NUTR 442 – Nutrition Assessment Laboratory Assessment of Protein and Iron Status Assessment of Protein Status 1. Mid-arm muscle circumference Data: Subject Name Subject age Subject gender Mid-arm muscle circumference (mm) Tricep skinfold thickness (mm) Determine the following: 1. 2. Arm muscle area - standard procedure (p-228, upper equation) Arm muscle area - "bone free" – (p-228, lower equation; modified by Heymsfield Percentile AMA - APPENDIX Q; p 553 - using #2 3. 2. Serum Albumin Procedure (Work in groups of three) 1. 2. 3. 4. Pipet 1000 ul of Albumin Reagent (bromcresol green) into 6 tubes (2 tubes per person) Pipet 10 ul of your plasma into each of two tubes. Dispose tip. Repeat with other serum samples. Cover tube with parafilm and gently invert 3X Pour into semi-micro cuvette and measure absorbance @ 628nm within 1 minute of addition. Data: Subject Name Abs @ 628 nm of tube 1 Abs @ 628 nm of tube 2 Concentration of albumin standard = ____________ g/dl Absorption @ 628 of albumin standard = ____________ _____________ Determine the following for each subject: [ subject serum albumin (g/dl) ] = Abs @ 628 nm of serum_________ Abs @ 628 nm of albumin standard x [ albumin standard] Assessment of Iron Status 3. Hematocrit Procedure: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Lance your finger and obtain a nice size drop of blood (twice the size of a pinhead) Fill a small hematocrit capillary tube Push one end into the hematocrit clay to plug that end Put capillary tube into the hematocrit rotor. Place a balancing capillary tube opposite your tube (unless there is another student ready to spin their tube; in this case be sure you know the position number of your capillary tube) Press the HCT button on the centrifuge to start the centrifuge spinning After the centrifuge has stopped spinning and the lid opens, take out the hematocrit capillary tube and measure the packed red blood cell height and total blood height on the hematocrit gauge. Data: Name of subject Hematocrit (%) Total serum iron determination. Procedure: (Work in groups of three) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Pipet 1000 ul of Iron Buffer Reagent into six tubes. Pipet 200 ul of your serum into each of two tubes. Dispose tip. Repeat with other serum samples. Add 20 ul of iron color reagent to all tubes. Mix contents of tube covered with Parafilm by gently inverting 3X.. Incubate tubes at 37 degrees C. for 10 minutes Pour contents into cuvette, place into spectrophotometer, record absorption at 560nm Data: Subject Name Abs @ 560 nm of tube 1 Abs @ 560 nm of tube 2 Concentration of iron standard = ____________ ug/dl Absorption @ 560 nm of iron standard = ____________ _____________ Determine the following for each subject: [ subject serum iron (ug/dl) ] = Abs @ 560 nm of serum_________ Abs @ 560 nm of iron standard x [iron standard] Unsaturated Iron-Binding Capacity (UIBC) Determination Procedure: (Work in groups of three) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Pipet 1000 ul of UIBC Buffer Reagent into six tubes. Pipet 250 ul of your serum into each of two tubes. Dispose tip. Repeat with other serum samples. Pipet 250 ul of Iron Standard into each tube. Mix contents of tube covered with Parafilm by gently inverting 3X.. Add 25 ul of iron color reagent to all tubes. Mix contents of tube covered with Parafilm by gently inverting 3X.. Incubate tubes at 37 degrees C. for 10 minutes 8. Pour contents into cuvette, place into spectrophotometer, record absorption at 560nm Data: Subject Name Abs @ 560 nm of tube 1 Abs @ 560 nm of tube 2 Concentration of iron standard = ____________ ug/dl Absorption @ 560 nm of iron standard = ____________ _____________ Determine the following for each subject: UIBC (ug/dl) = [iron std] - Abs @ 560 nm of serum_________ x [iron standard] Abs @ 560 nm of UIBC iron standard Calculate Total Iron Binding Capacity (TIBC) (ug/dl) TIBC = UIBC + [serum iron] Calculate % Iron Saturation (%) % iron saturation = ( [serum iron] / TIBC ) x 100 Expected Values Serum Iron = 60 – 150 ug/dl TIBC = 250 – 400 ug/dl Iron saturation = 20 – 55% Write a SOAP note reporting the iron and protein assessment information.