CYPD CLIENT LIAISON GROUP Minutes of meeting held on 14 Dec 06 Present: Geoff Black, Chairman Ron Sparrow, Client Liaison Manager Mark Pearson, Strategic Planning Manager John England, Strategy & Support Manager Dee Rogers, PCT Information Governance & Records Manager Mark Rickard, IS Project Manager Jim Atkinson, Commissioning Manager Tim Browne, Head of CYP Support Apologies: Liz Hadley, ICT Advisor Carol Bodkin, Child Health Records Development Manager 1 Minutes of the Last Meeting The minutes of the last meeting were accepted as a true record. 2 Matters Arising RS reported that the diagram showing EMS usage by service area was still being worked up. RS would bring to the next meeting. ACTION: RON SPARROW. Liz Hadley would bring her paper on curriculum and admin systems in schools to the February meeting. ACTION: LIZ HADLEY. Mary Holland would be asked to bring her information sharing recommendation report to the February meeting. ACTION: MARY HOLLAND. The B2B issue for non-SIMS schools was ongoing and it was agreed to discuss again at the February meeting. In the meantime RS would investigate a specification for migrating schools to SIMS and produce a summary for the group. ACTION: GEOFF BLACK & RON SPARROW. 3 MIDAS Update MP stated that he was due to conduct a review of the MIDAS project and would report back to the next meeting. ACTION: MARK PEARSON. 4 Youth Service MIS The group accepted the proposal to procure the QES package for the Youth Service. However, it was stressed that the package was an interim solution and a more strategic and integrated solution may be selected at later date. It was agreed to review the situation around Dec 07 / Jan 08. 5. Potential Projects for 2007-09 Programme RS suggested that the projects below should be removed from the programme, as they were no longer relevant: ESCR National Target 3. All new and pre-existing documents, including audio and video, for current cases must be retrievable electronically ERIC - provision of business benefits Workflow Support ERIC clients to design security model Support ERIC clients to identify consent design Support ERIC clients in designing process to move away from paper records DERIC (SOAP API calls not Smartsave) ESCR National Target 2. Audio and video documents for all new cases must be stored and retrieved in electronic format ERIC Reporting suite for managers Support ERIC total electronic recording pilots ERIC off line He went on to state the, following projects should be included in the programme but had yet to be resourced: EMS Training Manager Child Action project (Integrated working) - Sponsor = Helen Price. EMS Training Manager for SIMS/ERIC (incl. Training Manager online) - Sponsor = Mike Greenman, Peter Cottey, Dawn Waite. EMS Early Years/CHIS EMS module - Sponsor = Janet Sharpe. EMS CSS (Children’s Support Services) for Vulnerable Pupils Admission Policy Sponsor = Tim Browne. EMS CSS (Children’s Support Services) for AEOs (Assistant Education Officers) - Sponsor = Mary Holland. EMS CSS (Children’s Support Services) for Youth Offending Service - Sponsor = Phil Kendrick EMS CSS (Children's Support Services) for Glos Outreach Service - Sponsor = Ros Sutton Group members were asked to forward any objections to the above to Ron Sparrow by the end of Jan 07. ACTION: ALL. 6. ICS Strategic Plan It was agreed that development of the in-house ICS system should cease once the phase one implementation was complete. After this time the system would continue to be supported but no new functionality would be introduced. At this time the future of ICS would be reviewed in order to source a suitable more integrated solution. It was agreed that the initial approach would be to carry out a detailed assessment of the Capita ICS module in January to see if it met GCC requirements. It was agreed that provided the Capita system met all of the essential requirements it would be the preferred option, as it should integrate fully with the current EMS system. MR and Pete Harwood would develop a framework for the assessment and co-ordinate a review of the Capita module in Jan 07 and report back to group members by the end of Jan 07. It was agreed that the group would then provide recommendations to the Directors Group for a final decision to be made. It was recognised that replacing the current ICS would be politically very sensitive and work would need to be done to engage with stakeholders. The group discussed a possible implementation timetable. It was suggested that whilst the procurement of a new package could occur relatively quickly, it was highly unlikely that any users could be migrated onto the system until after the JAR. It was also agreed that the CLG should act as the ICS Project Board in future. The current ICS PMB would be asked to act as a Customer Liaison Group. ACTION: MARK RICKARD. 6. ICT Strategy Update MP stated that he would shortly be publishing a strategy draft for consultation. 7. IS Index Project MR gave an update on the IS Index project. The PID, Risk & Issues Log, Communications Plan and stakeholder plan were submitted for approval and were accepted with minor amendments. MR stated that the first two stakeholder briefings were to be held on 15 and 22 Jan 06. Invitations were being sent to specific stakeholders and open invites were being circulated in GCC publications and in partners’ newsletters through corporate communications. MR stated that the project plan would be brought to the next meeting. RS suggested that a rough budget should also be presented. 8. Data Exchange With Health / Caldicott Guardian MR stated that recent meetings with health demonstrated that while data sharing and matching was already occurring, it was very labour intensive. He suggested that if complete sets of young people’s data could be shared then a more automated system could be established to match records and share information. The group generally agreed with the suggestion but acknowledged that there were a number of data protection issues that would need to be resolved. TB and DR agreed to meet in their capacity as Caldicott Guardians to discuss a way forward. ACTION: MARK RICKARD. 9. Children’s Workforce ICT Systems RS put forward a proposal that FMS should be used as the primary data store for recording training and system access related information (CRB checks etc) for Children’s Workforce staff. It was agreed that MR and RS would put forward a recommendation to the CYPSP. ACTION: MARK RICKARD & RON SPARROW Mark Pearson undertook to relay this information to the GUS project team. ACTION: MARK PEARSON. 10. FM Contract Update JE stated that Vivista Sunguard had been awarded the new FM contract for ICT. 6. Date of Next Meeting The next meeting would be held at 1000-1230hrs on 28 Feb 06 in Room 6.