Assessment 5: Assessment that demonstrates candidate effect on

Assessment 5: Student Portfolio
A brief description of the assessment and its use in the program (one sentence may be sufficient)
The portfolio is a compilation of several assessment reports and instructional plans written by the
teacher candidate about a pupil with severe/multiple disabilities. Each report consists of results and
recommendations based on the candidate’s work with the student and collaboration with the
student’s family and other professionals. The purpose of the assignment is to assess candidate
proficiency in measuring impact on student learning.
A description of how this assessment specifically aligns with the standards
The key assessment aligns with the standards in the following ways:
Key Assessment Task
Provide methods of instruction that contribute to
developing the highest education and quality of
life potential for a student with severe/multiple
Demonstrate self-evaluation in order to improve
instruction and guide professional growth are
Utilize child’s current IEP/IFSP that addresses
concerns of and considers information attained
from meetings and collaboration with parents,
other teachers, related service providers, and the
learner reports the findings of all of the
assessments administered to the learner who is
severe/multiply impaired.
Administers informal and formal pre tests to
determine the learner’s current level of
Based upon the results of the assessment, the
teacher candidate utilizes lesson plans to address
any areas of learning.
Administer a post test to determine the progress
made toward achieving the IEP goals.
Sequence, implementation of and evaluate lesson
plan's learning objectives.
Adjust instruction based on continual observations
Address the physical, health and/or sensory needs
of the learner with severe/multiple disabilities
during instruction.
Adapt materials so they are appropriate for the
learner and show creativity for the learner with
severe/multiple disabilities.
Provide general information about the role of the
para-educator during the implementation of the
Alignment with Standard
Std 9 ICC9S5-Demonstrate commitment to developing the
highest education and quality of life potential of individuals
with exceptional learning needs.
Std 9 ICC9S11-Reflect on one’s practice to improve
instruction and guide professional growth
Std 9 ICC9S9-Conduct self-evaluation of instruction
Std 8 ICC8S1 Gather relevant background information
Std 8 ICC8S2 Administer nonbiased formal and informal
Std 8 ICC8S5 Interpret information from formal and informal
St 8 ICC8S8 Evaluate instruction and monitor progress of
individuals with exceptional learning needs
St 8 IIC8S3 Select, adapt and modify assessments to
accommodate the unique abilities and needs of individuals
with exceptional learning needs.
St 8 IIC8S4 Adapt and modify assessments to accommodate
the unique abilities and needs of individuals with exceptional
learning needs.
Std 7 ICC7S13-Make responsive adjustments to instruction
based on continual observations
Std 7 ICC7S6-Sequence, implement and evaluate
individualized learning objectives
Std 7 ICC7S11-Prepare and organize materials to implement
daily lesson plans
Std 7 PH7S2-Interpret sensory and physical information to
create or adapt appropriate learning plans for individuals with
physical and health disabilities
Std 7 ICC7K5-Roles and responsibilities of the paraeducator
related to instruction, intervention and direct service
Std 7 MR7S1-Select and use specialized instructional
strategies appropriate to individuals with mental retardation
and developmental disabilities
Structure the educational environment using
techniques of physical positioning and
management to provide optimal learning
Adapt and use effective instructional strategies
when working with the learner with
severe/multiple disabilities.
Std 7 IIC7S2-Plan and implement age- and ability-appropriate
instruction for individuals with exceptional learning needs
Std 7 IIC7S5-Interpret sensory and physical information to
create or adapt appropriate learning plans
Std 5 IIC5S3 Structure the educational environment to provide
optimal learning opportunities for individuals with exceptional
learning needs.
Std 5 IIC5S7 Use techniques of physical positioning and
management of individuals with exceptional learning needs to
ensure participation in academic and social environments.
Std 4 MR4K1-Specialized materials for individuals with
mental retardation/Developmental disabilities
Std 4 IIC4S2- Use appropriate adaptations and assistive
technology for all individuals with exceptional learning needs
Foster respectful and beneficial relationships with
the family of the learner with severe/multiple
Std 10 ICC10S3-Foster respectful and beneficial relationships
between families and professionals
Engage in effective communication with the
families of the learner with severe/multiple
disabilities from diverse backgrounds.
Std 10 ICC10S10-Communicate effectively with families of
individuals with exceptional learning needs from diverse
The assessment tool or description of the assignment
The student portfolio includes the following components.
1. Evidence Based Practices: This statement should describe the objectives in working with
this particular learner who has severe disabilities to develop his/her education and/or
quality of life potential (ICC9S5). First, it should express what is important for this
learner with severe disabilities to learn. Second, it should tell the reader the plan to
achieve the objectives. What types of methods will be used? State the plan on evaluating
the effectiveness of the intervention. Include a self-evaluation of instruction (ICC9S9).
Be reflective in order to improve instruction and guide professional growth (ICC9S11).
2. Student Profile: Describe the learner. Include aspects about personality, interests,
disability, strengths, weaknesses, learning style, communication profile etc. Include
anything that gives the reader insight about the learner. Include photographs if
3. The IEP/IFSP indicates the present level of performance of the learner who is severely or
multiply impaired includes goals and objectives based on evaluation criteria. Use the
learner’s current IEP/IFSP to gather relevant background information (ICC8S1).
4. Assessment: Include a piece of evidence which shows the assessment of the learner. Did
you select and administer a formal assessment tool (Brigance, NYSAA, SANDI)
(ICC8S2)? Did you or your cooperating teacher adapt and modify an assessment to
accommodate the unique abilities of the students (IIC8S3)? Did you or your cooperating
teacher create an assessment of your own (IIC8S4)? What was learned from this
assessment (ICC8S5)? Translate it into appropriate instruction (ICC8S8). What were
the strengths of this assessment? What were the drawbacks? For a formal assessment
tool, include a copy of the scoring sheet. For teacher created materials, make sure to
include the scoring code used.
5. Goals and Objectives: Think about the learner and write one goal and two behavioral
objectives for that learner in any 3 of the following developmental/functional domains:
Gross/Fine Motor, Social Skills, Cognitive/Academic, Language and Communication,
Recreation, or Self-help. Make responsive adjustments to instruction based on continual
observations (ICC7S13).
6. Lesson Plans: Include one of the lesson plans from your student teaching as evidence of
age and ability appropriate instruction for individuals with severe disabilities (IICS7S2).
Demonstrate individualized adaptations to make the lesson relevant and accessible for
this particular learner (IIC4S2). Identify any material adaptations (ICC7S11, MR4K1).
Identify any adaptations made for the learner’s environment through the use of
specialized equipment (IIC4S2). Show selection and implementation of specialized
instructional strategies (MR7S1). Identify any AAC device or equipment that you chose
based on sensory, physical and communicative information about the child (IIC4S2,
PH7S2). Sequence, implement and evaluate your individual learning objectives
(ICC7S6). Structure the educational environment using techniques of physical
positioning and management to provide optimal learning opportunities (IIC5S3,
ICC5S7, IIC7S5). Address the roles that the paraeducator will play during instruction
(ICC7K5). Add photos if applicable.
7. Parent/Family Support (ICC10S3): Describe the connection with the learner’s family.
Was a communication notebook used? Were follow up activities sent home? How was
this relationship beneficial to the learner and to you as the teacher (ICC10S10)? Include a
sample if applicable.
8. Reflective Statement: Describe what was learned about working with learners who have
multiple disabilities by working with this one learner (ICC9S11)? Describe your
teaching style.
The scoring guide for the assessment
CEC Standard
Standard 9 – Professional and
Ethical Practice
Meets Standard
Above Standard
The teacher candidate provides
numerous best practices that contribute
to developing the highest education and
quality of life potential for a student with
severe/multiple disabilities. (Follows
prompt hierarchy using a “least intrusive
approach” with planned fading, use of
age-appropriate materials, use of variety
of instructional arrangements, use of
alternative communication modes)
Evidence Based
The teacher candidate provides
minimal methods of instruction that
contribute to developing the highest
education and quality of life potential
for a student with severe/multiple
disabilities. ICC9S5
The teacher candidate provides
sufficient methods of instruction
that contribute to developing the
highest education and quality of
life potential for a student with
severe/multiple disabilities.
General means of demonstrating selfevaluation in order to improve
instruction and guide professional
growth are provided. ICC9S9,
The teacher candidate has difficulty
reporting the Present Level of
Performance and difficulty
synthesizing observations and
assessment data. ICC8S1
Adequate means of
demonstrating self-evaluation in
order to improve instruction and
guide professional growth are
provided. ICC9S9, ICC9S11
The teacher candidate gathers
and reports relevant information
about the Present Level of
Performance and synthesizes
observations and assessment
data. ICC8S1
Selects and administers inappropriate
informal and formal pretests. ICC8S2,
Selects, adapts (if necessary) and
administers informal and formal
pretests and interprets results to
determine the learner’s current
level of function. ICC8S2,
Selects, adapts (if necessary),
administers and provides an in depth
analysis of the results of informal and
formal pretests to determine the learner’s
current level of function. ICC8S2,
Writes and implements lesson plans
minimally addressing few areas of
learning needs. ICC8S8
Writes and implements lesson
plans addressing specific areas
of learning needs. ICC8S8
Writes and implements comprehensive
lesson plans fully addressing identified
areas of learning needs. ICC8S8
Administers an inappropriate post test
which does not reflect the attainment
of goals and objectives on the
IEP/IFSP. The teacher candidate
displays limited creativity when
adapting assessments for a learner
Adapt and administers post test
to accurately document the
achievement of IEP/IFSP goals.
Adapt and administers post test to
accurately and robustly document how
the IEP/IFSP goals are met. The teacher
candidate is highly creative when
adapting assessments for a learner with
severe/multiple disabilities. ICC8S2,
commitment to developing the
highest education and quality of
life potential of individuals with
exceptional learning needs.
ICC9S9-Conduct self-evaluation
of instruction
ICC9S11-Reflect on one’s
practice to improve instruction
and guide professional growth
Standard 8Assessment
Standard 8 Assessment
ICC8S1 Gather relevant
background information
ICC8S2 Administer nonbiased
formal and informal assessments
ICC8S5 Interpret information
from formal and informal
ICC8S8 Evaluate instruction and
monitor progress of individuals
with exceptional learning needs
IIC8S3 Select, adapt and modify
assessments to accommodate the
unique abilities and needs of
individuals with exceptional
learning needs.
IIC8S4 Adapt and modify
assessments to accommodate the
unique abilities and needs of
individuals with exceptional
learning needs.
Does Not Meet Standard
Meaningful and specific means of
demonstrating self-evaluation in order to
improve instruction and guide
professional growth are provided by the
teacher candidate. ICC9S9, ICC9S11
The teacher candidate gathers and
reports relevant and comprehensive
information about the Present Level of
Performance and synthesizes
observations and assessment data to
accurately state the student’s current
level of performance. ICC8S1
Standard 7- Instructional
ICC7S13-Make responsive
adjustments to instruction based
on continual observations
ICC7S6-Sequence, implement
and evaluate individualized
learning objectives
ICC7S11-Prepare and organize
age-ability appropriate materials
to implement daily lesson plans
IIC7S2-Plan and implement age
and ability appropriate
instruction for individuals with
exceptional learning needs
PH7S2, IIC7S5-Interpret sensory
and physical information to
create or adapt appropriate
learning plans for individuals
with physical and health
ICC7K5-Roles and
responsibilities of the
paraeducator related to
instruction, intervention and
direct service
MR7S1-Select and use
specialized instructional
strategies appropriate to
individuals with mental
retardation and developmental
Standard 5Learning Environments and
Social Interaction
IIC5S3 Structure the educational
environment to provide optimal
learning opportunities for
individuals with exceptional
learning needs.
IIC5S7 Use techniques of
physical positioning and
management of individuals with
exceptional learning needs to
Goals and
Student Profile
Lesson Plans
with severe/multiple disabilities.
The teacher candidate’s lesson plan
does not show sequence,
implementation of and evaluation of
learning objectives. ICC7S6
The teacher candidate’s lesson
plan shows satisfactory evidence
of sequence, implementation of
and evaluation of learning
objectives. ICC7S6
The teacher candidate’s lesson plan
shows strong evidence of sequence,
implementation of and evaluation of
learning objectives. ICC7S6
The teacher candidate makes little to
no adjustments to instruction based on
continual observations ICC7S13
The teacher candidate makes a
some adjustments to instruction
based on continual observations
The teacher candidate makes numerous,
appropriate adjustments to instruction
based on continual observations.
The teacher candidate minimally
addresses the social, physical, health
and/or sensory needs of the learner
with severe/multiple disabilities
during instruction. (IIC5S3, ICC5S7,
The teacher candidate
appropriately addresses most to
all of the social, physical, health
and/or sensory needs of the
learner with severe/multiple
disabilities during instruction,
which adequately contributes to
effective learning opportunities.
(IIC5S3, ICC5S7, IIC7S5)
The teacher candidate strongly addresses
all of the social, physical, health and/or
sensory needs of the learner with
severe/multiple disabilities during
instruction, which strongly contributes
to optimal learning opportunities.
(IIC5S3, ICC5S7, IIC7S5)
The teacher candidate’s adapted
materials lack creativity and are
minimally appropriate for the learner
with severe/multiple disabilities.
(ICC7S11, MR4K1)
The teacher candidate’s adapted
materials were appropriate for
the learner and showed some
evidence of creativity for the
learner with severe/multiple
disabilities. (ICC7S11,
The teacher candidate’s adapted
materials are highly creative and highly
appropriate for a learner with
severe/multiple disabilities. (ICC7S11,
The teacher provides minimal
information about the use of the paraeducator in the implementation of the
lesson. (ICC7K5)
The teacher shows provides
general information about the
role of the para-educator during
the implementation of the lesson.
The teacher candidate specifies the role
of the para-educator in an extremely
organized manner. The use of the paraeducator is highly effective during the
lesson. (ICC7K5)
The teacher makes limited adaptations
and uses some effective instructional
strategies when working with the
learner with severe/multiple
disabilities. (IIC4S2, IICS7S2,
MR7S1, PH7S2)
The teacher makes sufficient
adaptations and uses effective
instructional strategies when
working with the learner with
severe/multiple disabilities.
(IIC4S2, IICS7S2, MR7S1,
The teacher makes sophisticated
adaptations and uses highly specialized
instructional strategies when working
with the learner with severe/multiple
disabilities. (IIC4S2, IICS7S2, MR7S1,
ensure participation in academic
and social environments.
Standard 4-Instructional
MR4K1-Specialized materials
for individuals with mental
Developmental disabilities
IIC4S2 Use appropriate
adaptations and assistive
technology for all individuals
with exceptional learning needs
Standard 10 –Collaboration
ICC10S3-Foster respectful and
beneficial relationships between
families and professionals
effectively with families of
individuals with exceptional
learning needs from diverse
Teacher candidate makes minimal
attempts to foster respectful and
beneficial relationships with the
family of the learner with
sever/multiple disabilities. ICC10S3
Teacher candidate makes minimal
attempts to engage in effective
communication with the families of
the learner with severe/multiple
disabilities from diverse backgrounds.
Teacher candidate effectively
attempts respectful and
beneficial relationships with the
family of the learner with
severe/multiple disabilities.
Teacher candidate effectively
engages in communication with
the families of the learner with
severe/multiple disabilities from
diverse backgrounds.
Teacher candidate effectively and
consistently attempts to form respectful
and beneficial relationship with the
family of the learner with
severe/multiple disabilities. ICC10S3
Teacher candidate effectively and
consistently engages in a range of
communication topics with the families
of the learner with severe/multiple
disabilities from diverse backgrounds.