UKPID Registry, PIS and Consent Form for Young Persons (age 11-15), Version 1.1, 6th November 2015 YOUR LETTERHEAD UK Version of the ESID Online Patient and Research Registry (MREC Number: 04/MRE07/68) PATIENT INFORMATION SHEET FOR YOUNG PERSONS For the maintenance of patient data on an internet database for research. Introduction You are being asked to take part in a research study. Before you decide whether or not to do this it is important that you understand why the research is being done and what it will involve. Please take time to read this information and if there are any questions that you would like answered or further information that you would wish to have, please do not hesitate to get in touch with us. Background to the Research Primary Immunodeficiency Disorders, or PIDs for short, are problems in the immune system, which people are born with, (otherwise known as genetic). The immune system consists of antibodies and cells in the blood (white blood cells), which help us fight off infections. A person such as you, with a PID, may have problems producing the correct antibodies or white blood cells. At this hospital and other hospitals in the UK we look after children with PID problems and provide help to diagnose and treat these conditions. There are similar hospitals in other European countries. The UK Primary Immunodeficiency Network (UKPIN) is a non-profit making organisation for doctors, nurses, scientists and other people working with PID patients to exchange information about PIDs, which can benefit patients and their families by helping to give a better understanding of the cause of PIDs and the best treatments. The European Society for Immunodeficiencies (ESID) is a similar organisation but it covers almost all countries in Europe. Because many PIDs are very rare, it is helpful to store information on large numbers of people with these problems. The information helps us recognise and investigate patterns of illness and how effective treatments are. To store this information, we use computer programmes called registries. These programmes enable us to share information and data. The UKPID registry has been set up on the Internet and we would also like to send the data to the ESID database, which is held in Germany. This will help by contributing information (data) on UK patients with rare disorders to a larger European database. Both the UKPID registry and the ESID database are secure so that no one other than your own team of doctors and nurses can get access to information about you. It is also anonymous, that means your name is not recorded. Other people can only access information with permission and after being given a special password. The aim of our project is to join up clinical and laboratory (scientific) information (data) on all patients with PIDs in the UK and in Europe, which will help us to provide improved methods for diagnosis and more efficient ways to treat problems. 1 UKPID Registry, PIS and Consent Form for Young Persons (age 11-15), Version 1.1, 6th November 2015 Why have I been chosen to participate? Since you have one of these PIDs, we would like to enter your data into the registry. We are hoping to be able to collect data on all the patients who are seen at our Hospital. What does the study involve? If you agree to take part, we will ask you and your parents to sign a form giving consent for your data to be included in the UKPID registry and in the ESID database as well. We would also ask you to sign the attached form. When you are older, around age 16-18 we will ask you to sign again as an adult. If you want to withdraw at any time, you can do so and this will not affect your medical care. You can also ask to see what information we have got stored on you and we will arrange this free of charge. You can also decide to have your data included only in the UK and not in the bigger European database. If you agree, we will also send certain anonymous information to pharmaceutical companies who are trying to develop better treatments for PIDs. We will ask you and your parents to sign in a separate place to confirm that you are happy for this to happen. We will also ask you and your parents to sign in a separate place that you are happy to allow the Database Manager to visit occasionally to check your notes to make sure that the information stored is correct and to help with data entry. We have signed an agreement with UKPIN and also with ESID to ensure confidentiality is maintained. The release of information to other researchers will require written agreement and UKPIN will arrange this. Before any research goes ahead it has to be checked by a Research Ethics Committee. They make sure that the research is fair. Your project has been checked by the West Midlands Research Ethics Committee (MREC). What are risks and benefits of taking part? The study will not affect how you are treated in the future and it will not require any additional procedures. We will use special coding and only certain professionals will be allowed to view your data. It is possible that in the future, this study will help us learn more about PIDs and this may lead to improvements in treatment that can be offered. What will happen to the results of the research studies? There will be yearly reports on the analyses of the information and these will be published by UKPIN ( and ESID ( on it’s Website. The results of analysis may also be published in scientific and medical journals. All patient information will continue to be anonymous (no names involved) and will not be identifiable in any publication. What happens next? It is up to you whether or not you wish to take part in this study. If you would like to take part, we will ask you and your parents to sign the attached consent form and return it to us. If you decide to take part, you are still free to withdraw from the study without giving a reason and any information we have about you can be deleted. If you withdraw, this will not affect the treatment that you receive. If you have any questions or want any further information, please do not hesitate to contact your usual consultant or nurse. Thank you for considering taking part in this study. Yours sincerely ….insert contact person in your centre….. 2 UKPID Registry, PIS and Consent Form for Young Persons (age 11-15), Version 1.1, 6th November 2015 YOUR LETTERHEAD UK Version of the ESID Online Patient and Research Registry (MREC Number: 04/MRE07/68) PATIENT CONSENT FORM FOR YOUNG PERSONS For the maintenance of patient data on an internet database for research. Name of Researcher: Please initial boxes I have understood what the project „UKPID Registry” is all about, all my questions have been answered and I understand the answers. I am happy for my laboratory values and medical information to be entered into an internet database for research. I understand that I can say no to taking part in the study at any time, without giving any reason. I would like my data to be stored in the UK and also on the bigger ESID database o I also agree that a part of my data is made available to pharmaceutical companies. I would like to add my data to the UKPID Registry only I agree that the Database Manager may have access to my medical notes to obtain information for data entry. _________________________ Name of the young patient (print) ______________ Date ________________________________ signature of the young patient _________________________ Name of parent or guardian ______________ Date ________________________________ signature of a parent or guardian _________________________ Name of doctor involved ______________ Date ________________________________ signature of the doctor involved _________________________ Name of person taking consent (if different from doctor involved) ______________ Date ________________________________ signature of person taking consent 3