Buderim Foundation Limited

Buderim Foundation Limited
Minutes of the thirty sixth meeting of the Board held at Carvosso and Winship
offices, Buderim on Wednesday 9 August 2006 at 5.30pm.
1.0 Present: Gary Hopkins (Chair), Sarah Bird, Les Day, Leanne Evans, Rohan
Jackson, Bruce Hinchcliffe, Simon Whittle and Margaret Thursby.
Apologies: David Potts
2.0 Minutes: Resolved that the minutes of the thirty fifth meeting held on 14th July
2006 be taken as a true record, except for an amendment that Mrs Jan Jackson’s
donation was not an annual pledge. (Proposed LD, seconded SB carried,
3.0 Business arising from the minutes: Gary Hopkins indicated that all business
would be held over until General Business.
4.0 Correspondence:
4.1 Letter from BWMCA requesting copy of constitution;
4.2 Gary Hopkins wrote to Anne Moorhouse requesting space in Old Post Office;
4.3 Received from Queensland Government Collections Act form for annual
5.0 Philanthropy Australia Community Foundations Forum
5.1 Gary Hopkins invited members to comment on the forum;
 Leanne Evans suggested the Buderim Foundation should consider longer
term planning including policy, governance, succession, how the
Foundation can take a leadership role in the community, social change etc;
 Simon Whittle suggested sending stories to FRRR for their newsletter.
Discussed how the Foundation could apply to FRRR for funding e.g. an
application about a program to educate children about philanthropy. He
also suggested the Foundation could look at developing a strategic plan for
appointing a paid or voluntary administrator;
 Discussion about Board Members becoming donors to the Foundation,
further to subject being brought up at the Forum;
 Gary Hopkins suggested that a Youth Kit be obtained from FRRR.
5.2 There was discussion about the Federal Government Regional Advisory Arm
(Area Consultative Committee) (ACC) regarding the fact that the Foundation
could apply for a grant towards the provision of an Advisory/development Service
for Philanthropy within the community and that this grant could assist with the
development of the office.
Leanne Evans suggested that the application to the Gambling Community Benefit
Fund be redrafted and sent on behalf of the BWMCA.
Resolved that the Board in principle supports an application to the ACC for a grant
for the development of a philanthropic resource centre in Buderim. (Proposed
Leanne Evans, seconded Sarah Bird, carried unanimously)
Action: Simon Whittle to advise the Historical Society and BMCWA re Buderim
Foundation making an application to the ACC.
Action: Leanne Evans to email the Corporate Plan to Gary Hopkins.
5.3 Gary Hopkins advised that Mr Frank Jefferies wishes to give $5,000 to enable
the Foundation to purchase further shares.
Action: Sarah Bird to pass on copy of share certificates to Les Day
5.4 Report given by Leanne Evans, Bruce Hinchcliffe and Les Day regarding phone
conversation with Alice McDougall;
 Leanne reported that Alice confirmed the Foundation cannot pool funds for
investments purposes;
 Alice also advised that the Public Fund can only fund non grant making
DGR’s e.g. choir, youth orchestra etc;
 And that a PPF can partner with the Foundation for a project but cannot
give to the Foundation;
 Les Day confirmed that tax deductible donations go into the Public Trust.
6.0 Financial Report. Les Day reported no donations were received however the
sponsorship from Buderim Pharmacy had been received.
6.1 It was agreed that the budget for the two trusts remain on the table for two
months for further consideration.
6.2 Les reported that the GST return had been completed and that the Foundation
was required to pay $290.
6.3 Resolved that the Financial Statements be written into the minutes as a true
and correct record. (Proposed Les Day, second Bruce Hinchcliffe,
unanimously agreed.)
7.0 Foundation Office Credit Card facility. It was agreed the Board should wait
until September and then decide on where to establish the line. The Board needs
to also check wording on the donation form re credit card donations.
8.0 Marketing and Communications
8.1 Members of the Board perused the draft brochure and made some suggestions.
8.2 Margaret Thursby recommended the Foundation consider paying Alex
Sweres a sum of money towards the production of the brochure.
Resolved that the Foundation pay an ex gratia amount of $500 to Alex in
recognition of the time and effort expended in producing items such as the logo,
brochure and the letterhead. (Proposed Les Day, seconded Bruce Hinchcliffe
unanimously agreed.)
8.3 Agreed need for with compliment slips.
8.4 Agreed to order brochures, letterhead and stickers as previously discussed.
Marketing committee to decide on numbers to be ordered.
8.5 Plans for the Moonlit Gathering on 4th November 2006 are well underway.
Sarah Bird agreed to attend their meetings when possible. Bruce Hinchcliffe
apologies for inability to attend function.
8.6 Foundation was advised that Old Post Office space will be available every
Wednesday from 23rd August 2006 for Buderim Foundation representatives to be
on site between 1.00pm and 3.00pm to provide information to the community.
8.7 Bruce Hinchcliffe asked the committee to provide time frames for deadlines
and activities to the end of this year.
8.8 Discussion about how meetings can be better structured. Committees were
asked to email committee reports to kaye@adnam.com prior to the next meeting.
9.0 Website: Leanne Evans asked board members email their CV’s etc to her.
Reported that the constitution is included on web and policies are to be copied
from the minutes and included in web site.
Action: Sarah Bird to provide policies from minutes to Leanne Evans.
Action: Board members email their CV, corporate and community
involvement, education and biographical details to Leanne Evans for
inclusion on the web.
Leanne advised the majority of the minutes are already on the web
10.0 Other Business:
10.1 Board discussed a suitable time for future meetings because the original time
will not suit Leanne Evans as she will be living in Canada.
Agreed that the next meeting will be held at Carvosso Winship office on
Tuesday 12 September at 7.00 am.
10.2 Gary Hopkins suggested that a special planning meeting be arranged to
develop a 3-5 year strategic plan.
Leanne suggested that a pre-planning session should be arranged prior to the
actual strategic planning meeting. It was suggested that these meetings could be
held on a Saturday morning. Fiona Guthrie was suggested as a facilitator – no
decision was made.
11.0 Names of sub-committees were discussed: It has been suggested that the
following names be adopted;
 Marketing Committee
 Fund Development Committee
 Investment Committee
 Grants Committee
Agreed these names be adopted (proposed Les Day second Rohan Jackson,
unanimously agreed)
Next Meeting: Agreed that the next meeting will be held at Carvosso Winship
office on Tuesday 12 September at 7.00 am.
The meeting closed at 8.15 pm.
Signed ……………………………..