Normandy Farms, Inc. 4039 Keller-Haslet Rd. Keller, Texas 76248 (817) 430-1909 Stallion Service Contract This contract has been made and entered this date: _____ 20 _____ by and between _______________________________ ( Mare Owner) and Normandy Farms, Inc. THE ABOVE PARTIES HEREBY AGREE TO THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: Normandy Farms, Inc. agrees to live cover or collect semen from the Stallion to be used for the inseminations of the Mare, ________________________________________________________ (Mare’s full registered name and registration number) (Breed) _____________________________________________________________________________________ (Birth date) (Color) (Mare’s sire and number) (Mare’s dam and number) during the current 20_____ breeding season. The mare owner WILL NOT SUBSTITUTE another mare for breeding without prior consent of Normandy Farms. This contract does not cover mares to be bred as embryo transplant donors. There will only be one breeding certificate issued with this contract for cooled transported semen. The breeding certificate will be for the mare described on this contract. This contract is designed to be conducted with all provisions required under the ___________________________ association registration rule, and it will be the Mare owner’s (Specific Breed) responsibility to provide the Association with appropriate certification for registration of the resulting foal. FEES: The Mare Owner agrees to pay Normandy Farms, Inc. the following fees: A. The STALLION SERVICE FEE, contracted for the 20 ___ breeding season, is $________. This fee includes a WORKING FEE of $________, wholly earned and non-refundable. B. All cost of shipping cooled semen will be borne by the Mare Owner. Therefore, a deposit of $________ will be paid by the Mare Owner to Normandy Farms before the initial shipment of semen, to be applied towards these costs: 1. SHIPPING CONTAINER: ( ) a. Purchase of a disposable container shall be $_______. (This container can be used several times if handled properly), OR ( ) b. EQUITAINER RENTAL DEPOSIT: $________. This deposit covers the replacement cost of the container. This shipping container must be returned to Normandy Farms at the Mare Owner’s expense within 2 days from the receipt of the container, by 2nd Day Service. Container must be insured by the Mare Owner for a value of $500. The container must be clean. If ballast bags or coolant cans are damaged or missing, Mare Owner will be charged. No refunds will be made in the event of damage to the container. The Equitainer Deposit, less a rental of $________ per shipment, will be refunded at the end of the current breeding season. 2. SEMEN COLLECTION FEES: Normandy Farms will not charge a fee for collection of semen which is to be used for the Mare’s first three (3) heat cycles. The Mare Owner will be charged $________ per collection for semen required after the third heat cycle by the Mare. 3. SHIPPING FEES: Cooled semen is shipped via overnight service. All cooled semen is collected 3 times a week on an every other day basis. The request for semen must be received by Normandy Farms by noon of the day BEFORE the collection date. SEMEN ORDERS WILL BE HONORED ONLY WHEN MADE BY THE MARE OWNER”S VETERINARIAN. 4. PACKAGING/HANDLING FEES: Additional deposit is required if costs exceed the above deposit, before additional semen is shipped. ALL THE FEES AND DEPOSITS REQUIRED ABOVE WILL BE PAID IN FULL BEFORE SEMEN IS SHIPPED AND WILL BE PAYABLE BY CASHIER’S CHECK OR MONEY ORDER TO NORMANDY FARMS. Upon payment of the above fees, Normandy Farms confirms the Mare’s reservation for the receipt of semen by this Stallion for use during CURRENT BREEDING SEASON, which shall exceed from February 1 through July 31, 20___. Normandy Farms assumes responsibility only to deliver semen in viable condition at the time of delivery. The semen MUST be ordered and administered by a licensed and qualified Equine Veterinarian familiar with the concept and practical use of cooled equine semen. The Mare must be present at the Veterinarian’s facility or a qualified insemination station during her heat cycle and be inseminated there. Attempt to use cooled semen outside the controlled situation can greatly reduce, or even prevent, chances of conception and will cause this contract to be null and void. All semen orders will be filled as received, subject to availability of the Stallion’s semen and Normandy Farms’ approval. If there is insufficient semen to fill all orders of a given day, Normandy Farms will determine which orders will be honored. For ranch-bred mares, this decision will be based on a palpation results; for mares bred off the ranch, this decision will be based on the information provided buy the Mare Owner’s Veterinarian. Semen shipment will only be provided to healthy condition at the time of delivery. In the event the Mare is barren, Normandy Farms requires the submission of a current negative intrauterine culture certificate (taken within 60 days). Normandy Farms will require a uterine biopsy report for barren mares, maidens over 12 years old, or any mare that has a history of breeding problems, or a mare unable to conceive and deliver a live foal from the previous breeding season. The Equine Veterinarian who will be responsible for ordering the semen and inseminating the Mare is: ___________________________________________________________________________ (Name) (Street &/ Mailing Address) ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (City) (State) (Zip) (Phone Number) THE MARE OWNER’S VETERINARIN IS RESPONSIBLE FOR INSEMINATING ONLY THE MARE DESCRIBED HEREIN, and must certify that the Mare’s immunizations for the equine for equine rhinopneumonitis (equine herpes I) are current. 5. BREEDING PRIVELGES: ALL RIGHTS OF BREEDING ARE SUBJECT TO PREPAYMENT OF COSTS AS SET FORTH IN THIS CONTRACT. Normandy Farms service fee above guarantees a live foal to result from this mating. A live foal shall be defined as one that stands and nurses. The rebreeding privilege herein is for ONLY the mare contracted in this agreement, unless Normandy Farms, in dole discretion, accepts a substitute mare. Normandy Farms shall grant rebreeding privileges only for the next breeding season, under the following conditions: A. Normandy Farms must be in receipt of written verification by the Mare Owner’s Veterinarian, of the mare’s failure to deliver a live foal within 2 weeks following the death, abortion or discovery that the mare is not in foal. B. A REBRED WORKING FEE OF $_____ will be charged to the Mare Owner, payable prior to breeding or shipment of semen. A SEMEN COLLECTION FEE will be charged for every collection required by the mare for rebreeding purposes, after three (3) shipments. A deposit will be payable prior to shipping any semen to cover all costs of collections, container fees and shipping/handling fees. In all cases of rebreeding , the required veterinary certification shall confirm that the Mare had been immunized for equine rhinopneumonitis (equine herpes I) during pregnancy and the date of such vaccination. THE STALLION OWNER’S TIMELY RECEIPT OF THE REQUIRED VETERINARY CERTIFICATION IS A CONDITION PRECEDENT TO ANY RIGHT OF REBREEDING. 6. REFUND OF FEES: All WORKING FEES and actual expenses incurred by Normandy Farms for the collection, shipping and handling of the semen are non-refundable. If the Stallion should die or become unfit for service PRIOR TO INSEMINATION OF THE MARE DURING THE PRESENT BREEDING SEASON, this contract shall become null and void. And the Mare Owner shall be entitled to a refund of the balance of the Stallion Service Fee. 7. WARRANTIES: Nothing herein shall be deemed a restriction on where the Stallion shall stand in subsequent breeding season, and neither Normandy Farms nor the Stallion Owner are responsible for any additional costs incurred by the change of the Stallion’s location. The Stallion Owner and Normandy Farms shall not be liable for sickness, disease, injury, or death of the Mare; nor will the Mare Owner be liable for the disease, injury, or death of the Stallion arising out of services contracted by this agreement. Said release of liability includes liability incurred by negligence of any of the parties. Normandy Farms and the Stallion Owner are not responsible for lost, delays or damaged semen, and make no representations or warranties of any kind with respect to any semen furnished hereunder, except that it is the Stallion’s. ALL WARRANTIES OR MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR PURPOSE ARE HEREBY EXCLUDED. This contract cannot be assigned or transferred by the Mare Owner. There shall be no right of rebreeding to this Stallion if the Mare is sold or otherwise changes ownership after having been inseminated by this Stallion. This agreement shall be governed by the laws of the State of Texas. THIS AGREEMENT BECOMES EFFECTIVE ONLY WHEN SIGNED BY THE PARTIES SET FORTH BELOW: Approved by ____________________________ Approved by ___________________________ Mare Owner Signature Normandy Farms Representative _______________________________________ Approved by ___________________________ Street/Mailing Address Stallion Owner _______________________________________ City, State, Zip (Phone) Please Make Your Remittances Payable To: Normandy Farms, Inc. 4039 Keller-Haslet Rd. Keller, Texas 76248 (817) 430-1909