helitech International is Europe's largest helicopter exhibition dedicated to helicopter
products, parts, accessories and services. Helitech International 2016 will run from
11-13 October 2016 at the Amsterdam RAI. As an exhibitor, you can benefit from the
extensive FREE marketing opportunities accompanying the show.
Public relations (PR) is all about communication. Two of its most important functions
involve educating and raising awareness and that is what Storm Communications will
do for Helitech International. The agency’s job is to help build the event’s brand
through targeted media coverage, which in turn will drive visitor numbers and raise
awareness of your presence, the core themes and new features at the show.
Helitech International will be implementing an extensive, ongoing PR campaign from
now until 31 October 2016 and will need your help to really maximise the media
Who is Storm Communications?
Storm Communications is the official PR agency for Helitech International 2016,
working to ensure that the show achieves maximum coverage in the media. The
team is made up of:
Adam Craig, Senior Account Director –
Ted Woodward, Account Manager –
Louis Buzuk, Account Executive –
Storm Communications
7 The Arches
Chancel Street
Please feel free to contact any member of the Storm team on +44 (0)20 7240 2444
for advice on enhancing your own PR strategy at Helitech International 2016.
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Getting started
The first thing that you can do to be included in the Helitech International PR
programme is to provide Storm Communications with details of the relevant person at
your company who handles your communications and/or marketing. Their details will
be added to the agency’s database for it to contact and obtain information on your
company’s show activity. Details required include:
Telephone number
E-mail address
PR agency (if applicable)
Please add to your press lists so that when sending
information to the media, Storm has a copy and we are aware of what information
journalists have received.
Preparing press material
Over the next year, Storm Communications will be preparing regular press materials
ahead of the show. The agency will get in touch with your listed PR contact
throughout the campaign to ensure you are aware of all editorial opportunities to
raise awareness of your attendance at the event.
Storm will be negotiating coverage with all the key titles on an ongoing basis, so feel
free to contact the agency anytime with details of your activity.
To ensure your company is included in the press material, please send the following
details to Storm Communications:
Latest press releases – they don’t have to be show specific.
Any new developments/products you have recently launched.
Any components/products/services you will be launching at the show.
Any new partnerships you have recently entered into.
What you will be showing at the event.
Any events you will be holding on your stand.
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NB: While we cannot guarantee to include every story submitted, the aim is to create
varied and interesting releases, preview features and comment pieces covering as
many topics as possible.
Additionally, Storm will send out a list of editorial deadlines to all contacts in January,
which will highlight when journalists will be seeking information about Helitech
International. This calendar of deadlines will be updated throughout the show
campaign period and contacts will be alerted to changes accordingly.
Please do also upload your press releases and news to your company profile on the
Helitech International website via the Portal – –
as this acts as a very useful point of reference for journalists.
At the exhibition
The press office is the first stop for visiting journalists as they gather information
about which exhibitors to see during their visit to Helitech International.
Press packs are a great way to ensure that the media is fully briefed on your
exhibition activity. Preparing these in advance ready for the show is key. This year,
we will operate a ‘green press office’ and are asking all exhibitors to provide us with
their press packs electronically, rather than as print outs.
Please send all the information to us electronically to,
by 30 September 2016, and we will ensure that it is all transferred onto memory
sticks and given to journalists at the event.
To make the most of this opportunity, follow our simple recommendations:
Press packs typically include:
news releases
company background document
details of available spokespeople
 Good pictures also help to sell a story, so include photography where
However, if you do not have the resource to prepare a full press pack,
a simple news release will be absolutely fine too.
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When drafting the news releases, make sure your ‘news’ is in the first
paragraph: who, what, where, why and when are the crucial elements
required to grab a journalists’ attention and make your story more
Explain your reason for exhibiting at Helitech International and what
you hope to achieve from the exhibition. A catchy title usually goes
down well too!
Always include contact details: names, job titles, telephone numbers
and e-mail addresses of company spokespeople or PR team.
Media training
Try to ensure that the people in your company who are responsible for dealing with
the press have media training. At the very least, your employees need to be aware of
what they can and cannot say. Prepare Q&A documents and specific holding
statements for any controversial issues that may arise. Remember, nothing is ever
‘off the record’!
Most importantly, make sure other stand staff are aware that they should not talk
‘business’ with journalists and provide everyone with details of who to direct enquiries
to should a journalist arrive unannounced.
Supporting the media
Meeting journalists at Helitech International is a great way to bring your company to
the attention of the media. Ensure there is always someone available to talk to
reporters about new product launches and latest industry developments. Offering
face-to-face interviews on current hot topics is a fantastic way to gain good quality
depth coverage and position your organisation as knowledgeable and industryinformed.
Another way to ensure that your activity achieves maximum exposure is to hold onstand press briefings. Invite the journalists along and present new developments to
them. A short presentation and demonstration followed by a Q&A session should
provide them with enough material to cover your news.
After the exhibition
Once you have met the journalists, briefed them and exchanged contact details,
make sure you follow-up to ensure they have everything they need for their story. It’s
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surprising how many good opportunities are lost because of poor communication.
Remember, contacts are everything so make sure you keep all those journalists on
file for the future.
Final questions
If you have any questions on any of the aforementioned information, please do not
hesitate to contact one of the Storm team who will be happy to help with your query.
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