Community College Program Approvals

Topic: Community College Program Approval
Date: September 19, 2008
Staff/Office: Department of Community Colleges and Workforce Development
Action Requested:
Information only
Policy Adoption
Policy Adoption/Consent Calendar
Approval of new community college programs:
 Rogue Community College: Computer Support Technician (Associate of Applied Science
Degree); with related Options in Computer Support and Health Care Informatics, and a related
Certificate of Completion in Health Care Informatics Assistant
 Tillamook Bay Community College: Industrial Maintenance Technology (Associate of Applied
Science Degree, Certificate of Completion and Career Pathway Certificate);
ORS 341.425 directs the State Board of Education to approve all proposed community college programs. ORS
344.259 directs the board to coordinate continuing education in lower division, developmental, adult selfimprovement, professional and technical education for agencies under its regulator authority.
341.425 Approval required to commence or change program and for transfer credits. (1) Before an
educational program is commenced at any community college, the board of education of a community college
district shall apply to the State Board of Education for permission to commence the program. After the first year
of the program, course additions, deletions or changes must be presented to the State Board of Education or a
representative of the Department of Community Colleges and Workforce Development authorized to act for the
state board for approval.
(2) Until the community college becomes accredited by the Northwest Association of Schools and Colleges
or its successor, the community college shall contract with an accredited community college for its instructional
services, including curricula, to ensure its courses carry accreditation and are acceptable for transfer.
(3) After reviewing the contractual agreement between the nonaccredited and the accredited colleges and
after suggesting any modifications in the proposed program of studies, the State Board of Education shall
approve or disapprove the application of a district. [Formerly 341.560; 1971 c.513 §89; 1991 c.757 §6; 1995
c.67 §17; 1997 c.270 §1; 1999 c.147 §§1,2]
344.259 Coordination of continuing education. (1) The State Board of Education shall coordinate continuing
education in lower division, developmental, adult self-improvement, professional and technical education for
agencies under its regulatory authority. The State Board of Higher Education shall coordinate continuing
education in upper division and graduate education for institutions under its jurisdiction.
The Commissioner and Staff Recommend Adoption of the Following Resolution:
RESOLVED, that the State Board of Education approve the following programs:
Computer Support Technician (Associate of Applied Science Degree); with related Options in Computer
Support and Health Care Informatics, and a related Certificate of Completion in Health Care Informatics
Assistant at Rogue Community College.
Industrial Maintenance Technology Associate of Applied Science degree with a related Certificate of
Completion and Career Pathway Certificate of Completion at Tillamook Bay Community College.
Oregon Department of Community Colleges
And Workforce Development
Public Service Building
255 Capitol St. N.E.
Salem, Oregon 97310-0203
Office of Educational Improvement & Innovation
Action Item
Policy Issue: Staff Action on New Career and Technical Education Programs
Proposed Community College Program
State Board Standards--Staff Analysis Abstract
Name of College:
Program Title:
Proposed Start Date:
Board Submission Date:
Adverse Impact Completed:
Type of Program:
Rogue Community College
Computer Support Technician (Associate of Applied Science
Computer Support (Option)
Health Care Informatics (Option)
Health Care Informatics Assistant (Certificate of Completion)
September 19, 2008
July 9, 2008
Associate of Applied Science Degree – Computer Support Technician
90 _____________________________
CIP Code: 15.1204 ______________________
CIP Title:
Computer Software Technology/Technician
 Option Title – Computer Support
CIP Code: 15.1204 ______________________
CIP Title:
Computer Software Technology/Technician
 Option Title – Health Care Informatics
CIP Code: 15.1204 ______________________
CIP Title:
Computer Software Technology/Technician
 Certificate of Completion – Health Care Informatics Assistant
CIP Code: 51.0709
CIP Title:
Medical Office Computer Specialist/Assistant
Business and Industry (closed enrollment)
Assurances: The College has met or will meet the four institutional assurances required for
program application.
1. Access. The college and program will affirmatively provide access, accommodations,
flexibility, and additional/supplemental services for special populations and protected classes
of students.
2. Continuous Improvement. The college has assessment, evaluation, feedback, and
continuous improvement processes or systems in place. For the proposed program, there will
be opportunities for input from and concerning the instructor(s), students, employers, and other
partners/stakeholders. Program need and labor market information will be periodically re-
(Abstract continued)
evaluated and changes will be requested, as needed.
3. Adverse impact and detrimental duplication. The college will follow all current laws, rules,
and procedures and has made good faith efforts to avoid or resolve adverse intersegmental
and intrasegmental impact and detrimental duplication problems with other relevant programs
or institutions.
4. Program records maintenance and congruence. The college acknowledges that the
records concerning the program title, curriculum, CIP code, credit hours, etc. maintained by the
Department are the official records and it is the college’s responsibility to keep their records
aligned with those of the Department. The college will not make changes to the program
without informing and/or receiving approval from the Department.
The Computer Support Technician AAS degree is designed to prepare students for
employment in computer support positions within an organization or as health care informatics
specialists within medical organizations. Both the Computer Support Option (90-92 credits)
and the Health Care Informatics Option (91-92 credits) provide skills in computer hardware
and software to meet the needs of an increasingly technical society. Those students taking
the Health Care Informatics Option will also gain knowledge and skills necessary for working
in the medical industry.
The Health Care Informatics Assistant certificate (50 credits) is designed to prepare students
for employment as health care informatics assistants within medical organizations. The
program provides skills to prepare students to work in the health care industry. Students will
also be provided with basic skills in computer hardware and software to help meet the
increasing technical demands of the health care industry.
Note: The proposed Health Care Informatics Assistant related certificate is more closely
aligned with the CIP of 51.0709 Medical Office Computer Specialist/Assistant because of its
specific focus in the health care area.
Program Highlights
Standards: The College has met the five program approval standards.
1. Need
The community college provides clear evidence of the need for the program.
Computer support specialist and other related jobs are projected to grow
through 2016 at a rate of over 14% statewide and over 21% within region 8
(Jackson and Josephine counties).
Projected employment for Computer Support Specialists in Region 8
(Jackson and Josephine counties) by 2016 is 347 positions.
Salary ranges in Region 8 (Jackson and Josephine counties) range from
$24,668 to $49,379 for Computer Support Specialists and range from
$33,634 to $50,440 for Health Care Informatics Specialists.
Five other Oregon community colleges provide training in computer support,
help desk, or end-user support, but none provide options for health care
The Health Care Informatics one-year certificate and the Health Care
Informatics Option in the AAS degree should attract more females to the
profession. It is a borderline non-traditional occupation.
Replaces an articulated AS degree with University of Phoenix that will provide
students with in-depth computer support training.
(Abstract continued)
2. Collaboration
RCC has had a long relationship with Asante Medical Systems, Providence
Medical Center, Ashland Community Hospital, and other health care
providers in southern Oregon.
Asante Health Systems approached Rogue Community College to partner in
a Robert Wood Johnson Foundation grant to develop a program in Health
Care Informatics. RCC collaborated with numerous departments within
Asante including Imaging, Lab Information Systems, Nursing, and the IT
departments in developing some of the curriculum for the Health Informatics
Additional support comes from other health care providers in southern
Oregon including Providence Medical Center, Ashland Community Hospital,
and Grants Pass Clinic. Members of these organizations actively participate
in the Computer Support/Health Care Informatics Advisory Committee.
Students transitioning from high school to RCC may complete 6 prerequisite
credits, 27 to 29 core credits, and all of the program elective credits they need
for the AAS through 2+2 articulation agreements with the local high schools.
After initial concern was expressed by a local private career school about this
program, RCC successfully resolved a potential adverse impact claim.
The community college program is aligned with appropriate education, workforce
development, and economic development programs.
4. Design
Programs were developed in connection with a pilot project with Asante
Medical Systems funded, in part, by a Robert Wood Johnson Foundation
The rapid influx of technology in the medical field has created the need for
specialized training in informatics
The community college utilizes systemic methods for meaningful and ongoing
involvement of the appropriate constituencies.
3. Alignment
Minimum standards for mathematical computation, reading and writing levels
have been established.
General education requirements included within the program provide a
foundation of knowledge essential to the success of computer support
specialists and health care informatics specialists.
One of the goals of the grant with Asante Medical Systems is to create
additional career pathways for frontline workers in health care. Asante
created a health care informatics assistant position that aligns with the Health
Care Informatics Assistant one-year certificate and a health care informatics
specialist position that aligns with the AAS degree in Computer Support with
the Health Care Informatics Specialist Option.
Rogue Community College has also partnered with Oregon Institute of
Technology to develop an AS degree that will articulate to the Information
Technology/Health Informatics Option baccalaureate degree at OIT.
Once the program is approved, RCC will submit the program to the WIA
eligible training provider list.
The community college program leads to student achievement of academic and
technical knowledge, skills, and related proficiencies.
(Abstract continued)
5. Capacity
The Computer Support program and the Health Care Informatics Assistant
one-year certificate are open admission programs. Students must submit
proof of high school or GED completion, and meet academic prerequisite
The Computer Support program is designed to meet the Guidelines for
Associate Degree Programs to Support Computing in a Networked
Environment created by the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)
Two-Year College Education Committee.
According to the ACM guidelines, graduates will be able to perform
installation, configuration, maintenance, troubleshooting, and documentation
services in selected environments; assist in training end users; evaluate and
recommend software and hardware; and implement extensions to
applications programs. Importantly, the graduates will also be equipped to
adapt to changes in computer technology. Graduates will have the capacity to
assist end users in direct (face-to-face) and indirect (through use of
technology) manner. They will know the computer systems that they support
and the technology for interacting with end users. RCC will prepare students
to meet these program outcomes.
In addition to the above ACM outcomes, those seeking the Health Care
Informatics one-year certificate and the Health Care Informatics Option within
the Computer Support AAS degree will also be able to communicate with and
assist other health care professionals by gaining a foundation in medical
terminology, anatomy and physiology, and understanding the legal aspects of
patient information in medical organizations.
The AAS in Computer Support includes 12 credits of CWE to allow for
training in specialized computer systems and software with local employers.
Graduates of the Computer Support program will have sufficient educational
background to pursue further degrees at various colleges and universities. A
total of 26 credits from the one-year certificate in Health Care Informatics and
42 credits from the AAS in Computer Support/Health Care Informatics Option
would apply toward the AS degree that articulates to the Information
Technology/Health Informatics Option baccalaureate program at OIT.
The community college identifies and has the resources to develop, implement,
and sustain the program.
Program will have general fund support.
Pilot program with Asante Medical Systems was grant funded through the
Robert Wood Johnson Foundation.
There are only five new courses within this program. All other courses are
already offered by RCC.
At least two full-time instructors are receiving training in health care
informatics and will be directly supporting and teaching program core courses
as part of their ongoing workloads.
Debbie Moller
Education Specialist
Camille Preus
DCCWD Commissioner
The Commissioner and Staff Recommend Adoption of the Following Resolution:
(Abstract continued)
RESOLVED, that the State Board of Education approve the Computer Support
Technician (Associate of Applied Science Degree); with related Options in Computer
Support and Health Care Informatics, and a related Certificate of Completion in Health
Care Informatics Assistant at Rogue Community College.
(Abstract continued)
Oregon Department of Community Colleges
And Workforce Development
Public Service Building
255 Capitol St. N.E.
Salem, Oregon 97310-0203
Office of Educational Improvement & Innovation
Action Item
Policy Issue: Staff Action on New Career and Technical Education Programs
Proposed Community College Program
State Board Standards--Staff Analysis Abstract
Name of College:
Program Title:
Proposed Start Date:
Board Submission Date:
Adverse Impact Completed:
Type of Program:
Tillamook Bay Community College
Industrial Maintenance Technology
September 19, 2008
June 26, 2007
Associate of Applied Science Degree
90 _____________________________
CIP Code: 47.0303 ______________________
CIP Title:
Industrial Mechanics and Maintenance Technology
 Option Title
CIP Code:
CIP Title:
 Certificate of Completion
CIP Code: 47.0303
CIP Title:
Industrial Mechanics and Maintenance Technology
 Career Pathway Certificate of Completion
CIP Code: 47.0303
CIP Title:
Industrial Mechanics and Maintenance Technology
Business and Industry (closed enrollment)
Assurances: The College has met or will meet the four institutional assurances required for
program application.
5. Access. The college and program will affirmatively provide access, accommodations,
flexibility, and additional/supplemental services for special populations and protected classes
of students.
6. Continuous Improvement. The college has assessment, evaluation, feedback, and
continuous improvement processes or systems in place. For the proposed program, there will
be opportunities for input from and concerning the instructor(s), students, employers, and other
partners/stakeholders. Program need and labor market information will be periodically reevaluated and changes will be requested, as needed.
7. Adverse impact and detrimental duplication. The college will follow all current laws, rules,
(Abstract continued)
and procedures and has made good faith efforts to avoid or resolve adverse intersegmental
and intrasegmental impact and detrimental duplication problems with other relevant programs
or institutions.
8. Program records maintenance and congruence. The college acknowledges that the
records concerning the program title, curriculum, CIP code, credit hours, etc. maintained by the
Department are the official records and it is the college’s responsibility to keep their records
aligned with those of the Department. The college will not make changes to the program
without informing and/or receiving approval from the Department.
The Industrial Maintenance Technology degree program provides options for people either
entering or working in various maintenance career fields. Students receive a strong theoretical
foundation and application of skills and knowledge in electricity/electronics; mechanical
systems; pneumatics; hydraulics; programmable logic controls (PLC); sensors; robotics; with
applied theory in hands-on lab experiences. Individuals who have minimal experience, or are
already working in the field, should work closely with the program advisor to explore options
utilizing cooperative education and other on-the-job experience activities.
Courses and program will be connected to and articulated with the high school via College
Now credit. Recruitment will focus on the local high school. Course work will be community
college courses. Although courses will be connected to an approved apprenticeship program,
courses and program will be made available to the general public for upgrade training,
advancement, or new jobs.
The Industrial Maintenance Technology (IMT) program provides a pathway for high school
students, employees, and job-seekers, through college courses, certificates, and/or
apprenticeship to the Associate of Applied Science (AAS) degree. After completion of the
AAS in IMT, graduates will be prepared for career advancement within the industry. Additional
education might lead to baccalaureate degrees and beyond in management or engineering.
Career opportunities include local and regional wood products mills, secondary wood
products companies, local food processors, and additional opportunities outside the area in
manufacturing and maintenance for pulp & paper, wood products, food processing,
warehousing, chemical processing etc. within Oregon or any industrial application needing
maintenance technicians in the electro-mechanical systems and automation fields.
Program Highlights
Standards: The College has met the five program approval standards.
6. Need
The community college provides clear evidence of the need for the program.
Tillamook Bay Community College (TBCC) was approached by a coalition of
employer and economic development representatives about the need for a
postsecondary program to address current and projected needs for trained
Industrial Maintenance Technicians.
Manufacturing is Tillamook County’s second largest non-farm employment
sector. The proposed program will prepare graduates to enter several of the
County’s high wage industries, including wood product manufacturing,
nonmetallic mineral product manufacturing, and food manufacturing.
Local employers are especially concerned about replacement of an aging
(Abstract continued)
skilled workforce. Tillamook County’s unusually high percentage of population
over age 55 means increased difficulty in finding qualified workers within the
County to fill replacement positions. The IMT program, based on partnerships
with secondary schools and employers, is designed to meet this critical need.
7. Collaboration
The community college utilizes systemic methods for meaningful and ongoing
involvement of the appropriate constituencies.
8. Alignment
The community college program is aligned with appropriate education, workforce
development, and economic development programs.
9. Design
This program has been developed by industry professionals and reviewed by
leaders in local schools, TBCC, and economic development.
The majority of the courses will be offered at shared Tillamook High School /
TBCC facilities through a partnership between TBCC and the Tillamook
Public School District.
The project (degree and curriculum) will be used as a model of future joint
ventures between industry, the College and public schools in Tillamook
Members of the Advisory Committee who guided development of the program
and will continue to be involved in program implementation and continuous
improvement include: Rick Baldwin and Mark Farrier of Hampton
Affiliates/Tillamook; Dr. Orrin Greene, Stimson Saw Mill/Tillamook; Dennis
Tracey, Stimson Lumber Company/Forest Grove; Matt Reynolds, Stimson
Sawmill/Forest Grove; and Nathan Bathon, Stimson Hardboard Plant/Forest
This degree program includes a career pathway with a Pathways Certificate
that builds into a 1-Year Certificate that builds into the degree like a ladder.
This program aligns with local economic development and workforce initiative
aimed at making local businesses more competitive on a global market
through improved productivity of employees.
The degree program aligns with 4-year Millwright Apprenticeship programs in
local mills.
The degree program aligns with Oregon Institute of Technology (OIT)’s
Bachelor of Technology Program whereby these technical students could
pursue a bachelor’s degree in future.
The community college program leads to student achievement of academic and
technical knowledge, skills, and related proficiencies.
Student learning outcomes exist for each certificate and degree.
Student learning outcomes and course content outcome guides exist for all
courses in the program.
Course content and learning outcomes reflect local employment standards as
well as state and national skill sets.
Ongoing evaluation will be provided by an Advisory Committee, students, and
program review.
Students who successfully complete this degree will be able to: integrate
scientific and mathematical concepts in diagnosis and repair of industrial
equipment; apply scientific and mathematical concepts as well as
technological applications in the improvement of work process and production
(Abstract continued)
efficiencies in a work place; and apply concepts from communication and
personality disciplines to aid team building process and product improvement
as well as assist in other life roles.
10. Capacity
The community college identifies and has the resources to develop, implement,
and sustain the program.
Resources for development and implementation provided by grants and
employer support.
The partnership with the Tillamook School District will provide technical
Because of strong support from industry, the program will prosper without
compromising other TBCC programs. No other programs at TBCC will be
harmed by the addition of the IMT program
Revenue generated directly from tuition and fees plus Full-Time Equivalent
(FTE) reimbursement will sustain the program.
Debbie Moller
DCCWD Education Specialist
Camille Preus
DCCWD Commissioner
The Commissioner and Staff Recommend Adoption of the Following Resolution:
RESOLVED, that the State Board of Education approve the Industrial
Maintenance Technology Associate of Applied Science Degree program with related
Certificate of Completion and Career Pathway Certificate at Tillamook Bay Community