COURSE MASTER SYLLABUS A. Academic Division: Health and Public Service B. Department: Respiratory Care C. Course Number and Title: RESP 2320 Advanced Life Support Procedures D. Course Coordinator/Department Chair: Robert Slabodnick, M.Ed., RRT-NPS/Robert Slabodnick, M.Ed., RRT-NPS E. Credit Hours: 1 F. Prerequisites: None G. Syllabus Effective: August 2012 H. Textbook(s) Title: (3 Laboratory hours) Neonatal Resuscitation Author: American Heart Association Year: 2006 Edition: 5th ISBN #978-1-58110-187-4 Advance Cardiac Life Support, Provider Manual Author: American Heart Association Year: 2006 Edition: 2006 ISBN # 978-0-87943-496-0 Pediatric Advance Life Support, Provider manual Author: American Heart Association Year: 2006 Edition: 2006 ISBN # 0-87493-528-8 RESP-2320 Course Master Syllabi Page 2 I. Workbook(s) and/or Lab Manual: None J. Course Description: This course consists of the American Heart Association’s Advance Cardiac Life Support (ACLS), Pediatric Advance Life Support (PALS), and Neonatal Resuscitation Program (NRP). When the student successfully completes this course they will be issued certification cards for each discipline from the America Heart Association. The course is taught by certified AHA instructors. The laboratory hours are arranged. The course will be offered during the term as three separate modules, each two days (approximately 16 hours) dates and times to be announced. K. Core Learning Outcomes Core Learning Outcomes Communication – Written Communication – Speech Culture and Community Critical Thinking Computer Literacy Computation L. Assessments - - How it is met & When it is met Written examination and a direct laboratory demonstration check-off in each specialty course by the end of the term. Written examination Written examination and a direct laboratory demonstration check-off in each specialty course by the end of the term. Written examination and a direct laboratory demonstration check-off in each specialty course by the end of the term. Course Outcomes and Assessment Methods: Outcomes 1. ACLS: The student will understand concepts in: recognizing and initiating early management of peri-arrest conditions, managing cardiac arrest, identifying and treating ischemic chest pain and coronary syndromes, recognizing other life threatening clinical situations and providing initial care, ACSL algorithms, Assessments – How it is met & When it is met Written examination produced by the AHA at the end of the ACLS course RESP-2320 Course Master Syllabi Page 3 and effective resuscitation team dynamics 2. The student will successfully perform an ACLS “Mega code” 3. PALS: The student will be able to recognize and treat infants and children at risk for cardiopulmonary arrest, understand systematic approach to assessment, effective respiratory management, defibrillation and synchronized cardioversion, intraosseous access and fluid bolus administration, and effective resuscitation team dynamics. 4. The student will successfully perform a PALS “Mega code” 5. NRP: By completion of the course the student will understand resuscitation principles associated with the preterm infant: steps in resuscitation, resuscitation of preterm infant, chest compressions, positive pressure ventilation, endotracheal intubation, medications and dosage associated in resuscitation, special considerations, ethics and care of end of life issues, and effective resuscitation team dynamics. 6. The student will successfully perform a NRP “Mega code” M. Laboratory demonstration and check-off at the end of the ACLS course Written examination produced by the AHA at the end of the PALS course Laboratory demonstration and check-off at the end of the PALS course Written examination produced by the AHA at the end of the NRP course Laboratory demonstration and check-off at the end of the NRP course Course Topical Outline: I. ACLS A. Systematic Approach to BLS and ACLS a. BLS survey b. ACLS Secondary Survey B. Effective Resuscitation team dynamics a. Roles of the team leader b. Elements of Effective Resuscitation Team Dynamic C. ACLS Core Cases a. Respiratory arrest case b. VF treated with CPR case c. VF/pulseless VT case d. Asystole case e. Acute coronary syndrome case RESP-2320 Course Master Syllabi Page 4 f. g. h. i. Bradycardia case Unstable tachycardia case Stable tachycardia case Acute stroke case II. PALS A. Pediatric Assessment a. b. c. d. e. General assessment Primary assessment Life-threatening conditions Secondary assessment Assessment of circulatory abnormalities B. Recognition of respiratory distress and failure a. Impairment of oxygenation and ventilation in respiratory problems b. Physiology of breathing in respiratory problems c. Categorization of respiratory problems and severity d. Classification of respiratory problems by types C. Management of respiratory distress a. Initial management of respiratory distress b. Management of upper airway obstruction c. Specific management recommendations for upper airway obstruction etiology d. Management of lower airway obstruction e. Specific management recommendations for lower airway obstruction etiology f. Management of lung tissue disease g. Specific management recommendations for lung tissue disease by etiology h. Management of disordered control of breathing D. Recognition of shock a. Physiology of shock b. Categorization of shock by severity c. Categorization of shock by type a. Hypovolemic shock b. Distributive shock c. Septic shock d. Anaphylactic shock e. Neurogenic shock f. Cardiogenic shock g. Obstructive shock E. Management of shock a. Goals of shock management b. Fundamentals RESP-2320 Course Master Syllabi Page 5 c. d. e. f. g. General management of shock Advance management of shock Fluid therapy Glucose Management of specific categories of shock a. Hypovolemic shock b. Distributive shock c. Septic shock d. Anaphylactic shock e. Neurogenic shock f. Cardiogenic shock g. Obstructive shock F. Recognition and management of brady-arrhythmias and tachy-arrhythmias a. Recognition of brady-arrhythmias b. Management of brady arrhythmias: pediatric bradycardia with pulse algorithm c. Tachycardia d. Sinus tachycardia e. Supraventricular tachycardia f. Comparison of ST and SVT g. Atrial flutter h. Ventricular tachycardia i. Management of tachy-arrhythmias j. Emergency interventions k. Pharmacology therapy l. Pediatric tachycardia with adequate perfusion algorithm m. Pediatric tachycardia with pulses and poor perfusion algorithm G. Recognition and management of cardiac arrest a. Presentations of cardiac arrest b. Causes of cardiac arrest c. Recognition of cardiac arrest d. Management of cardiac arrest e. Basic life support f. Pediatric advance life support in cardiac arrest g. Pediatric pulseless arrest algorithm h. Pediatric cardiac arrest special circumstances i. Social issues and ethics in resuscitation j. Predictors of outcomes after cardiac arrest H. Post-resuscitation management RESP-2320 Course Master Syllabi Page 6 a. Respiratory system, Cardiovascular system, PALS post-resuscitation of shock algorithm, Administration and maintenance of fluids, neurological system, renal system, gastrointestinal system, hematologic system b. post resuscitation transport c. mode of transport and transport team composition d. transport checklist I. Pharmacology a. Adenosine, albumin, albuterol, alprostadil, Amiodarone, atropine, calcium chloride, dexamethasone, dextrose, dipenhydramine, dobutamine, epinephrine, fluroemide, hydrocortisone, inamrinone, ipratropium bromide, lidocaine, magnesium sulfate, methypresnisone, milrinone, naloxone, nitroglycerin, norepinephrine, oxygen, procainamide, sodium bicarbonate, sodium nitroprusside, terbutaline sulfate III. NRP A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. I. J. N. Overview and principles of resuscitation Initial steps in resuscitation Use of resuscitation devices for positive pressure ventilation Chest compressions Endotracheal intubation Medications and dosage used in resuscitation Special considerations Resuscitation of babies born preterm Ethics and care at the end of life Mega code Course Assignment: Laboratory discussion Lab experiments and demonstrations Mega Code performance check-off examination Written examination O. Recommended Grading Scale: 100-95 94-92 91-89 88-86 85-83 82-80 A AB+ B BC+ 79-77 76-74 73-71 70-68 67-65 64-Below C CD+ D DF RESP-2320 Course Master Syllabi Page 7 G:\syllabi-quarter\master syllabi\res\res133.doc\apr’10\lan