Sample Schemes of Work and Lesson Plans GCE AS Leisure Studies OCR GCE in Leisure Studies: H128 Unit G182: Leisure Industry Practice This Support Material booklet is designed to accompany the OCR GCE Leisure Studies specification for teaching from September 2009. © OCR 2009 Contents Contents 2 OCR Sample Schemes of Work GCE in Leisure Studies Unit G182: Leisure industry practice 4 OCR Sample Lesson Plan GCE in Leisure Studies Unit G182: Leisure industry practice 7 2 of 8 GCE Leisure Studies A Guided Tour through the Scheme of Work = Innovative Teaching Idea This icon is used to highlight exceptionally innovative ideas. = ICT Opportunity This icon is used to illustrate when an activity could be taught using ICT facilities. GCE Leisure Studies 3 of 8 Sample GCE Scheme of Work OCR GCE in Leisure Studies Unit G182: Leisure industry practice Suggested teaching time 8 hours Topic Safe working practices Topic outline Suggested teaching and homework activities Introduction = Innovative teaching idea 4 of 8 Diagram of leisure organisation with elements of poor health and safety to be identified individually then feedback Group discussion on legislation – what is legislation – why legislation has to be followed? Group Activity: In teams produce and highlight the positives of safe working practices, and the negatives of poor working practices Review of pro’s and con’s and who they are beneficial to – customer or organisation or both? Research the intention of the DDA. Highlight the key features of the act Children Act In small groups brainstorm and come up with reason for having the Children Act Produce a checklist about working with children Discussion on ideas PowerPoint outlining the Children Act intentions Suggested resources Points to note Leisure Studies text books Essentials of health and safety at work (HSE) Health and Safety at Work Essentials: The One-Stop Guide for Anyone Responsible for Health and Safety Issues in the Workplace (Mary Duncan) Computer and internet access Computer and internet access Leisure Studies text books Could be done in pairs or as individuals = ICT opportunity GCE Leisure Studies Sample GCE Scheme of Work OCR GCE in Leisure Studies Unit G182: Leisure industry practice Suggested teaching time 8 hours Topic outline Legislation Topic Suggested teaching and homework activities Produce summary of key points Features of the following pieces of legislation HASWA Data Protection Act COSHH Working Time Regulations Stations activity / group research and feedback Leisure Studies text books Computer and internet access Q/A – what is a risk assessment? Why do we have them? What are they made up of? What do they look like? Understanding key terms – hazard, severity, probability Risk assessment process Leisure Studies text books Five Steps to Risk Assessment (Leaflet) by Health and Safety Executive = Innovative teaching idea GCE Leisure Studies Suggested resources Risk Assessments Safe working practices Points to note = ICT opportunity 5 of 8 Sample GCE Scheme of Work OCR GCE in Leisure Studies Unit G182: Leisure industry practice Suggested teaching time 8 hours Topic outline Topic Safe working practices Suggested teaching and homework activities Suggested resources Points to note Production of risk assessment on smart board Vocational Experience Practical Visit to local leisure facility for talk on health and safety and how it affects them Local Leisure Centre / Facility Vocational Experience Produce a health and safety checklist for an individual in an identified part of the leisure facility feedback to small groups or whole class Practice exam question Local Leisure Centre / Facility = Innovative teaching idea 6 of 8 May need access to areas behind the scenes = ICT opportunity GCE Leisure Studies Sample GCE Lesson Plan OCR GCE in Leisure Studies Unit G182: Leisure industry practice Introduction to Safe Working Practices OCR recognises that the teaching of this qualification above will vary greatly from school to school and from teacher to teacher. With that in mind this lesson plan is offered, as a possible approach but will be subject to modifications by the individual teacher. Lesson length is assumed to be one hour. Learning Objectives for the Lesson Objective 1 Students understand the term legislation Objective 2 Students can identify the positive outcomes of safe working practices for different customer groups Objective 3 Students can identify the negative outcomes of poor working practices for different customer groups Objective 4 Students understand the need for legislation Recap of Previous Experience and Prior Knowledge Link to the exam Outline of exam requirements in terms of time Weighting of the unit in comparison with others Content Time Content 5 minutes Warm up activity – Issue students with diagram of Leisure facility and ask them to identify potential problems – recap as class 10 minutes Students to write definition of legislation on mini white boards or paper then all hold up to teacher to review. Students asked to list as many pieces of legislation they can that they believe to be linked to the leisure industry – review through Q/A on why they have been included, teacher to clarify where necessary 10 minutes Discussion on the need for legislation in society generally and in the Leisure industry. Include student’s own experience of issues involving legislation if they have any to offer. Ask the students who they feel legislation will affect and in what way – staff, customers, and employers – positively and negatively. GCE Leisure Studies 7 of 8 Sample GCE Lesson Plan 20 minutes In small groups of pairs ask the students to complete three mind maps, using both sides of the paper. Employers positive on one side negative on the other. Employees positive on one side negative on the other. Customers positive on one side negative on the other. Consolidation Time Content 10 minutes Students feed back on group activity – producing a master copy on the white board – students to fill in any missing points onto their own mind maps. Teacher to clarify if necessary. 5 minutes Q/A 5 minutes – what is legislation, need for legislation, pieces of legislation 8 of 8 GCE Leisure Studies