Supervisor at the WCDI seminar

Norwegian People's Aid and Women's Movement of Norwegian Labour Party
WOMEN CAN DO IT programme
Supervisor at the WCDI seminar
Guidelines for the Report
1. Basic information about the seminar
 Date and place
 Type of the seminar (training of trainers, advance training of trainers or
evaluation seminar)
 Names of the national organisations involved in the preparation of the seminar
 Duration of the seminar (number of days and number working hours)
 Trainers (names and organisation)
2. Information about the participants
 Number of participants
 Profile of the participants according to:
- sector (political parties, civic organizations, media, trade union, etc)
- education (high educated/low educated)
- experience from gender related training
3. Impression of the socio/political situation in the area/country
 From a gender perspective what is your main impressions about
- socio-political situation
- economical status
4. Objective of the seminar
 What was the objective of the seminar?
Content of the seminar
Please, list the main topics of the seminar
Was the content of the seminar relevant for the participants? Please, explain.
Were the participants capable to connect the content of seminar with their own
work/public and political engagement?
What are your main recommendations on the content of the seminar?
5. Printed materials for seminar
 What materials did you use for the preparation of seminar?
 What kind of materials was prepared and translated for the seminar by the
 Do you think that the translated materials are useful for participants?
 Do you have some recommendations about printed materials for the seminar?
Norwegian People's Aid and Women's Movement of Norwegian Labour Party
WOMEN CAN DO IT programme
6. Working method
 Please, list the working method which was used by the trainers
 What are your main recommendations regarding the working method?
7. Organization of the seminar
 How was the seminar organized?
 What are your main recommendations regarding the organization of the seminar?
8. Communication with the trainers
 What kind of communication did you have with the trainers and organizers before
the seminar?
 Please, list your main recommendations for future seminars.
9. Presentation of the Norwegian experience
 Are the Norwegian experiences relevant? Why or why not?
 Please, list your main recommendations
10. The Role of the supervisor
 Did the written terms of reference/ role of the WCDI supervisor correspond with
the real role you had?
 How did you like to be a supervisor at the seminar?
o positive and negative experiences
o main challenges
 What effect/value added did your participation have on the training and for the
 Could your resources have been better utilized during the seminar? In case yes,
 For future WCDI seminars: What are the main qualifications that the NLP
supervisors need to have?
11. General recommendations
 Please list the most important recommendations you have for future WCDI
trainings of trainers/evaluation seminars.
Report prepared by:
Place and date: