OPIOID TREATMENT NETWORK Officers President ................................................................................................ Belinda Greenfield (New York) Vice-President ............................................................................................. Stacy Chamberlain (Kansas) Secretary ........................................................................................................ Louise Polansky (Indiana) Treasurer................................................................................................... Rebecca Boss (Rhode Island) Regional Representatives REGION I ................................................................................................. Hilary Jacobs (Massachusetts) (Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, Vermont) REGION II ....................................................................................................... Jude Iheoma(New Jersey) (New Jersey, New York, Puerto Rico) REGION III ......................................................................................................... Wayde Glover (Virginia) (Delaware, District of Columbia, Maryland, Pennsylvania, Virginia, West Virginia) REGION IV .............................................................................................. Spencer Clark (North Carolina) (Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee) REGION V .................................................................................................... Richard Weisskopf (Illinois) (Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Minnesota, Ohio, Wisconsin) REGION VI ...................................................................................................... Christine Ramirez (Texas) (Arkansas, Louisiana, Oklahoma, Texas) REGION VII ..................................................................................................... Blaine Shaffer (Nebraska) (Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, Nebraska) REGION VIII ........................................................................................................Daria Leslea (Colorado) (Colorado, Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, Utah) REGION IX ............................................................................................................. Jared Yurow (Hawaii) (Arizona, California, Hawaii, Nevada, New Mexico) REGION X .................................................................................................Dennis Malmer (Washington) (Alaska, Idaho, Oregon, Washington) ALABAMA (also NTN and HIV C.) Robert Wynn, State Methadone Authority Department of Mental Health, Mental Retardation and Substance Abuse Services Division P.O. Box 301410 100 North Union Street Montgomery, AL 36130-1410 T: (334) 242-3956 F: (334) 242-0759 Email: Robert.wynn@mh.alabama.gov ARKANSAS (also NTN) Phil Hall, Director, State Methadone Authority Program Compliance and Outcomes Monitoring Arkansas Department of Human Services Division of Behavioral Health Services Office of Alcohol and Drug Abuse Prevention 4313 W. Markham, 3rd Floor Administration Little Rock, AR 72205 T: (501) 686-9921 F: (501) 686-9396 Email: phil.hall@arkansas.gov ALASKA Viki Wells, Behavioral Health Specialist Behavioral Health/Treatment and Recovery Section Department of Health and Social Services 3601 C. St., Suite 878 Anchorage, AK 99503 T: (907) 269-3794 F: (907) 269-3623 Email: viki.wells@alaska.gov CALIFORNIA Gladys M. Mitchell, Manager Policy and Program Support Branch Licensing and Certification Division T: (916) 322-4840 F: (916) 322-2658 Email: gmitchell@adp.ca.gov ARIZONA Emma Kibisu Grants Evaluator Arizona Department of Health Services Division of Behavioral Health Services 150 N. 18th Ave., Suite 220 Phoenix, AZ 85007 T: (602) 364-4643 F: (602)364-4762 Email: kibisue@azdhs.gov COLORADO Daria Leslea (Reg. Rep.) Controlled Substance Administrator Colorado Department of Human Services Division of Behavioral Health 3824 W. Princeton Circle Denver, CO 80236 T: (303) 866-7493 F: (303) 866-7520 Email: daria.leslea@state.co.us Jay McGahee, Acting Program Manager Arizona Department of Health Services Office of Behavioral Health Licensing 150 N. 18th Ave., Suite 410 Phoenix, AZ 85007 T: (602) 364-2595 F: (602) 364-4801 Email: john.mcgahee@azdhs.gov CONNECTICUT (also NTN) Lauren Siembab State Opioid Treatment Authority Department of Mental Health and Addictions Services 410 Capitol Ave., MS#14HCS, 4th Floor Hartford, CT 06134 T: (860) 418-6897 F: (860) 418-6691 Email: lauren.siembab@po.state.ct.us Amber Fitzpatrick Email: afitzpatrick@adp.ca.gov DELAWARE Steven Dettwyler (also NTN) Director Division of Substance Abuse and Mental Health 1901 N. DuPont Highway New Castle, DE 19720 T: (302) 255-9432 F: (302) 255-4428 Email: steven.dettwyler@state.de.us Frann Anderson (also WSN) Director of Quality Assurance Division of Substance Abuse and Mental Health 1901 N. DuPont Highway New Castle DE 19720 T: (302) 255-9441 F: (302) 255-428 Email: Fran.Anderson@state.de.us DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA (also NTN) Roula K. Sweis Addiction Prevention and Recovery Administration 1300 1st St., NE Washington, DC 20002 T: (202) 727-8940 C: (202) 236-7129 F: (202) 727-0092 Email: roula.sweis@dc.gov FLORIDA (also NTN) Darran Duchene, State Methadone Authority Director, Treatment Services Substance Abuse Program Office 1317 Winewood Blvd. Building 6, Room 334 Tallahassee, FL 32399-0700 T: (850) 921-8464 F: (850) 414-7474 Email: Darran_duchene@dcf.state.fl.us GEORGIA Vonshurii Wrighten, State Opioid Treatment Authority Adult Program Specialist Division of Addictive Diseases Georgia Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Disabilities 2 Peachtree St., NW, Suite 22-283 Atlanta, GA 30303-3142 T: (404) 657-2386 F: (404) 657-6417 Email: vswrighten@dhr.state.ga.us HAWAII (also NTN and HIV C) Jared Yurow (Reg. Rep.) State Opioid Treatment Authority Hawaii Licensed Psychologist Clinical Psychologist VII (Administrative) Community and Consultative Services Branch Alcohol and Drug Abuse Division Hawaii State Department of Health Kakuhihewa Building 601 Kamokila Blvd., Room 360 Kapolei, HI 96707 T: (808) 692-7509 F: (808) 692-7521 Email: jared.yurow@doh.hawaii.gov IDAHO Ryan Phillips, Program Specialist Division of Behavioral Health Idaho Department of Health and Welfare T: (208) 334-6610 F: (208) 334-0667 Email: phillipr@dhw.idaho.gov ILLINOIS Richard Weisskopf (Reg. Rep.) State Methadone Authority Department of Human Services Division of Alcohol and Substance Abuse 100 W. Randolph St., Suite 5-600 Chicago, IL 60601-3297 T: (312) 814-6380 F: (312) 814-2419 Email: Richard.wiesskopf@illinois.gov INDIANA Louise Polanksy (Secretary) Assistant Deputy Director Office of Addiction and Emergency Services Division of Mental Health and Addiction 402 W. Washing St., W353 Indianapolis, IN 46204 T: (317) 232-7841 F: (317) 233-3472 Email: Louise.polansky@fssa.in.gov IOWA (also NTN) DeAnn Decker, Bureau Chief Iowa Department of Public Health Bureau of Substance Abuse 321 E. 12th Street Des Moines, IA 50319 T: (515) 281-0928 F: (515) 281-4535 Email: ddecker@idph.state.ia.us KANSAS Stacy Chamberlain (Vice President) Clinical Services Coordinator State of Kansas Department of SRS Disability and Behavioral Health Services 915 SW Harrison, 9th Floor South Topeka, KS 66612 T: (785) 296-0649 F: (785) 296-7276 Email: stacy.chamberlain@srs.ks.gov KENTUCKY Michele McCarthy, SNA Program Administrator Developmental and Intellectual Disabilities 100 Fair Oaks Lane 4E-D Frankfort, KY 40621 T: (502) 564-2880 X 4460 F: (502) 564-7152 Email: Michele.Flowers@ky.gov Michelle Kilgore, SNA Program Administrator Developmental and Intellectual Disabilities 100 Fair Oaks Lane 4E-D Frankfort, KY 40621 T: (502) 564-4456 F: (502) 564-9010 Email: Michelle.Kilgore@ky.gov LOUISIANA (also WSN) Brenda Lands Department of Health and Hospitals Office for Addictive Disorders 628 N. 4th Street Baton Rouge, LA 70802 T: (225) 342-8735 F: (225) 342-3931 Email: blands@dhh.la.gov MAINE Tracy Weymouth, LADC Maine Office of Substance Abuse 11 State House Station Augusta, ME 04333-0011 T: (207) 287-5589 F: (207) 287-4345 Email: tracy.weymouth@maine.gov MARYLAND Peter Cohen (also NTN), Medical Director Maryland Alcohol and Drug Abuse Admin. 55 Wade Avenue Catonsville, MD 21228 T: (410) 402-8677 F: (410) 402-8601 Email: pcohen@dhmh.state.md.us Grace Anyadike Health Facilities Nurse Surveyor Maryland Alcohol and Drug Abuse Admin. 1812 Morning Brook Drive Forest Hill, MD 21050 T: (410) 402-8621 F: (410) 402-8606 Email: ganyadike@dhmh.state.md.us MASSACHUSETTS (also NTN) Hilary Jacobs (Reg. Rep.) State Methadone Authority Acting Deputy Director Bureau of Substance Abuse Services Massachusetts Department of Public Health 250 Washington St., Third Floor Boston, MA 02108-4619 T: (617) 624-5188 F: (617) 624-5395 Email: Hilary.jacobs@state.ma.us MICHIGAN (also NTN) Jeffery Wieferich, Acting SOTA Treatment Services Manager Office of Drug Control Policy Michigan Department of Community Health 320 South Walnut Street Lansing, MI 48913 T: (517) 335-0499 F: (517) 335-2121 Email: wieferichj@michigan.gov MINNESOTA Richard Moldenhauer, State Methadone Authority Chemical Health Division PO Box 64977 St. Paul, MN 55164-0977 T: (651) 431-2474 F: (651) 431-7449 Email: Richard.moldenhauer@state.nm.us MISSISSIPPI Eileen Ewing, State Opioid Treatment Authority Bureau of Alcohol and Drug Abuse 1101 Robert E. Lee Building 239 N. Larmar Street Jackson, MS 39201 T: (601) 359-6219 F: (601) 359-6672 Email: Eileen.ewing@dmh.state.ms.us MISSOURI Cheryl Marcum, Program Specialist II Missouri Department of Mental Health Division of Alcohol and Drug Abuse 1706 E. Elm PO Box 687 Jefferson City, MO 65101 T: (573) 526-4507 F: (573) 751-7814 Email: Cheryl.marcum@dmh.mo.gov MONTANA (also WSN) Jackie Jandt, Planning and Outcome Officer Addictive and Mental Disorders Division 555 Fuller Ave. PO Box 202905 Helena, MT 59620-2905 T: (406) 444-9656 C: (406) 431-7157 F: (406) 444-9389 Email: jjandt@mt.gov NEBRASKA (also NTN) Blaine Shaffer (Reg. Rep.) Chief Clinical Officer Department of Health and Human Services Division of Behavioral Health 301 Centennial Mall South Lincoln, NE 68509 T: (402) 471-7795 F: (402) 471-7859 Email: blaine.shaffer@nebraska.gov NEVADA Patricia Chambers, Nevada State Health Division Bureau of Licensure and Certification 1550 College Parkway, Suite 158 Carson City, NV 89706 T: (775) 687-4475 ext. 234 F: (775) 687-6588 Email: pchambers@health.nv.gov NEW HAMPSHIRE (also NTN) Rosemary Shannon Division of Community Based Care Services Bureau of Drug and Alcohol Services Admin. Clinical Services Unit 105 Pleasant St. Concord, NH 03301 T: (603) 271-6108 F: (603) 271-6116 Email: rshannon@dhhs.state.nh.us NEW JERSEY Jude Iheoma (Reg. Rep.) State Opioid Treatment Authority NJ Department of Human Services Division of Addiction Services PO Box 362 120 South Stockton St. Trenton, NJ 08625 T: (609) 292-3326 F: (609) 292-3816 Email: jude.iheoma@dhs.state.nj.us NEW MEXICO Jay Crowe, Social and Community Services Coordinator Behavioral Health Services Division Mailing Address: PO Box 2348 Santa Fe, NM 87504 Street Address: 37 Plaza la Prensa Santa Fe, NM 87507 T: (505) 476-9267 F: (505) 476-9277 Email: jay.crowe1@state.nm.us NEW YORK Belinda Greenfield (President) State Opioid Treatment Authority New York Office of Alcoholism and Substance Abuse Services 501 7th Avenue New York, NY 10018-5903 T: (646) 728-4581 F: (646) 728-4690 Email: belindagreenfield@oasas.state.ny.us NORTH CAROLINA Marie Britt, Best Practices Team North Carolina Division of Mental Health, Developmental Disabilities, and Substance Abuse Services 3005 Mail Services Center Raleigh, NC 27699-3005 T: (919) 715-2774 Email: Marie.Britt@dhhs.nc.gov Spencer Clark (Reg. Rep., also NTN) Assistant Section Chief/Director of Operations and Clinical Services Community Policy Management Section NC Div. of MH/DD/SAS 3007 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-3007 Fed Ex Mailing Address: 325 North Salisbury Street, Ste. 679 Raleigh, NC 27699-3007 T: (919) 733-4670 F: (919) 733-4556 Email: spencer.clark@dhhs.nc.gov Cc: Brenda.davis@dhhs.nc.gov OHIO Jerry Jones, Manager, QI Division Ohio Department of Alcohol and Drug Addiction Services 280 N. High Street, 12th Floor Columbus, OH 43215 T: (614) 644-8442 C: (614) 315-9006 F: (614) 644-5196 Email: jones@ada.ohio.gov Joseph Branch Chief – Quality, Compliance and Accountability Ohio Department of Alcohol and Drug Addiction Services 280 N. High Street, 12th Floor Columbus, OH 43215 T: (614) 728-0181 F: (614) 644-5169 Email: jbranch@ada.ohio.gov OKLAHOMA Ray Caesar Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services Shepherd Mall 2401 NW 23rd Street, Ste. 82 Oklahoma City, OK 73107-2431 T: (405) 522-3870 F: (405) 522-4470 Email: rcaesar@odmhsas.org RHODE ISLAND (also NTN) Rebecca Boss (Treasurer) Department of Mental Health, Retardation and Hospitals Division of Substance Abuse 14 Harrington Rd., Barry Hall Bldg. #52 Cranston, RI 02920-3080 T: (401) 462-0723 F: (401) 462-6078 Email: rboss@mhrh.ri.gov OREGON Therese Hutchinson, State Methadone Authority Policy and Program Development Specialist Intensive Treatment and Recovery Services Coordinator Addictions and Mental Health Division 500 Summer Street NE, E86 Salem, OR 97301-1118 T: (503) 945-5765 F: (503) 947-5043 Email: therese.hutchinson@state.or.us SOUTH CAROLINA Virginia Ervin, State Methadone Authority South Carolina Department of Alcohol and Other Drugs 101 Executive Center Drive, Suite 215 Columbia, SC 29201 T: (803) 896-4860 F: (803) 896-5984 Email: vervin@daodas.state.sc.us TENNESSEE Jason Carter, State Methadone Authority Chief of Pharmacy Cordell Hull Building, 5th Floor 425 Fifth Avenue North Nashville, TN 37243 T: (615) 532-6736 F: (615) 253-5182 or (615) 741-6602 Email: Jason.carter@tn.gov PENNSYLVANIA Cheryl Williams Pennsylvania Department of Health Division of Drug and Alcohol Program Licensure 132 Kline Plaza, Suite A Harrisburg, PA 17104 T: (717) 783-8675 F: (717) 787-3188 Email: chwilliams@state.pa.us PUERTO RICO Victor Torano P.R. Mental Health and Anti-Addiction Services Administration PO Box 21414, Rio Piedras Station San Juan, PR 00928-1414 T: (787) 763-7575, ext. 2370 F: (787) 765-7104 Email: drvictort@hotmail.com Joseph Pandit, Pharmacy Resident Tennessee Department of Mental Health and Developmental Disabilities 425 Fifth Avenue North Nashville, TN 37062 T: (615) 741-0672 Email: joseph.pandit@tn.gov TEXAS Christine Ramirez (Reg. Rep.) State Methadone Authority Texas Department of State Health Services Substance Abuse Compliance Group Mail Code 1979, PO Box 149347 Austin, TX 78714-9374 T: (512) 834-6700 ext. 2146 F: (512) 834-6638 Email: Christine.ramirez@dshs.state.tx.us Calvin Holloway, Lead Specialist Department of State Health Services Substance Abuse Division, Program Branch 909 W. 45th St., Mail Code 2018 Austin, TX 78751 T: (512) 206-5877 F: (512) 206-4775 Email: clavin.holloway@dshs.state.tx.us UTAH (also NTN) Dave Felt, Treatment Program Administrator State Division of Substance Abuse and Mental Health 120 N. 200 West, Suite 209 Salt Lake City, UT 84103 T: (801) 538-4379 F: (801) 538-9892 Email: ddfelt@utah.gov VERMONT Tony Folland, Treatment Coordinator Vermont Department of Health Division of Alcohol and Drug Abuse Programs 108 Cherry Street Burlington, VT 05402 T: (802) 652-4141 F: (802) 651-1573 Email: Anthony.folland@ahs.state.vt.us VIRGINIA Wayde Glover (Reg. Rep., also HIV C) State Methadone Authority Program Manager Program Monitoring and Oversight Unit Office of Substance Abuse Services Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services PO Box 1797, 1220 Bank Street Richmond, VA 23218 T: (804) 371-2154 Email: wayde.glover@dbhds.virginia.gov Diane Oehl Program Monitoring and Oversight Unit Office of Substance Abuse Services Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services PO Box 1797, 1220 Bank Street Richmond, VA 23218 T: (804) 371-4616 Email: diane.oehl@dbhds.virginia.gov VIRGIN ISLANDS Celia Victor, Director Division of Mental Health Government of Virgin Island St. Thomas, VI 00802 T: (340) 774-4888 or 2602 F: (340) 774-4701 Email: vicambr@aol.com WASHINGTON Dennis Malmer (Reg. Rep.) Certification Section Supervisor Division of Alcohol and Substance Abuse Department of Social and Health Services 612 Woodland Square Loop, SE Building C PO Box 45330 Olympia, WA 98504-5330 T: (360) 725-3747 F: (360) 438-8057 Email: malmedw@dshs.wa.gov WEST VIRGINIA Merritt Moore, Adult Treatment Services Coordinator Bureau for Behavioral Health and Health Facilities Division of Alcoholism and Substance Abuse 350 Capitol St., Room 350 Charleston, WV 25301-3702 T: (304) 558-3847 F: (304) 558-1008 or 3275 Email: Merritt.e.moore@wv.gov WISCONSIN Tanya Bakker, State Opioid Treatment Authority Bureau of Prevention, Treatment, and Recovery Division of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services Department of Health Services 1 W. Wilson St., Room 850 Madison, WI 53702 T: (608) 267-7707 F: (608) 266-1533 Email: Tanya.bakker@wisconsin.gov