THIRTY (30) DAY - Maloof Partners

Street Address
Unit #
PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that, within thirty (30) days after the date of service upon you of a copy of this Notice,
you are required to quit and deliver up possession of the premises to the owner for the following reason:
(Check the applicable provision)
Refusing, after written request, to execute a written extension or renewal of a written
lease or rental agreement for a further term of like duration with similar provisions and
such terms as are not inconsistent with, or in violation of, the
Rent Stabilization Ordinance.
The owner seeks in good faith to recover possession of the premises for use and
occupancy by the owner of the owner’s spouse, children, parents or resident
The owner seeks in good faith to permanently remove premises from rental
housing use, or to demolish the premises.1
The unit is not a rent-controlled property. No specific reason is required.
IF YOU FAIL TO VACATE, legal action will be instituted against you to recover possession of the
premises, to declare the forfeiture of your rental agreement and/or to recover such damages as are allowed
by law. This notice supersedes all prior thirty-day notices to quit served upon you.
See attached Landlord’s Declaration of Intent
Section 594 of the Penal Code of California
“Every person who maliciously injures, or destroys any real property not his own, is guilty of
vandalism. “ (A Felony or Misdemeanor)
Foothill Apartment Association
Revised 12/07
30-Day Notice
Form provided as a membership service of Foothill Apartment Association
Thirty-Day Notice of Termination of Tenancy
To provide the Owner the proper legal form to regain possession of rental property. The resident
is allowed 30 days, after service of this notice, to vacate the property provided the resident is on
a month-to-month tenancy and local ordinances do not prohibit. When the Owner does not desire
to renew a lease, this form can be used 30 days before lease expiration to terminate the lease.
Preparation of the Form:
1. Insert the names of all residents exactly as they appear on your rental agreement or lease.
2. One copy should be mailed to the resident and the second copy served in the proper
1. Service may be as shown in FAA Form “Declaration of Service.”
2. Service may also be done by sending a copy by certified or registered mail and addressed
to the other party at the last known address of the party. (CC 1946).
Unlawful Detainer:
If, at the end of the 30-day period the resident has not vacated, then an Unlawful Detainer action
can be instituted.
Pitfalls and Precautionary Notes:
1. NO reason need be given for the Notice. Providing a reason complicates any resulting
unlawful detainer action.
2. Mail the Notice on the same day that service was made.
3. Fill out the DECLARATION OF SERVICE immediately after service.
4. Notice can be served at any time.
5. You are entitled to collect rent up to the end of the 30-day period.
6. If rent becomes due during the 30-day period, be extremely careful to accept rent only to
the end of the 30-day period. Accepting additional rent will void the notice.
7. If the resident fails to pay rent due, serve the 3-day Notice to Pay Rent or Quit, but only
to the end of the 30-day period. Nonpayment evictions are surer than no-cause evictions.
8. Consider working with the resident and help resident relocate. Unlawful Detainer actions
are costly and judgments hard to collect.
9. If the resident has made a complaint to the public health agency, or to Building and
Safety, and Notice served less than 180 days after complaint may be considered
retaliatory eviction.
10. In counting the 30-day period, do not count the first day. Count 30 days on the calendar.
If the 30th day is a Saturday, Sunday or a legal holiday, the resident must be given one
additional day to comply with the Notice. If Service was made by posting and mailing,
some Courts require an additional 5-day period.
11. Under rent control and Section 8 Housing, special rules must be followed.
12. The Foothill Apartment Association does not sanction any FAA form the has been altered
or changed in any way.
Foothill Apartment Association
Revised 12/07
30-Day Notice
Form provided as a membership service of Foothill Apartment Association