St Anne`s Primary Standards and Quality Report 2011-2012

Saint Anne’s Primary School
Standards and Quality Report for Session 2011-2012
1 About our
school /
Saint Anne’s Primary School is a Roman Catholic School which serves the
Barrowfield, Calton and Gallowgate areas of Glasgow. The present school building
was opened on 24th January 1968. The school has a very good reputation in the local
community and has strong links with local businesses, councillors and partnerships.
The school has a very strong, welcoming ethos and staff and parents are committed
to ensuring that learners are provided with the highest quality education. Children are
supported and challenged to meet their potential at school through the provision of
high quality and varied learning experiences. Learners are provided with extensive
opportunities to learn life skills and are encouraged to be successful, confident,
responsible and effective in every aspect of their lives.
In session 2011/12 the teaching complement was 12.1 full time equivalent which
includes the Headteacher, 1.4 Principal Teachers and 0.3 Music Specialist. There are
five full time Clerical Support Assistants with one Pupil Support Assistant working as
our Nurture Assistant.
Through the review of Management Structures in Glasgow Schools in April 2012 the
Management Team was enhanced to include, in addition to the Headteacher, a
Depute Headteacher and two Principal Teachers. All members of the Management
Team have clear remits and responsibilities and are highly committed to school
improvement through rigorous Quality Assurance and Self Evaluation.
The Learning Community has a Full Time English as an Additional Language Teacher
who is allocated to the needs of individual establishments. This session the teacher
worked with a significant number of our children to support them to achieve their
potential at school.
The school roll is continually rising and this year it rose to 216 learners, with an
excellent intake of 42 Primary One Children for Session 2012/2013.
Saint Anne’s Primary School Standards and Quality Report 2011/2012
The school is set in generous surroundings and offers excellent accommodation for
learners, staff and the local community. There are fourteen well proportioned
classrooms, a gymnasium with changing rooms, an assembly hall and an enclosed
garden. The school has a lovely treed, grassy area as well as a full size football pitch.
This year, in working towards our forth Eco Schools Scotland Green Flag, we began
the development of the outside grassy area including seating areas and a physical
activity wooden play area.
This will be further developed in Session 2012/2013 to improve our Outside Learning
Opportunities and to increase opportunities for learners to raise their fitness levels
both as part of the curriculum and beyond.
The school has a very successful Nurture Class – The Starlight Room - where a
number of children have been supported to ensure their needs are met.
East Educational Psychological Services are situated on the top floor of our school
and last session North Educational Psychological Services joined them. We have a
very strong partnership with Educational Psychology and regularly seek advice from
them to ensure we provide the highest quality curriculum which meets all our learners
The school has a very supportive Parent Council who work alongside the
Headteacher and Staff to ensure continual school improvement. The school has
strong links with parents who work together to support the schools vision, values and
The Secondary School in our New Learning Community is Saint Mungo’s Academy.
The Saint Mungo’s Academy New Learning Community consists of two Nursery
Schools, five Primary Schools and one secondary school for children with Additional
Support Needs.
All establishments in the Learning Community have a joint Improvement Plan to
ensure we provide the highest quality education through working together to ensure
excellent teaching and learning, transitions, assessment and moderation.
Saint Anne’s Primary School received support this session from Psychological
Services, SENICT, Caledonia Language Unit, Greenview School, Rosepark School,
Network Support, Physiotherapy, Sensory Impairment Support Team, Bilingual
Support Team, Speech and Language Therapy, Childline, REACT, FARE, SOS,
Department of Child and Family Psychiatry, Social Services and The Children’s
Saint Anne’s Primary School Standards and Quality Report 2011/2012
2 Our vision,
values and
The aim of Saint Anne’s Primary School is to ensure that all of our children are
supported and challenged to meet their potential while working in strong partnership
with parents, outside agencies and the wider community. The school has high
expectations in terms of attainment, achievement and attendance and continually
aspires to providing the highest quality of education possible. In line with all local and
national guidelines, Saint Anne’s Primary School aims for excellence through setting
out clear expectations which positively embraces diversity and inclusion. Our vision,
values and aims are integral in the work and life of the school and are at the heart of
school improvement and school improvement planning.
Reflecting Glasgow’s City Council’s Children’s Charter our Vision and Values
Statement is as follows;
We are proud of our Catholic School and we know that we have a right to an excellent
education where everyone is included. We know that it is our responsibility to learn as
much as we can and to help others learn.
Our school is a fun place to be in and we feel happy, safe and very well cared for. We
know the importance of and try hard to live a healthy lifestyle. We know that we have
a right to be heard. In our school we are listened to and our views are taken into
In Saint Anne’s Primary School our Parents, School Staff and Parish Priest all work
together to make sure we reach our potential as Confident Individuals, Successful
Learners, Responsible Citizens and Effective Contributors.
Our school motto is ‘Reach for the Stars’. We always do our best and try to ‘be all we
can be’ to make sure our dreams in life come true.
In Saint Anne’s Primary School our values are important beliefs about how we should
As a community we have five common values which we share;
We love and respect ourselves and others equally.
We are honest, fair and truthful.
We work hard and always try our best.
We take responsibility for our own actions and behaviours.
We know it is ok to make mistakes but we learn from them and bounce
back when things go wrong.
These values are represented in our Values Characters as indicated below. Learners
are issued ‘Values Vouchers’ when they display these values. These were designed
by learners as part of our Personal and Social Development Programme.
Rhonda Respect
Saint Anne’s Primary School Standards and Quality Report 2011/2012
Roy Responsibility
Hannah Honesty Bounce Back Bob
What outcomes have we achieved?
Our successes Improvements in performance (Quality indicator 1.1)
achievements The overall quality of improvements in performance is very good.
Attainment and achievement of learners is continually improving. Learners have
made very good progress from their prior levels of attainment across the four contexts
for learning. This can be evidenced through careful monitoring and tracking of
learners’ progress through improved planning and evaluation by classteachers, SMT
classroom observations, extensive professional dialogue as well as formative and
summative assessment of learners.
This session learners’ progress was evidenced using diagnostic assessment in
writing, reading and mathematics. Evaluation of these results showed that learners’
across the school being adequately challenged and supported to meet their potential
at school.
Taking into account the changes to the curriculum and advice from Building the
Curriculum 5, our Quality Assurance Calendar for Session 2012 / 2013 has been
improved to include specific information regarding formal assessment of learners’.
Last session we introduced changes to the way learner’s progress is reported to
parents. All formal reporting to parents is now based on learners’ Personal Learning
Plans and Profiles. Staff, learners and parents are all involved in this process
including three face to face meetings and two written reports. This has been very
successful and evaluation has shown that parents and learners understand and feel
more fully involved in the teaching and learning process.
This new improved process has contributed to ensuring learners have more
involvement and choice in their learning as well as being adequately supported and
challenged, allowing for personalisation and choice in their curriculum.
Our nine School Councils learners allow learners to continue to become more
successful, confident and able to exercise responsibility and contribute to the life of
the school and the wider community. This session two representatives of the School
Councils took part in a Glasgow City Council Event on Pupil Voice where they spoke
to schools across Glasgow about our very successul model. This session all councils
have made a significant contribution to school improvement e.g. organisation of a very
successful Health Week, review of school Promoting Positive Behaviour Policy, a
very well supported Back Pack Appeal, changes to the procedures for School
Lunches, the development of an outside physical activity area and various fund raising
events to purchase resources for school.
Over the session learners’ have been given an extensive range of activities for
personal and wider achievement including Primary 7 children attending a residential
experience in Blairvaddach Outdoor Centre. This was an extremely valuable
experience where children challenged themselves personally as well as learning the
skills of working as part of a team.
Saint Anne’s Primary School Standards and Quality Report 2011/2012
Saint Mungo’s Learning Community has a joint Improvement Plan to ensure we
provide the highest quality education through working together to ensure excellent
teaching and learning, transitions, assesment and moderation.
Through evaluation of Session 2011/12 Learning Community Improvement Plan
including our individual school priorities there has been a clear improvement in the
quality of teaching and learning in the school which has raised the attainment and
achievement of learners.
All members of staff across all establishments were involved in taking forward these
priorities and met on a regular basis. This was evaluated to have been a very positive
experience where relationships between establishments were enhanced and expertise
was shared to support and develop teaching and learning.
Priorities and impact on performance of learners is as follows;
To enhance transition from Pre-Five Establishments to Primary School a transition
project was undertaken including reciprocal visits by staff across sectors. The
beginning of a Learning Community Transition Calendar was developed to be finalised
next session. Through evaluation by all involved this was a very successful project
which enhanced relationships between establishments, allowed opportunity to share
good practise at the Early Level and in turn improve transition for learners.
A high quality Literary Study based on the novel ‘Dark Waters’ was written and
implemented at Second Level to ensure shared standards from Primary 7 to S1.
Teaching and Learning in Reading was audited, evaluated, standards shared and
moderated as well as standardisation in planning, assessment and transition
This work was extremely successful and as part of our SIP 2012/2013 it will now be
developed into an Interdisciplinary Project across all Primary Schools and
Departments in Saint Mungo’s Academy to ensure Literacy Across Learning.
Teaching and Learning in Writing was audited and evaluated across the Learning
Community which led to a moderation exercise from Early to Third Level. Through the
development of a bank of examples of writing at all levels, standards were shared
across the learning community. This was a challenging but successful initiative which
will be further developed into a Learning Community Writing Policy and Guidelines in
Session 2012/2013.
Numeracy and Mathematics
Through very high quality professional dialogue and the auditing of the practice of
teaching and learning in aspects of mathematics and numeracy across the learning
community there is now a much more coherent and consistent approach to the
teaching and learning of mathematics. A successful transition project between
Primary 7 and S1 was very successful in improving transitions and this will be further
developed in Session 2012/2013.
Saint Anne’s Primary School Standards and Quality Report 2011/2012
Personal Learning Planning and Reporting
A common Personal Learning Plan was introduced across the Learning Community to
ensure consistency and shared standards. This has enhanced children’s contribution
and understanding of their own learning and will provide a good basis to enhance
transitions across establishments.
As a school we are further ahead in this area than the majority of schools in the
Learning Community. However, our good practice and the good practice identified in
schools will be used to further develop this to include a consistent Primary Seven
Profile and system for Reporting to Parents.
Religious Education
The Learning Community Working Party began to support teachers to have a better
working knowledge of ‘This is our Faith’ Guidelines produced by the Catholic Church
for the teaching of Religious Education in Catholic Schools.
Teachers were given the opportunity to attend a range of CPD opportunities to
support their engagement with the experiences and outcomes for Catholic Religious
Although this has initiated the process of this engagement with this document
evaluation has shown that there is a need for further substantial CPD and
development of curricular planning and assessment. This will be a priority in our
Learning Community Improvement Plan Session 2012/2013.
Our school priority was to develop Homework to a more Shared Home Learning
Experience. Although development has taken place in this area with some excellent
practice including whole school Shared Home Learning Eco-Challenges on evaluation
we would like to engage parents more in this process.
Through evaluation it is apparent that parents prefer this new style of homework and
feel that they are able to enjoy working with their children and become more involved
in their learning.
Although no longer a priority on our Improvement Plan this will become the
responsibility of a Principal Teacher to work with a group of staff, pupils and parents to
ensure higher standards and a more formal, coherent programme in this area.
On evaluating the Learning Community and School Improvement Plan it can be
clearly evidenced that it has had a very strong impact on the quality of teaching and
learning in our establishment.
Saint Anne’s Primary School Standards and Quality Report 2011/2012
How well do we meet the needs of our school/centre community?
How well do we meet the needs of our school/centre community?
Learners’ experiences (Quality indicator 2.1)
The overall quality of learners’ experiences in Saint Anne’s is very good.
Through the School Self Evaluation Process and Monitoring Programme it is clear that
there has been a significant improvement this session in the extent to which learners
are motivated and actively involved in their own learning and development.
Building on the wide range experiences already in place in Saint Anne’s Primary
School the following priorities were develop, enhance and widen the experiences of
our learners;
Personal Learning Planning and Profiling
Extensive work has been completed this session to ensure all learners are actively
involved in their learning. All learners have a Profile to record and celebrate their
achievement and attainment and Personal Learning Planning is used to set and
review targets to ensure all learners are supported to meet their potential at school.
High quality feedback has taken place between staff and learners and has been used
to set next steps in learning. Through evaluation of this process it is clear that it
focused learners and ensured support and challenge for all.
Whole School Councils
This session Whole School Councils were formed in the following areas;
Pupil Council
Promoting Positive Behaviour Council
Health and Safety Council
Eco Council
Nurturing School Council
Health and Well Being Council
Global Citizenship Council
School Research
Every child in the school was represented in a council and these were run by learners
under the guidance of classteachers and support staff.
The formulation of these Whole School Councils ensured that all learners had their
views listened to and acted on. Evaluation showed that learners are very satisfied
with the school’s provision and the improvements they were able to make.
Records of all meetings, progress and successes of councils is available if required.
Saint Anne’s Primary School Standards and Quality Report 2011/2012
Outdoor Learning
Learners are given a very varied programme of outdoor learning which included
further development of our outside classroom, eco greenhouse and garden as well as
opportunities to learn about the outside including the weather, seasons, plants and
growing. In all weathers, children learned road safety skills through walking
programmes in conjunction with The Community Action Team. Funding has been
sought to further develop our outdoor grassy area into an outdoor fitness play area
which can be used to further enhance our outdoor learning programme.
Children continue to use the garden to grow vegetables, fruits, herbs and plants which
are used in our ‘Come Cook With Us’ Initiative.
PAC Time
To ensure children had specific opportunities for Personalisation and Choice and to
further develop our Lifeskills Golden Time Programme we continued our PAC Time.
This was specific time in the week where teachers planned and organised activities of
learners’ choice. This included opportunities for learners to take part in our very
successful choir, complete personal projects and take part in a variety of sports,
science and technology activities
Significant improvements have been made to ensure Saint Anne’s Primary School
learners are actively involved in the decision making within the school and from Self
Evaluation it is clear that they feel their opinions and views are taken into account.
Our learners understand the four capacities and strive to become successful,
responsible and confident. Learners contribute very effectively to the school and the
wider community in a variety of very successful initiatives.
Feedback from learners has show that they feel safe, nurtured, healthy, achieving,
active, included, respected and responsible and help to develop these qualities in
others. The children in Saint Anne’s Primary are very proud of their school and their
Saint Anne’s Primary School Standards and Quality Report 2011/2012
How good is the education we provide?
3B The work and
life of our
school /
The Curriculum (Quality indicator 5.1)
The overall quality of the curriculum is very good.
In line with Building the Curriculum in Saint Anne’s Primary School our curriculum is
the totality of experiences which are planned for our learners through all aspects of
their education.
Our curriculum ensures we have a whole school strategic curriculum plan to ensure
high quality teaching and learning taking into account the four contexts for learning.
Our curriculum is designed to promoted challenge, enjoyment, breadth and depth as
well as progression, relevance, coherence, personalisation and choice in learning for
all of our pupils.
Specific progress has been made in the following areas;
Ethos and Life of the School
Our school has a very positive ethos and climate of respect and trust based upon our
clear vision and values. To ensure a deeper understanding of our school values and
what they mean in our day to day lives learners were involved in the development of
characters which represented our school values. These are used as part of our daily
routine in school to identify and reward learners who clearly show behaviours which
promote effective learning and well being of our school community.
This session we have strengthened our Parent Council who now have a much more
active involvement in the life of the school.
Every child in our school is actively involved in a council. The councils meet fortnightly
and all staff and pupils are involved. We have 10 councils; P.P.B, Pupil Council,
Health and Safety, Nurturing School, Global Citizenship, Eco, Health and Wellbeing,
Fundraising, Recycling and School Research. These councils give the children the
opportunities to makes changes within the school. They work collaboratively across
the stages and have made many important changes and positive contributions to the
school e.g. planned health week, decided on school reward system, introduced a fair
trade tuck shop, used the HNIOS indicators to evaluate how nurturing our school is,
manage recycling, raised £880 pounds for school funds, completed the Environmental
Review, whole school clean up and surveyed children on their preferred learning style
which resulted in changes to teaching and learning throughout the school. Two pupils
represented the school at a Pupil Voice conference in the City Chambers to staff and
pupils from all over the city to present how we run our Whole School Councils. This
was a valuable experience which was very well received and as a result other schools
are visiting our school to see the councils in action.
Relationships with parents, staff, pupils and outside agencies are very strong and
supportive and the warm, happy, fun ethos of the school is commented on regularly by
visitors to the school.
Saint Anne’s Primary School Standards and Quality Report 2011/2012
Curriculum Areas and Subjects
As a staff we continually reflect, evaluate and redesign our curriculum to ensure we
have strategic curriculum plan to allow for specific subject learning as well as
interdisciplinary learning and opportunities for personal achievement. Last session
this was reviewed and evaluated on a regular basis to ensure learners were making
progress in the outcomes and experiences and the curriculum was planned creatively
to encourage deep, sustained learning which met the needs of our learners.
Extensive work took place in improving planning and assessment. We have reviewed
our planning format and procedures for all curricular areas and new planners were
This has led to the development of a new planning format which will be in place in
August 2012. This will include a set of school guidelines and advice for planning.
On evaluation it was clear that this ensured more consistency across the school and in
turn will enhance the quality of transitions between stages.
This session we achieved a Diamond Four Enterprise Award for the excellent
enterprise work that takes place throughout the curriculum. This included the
introduction of our ‘I can do anything conference’ for Primary 7 children in our own
school and we invited another Primary School to join us. This was extremely
successful in highlighting Education for Work, Lifelong Learning and Career
Opportunities to our learners. Evaluation was extremely positive and this event will be
extended next session.
We extended our curriculum this session to include opportunities for global citizenship
as we continued our link with a Primary School in Malawi and contributed to Holyrood
Secondary’s Malawi Project by having a very successful Back Pack Appeal.
Through SMT monitoring of teaching and learning and extensive dialogue with staff
and learners it was clear that change had been embraced and significant
improvements were evident in teaching and learning in all classes. Teachers had
planned innovatively, creatively and where appropriate alongside learners and it was
clear that learners were more independent in their learning and engagement and
motivation was extremely high in all classes. Learners report that learning is fun,
active and enjoyable and could clearly state what and why they were learning and
could relate this to their own experiences and transfer skills.
This improved curriculum and the extensive opportunities learners were offered out
with the curriculum has given learners clear opportunities to develop as successful
learners, confident individuals, responsible citizens and effective contributors.
Saint Anne’s Primary School Standards and Quality Report 2011/2012
These opportunities included;
Clyde in the Classroom
Lunchtime and Breakfast Club Football
The Scottish Parliament – Streets Ahead
Experiencing the seasons in Pollock Park
Fix This Choir Project
School Production of ‘ A Blast from the Past’
Holocost Memorial Day Event in City Chambers
Interdisciplinary Learning
Whole school interdisciplinary studies were written by staff to ensure learning took
place beyond subject boundaries so that our learners were able to make connections
between different areas of learning.
Themes for IDL were decided as a staff and planned on a whole school basis.
Examples of these IDL project are as follows;
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
Whole School Ancient Civilisations e.g.The Egyptians, The Greeks, The
The Olympics
Eco Challenges
Opportunities were created for mixed stage learning wherever possible, One
particular success was when Primary 3 and 4 worked extremely well together to plan
and implement an IDL on the Egyptians which ended by the opening of their Museum
to showcase their work. This was very high quality and showed the confidence of the
children, their enthusiasm, and deep understanding they had achieved through their
ownership of their learning.
Across the school evaluation has shown that learners are much more engaged,
motivated and enthused in this type of learning. They report that they enjoy leading
their learning and having the opportunity to plan activities and take more responsibility
and ownership.
The whole school contributed to Financial Education Week which expanded the
children’s knowledge about the world of work and allowed them to begin to connect
their current learning to their future choices.
On evaluation it has also shown that this type of learning has allowed us to provide
more challenge and depth in contexts that are meaningful to the children.
Saint Anne’s Primary School Standards and Quality Report 2011/2012
Opportunities for Personal Achievement
In Saint Anne’s Primary School Learners are given extensive opportunities to help
build motivation, resilience and confidence as well as a sense of satisfaction and
Our Golden Time Programme and PAC Time (Personalisation and Choice Time) offer
learners choice in their learning and an opportunity to learn new skills such as
cooking, gardening, growing, sewing, various sports challenges and singing. Learners
are given the opportunity to achieve in areas which they are personally interested as
well as offering challenge in a supportive environment. Learners report that these
times in the school week are the most fun and enjoyable and there is clear evidence of
learners progressing in their chosen areas.
This session our Choir was extremely successful in winning the Ian Barrie Award for
the second year running in Hymn Singing Section of the Glasgow Choir Festival as
well as coming second in the Primary Schools Section. Following this the choir have
performed in many events across Glasgow. Due to their success we were awarded a
substantial amount of money for a choir project. The choir worked with a local song
writer to write the lyrics and music to a song which they entitled ‘Fix This’. The song
addressed issues of territorialism and sectarianism which the children face every day
in their lives. The song has been extremely successful and the opportunities the
children have had to perform have had a significant effect on their confidence and self
Our Football Team won the Mc Vittie’s East End Football Cup and were runners up in
the Glasgow Cup. The boys were complimented on their attitude and behaviour from
a variety of adults attending the games.
Learners across the school have also worked with a variety of outside agencies to
learn skills in biking, swimming, road safety, dance, football, outdoor survival, mini
Olympics, cookery, art and design and gymnastics.
Our Summer Show was also extremely successful where learners were able to use
their skills in the Expressive Arts to perform ‘A Blast from the Past’ to their parents
showcasing their skills in singing, dancing, stage management and scenery design.
Through our improved Personal Learning Plans children recognise and record their
own achievements, successes and set themselves challenging goals and targets.
Teachers report that children are becoming much more able to recognise their
successes and speak about these confidently. It is clear through whole school
assemblies and Masses that learners are becoming much more confident to speak out
and voice their opinions and thoughts.
There have been great opportunities for learners to experience and celebrate success
which are showcased at our annual ‘Celebration of Achievement’ where children are
recognised for achievements in attendance, behaviour, attitude and effort as well as
specific achievements such as football, choir, swimming and our Cannon Lyne Award.
Saint Anne’s Primary School Standards and Quality Report 2011/2012
All of these initiatives provide the children with a sense of satisfaction and help to build
motivation, resilience and confidence. As a school we strive to provide as many
experiences as possible both in the classroom and beyond to ensure they have the
best opportunities possible and to make learning fun and enjoyable.
Meeting learning needs (Quality indicator 5.3)
The overall quality of meeting learning needs is very good.
In Saint Anne’s Primary School there are clear arrangements for meeting the needs of
all learners including potentially vulnerable groups and addressing all barriers to
There is a happy, friendly, caring ethos in the school and all staff work together to
provide a high quality learning environment for all learners. Teachers are familiar with
national and local guidelines to ensure all learners’ needs met and care and welfare in
the school is of the highest quality.
There are clear systems in place and all staff are supported by the Principal Teacher
who is Support for Learning Co-ordinator and Headteacher who meet on a regular
basis to address the needs of all learners. All staff are flexible, innovative and creative
in their thinking and adapt the curriculum to ensure the needs of all vulnerable
learners are being met.
This session under the guidance of SMT all classteachers have been responsible for
the formulation of Additional Support Plans for learners identified in their classes who
require additional support. Through discussion with staff across the school it is clear
that almost all learners in the school have made very good progress and have been
supported and challenged adequately to reach their potential.
Regular meetings take place with the Support for Learning Co-ordinator and Staff to
discuss individual learners needs and particular groups of learners needs are being
met. Support Staff are allocated to particular learners and groups of learners to
ensure learners are adequately supported and challenged. Support Staff are very
effective and have very good relationships with learners that they are responsible for.
All staff in the school are trained in Child Protection and are highly skilled in identifying
and supporting vulnerable children. All staff follow the guidelines and procedures set
out in Glasgow City Council Management Circular 57 in terms of Child Protection.
As a staff we work co-operatively with Social Work Services, The Children’s Reporter
and other relevant professionals to ensure all children’s needs are being met.
Alternative provision from Caledonia Language Unit, Greenview, Barnardo’s, Child
Line, The Notre Dame Centre, EAL Outreach services and well as the Bilingual Unit
was sought to ensure the needs of all learners was met. On evaluation this was very
effective in ensuring a number vulnerable learners were able to access the curriculum
and reach their potential at school.
Saint Anne’s Primary School Standards and Quality Report 2011/2012
Under the guidance of SMT all teachers have the responsibility to formulate PRFs for
identified learners. A clear system has been put in place to highlight learners with
additional support needs and record any relevant information to ensure there are
concise chronologies.
This year our Learning Community was given a fulltime English as an Additional
Language Teacher. We benefited from this teacher for two blocks of eight weeks
where she supported a significant number of learners two days a week. Having a
number of learners with EAL, she was able to provide guidance and direct support to
allow them to access the curriculum more fully and meet their potential at school.
A member of Staff was trained this year in the ‘Seasons for Growth’ programme and
identified learners throughout the school took part in this programme. This supported
learners socially and emotionally to deal with change and on evaluation it was
reported that this made a difference to their confidence and gave them additional
support where required.
In addition to this several identified groups of learners benefited from Cognitive
Behaviour Therapy which addressed specific needs in positive thinking and building
resilience. This very positively affect the behaviour and attitude of many learners
across the school.
Individual Support was given by a Pupil Support Assistant to children who were
identified as reading below their chronological age. This resulted in their reading ages
dramatically rising.
We have been fortunate to have a reading expert this session from the charity ‘The
Readers Trust’, who has worked with children across the school to increase their
motivation and enthusiasm for reading. His enthusiastic and highly skilled approach
had a significant impact on the learners he worked with in particular some of our
Primary 7 boys who have gained a genuine interest in reading.
Improvement through self-evaluation (Quality indicator 5.9)
The quality of Self Evaluation is very good.
This session self evaluation has been integral to improving our curriculum to ensure
we are up to date with current policy and guidance to secure continuous improvement.
Teachers are active practitioners and in turn teaching and learning is very good across
the school. Teachers use a planned programme of self reflection and evaluation using
HGIOS 3 Quality Indicators on a termly basis. This is also used as a focus for
classroom monitoring and observation by the Headteacher and is discussed at termly
meetings where teaching and learning is discussed in detail to ensure the needs of all
learners are being met.
All staff are involved in the PRD Process with the Headteacher which is a high quality
professional discussion to ensure staff were supported to develop professionally.
Following these meetings learners CPD requests are given to the Principal Teacher
who ensures all CPD requests will be met.
Saint Anne’s Primary School Standards and Quality Report 2011/2012
Peer Observation is taking place across the school and staff are clearly sharing their
talents and skills to develop others. This has been a particular success with new staff
who have been able to develop and improve their professional ability through working
closely with colleagues. We clearly identify strengths and areas for improvement in
the school and good practise is now identified and shared to ensure continual school
Through rigorous tracking, self evaluation, monitoring and professional discussion
considerable changes have been made to the quality of teaching and learning across
the school. We have very strong partnerships with a number of services for children
to continually secure improvement. This can be evidenced through continual
improvements in attainment and achievement across the school.
Staff worked in a collegiate manner this session, as a staff, individually and in teams
to take forward the priorities both in the Learning Community Improvement Plan as
well as School Priorities. Staff evaluated the effectiveness of the SIP 2011/2012 and
this will be reported to the Pupil and Parent Council. The views of all stakeholders
were taken into account and where appropriate views acted on.
Our school community takes pride in having a joined- up approach to improvement
across all that it does. All staff, learners and parents are committed to acting on the
results of high quality self evaluation and can show clear evidence of improvement
based on our actions as part of our self evaluation.
As a school we clearly know where we are and how to improve. Self evaluation is
rigorous and acted upon and it improves the successes and achievements of learners
and the school community more widely.
How good is our leadership?
3C Vision and
Leadership of improvement and change (Quality indicator 9.4 with
aspects of QIs 9.1-9.3)
The quality overall quality of Leadership of improvement and change is very good.
As a school was have a clear, coherent vision of what is important for our school, its
community and our learners. As a school community was have strong, shared values
that are integral to the life and work of our school.
All staff work in a collegiate manner, relationships are very good both as a staff and
with partner agencies and the wider community. Learners are friendly and motivated
and they great pride in their school and their achievements. We have built on our
nurturing environment for learning and wide range of rich experiences provided for
children to achieve. Partnerships with parents, agencies and the wider community is
a clear strength of the school as is the enthusiasm and commitment of all staff in
Saint Anne’s Primary School Standards and Quality Report 2011/2012
working together to secure improvements for children and families.
As outlined in sections of this document priorities in the SIP 2010/2011 were met and
enhanced teaching and learning and in turn attainment and achievement across the
All staff within the school have responsibility for an area of the curriculum including
Literacy, ASN, ECO and Outside Learning. As outlined earlier in this document this
was extended this year to show leadership at every level where all staff and learners
had a role in a school Improvement Team. All staff are committed to ensuring
learners’ are given the highest possible quality of education and are support to meet
their potential at school.
Leadership in the school is devolved, shared and strong. Staff use their talents and
strengths to lead improvement and innovation and learning and teaching.
This session has seen tremendous improvements in all aspects of school life. This is
due to the ability of those with leadership roles at all levels being able to encourage
and support innovative practices which have brought about positive changes in
learners’s experiences.
What are our areas for improvement in the coming session?
4 How good
can we be?
Throughout each academic session, individual establishments evaluate improvements
in performance, learners’ experiences (including teaching for effective learning and
assessment for learning), the curriculum, meeting learning needs and improvement
through self evaluation.
In addition, each establishment reflects on the extent to which they understand,
analyse and share standards in order to support effective assessment.
Senior leaders in our Learning Community have worked together to evaluate current
practice across the community. The results of this evaluation identified our key
strengths and areas for improvement in order to ensure effective transitions and
continuity in the learning and development of all.
Saint Anne’s Primary School Standards and Quality Report 2011/2012
Taking this into account the following priorities for our Learning Community have been
To develop approaches across the Saint Mungo’s Learning Community to
enhance transition.
Transition calendar is produced as reference across the Learning Community
re transition arrangements.
DVD is evaluated only by young people and parents.
Transition documents are in place and used to support young people.
Raising attainment through sharing standard in literacy across the Learning
Criteria established to assess performance in aspects of literacy.
Inter Disciplinary Learning Project developed and actioned across
Learning Community.
Benchmarks established to track progress in reading and enhance
Inter Disciplinary Learning evaluated by young people and staff.
Raising attainment through sharing standards in literacy across the Learning
Exemplars of writing used to moderate writing across the Learning
Community and ensure high, consistent standards of achievement.
Criterion Scale improved as a moderation tool to ensure high, consistent
standards of achievement in writing.
All establishments using the Moderation of Writing Policy.
Methodology and assessment standardised across the Learning Community
to ensure moderation of standards in particular at the transition stages.
Saint Anne’s Primary School Standards and Quality Report 2011/2012
Through moderation and sharing standards, raise attainment in numeracy
across the Learning Community.
Positive evaluation from young people regarding their learning
experiences in aspects of numeracy.
Criteria established to assess performance in aspects of numeracy.
Using identified criteria moderate identified aspect across the Learning
Community to an agreed standard.
Benchmarks established to track progress in numeracy and enhance transition.
To enhance transition and responsibility for learners by empowering learners to
take responsibility for their own learning and improve the involvement of
parents in the process.
PLP format used consistently across Learning Community.
PLP used to discuss progress across Learning Community and evaluated
duly by young people and parents.
Personal Learning evaluated by parents, learners and staff.
To build capacity to implement “THIS IS OUR FAITH” with a view to:
 Teachers acquainting themselves with the document to enhance their own
understanding of the key aspects of the Catholic Christianity.
 To become familiar with documentation and reflect on how it will support the
purpose of religious education in our Learning Community
 Teachers to engage with draft overview of Religious education themes for P –
 Teachers to undertakea range of CPD opportunities to support their
engagement with the experiences and outcomes for Catholic religious
 Transition programme from primary to secondary have an increased focus on
the faith and spiritual needs of our pupils.
Saint Anne’s Primary School Standards and Quality Report 2011/2012
In line with Glasgow City Council Priority on Promoting Positive Behaviour
specific Saint Mungo’s Learning Community are reviewing policy and
guidelines on Inclusion to ensure consistency across all establishments.
Clear policy, procedures and guidelines in place to ensure all establishments
have a common approach to ensuring they are inclusive and meet all
learners’ needs.
A common approach to Promoting Positive Behaviour being used at identified
stages to enhance transition to Saint Mungo’s Academy.
To raise levels of attainment in Numeracy through implementation of teaching
using the Stages of Early Arithmetical Learning.
Through assessment children will have a sound knowledge of number
bonds, how numbers are built up and how this impacts of all areas of
Children will learn skills that can be transferred and used in all areas of
Mental calculations and will increase mental speed. This will be evident
through raised attainment in Numeracy and will be identified through
tracking young people’s progress
To implement GLOW throughout the school and ensure that all staff, young
people and parents are trained in this process.
Young People’s Log Ins will be used frequently and they will utilise this resource in
order to increase their skills and abilities in all areas of the curriculum.
For further information contact:
Miss Louise Hamilton
Saint Anne’s Primary School
35 David Street
G40 2UN
Tel – 0141 554 2734
Saint Anne’s Primary School Standards and Quality Report 2011/2012
Saint Anne’s Primary School Standards and Quality Report 2011/2012