Behavior Intervention Plan

James Reed
Behavior Intervention Plan
Student: ____
Class: ___ Kindergarten classroom________
Date: ________4/24/09___________
Behavioral Definitions
Target Behavior: Off-Task Behaviors and Refusal to do work.
Puts hands in face when doesn’t perfect work and will talk to others
or shout out answers when not called on.
Replacement Behavior: Stay motivated to do the activity assigned
even if not done perfectly. Be able to stay on task even if doing
something the student doesn’t want to do.
Rationale: If he does not complete activities or stay on task he will
not meet standards set for kindergarten and will keep others from
Baseline Data: Jon in a 30 minute period was off-task nearly twice
as much as he was on-task.
Teacher asks a
Does not give student Told to not answer
student a question
time to answer and
question unless
blurts out answer.
directed to him.
Green slip put by his
Special Education
Becomes off-task
Jon is ignored and
will usually get back
on task shortly.
Function of the Behavior: Jon’s behavior comes from wanting to do
assignments perfectly and trying to get attention from teacher or
Behavioral Objective:
1. When given oral directions, Jon will not disrupt himself or
classmates by sitting still and paying attention 95% of the time.
2. When failing an assignment, Jon will either complete the
assignment or ask for help by raising his hand or politely asking
help from teacher 100% of the time.
Intervention Procedures:
Antecedent modifications:
1. Teacher will have a cue set up to let Jon know when he is off
task. Teacher will need to be near him when giving directions
so Jon is not encouraged to become off-task.
2. Teacher should have an area Jon can go when he is frustrated
because he is failing an activity. He will have 5 minutes to cool
down and rejoin and finish the activity.
3. All activities should be set at Jon’s academic level.
Positive Reinforcement for target and/or replacement
1. When completing an activity, verbal praise should be given
even on easy tasks.
2. Free time at the end of class is given when Jon stays on task
for all activities.
Extinction of problem behavior:
1. If he does not finish the activity, no free time will be given.
2. If Jon becomes off task he will have to sit on the wall and do
exercises for 5 minutes.
Fading and Generalization Plan:
Fading- After 3 classes finishing all activities, Jon’s free time will be
shortened and eventually he will receive the same amount as his
peers. After 3 classes of minimal off-task behavior, Jon will no longer
have to move to the wall to do exercises unless behavior is
Generalization- All teachers may use sign language for no, when Jon
is becoming off task. Jon will be awarded with verbal praise when he
is having a good day in other classroom settings.
Data to be collected during Intervention:
Keep record of activities completed. If he struggled with activity and
still finished, with what kind of quality did he finish?
Teacher will keep chart of off-task behaviors. If stayed on task how
well was activity completed, and if off-task how well was activity
BIP Review Date: May 19, 2009 at 3 p.m.
Personnel and Roles
General education teacher: Will give Jon the sign language for no cue
and let him know it is for every class. Will keep record for on and off
task behaviors.
Physical educator: Will give Jon the criteria for off-task behaviors and
let him know of the wall exercise time and that it can be used from
any teacher. This teacher will keep the record of on and off task
Special educator: Will keep record for on and off task behaviors.
Emergency Procedures: If Jon becomes angry and violent with his
off-task behaviors he will have time to cool down for 5 minutes in an
area reserved for such a thing, and if activity continues will be
brought to office and possibly sent home.