(How is Maruti Suzuki, an automobile industry
and its product is affecting the environment.)
Rahul Garg
Grade X
Candidate No. – 1005
Contents -:
Introduction to the pollution by manufacturing
Background information about India
Map of India showing big cities
Background information about Gurgaon
Introduction to Maruti Udyog Limited
Map of Gurgaon Showing the Company
Manufacturing of Cars in Maruti Udyog Limited
Press shop
Introduction to the process
Pollutants released in the process
Its health effects
Weld shop
Introduction to the process
Pollutants released in the process
Its health effects
Paint shop
Introduction to the process
Pollutants released in the process
Its health effects
Assembling shop
Introduction to the process
Pollutants released in the process
Its health effects
Testing of the samples
Some information about pollution when the cars are being used and repaired
Analyzing the results
Steps taken by the company to reduce pollution
Steps that the company can take to reduce pollution and how can government help
Steps that government can take to help other such industries to reduce pollution
Steps that government can take to encourage people to help government in
reducing pollution.
Some people say that the pollution is increasing day by day and so global warming
occurs. People know that they are heading toward a very big problem because of
pollution which can be very harmful for human’s life on earth but still no one actually
takes any measures in order to save themselves. The World Bank projected that on
average 1.8 million people would die prematurely each year between 2001 and 2020
because of air pollution caused by vehicles. Here is a picture of smoke coming out of a
bus and mixing in the air which will be inhaled by the humans.
Harmful smoke coming out of the vehicles
Humans know that pollution is killing them as it is very harmful for our health, but still
people are ignoring it instead of helping the government to save the environment. It is
very awful to recognize how the natural beauty and other things are being damaged and
the lack of interest people shows in order to save what is left over. People are still living
in their own artificial life and keep hiding themselves from the truth that how much they
themselves are harming the environment.
Our atmosphere is in a huge crisis just because of the different kinds of pollution which
are created due to human activities. Some different kinds of pollution that are harmful are
Air pollution like the pollutants released in the air, Water pollution like wastage of
fresh water and polluting the water in seas and oceans, Land pollution like the chemicals
which are released on the land and harms it and Sound pollution like the noise that is
made that affects nature and humans. The notable thing about these types of pollution is
that they all are mostly created from a single action of human activities. And that human
activity is the manufacturing.
Numerous pollutants are released in the air, water and on the land in huge amounts and
lots of noise is created while manufacturing. And the harmfulness of these pollutants
increases when the manufacturing company is an automobile industry like any car
manufacturing company.
Therefore for this coursework of environmental management I decided to investigate
something on an automobile manufacturing industry. I will investigate how its product
pollutes the environment while manufacturing. Its pollutes the environment much more
once it is sold but my main aim will be to highlight in what ways it affects the
environment while manufacturing. I will try and also give some information about how
does it pollute the environment once it is sold and what measures can be taken by the
government, company and the local people to reduce the pollution by the company’s
Among all the manufacturing industries, I only took a car manufacturing industry. This is
because I could easily relate all the types of pollution to this company’s product when it
is manufactured. And the most important reason for me choosing a car manufacturing
industry was that there is a car manufacturing industry in my area and I was the one who
was suffering a lot from the industry’s pollution. So this time I got a chance to explain to
other people how I feel the industry is causing pollution and because I was facing it, I
was the one who could have best explained it. Getting the necessary information and
other statistics was also easy as the industry was next to me and because it is a big
industry, I could find the data from the internet and magazines etc.
I live in India, is a country in South Asia. According to UN’s report, India is Asia’s most
developing country with a straight increase in its GDP from 7.5 % to 8.4 % in 2006.
Being the seventh largest country geographically, it is world’s second most populated
country with population of 1.1 billion people. It is a mixed economy so resources are
privatized but not all as some goods and services are also provided by the government.
Therefore, government has a control over the economy in India. India has a labour force
of 509.3 million out of which 60% is employed in agriculture. So, more than half of the
people in the country works in agriculture so clean environment like clean water, air
fertile soil is very important to them that will lead to better crops. And other 40 % are
employed in industries including automobiles, chemicals, food processing, machinery,
mining, petroleum, pharmaceuticals, steel, transportation etc. Therefore, in India more
than 60 % people are employed in Primary sector like (fishing, farming) whereas
remaining people (apporx. 30 %) are employed in Secondary and Tertiary sector. So, this
makes this country a developing country. Some big cities in the country like Mumbai,
New Delhi, Bangalore, Kolkata etc. are developing at very high rates.
Here is the map of India showing some major cities of India -
Map of
As the country is developing, more energy is required. Therefore, to get more energy they
burn more fossil fuels. Burning of fossil fuels leads to more CO2 emissions which affect
the atmosphere of the earth by contributing to global warming. According to the UN’s
report of 2005, India’s share of global Carbon Emissions is 4.1 %.
Here is a graph showing the amount of carbon emissions released by countries.
This data is according to the year 2005 but what I have heard is that India has beaten
Japan and now therefore stands at 4th position in releasing carbon emissions. I couldn’t
find any evidence to it but if it is true, it’s not good news as India is a developing nation
and their emission will increase more instead of decreasing.
So, in the graph shown India is one of the top ten countries (top 5 nations) which are
most responsible for causing global warming in the atmosphere every year.
As the country is developing, more energy is produced and more companies are
encouraged by the government to come and set up their firms in the country. Government
does this to increase standards of living in the country so that country develops
Development is boosting up at very high rates in some of the cities of India like Delhi,
Mumbai, Kolkata etc. Accordin to the National Census, Gurgaon is the city which is
almost leading the table with the development of 4% more than any other city.
Gurgaon is situated in the state Haryana which is in the northern part of India. Location
of the city can be seen exactly in the map of India shown on the 5th page. Gurgaon is one
of Delhi's four major satellite cities and is therefore considered to be a part of the
National Capital Region, although it is not situated in the National Capital Territory.
As the development is increasing in this city, pollution is also boosting up as lots of
pollutants are being released into the atmosphere. According to some of the researchers
the major source of pollution is the car manufacturing industry located in this city. They
don’t have some big proofs to prove their statement so this news is not known by many
people. That car manufacturing company is Maruti Udyog Limited. So I will be
studying about the company’s way of manufacturing and highlight how it affects the
environment and will talk about some possible solutions to the problem.
Maruti Udyog Limited
Here is the logo of the company with its slogan “count on us”-:
An aerial view of the company situated in Gurgaon. It is located in more than 280 Acres
of land
Map of Gurgaon showing Maruti Udyog Limited, an automobile
The company in the map is shown by its logo. As we go from Delhi through N.H. 8
towards Gurgaon, We take a right turn at the Iffco Chowk to reach Sector 18 where this
company is located.
Maruti Udyog Limited is a publicly listed company in India. It is a leading four-wheeler
automobile manufacturer in South Asia controlled by Suzuki Motor Corporation, Japan.
It was the first company in India to mass-produce and sell more than a million cars in
India. It is largely credited for having brought in an automobile revolution to India. Even
today it is the market leader in India in its segment both in terms of volume of vehicles
sold and revenue earned. 18.28% of the company is owned by the government, and
54.2% by Suzuki of Japan.
The pie chart showing the market segment of the cars in Indian market -:
Market Share (%)
In the pie chart you can see that more than half of the market is controlled by Maruti
(MUL). It was established in February 1981. Till 2004, Maruti has produced over 5
Million vehicles. The company annually exports more than 30,000 cars and has large
domestic market in India. The company has around 3,588 employees.
In an interview with one of the senior manager of the company, Mr. Sanjay Yagseni, I
got to know that with the huge revenue of more than $ 2.5 billion in the previous year
2006, the company is planning to manufacture 6.5 lakh more cars this year 2007. And on
an average they produce 2600 cars per day. The table below shows the changes in the
sales of cars of Maruti in the last two years -:
Sales in 2005
Sales in 2006
% change in sales
407422 cars
474812 cars
16.5 %
As the demand for cars has increased, company is manufacturing more cars as they will
manufacture around 1.75 lakh more cars than previous year 2006. So as they will produce
more they will use up more resources. This is a big problem but my aim is to highlight
how the company affects the environment through its manufacturing about which I will
be talking in the next topic.
Manufacturing the cars
I had a visit to the company on 11th February. There I spoke to some senior managers
and took the permission to see the manufacturing process of the cars. They didn’t allow
me to take camera inside so I couldn’t take the photos of the things that I saw inside the
I noticed that the manufacturing of the cars was divided into 4 different stages. First,
they purchases the steel coils which then goes through all these four stages before it
gets sold in the market. This diagram will give us a better knowledge what these groups
are -:
Steel coils bought
Press shop
Ready to sell
Weld shop
Paint shop
Assembling of OE
In each of these four stages (the ones which have a border around them) numerous
pollutants are released which affects the environment. Now I will explain the procedure
that takes place in these processes and the pollutants that are released because of these.
First of all the company buys the steel coils from outside. Making of these steel coils also
creates lots of pollution as they needs energy for which fossil fuels are burned which
releases CO2 in the atmosphere. But the company buys these coils straight from outside
so this pollution cannot be counted in the pollution by the company. Presently they are
importing it from Japan. The company purchases the steel coils they works as the raw
materials for the company. After buying the steel coils according to the number of cars
they will be producing in the year, they store it and slowly move it to the stages of
manufacturing. Overall, total amount of steel used for one car is around 400 kg
(excluding the engine and other parts weight). So if they will be producing 6.5 lakh cars
this year then they must have bought approximately 250 million kilograms of steel coils.
With these figures one can also get a fair idea of how much CO2 would have been
released into the atmosphere in order to produce these many coils.
This picture is showing the steel coils that are stored within the company.
Press shop
The image shown below is the pressing shop of the company.
After steel coils are purchased, they are sent to press shop. In this process, the steel coils
are basically pressed and cut into the panels. There is a pressing machine and the worker
simply put the steel coils into those machines and turns it on.
That machine applies pressure and heat onto the steel coil and after some time the extra
part falls down and the steel coil turns into the specific shape. There are different types of
pressing machines available to give all different kind of shapes to the steel coil example
there is different machine available for pressing the steel coils into the car doors, different
one for bonnet of the car etc.
A machine through which
the steel coils are pressed.
While pressing of steel through the machines lots of noise pollution occurs. This is the
decrease in one’s ability to hear because of hearing intense noise for a long duration as it
damages the inner ear and reduces one’s ability to hear.
The noise from these machines is so loud that ones head starts paining because it puts so
much pressure on our brain and one can go deaf after hearing it continuously. Therefore
this creates Conductive deafness. This type of deafness is when because of the loud
sounds the muscle in the ear twists the bone which leads to hearing loss as this stops the
sound to enter the ears properly and exactly as some vibration keep going on in the ears.
Workers do wear some headphones to prevent themselves but still they can hear lots of
noise. I can say that because when I went there I tried their headphones out and they were
very different from the ones which are for the visitors.
So this stage is mainly harmful for humans as it leads to the health problems. After the
different body parts are cut from steel coils, the parts are sent to the next stage of
Weld shop
This image shows the welding process going on in the company in a Weld shop
The weld shop
In this shop, all the parts that comes from the press shop are welded together in order to
make a skeleton of the car as shown in the figure.
While welding lots of harmful gases are produced like CO2, Methane etc. These lead to
the global warming which is harmful for humans in long run. This gas goes up and sets
itself in the atmosphere and then acts like a greenhouse effect as it allows the heat from
the sun to come in but doesn’t allow them to go back. This increases the temperature on
earth which leads to melting of ice at the poles and increases the water levels in the
oceans. Because of this low level areas are flooded and disappears as the soil is buried by
the water.
In this picture you can see wild welding taking place that produces lots of fumes.
After welding, to fill the gaps, they use the adhesives or the sealer to paste and fill the
gaps. In this activity lots of waste takes place which is burnt by the company. This is very
harmful for the people and the environment as burning of these sealers produces lots of
fumes which are nothing but toxic gases like Carbon Monoxide.
Carbon Monoxide is very harmful for the humans as it stops the oxygen to reach the brain
through stopping blood circulation. So it might lead to the human death. This gas is
harmful because it has no color, smell, or taste so one doesn’t really get to know when he
is inhaling this gas and it also causes fatigue headaches.
Once the parts are welded the skeleton of the car is sent to the next stage.
Paint shop
The paint shop of the company Maruti Udyog Limited.
After the skeleton of the car is made, it is sent to the paint shop so that it gets painted. In
this process, water is mixed with the paint and then is painted on the cars. After the
painting is done, lots of waste is produced in this process which is very hazardous for our
nature if not treated properly.
This is because if they burn this paint sludge then lots of gases are produced like CO2,
NO2 etc. which lead to global warming and acid rain. Acid rain damages trees, lakes, and
soil etc. Acid rain also causes buildings, statues, and monuments to deteriorate.
At the same time, NO2 is very harmful for humans as well because it leads to Lung
damage, respiratory illnesses, etc.
And these solvents and paint also contains VOC’s (Volatile Organic Compounds). This is
considered to be very harmful as it leads to Cancer and many other serious health
problems. This paint even contains Lead which causes Brain and nervous system damage
especially in children and causes digestive and many other problems. Some leadcontaining chemicals also cause cancer in animals. So, it is very harmful for the living
organisms on the earth.
If this waste is left into the water then it pollutes the water and puts marine life in huge
danger. This acts like oil and sits on top of the water and stops the contact of air and
water. Because of this the oxygen can’t mix itself with water and hence the fishes suffer
as they can’t breathe properly inside the water and if fishes drink this water, they die as
this water contains harmful chemicals.
The pictures below show the car painting going on in the company.
Alto car been painted
Esteem car been painted
Once the skeletons are painted, they are sent to the next stage of manufacturing.
Assembly shop
The picture below shows the assembly shop of the company.
Once the skeleton is painted, it is brought to assembly shop where they assemble all the
other OE parts. These are the parts which are not manufactured by the company. These
parts are bought from outside by the company like for Maruti, the suppliers of the wheels
of the cars are MRF, CRF, ASC etc. Therefore, here source of pollution was the
packaging waste of these OE parts. This all goes in the waste which is burnt by the
company. As the company burn it, lots of hazardous gases like CO, CO2, oxides of
Nitrogen, Sulphur Dioxide etc. this all leads to Acid rain and Global warming which
harms nature and later of course us, the humans.
After looking at the manufacturing process, I planned to take some samples of water and
soil to know the companies environment better. When I talked to the company people,
they told me that the water is sent to the water treatment plant where all the chemicals are
removed from the water. When I went to see the plant, I saw that lots of water was
leaking. I took some of that leaking water in a bottle as a sample. In that treatment plant
they also showed me the waste that comes from paint shop. I even took a sample of that
paint sludge. When we were going back to the main hall, I saw a gardener watering the
plants in the company. I took some of that water as well. I even took some of the soil
sample as well from that garden.
Later, I worked on these 4 samples that I collected from the company in my school
laboratory and found the following results -:
Sample 1 -: I collected this sample from the water treatment plant. It was the water that
was leaking from the pipes. I tested the Ph of the water through the Ph paper and got it as
8 so the water was more alkalic. Through the soil, the water pours down to the water
table as it happens in the surface run-off loop of Water cycle. It mixes with the fresh
under ground water and pollutes it. This is very harmful for the humans as they uses this
water daily. They take it out from the ground through tube wells. This water might lead to
health problems as it will spoil the liver and may lead to stomach pain. It might cause
cholera, typhoid etc.
Sample 2 -: this sample contained the paint sludge. When I checked the Ph of this water,
it was almost 9.5 that is the soil was very alkalic. I even checked the sample under the
microscope but I didn’t find any bacteria but still the water was extremely alkalic. This
all is dumped by the company therefore this also goes and mixes with the underground
water which is very harmful for the humans and marine life as this water goes to oceans
from there. Therefore, as this water goes to the oceans this reduces the oxygen from the
water because of which it harms the marine life in two ways. First one is that if the
animals drink this water they will fall sick. And second one is that as there is less oxygen
in the water, fishes won’t be able to breathe and the will die. So, this will even create a
imbalance in the oceanic ecosystem by disturbing their food chain.
The water is often directly sent to the rivers by the company through the pipes as shown
in the figure. Hence, it also leads to Water Pollution.
The pipe through which all the waste of the company goes to the river
Sample 3 -: this sample was collected from the garden when the gardener was watering
the plants. They told me that the water is good but when I checked the Ph of the water it
was more than 7.5. So, the water was alkalic. All these samples I collected above are
alkalic and goes through the soil to the ground water. While going to the underground
water, this water also harms the soil as the soil loses it fertility because it kills the
important bacteria present in the soil. So the soil loses many useful minerals.
Sample 4 -: this sample is the soil sample. Firstly, I checked the Ph of the soil I got it
around 6.5. This means the soil was pretty acidic. After that I checked for the nitrates
available in the soil. It was around 4 which was very low. I even checked for the
Phosphate level in the soil and it was 0 which is blank. This shows that the soil has
already lost the minerals and now it not fertile enough giving a clear sign of land
pollution as it won’t be very good for the crops. So, the neighboring areas will also suffer
where the farming is done.
This gives us a very clear idea of how the company is polluting the environment. But it is
not finished here. As it is a car manufacturing company, once the cars are manufactured
and sold, now it’s the turn of the product to create pollution. The pollution by cars comes
under the vehicle pollution.
As the cars engine requires petrol to run, so it emits many types of pollutants. These
pollutants are released in huge amounts. These pollutants includes nitrogen oxides
(NO2), volatile organic compounds (VOCs), carbon monoxide (CO), carbon dioxide
(CO2), particulates, sulphur dioxide (SO2) and lead etc which are extremely harmful for
the environment and also leads to poor air quality that is harmful for humans.
The cars also produces Soot, which is a black colloidal substance consisting wholly or
principally of amorphous carbon. This Soot and Nitrogen Dioxide also leads to low level
smog which is very harmful for the human health as it leads to Bronchitis Asthma.
And more over, whenever these cars get repaired at repair centers they again create lots
of pollution as they don’t have proper systems through which they can save pollution. For
eg. they do wild welding through which lots of pollutants are released in the atmosphere.
And lots of leakage of petrol also takes place which harms the soil.
A mechanic repairing a car
Petrol leaking from a car at the repairing center
But my main aim is to only consider the manufacturing problems otherwise it was a very
huge topic on which one can argue the whole life. So, after looking at the main area of
manufacturing where the company pollutes the environment, I planned to carry out a
survey. In this survey, I designed a questionnaire and distributed it among the people
living around the company and the workers working in the company at different levels of
production. So, I got 50 copies of the Questionnaire and distributed them among these
people. I selected only these people because just distributing questionnaires won’t help
me as I won’t be able to get correct information. For eg. a hair dresser won’t know
anything about it and he won’t take it seriously. So, to make my survey more interesting,
I distributed the questionnaires only among the people who knew about the company.
As the local language in India is Hindi, so I made the questionnaire in Hindi for all the
people so that can understand the things better and could answer freely and just not show
off. Later, for this coursework, I translated in English. I have put both of them in my
The questionnaire in the hindi language.
kRPyaa pUrI [-maanadarI va saccaa[- sao [sa @vao-sT\yanaoA^r
kao Baro. [sao Barto samaya kRpyaa [sa ivaYaya sao haonao vaalaI
proSaainayaaMo ko baaro maoM saaocao tqaa ifr natIjao pr Aae.
naama _____________________ vyavasaaya
(Agar Aap maarUit ]dyaaoga maoM kama krto hOM) Aap vah^a iksa
kama ko ijammaodar hOM.
Aap kh^a rhto hOM.
Agar Aap gauDgaa^va maoM rhto hOM tao Aap yah^a iktnao
saalaaoM sao hOM.
(Agar Aap maarUit ]dyaaoga maoM kama krto hOM) Aap maarUit
]dyaaoga maoM iktnao saalaaoM sao kama kr rho hOM.
(Agar Aap maarUit ]dyaaoga maoM kama krto hOM) @yaa Aap
Apnao kama krnao ko halaat sao KuSa hOM. Agar h^a tao @yaaoM
tqaa Agar naa tao nahIM.
@yaa AapkaoM lagata hOM ik gauDgaa^va maoM p`dUYaNa
p`itidna baZta jaa rha hOM.
Aap iksa hd tk maa$it ]dyaaoga kao gauDgaa^va maoM Aajakla hao
rhI va Aanao vaalao kla kI p`dUYaNa ko ilae ijammaodar zhraegaoM.
Apnao ihsaaba sao % p`itSat maoM bataeo.
(Agar Aap maarUit ]dyaaoga maoM kama krto hOM) @yaa Aapkao
yah^a ka vaatavarNa p`dUiYat lagata hOM. Agar h^a tao iksa trIko
sao -:
k jala
K vaayau
ga Qvaina
Ga iksaI AaOr trIko sao
Agar iksaI AaOr trIko sao tao batae va
Agar Aap km^pnaI ko pasa rhto hO tao batae ik km^pnaI kI vajah sao
Aapkao @yaa proSaanaI ]zanaI pDtI hOM.
Agar Aap jaanato hO ik km^pnaI hainakark pdaqaao-M ko saaqa
kOsao poSa AatI hO tao @yaa Aap [sa vyavahar sao KuSa hOM.
@yaa Aap sarkar sao dKa-st krogaoM ik yaa tao [sao banQa kr idyaa
jaae yaa ifr [saka sqaana badla idyaa jaae taik [sasao kao[- ipiDt na
maOM AaSaa krta hU^ ik Aapnao [sao inaYkpTta va [-maanadarI sao
Bara hOM. Aapnao Apnaa samaya lagaakr [sao Bara [sailae maOM
Aapkao Qanyavaad khU^gaa.
The English translation of the questionnaire .
Please be very honest and truthful while filling this Questionnaire. While
filling it, please think about the problems related to the topic and then come
to any conclusion.
(If works in Maruti Udyog Limited) What is your job responsibility?
Where do you live?
If live in Gurgaon, then for how many years have you been here?
(If works in Maruti Udyog Limited) For how many years have you worked
in this company?
(If works in Maruti Udyog Limited) Are you satisfied with the working
conditions? If yes then why and if no then why not?
Do you think that the city Gurgaon is getting polluted day by day?
Till what extends will you held the company Maruti Udyog Limited
responsible for the pollution at present or for the pollution in future? Give a
figure in % (percentage) according to you.
(If works in Maruti Udyog Limited) Do you find the company’s
environment polluted? If yes then in what way -:
a) Water
b) Air
c) Sound
d) Other
If other then mention and explain how______________________________
If you live near the company then please reveal the problems that you are
facing because of the company?
If you know how the company is treating with the pollutants and other
harmful chemicals, then are you happy or satisfied with the way they are
doing that.
Would you advice government to close this company or shift it to some
other better place so that no one is suffered directly by company’s activity.
If yes then why and if no then why not?
I hope you have filled this with full sincerity and honesty. Thank you for
giving your time and filling this questionnaire.
So, this is the Questionnaire that I gave to some of the workers in the company and to
some of the people living around the company.
My first question was mainly asking about the people who live in Gurgaon and for how
many years are they living here. Among the people whom I distributed the questionnaire,
94 % of them used to live in Gurgaon whereas another 6 % workers lived in Delhi and
used to come to the company everyday. Next question of mine was for the worker of the
Maruti asking them the number of years they have been working in the company. On a
average they all were there for around 3 years. In the response to the next question which
asked them about their working condition, they mostly wrote good things. This can be
because they work in that company. But I got some complaints that the company don’t
provide proper materials to work with as they gets disturbed with the noise made by the
machines and they don’t have proper objects to cover their years.
My next question that asked the people about their choice whether they think the city
Gurgaon is getting polluted; I got the answer 100 % yes as they all agreed to it. And
when I asked them that what weight age will the give to the company for the pollution in
the city, the average answer was 47 %. The workers of the company obviously didn’t
contribute much to this question. When I asked the workers about the company’s
environment, I got the following result -:
Pollution in the Company
(according to the workers)
Under the category of others, some workers said that the company don’t really care
about the tidiness and only cleans the place when some senior person is to come. In the
response to the next question of mine, that is the problems that the people are facing who
lives around the company, they came up with many problems. They said that the place
has become very noisy which irritates people. And the smoke left by the company is also
affecting the people and because of the company, everyday lots of cars come to the
company which causes lots of pollution and noise. And the vegetation is also affected in
that area as the soil around is not that fertile for the crops.
For the next answer not many people knew how the company treats the pollutants and
chemicals. Few workers knew it and they said that they are happy with the company’s
policy and their way of treating the chemicals. they said that the company has treatment
plant and not many companies has it because it doesn’t gain profit to the company in the
business market so they think it was fine. But they only thought from businessman point
of view whereas they didn’t highlight that those pollutants by the company are harming
the nature and humans by affecting the ground water, soil and air.
My last question in which I asked the people about their opinion on whether the company
should be closed or not, 48 % of people said yes. And the reason that they gave was that
the external costs because of the company are increasing as the local community and
environment is getting affected by the company’s activities. Some of the workers might
not have answered truthfully as they were employed in the company and didn’t want it to
get closed.
So this is the response that I got from this survey and according to the data that I got, I
can say that accept some people, most of the people including some workers are not
happy with the company as it’s activity actually creates lots of pollution.
In order to defend themselves, the company Maruti Udyog Limited has taken some
measures to avoid pollution but that too are limited till their profit. Some of the measures
that are taken by the company are -:
1. they are using the latest technology that is euro 3 injection in their cars and soon
they are planning to introduce euro 4 as well.
2. they are using costic soda to clear greese in the paint shop.
3. they collect some of the recyclable things and sell them to suppliers.
4. they are trying to cut their cost by reducing the use of electricity as much as they
can. As the tubelights are fixed at low levels instead of their average level so that
by consuming less electricity, same work can be done. And all the switches of the
light are fixed in the table so that whenever anyone goes to some place, he can
first switch off the lights so that electricity is not wasted.
5. and they have also diverted from the use of the materials which were less efficient
and more polluting. For eg – before they used to use Air compressors which used
to take more energy to work. But now they are using Centifugal compressor
which are better and works through steam. Before they used to use exhausts
whereas now they use wind generator which is again better.
So, the company has taken some of the measures to reduce pollution, but they are not
enough. And another main thing is that they haven’t done these changes keeping
pollution as their main aim, but they have dome is taking higher and faster production as
their main aim. So we can still see the lack of interest the companies are showing towards
the increasing pollution.
I think to control the increasing pollution by the cars the government has to take some
steps as the company is doing a business and in business they will always look forward
for the maximum profit that they can earn. Therefore it is government who should
introduce some rules and regulations so that the industrial pollution can be controlled. At
the same time even the companies should realize the importance of pollution free
environment and should to try decline the number of pollutants that are produced while
manufacturing. Some of the steps that the government and the company can take are -:
1. Companies should try and change the fuel type to the one which can be burnt
properly so that amount of pollutants can be controlled.
2. Companies should change the engine to the one that is more efficient.
3. Companies should burn all the waste in the incinators so that all the waste that is
burnt does not spread any harmful pollutants. As the waste will be burnt until in
turns into ashes.
4. They should tune the engines differently so that fuel can be burnt more cleanly.
5. They should also try and find substitutes to steel as it is very heavy and increases
overall weight of the car. So they should swap it with a lighter material.
6. Company should also be careful while burning waste as they should separate the
waste that can be recycled should send it back to suppliers. More than 80 % of the
steel that is wasted in the manufacturing of the cars can be recycled.
7. Nitrogen oxides pollution from cars can be significantly reduced by fitting a
catalytic converter to the exhaust system in the cars.
8. If companies don’t find any other substitute to petrol then they should switch to
Diesel as diesel cars are more efficient to run and contains no lead and emissions
of the regulated pollutants like carbon monoxide, hydrocarbons and nitrogen
oxides are lower than those from petrol cars without a catalyst. However, when
compared to petrol cars with a catalyst, diesels have higher emissions of nitrogen
oxides and much higher emissions of particulate matter on the whole they don’t
pollutes as much as cars do.
9. All the water waste from paint shop should also be treated from chemicals so that
the water can be reused. As to control the ph of the water they can treat it with
lime and alkaline.
10. And the pollution can also be controlled if they try their best to reduce pollution
whole heartedly like the workers of Maruti are doing it to reduce the use of
Doing this all can be little expensive but they will have to handle that cost to save the
world from the big cost of pollution.
The steps that the government can take to help industries are -:
1. they can provide them with subsidies so that it become easy for the company to
produce non polluting cars as its cost is pretty high.
2. government should also try and find some new technology take can be swaped by
Governments can encourage the reduction of car use in the pubic by-:
1. Promoting Voluntary abstention
2. Increased Public Transit - diversify options and priorize access to existing roads.
3. Separate commercial and private traffic to increase efficient use of roads
4. Stop building car-oriented roads and highways
5. Replace 30% of the existing roads designed for cars with a variety of
transportation options
6. In cities, build more walking paths, bicycle routes and paths for small electric
7. Reduce commuting - link residence and business activities by rezoning and
rebuilding cities.
8. Reward car-pools and car-sharing plans
9. Redefine road use by defining access privileges - no longer a right
10. Road Tolls and increased gasoline and registration taxes
11. Base car license fees on fuel consumption in the previous year. Use exponential
fee rate increase for high fuel consumption individuals.
12. Provide generous development grants and tax incentives for all non-polluting
transportation alternatives.
13. At the same time government can also use some schemes that will be very useful
for the environment like Voluntary and Reward Schemes, Compulsory and
Penalty Schemes, Incentives for New Technology and Changes in Industrial Fuel
Consumption and with the scheme of planting a tree in each house.
Therefore, government, companies and the local people all of these people need to work
really hard if they wants to reduce pollution from this environment. As the human have
destroyed the nature so much that it is extremely hard to cover up the loss but we can at
least take some measures to reduce pollution now so that future generations can be saved.
At last I finished my report and noticed that Government and some of the companies
have started to take small steps towards controlling pollution and lets hope that these
steps go faster and cover more distance so that world could be saved from the disaster of
the nature by pollution.