TERMS OF REFERENCE – FRAME CONSULTANCY CONTRACT Background Tanzania has for several decades been among the development partners of Norway and is at present one of Norway’s main partner countries. The focus of the Norwegian support is to contribute to Tanzania’s economic growth and poverty reduction. The support focuses mainly on General Budget Support, Good Governance, Natural Resource Management/ Environment, Energy and Health. The administration of Norwegian development cooperation is to a high degree delegated to the Norwegian Embassy in Dar es Salaam. Each cooperation partner is obliged through the programme or project agreement to furnish the Embassy with budgets, work plans, financial statements and audit reports on the use of the support provided by Norway. The Embassy has identified a need to secure a thorough understanding and proper follow-up among its programme officers regarding such matters. To strengthen their capacity, the Embassy will enter into a frame contract for assistance in analysing and following up such documents, as well as related tasks. As part of the support to the Natural Resource Management/Environment, the Embassy plans to enter into agreements with a substantial number of grant recipients. Experience shows that many grantees have limited capacity for accounting and sound financial management. The Embassy therefore wishes to use the frame contract to assist the grantees to improve their financial management practices. The purpose of the frame contract is to ensure quick access to consultancy services in this area, without having to enter a new contract for each individual assignment. It is anticipated that the frame contract will bolster the Embassy’s capacity and also contribute to increase the ability of Tanzanian cooperation partners to manage development cooperation resources in a satisfactory manner. Assignments The contract will cover two types of assignments: 1. Assignments related to advising the programme officers at the Embassy. 2. Assignments related to assisting grant recipients to improve their financial management practices The two types are described in greater detail below: 1. Advising programme officers at the Embassy The contract will cover ad-hoc assignments related to advising the programme officers in developing, analyzing and running programs. It is expected that the assignments will fall into three main categories: 1 a. Fiduciary risk assessments of institutions and analyses of programme documents, examples of possible assignments: Give advice and possibly perform an assessment in order to establish whether potential or actual recipients have the necessary internal control and administrative procedures to ensure that granted funds will be utilised in an accountable and transparent manner. On request, provide advice on the quality routine controls of the partner institution. Assess whether the control routines are adequate for financial monitoring of programmes. Give advice on the use of local auditors, and on the role, integrity, qualifications, and competence of different local auditors. b. Assistance in relation to analysis of work plans and budgets, progress reports, financial statements, and audit reports, examples of possible assignments: Review selected audit reports, management letters and accounts in order to help the Embassy in the assessment of their quality, and propose necessary follow-up. Advise and if called upon, perform on-the-job training of Embassy in the field of auditing and financial management. c. Assistance in connection with special audits and investigations, examples of possible assignments: Give assistance and advice in case of suspected or real fraud, mismanagement or corruption related to support administered by the Embassy. Provide quality assurance on Terms of Reference for special audits. Conduct special audits in cases of suspected fraud, mismanagement or corruption. 2. Assisting Grant recipients to improve their financial management practices As mentioned, the company that is awarded the frame contract will be asked by the Embassy to work with grantees to improve their financial management practices. This will include, but not be limited to: Visiting grantees on a regular basis to oversee accounting and offer assistance in improving accounting practices and systems if needed. Organise in service training in financial management for accounting staff and management in selected institutions. 2 Assist in the preparation of manuals and guidelines where such do not exist or are inadequate for the tasks being performed at the specific institution. Report to the Embassy on performance and possible needs for additional follow up to improve grantee administrative capacity. Capacity and experience The selected firm needs to have detailed knowledge and experience from public financial management at central and district levels, accounting regulations and practices in private sector and Non Governmental Organizations. The incumbent company should have sufficient staff to undertake several assignments and follow a number of grantee programmes at the same time. It is also crucial to have diplomatic tact and skills to work with a variety of partners in a spirit of cooperation and building internal capacity, while at the same time being alert regarding improper or illicit financial management practices. Reporting All reporting will be in writing. Additionally, the company may be requested to produce reports or other material as part of a larger assignment. Any such reporting obligations will be described in the ToR for the assignment in question. Time schedule It is anticipated that the frame contract will be awarded and signed before 1 July 2009. The frame contract will provide the legal basis for ordering consultancy services. The individual assignments will be agreed in exchange of emails between the Embassy and the Consultant on a case-by-case basis. This includes the tasks to be carried out, the number of hours to be used and the deadline for delivery. Duration and budget The Embassy will enter into a frame contract with duration of up to three years. The contract will be reviewed every year and the Embassy reserves the right to terminate the frame contract with three month’s notice if performance is deemed unsatisfactory. The contract will have an upper limit of NOK 3 million (approx. USD 460,000). ******** 3