GENERAL REGULATIONS In addition to nation, state, and local laws, all conference persons are expected to obey University regulations. Drinking or Gambling--Possession or drinking of beverages containing alcohol is forbidden on the campus of Louisiana Tech University. Returning to the residence halls while under the influence of alcohol in any way is prohibited. Gambling on the campus of Louisiana Tech is a breach of regulations. Firearms and Explosives--Guns, firearms, spear guns, B-B guns, pellet-type guns, pistols, ammunition, explosives or firecrackers are not permitted on the University property at any time. Throwing Items from Windows or Roofs or Hanging Items Outside Windows in the Residence Halls--Nothing should be dropped or thrown from windows or roofs in the residence halls, and nothing should be hung outside residence hall windows. Items thrown from buildings are extremely dangerous. Elevator Misuse--Anyone found misusing or damaging University elevators will be charged for repairing the elevators and be subject to serious disciplinary action. Destruction of Property--Nails, hooks, tape, etc., may not be attached to the ceiling tile, painted walls, doors, windows, or furniture. (Tape may be placed on formica-covered doors and the metal molding around the ceiling tiles.) The occupants of the rooms will be required to pay the amount necessary to repair any damage done to rooms, furniture, or equipment. The Coordinator of Residential Life will compute the amount of money required to repair the damage, including labor, and present the bill to the sponsor for collection. Mattress and Bed--The mattress or springs should not be placed on the floor and the bed should not be disassembled. Condition of Furniture--Occupants of rooms assume the obligation of having received the room and all its furniture and fixtures in good condition unless a written report to the contrary is made by them to the Hall Director immediately after occupancy. Moving of Furniture--Furniture is not to be moved from one room to another, from the lounge to any other location, or within the lounges. Fire Extinguishers--Fire extinguishers are here for your safety and protection. Any unnecessary emptying of or horseplay with the fire extinguishers endangers the lives of others in the event of a real fire and will result in disciplinary action. Vending Machines--Vending machines are in the residence halls for your convenience. You are requested not to abuse these machines in order that they will operate properly. If you should lose money, check with the Hall Director for a refund. Visitation--In order to insure the safety of all campers, visitors are not allowed except in the downstairs lounges. Summer Conference Housing Louisiana Tech University Office of Student Development Ruston, Louisiana 71272 CONFERENCE HOUSING CONTRACT Housing for special groups or conferences is provided at Louisiana Tech University during the summer months when student enrollment is low and individuals or groups desire conveniently-located residential facilities. Following are some descriptions of the facilities and services provided by Louisiana Tech, as well as regulations governing their use. GENERAL INFORMATION Counselors/Chaperones--All groups are required to have supervisors on duty at all times when group members are on campus. Payment for services of these supervisors, including salary, food, and lodging must be provided by the sponsor organization. The conduct of all persons in his group is the responsibility of that supervisor. Housing will provide, at our expense, one full-time staff member who will be in charge of the residential facility where a group(s) is housed. This individual's duties are 1) to provide information and facility services to the group(s) within his/her building, and 2) maintenance of contract agreements between Housing and the group and enforcement of residence hall regulations. However, they are not responsible for the conduct of the group. Payments--Charges will be made according to the number of full days' service rendered for the number registered in the group, and bills will be sent to the sponsoring organization rather than the individuals utilizing residential facilities. (The latest check-out time is 5 p.m. Groups remaining after this time will be charged for another day.) In special instances, payments may be made in advance, but ordinarily the sponsoring organization is billed. No payments will be accepted at the time of registration, other than key deposits, unless prior arrangements have been made. As long as a group or individual has a room and/or master keys to a particular facility, they will be charged full fees. Keys--Every special/conference housing guest is required to pay a $20 room key deposit upon registration, which is refunded when the key is returned. If a room key is lost, the deposit is forfeited. Locks are changed as soon as possible after reports of lost keys to rooms are received. All-hours keys are available for those who need one. There is a $75 all-hours key deposit. The number of all-hours keys issued is limited, and the Housing Office Conference Coordinator must have prior notification of how many all-hours keys will be needed by your group. All keys must be turned in at check-out time; if not, they are considered lost and deposits forfeited. (Sponsors may write one check to cover the key deposits for their group. The check is returned if all keys are returned. All lost keys must be paid for before the check is returned.) Damage Charges--Every room is inspected after a group checks out. In the event the facility has been damaged, any and all charges will be billed to the sponsor. Lounges--The use of all lounges must be confirmed through the Housing Office Conference Coordinator. No food or drink is allowed in formal lounges. Athletic activities are not allowed in the formal lounges. All lounge rules will be enforced. Telephones--Telephones are not available in rooms. Campers and sponsors must provide phones. Long distance calls from phones may be made with a calling card only. Security--For security reasons, the doors of the residence halls are locked at specific hours. Any conference persons entering or leaving the building or knowingly blocking open a door without the consent of their sponsor and after visitation hours is in violation of University and Housing policy. A maximum closing hour is 12:00 midnight. Specific closing hours for multiple groups or single groups utilizing a residence hall will be set by the Coordinator of Residential Life once all requests are made. Residents' safety and residence hall security will be seriously considered in determining when the residence hall is locked. (See section on Keys if you need access to residence hall after closing hour.) Food Services--Campers must behave themselves in an orderly manner while visiting the food court and cafeteria. They must also be properly attired. Cost for food is $18.00 a day ($5.50/breakfast, $6.25/lunch, and $6.25/dinner.) Lambright Sports Center--Campers are not allowed to wear black soled running shoes into the facility. Food and drink are not allowed in any areas except the lobby. Gum chewing is not allowed. Room Cost--The cost of a room is $20.00/camper/night for a private room and $15.00/camper/night for a double room. The cost of a room in University Park is $25.00 per person/night. Maxie Lambright Intramural Sports Center--All rooms located in the Sports Center are $275.00/day for each area (i.e., blue room, red room, etc.). Student Center/Bulldog Kennel--Available at a cost. Memorial Gym—1 to 6 hours $75.00 per hour, 6 to 12 hours $150.00 per hour and over 12hours $200.00 per hour for the use of the gym. I agree to the above listed conditions. _________________________________ Organization __________________________________ Signature _______________________ Date **EXHIBIT D** INDEMNIFICATION AGREEMENT The ____________________________ agrees to protect, defend, indemnify, save, and hold Contractor/Subcontractor/Lessee/Supplier harmless the State of Louisiana, all State Departments, Agencies, Boards and Commissions, its officers, agents, servants and employees, including volunteers, from and against any and all claims, demands, expense and liability arising out of injury or death to any person or the damage, loss, or destruction of any property which may occur or in any way grow out of any act or omission of_______________________ its agents, servants and employees, or any and all costs, Contractor/Subcontractor/Lessee/Supplier expense and/or attorney fees incurred by __________________________________ as a result of Contractor/Subcontractor/Lessee/Supplier any claim, demands, and/or causes of action except those claims, demands, and/or causes of action arising out of the negligence of the State of Louisiana, all State Departments, Agencies, Boards, Commissions, its agents, representatives, and/or employees.______________________ Contractor/Subcontractor/Lessee/Supplier Agrees to investigate, handle, respond to, provide defense for and defend any such claims, demand, or suit at its sole expense and agrees to bear all other costs and expenses related thereto, even if it (claims, etc.) is groundless, false or fraudulent. Accepted by ____________________________________ Company Name ___________________________________ Signature _________________ Title Date Accepted ___________________________________ Is Certificate of Insurance Attached? _____Yes ______No Contract No._____________________ for___________________________________________ State Agency Number and Name PURPOSE OF CONTRACT: ____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________