OFFICERS REPORT - DELEGATED Ref No: 053754 Proposal: Erection of 1no. dwelling Location: Isfryn, Pentre Lane, Buckley, CH7 3NY Applicant: Mrs Sarah Edwards Date Valid: 19 May 2015 Case Officer: Mrs P Roberts Expiry Date: 14 July 2015 Consultation & Responses Local Member: Councillor Mrs CA Ellis: Send observations that the road is a public right of way and that there are parking restrictions. However, does not object. Buckley Town Council: No observations. Public Protection: No adverse comments Highways (DC): Have no objections and do not wish to make a recommendation on highway grounds Environment (Rights of Way) – There are no footpaths in the area so has no observations to make. Clwyd Powys Archaeological Trust: Request the imposition of a condition requiring a watching brief. Natural Resources Wales: Request assessment regarding protected species Buckley Commoners and Graziers: No objections. Dwr Cymru/Welsh Water: Request the imposition of conditions and advisory notes. Coal Authority: Following the submission of a coal risk assessment requests that suitable conditions are imposed on any permission requiring ground investigations works to be undertaken prior to commencement on site. Neighbours: No responses received at time of writing. Relevant History & Policies: 1 52/23803 – Erection of a detached bungalow approved 1.11.94 043028 – Outline – Erection of dwelling approved 10.8.07 046499 – Reserved matters application – Erection of a dormer bungalow approved 3.9.09 Flintshire Unitary Development Plan – Policy GEN1, HSG3, D1, D3, AC13, AC18 The proposal would comply with the above policies. Planning Appraisal: This application is a full application for the erection of a dwelling at ‘Isfryn’ Pentre Lane, Buckley. The application site is located within the settlement boundary of Buckley and has previously been granted permission for a dormer bungalow in 2009. The applicant has now submitted a full application for a two storey property within the existing height limits of the dormer bungalow and with a similar footprint. The main issue on this site was the relationship with the surrounding properties and the design and location of the property has come about through pre-application discussions with the case officer to ensure that there is no impact on the occupiers of these dwellings. The height, scale and design of the property fits in with the scale of the properties in the locality, particularly Isfryn which it lies behind. The property has been orientated so that it does not overlook the adjacent properties and to ensure adequate separation distance between it and ‘Isfryn’. Highways have no objection to the proposal. There have been no objections from neighbours. Taking into account the previous permissions, it is considered that the amended design is acceptable and will not harm visual amenity nor the amenity of the surrounding properties. As such, the proposal is considered to comply with planning policy and is recommended for approval. Recommendation Code: Approve Conditions: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. T01 T02 M01 M03 Prior to commencement of development, details shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority of a scheme to conserve protected species within the site with specific reference to Great Crested 2 Newts together with details of appropriate mitigation measures where required. REASON: In order to ensure the safeguarding of protected species 6. No works of site clearance, demolition or construction shall take place in pursuance of this permission unless a licence to disturb any such species has been granted in accordance with the aforementioned regulations and a copy thereof has been produced to the Local Planning Authority. REASON: In order to ensure the safeguarding of protected species. 7. The developer shall ensure that a suitably qualified archaeological contractor is present during the undertaking of any ground works in the development area, so that an archaeological watching brief can be conducted. The archaeological watching brief will be undertaken to the standards laid down by the Institute for Archaeologists. The Local Planning Authority will be informed in writing, at least two weeks prior to the commencement of the development, of the name of the said archaeological contractor. A copy of the watching brief report shall be submitted to the Local Planning Authority and the Development Control Archaeologist, Clwyd-Powys Archaeological Trust, 41 Broad Street, Welshpool, Powys, SY21 7RR tel: 01938 553670 within two months of the fieldwork being completed. REASON: To safeguard any archaeological features on the site. 8. Foul water and surface water discharges shall be drained separately from the site. Reason: To protect the integrity of the public sewerage system. 9. No surface water shall be allowed to connect, either directly or indirectly, to the public sewerage system unless otherwise approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. Reason: To prevent hydraulic overloading of the public sewerage system, to protect the health and safety of existing residents and ensure no detriment to the environment. 10. Land drainage run-off shall not be permitted to discharge, either directly or indirectly, into the public sewerage system. Reason: To prevent hydraulic overload of the public sewerage system and pollution of the environment. 11. The proposed development site is crossed by a public sewer with the approximate position being marked on the attached Statutory Public Sewer Record. Under the Water Industry Act 1991 Dwr Cymru Welsh Water has 3 rights of access to its apparatus at all times. No part of the building will be permitted within 3 metres either side of the centreline of the public sewer. Reason: To protect the integrity of the public sewer and avoid damage thereto. 12. Prior to commencement of development, site investigation works shall be carried out in the form of:i) The submission of a scheme of intrusive site investigations for approval; ii) The undertaking of that scheme of site investigations iii) The submission of a report of findings arising from intrusive site investigations iv) The submission of a scheme for remedial works for approval; and v) The implementation of those remedial works. REASON: The site is located within a high risk coal mining area and investigations are required to ensure safety and stability of the works. In considering this planning application the Council has acted in accordance with the Human Rights Act 1998 including Article 8 of the Convention and in a manner which is necessary in a democratic society in furtherance of the legitimate aims of the Act and the convention. Notes to Applicants 1 Informatives N13 Plans Application form Date received 24.6.15 Design and Access Statement received 19.5.15 Block plan (Amended) at scale 1:500 received 24.6.15 Floor plans and elevations at scale 1:100 received 19.5.15 2. N16 3. The application is advised that if a connection is required to the public sewerage system, the developer is advised to contact Dwr Cymru Welsh Water's Developer Services on 0800 917 2652. Some public sewers and lateral drains may not be recorded on our maps of public sewers because they were originally privately owned and were transferred into public ownership by nature of the Water Industry (Schemes for Adoption of Private Sewers) Regulations 2011. The presence of such assets may affect the proposal. In order to assist us in dealing with the proposal we request the applicant contacts our Operations Contact Centre on 0800 085 3968 to establish the location and status of the sewer. Under the Water Industry Act 1991 Dwr Cymru Welsh Water has rights of access to its apparatus at 4 all times.The Welsh Government have introduced new legislation that will make it mandatory for all developers who wish to communicate with the public sewerage system to obtain an adoption agreement for their sewerage with Dwr Cymru Welsh Water (DCWW). The Welsh Ministers Standards for the construction of sewerage apparatus and an agreement under Section 104 of the Water Industry Act (WIA) 1991 will need to be completed in advance of any authorisation to communicate with the public sewerage system under Section 106 WIA 1991 being granted by DCWW.Welsh Government introduced the Welsh Ministers Standards on the 1st October 2012 and we would welcome your support in informing applicants who wish to communicate with the public sewerage system to engage with us at the earliest opportunity. Further information on the Welsh Ministers Standards is available for viewing on our Developer Services Section of our website www.dwrcymru.comFurther information on the Welsh Ministers Standards can be found on the Welsh Government website - This response is based on the information provided by your application. Should the proposal alter during the course of the application process we kindly request that we are reconsulted and reserve the right to make new representation. If you have any queries please contact the undersigned on 0800 917 2652 or via email at 4. The applicant’s attention is drawn to the advisory notes attached regarding archaeological watching briefs. Date of Recommendation: 29.7.15 5