Plant Genetics PBG 430/530 Crops Building 122 Winter Term 2012 Dr. Patrick Hayes Class: MWF 10:00 – 10:50 Office: CRPS 253, Office hours: 11- 12 MWF or by appointment. Note - if you contact by email, please use a message header stating "Message from a Plant Genetics student". Otherwise your message may get lost in the spam folder. Recommended Reading: o o Griffiths et al. 2008. Introduction to Genetic Analysis (9th Edition). Optional Alternative texts on reserve at Valley Library for CSS430/Hort430. Please request books by VR # Genetics: Analysis and Principles (Third Edition) Brooker, Robert J Valley Reserves - Genetics: From Genes to Genomes (Third Edition) Hartwell, Leland H Valley Reserves -- Course Requirements: Two midterms, seven quizzes, final exam, class participation Grading (430): Two midterm exams Six quizzes (lowest score dropped) Final exam Class participation 46% 24% 25% 5% 530: Exams, quizzes, and participation per 430 (for 80% of final grade). 530 Friday assignments (10% of final grade) and participation in 530 Fridays (10% of final grade). Prerequisites: One year of General Biology and General Chemistry. Course Structure and General Description: The structure, expression, and manipulation of plant genomes will be explored using the principles and theory of classical and contemporary genetics. This course is designed to build a solid foundation in plant genetics and to stimulate further, more specialized, study. Some genetics background helpful, but not required. Instructional Objectives: Provide students with skills and confidence needed to investigate complex plant genetics issues. Enhance research and critical thinking skills. Stimulate an enduring curiosity for the role of genetics in determining variation. Learning outcomes: Upon completion of this course students should have the ability to: 1. Describe the major concepts in plant genetics: sources of genetic variation, mechanisms of reproduction, transmission of genetic information, and alternative genome organizations. 2. Identify causal DNA, RNA, and protein polymorphisms that lead to phenotypic variation. 3. Calculate probabilities of inheritance of specific alleles and allele combinations given raw data. 4. Identify the mechanisms that lead to sexual differentiation in plants and the consequences that these mechanisms have on population structure, genetic diversity, and strategies for directed evolution. 5. Choose appropriate molecular breeding strategies for meeting specific breeding and genetics objectives. 6. Diagnose inheritance patterns and the underlying genetic mechanisms. 7. Interpret structural and regulatory differences and use this information to choose appropriate molecular breeding technologies. 8. Organize information from more than one viewpoint on controversial issues relating to nonsexual gene transfer and gene flow. University and Departmental Policies Please note: "Students with documented disabilities who may need accommodations, who have any emergency medical information the instructor should know, or who need special arrangements in the event of evacuation, should make an appointment with the instructor as early as possible, no later that the first week of the term. In order to arrange alternative testing, the student should make the request at least one week in advance of the test. Students seeking accommodations should be registered with the Office of Services for Students with Disabilities." Cheating or plagiarism by students is subject to the disciplinary process outlined in the Student Conduct Regulations. Students are expected to be honest and ethical in their academic work. Academic dishonesty is defined as an intentional act of deception in one of the following areas: * * * * * cheating- use or attempted use of unauthorized materials, information or study aids fabrication- falsification or invention of any information assisting- helping another commit an act of academic dishonesty tampering- altering or interfering with evaluation instruments and documents plagiarism- representing the words or ideas of another person as one's own Behaviors disruptive to the learning environment will not be tolerated and will be referred to the Office of Student Conduct for disciplinary action. “The goal of Oregon State University is to provide students with the knowledge, skill and wisdom they need to contribute to society. Our rules are formulated to guarantee each student's freedom to learn and to protect the fundamental rights of others. People must treat each other with dignity and respect in order for scholarship to thrive. Behaviors that are disruptive to teaching and learning will not be tolerated, and will be referred to the Student Conduct Program for disciplinary action. Behaviors that create a hostile, offensive or intimidating environment based on gender, race, ethnicity, color, religion, age, disability, marital status or sexual orientation will be referred to the Affirmative Action Office.” Course Policies In general, students are expected to behave responsibly and respectfully of others. There are a few specific policies: 1. attend class and participate in discussions 2. do required readings 3. turn in required work at the scheduled times. Schedule for Plant Genetics CSS/Hort 430 Winter Quarter 2012 Date January 9 11 13 16 18 Topic Class overview Local plant genetics issues with global genetics implications Mendelian inheritance No Class Mendelian inheritance Event Lecture Lecture 20 Sex determination 23 Chromosome biology 25 27 30 February 1 3 Chromosome Biology Linkage and mapping Linkage and mapping DNA: form and function DNA: form and function 6 8 Exam 1 From DNA to protein Lecture 10 From DNA to protein Lecture 13 From gene to phenotype Lecture 15 17 20 22 24 27 From gene to phenotype Molecular breeding Molecular breeding Transgenics Transgenics Sexual reproduction and apomixis Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture 29 Sexual reproduction and apomixis Lecture March 2 Open Lecture + exam review Readings Chapter 1 Chapters 2, 3 Lecture Chapters 2, 3 MLK Holiday Lecture Journal article Lecture Journal article Lecture Journal article Lecture Chapters 2, 3 Lecture Chapter 4 Lecture Chapter 4 Lecture Chapter 7 Lecture + Chapter 7 exam review Chapter 7,8,9 Chapter 7,8,9 Chapter 11,12 Chapter 20 Chapter 20 Chapter 20 Chapter 20 Chapter 20 Journal article Journal article 5 7 Exam 2 Haploids to polyploids Lecture 9 Haploids to polyploids Lecture 12 Quantitative traits Lecture 14 16 Genome architecture Genome architecture Lecture Lecture Final Exam Journal article Journal article Journal article Chapter 14 Chapter 14