Pierre Touzelet Page Issue Date Mullard 20W tube amplifier Feedback loop gain and compensation networks optimization Mullard 20 W tube amplifier – feedback loop gain and compensation networks optimization 1 3 24/08/08 Pierre Touzelet Page Issue Date Document change record Issue 01 02 03 Date 25/02/08 27/02/08 24/08/08 Modified pages All All All Comments First release of the document Update of the document Update of the document Mullard 20 W tube amplifier – feedback loop gain and compensation networks optimization 2 3 24/08/08 Pierre Touzelet Page Issue Date 3 3 24/08/08 1. Objective The objective of this paper is to show how network analysis programs can be used to optimize feedback loop gain and associated compensation networks necessary achieving good damping and stability margins without peaking, when feedback is applied on an amplifier. The amplifier used to illustrate this purpose is the Mullard 20W tube amplifier. 2. Circuit diagram The circuit diagram used to setup the amplifier model is given on the figure 1. For more details on the Mullard 20W tube amplifier, refer to (1). 3 Amplifier model The amplifier model has been setup using the ESACAP network analysis program and according to (2). Despite other network analysis programs can be used, a copy of the model, as developed in ESACAP, is given in annex: 1, for help and information. The amplifier is described in section $$DES, where sub-section $FUN: Limit(x,min,max); defines the limit function, sub-section $FUN: pwrs(x,y);defines the power function, sub-section $CON: gives the input signal parameters, the tube parameters, the core geometry, the OPT magnetic parameters and topology and sub-section $NET: describes the complete amplifier network, according to the schematic diagram. 4 NYQUIST diagram The feedback loop transfer function will be graphically represented in the NYQUIST plane shown on figure 2, on which have been added: The critical point A (-1, 0) The circle R=1, centred on point A, which defines the area of positive feedback The circle Q=2.3 dB, having limit points A and O, which defines the minimum stability margins The vertical line x=-0.5 which defines the peaking conditions Mullard 20 W tube amplifier – feedback loop gain and compensation networks optimization Pierre Touzelet Page Issue Date 4 3 24/08/08 NYQUIST Diagram 3 260 ° 240 ° 280 ° 300 ° 220 ° 2 320 ° X=-0,5 2,3 dB . 200 ° 340 ° 1 Imaginary part R=1 0 O A 180 ° 0° -1 20 ° 160 ° 40 ° -2 60 ° 140 ° 120 ° 100 ° 80 ° -3 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 Real part Figure 1: NYQUIST diagram 5 Feedback loop transfer function optimization To be acceptable, the feedback loop transfer function must be warped in such a way that it stays: Outside the circle Q=2.3 dB, to achieve good stability and damping On the right hand side of the vertical line x=-0.5, to avoid peaking at both ends of the frequency bandwidth. The above conditions define the strategy for the optimization of the feedback loop transfer function. It is generally achieved using an optimum feedback loop gain and additional compensation networks. 5.1 Gain optimization The feedback voltage is defined using a voltage divider across the output load transfer function is, assuming that: Rt Rk H ( p) RL , as shown on the figure 3. Its RL Rk Rt Rk Where: Rk Resistance set to Rt Resistance to be determined to define the feedback loop gain .1k in the Mullard 20W amplifier Mullard 20 W tube amplifier – feedback loop gain and compensation networks optimization Pierre Touzelet Page Issue Date 5 3 24/08/08 Rt Vi Vo Rk Figure 3: Voltage divider A value of Rt 9k has been chosen. With this value, the Routh’s criterion for the NYQUIST diagram of the feedback loop, shown on the figure 4, is not fulfilled. As a result, the amplifier is unstable. However, this choice is maintained because it provides an important feedback loop gain and we will show that the present amplifier instability can be overcome properly using dedicated compensation networks. NYQUIST Diagram Feedback loop 3 260 ° 240 ° MULLARD 20W 220 ° 2 280 ° 300 ° 320 ° X=-0,5 2,3 dB . 200 ° 340 ° 1 Imaginary part R=1 0 A 180 ° O 0° -1 20 ° 160 ° 40 ° -2 60 ° 140 ° 120 ° 100 ° 80 ° -3 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 Real part Figure 4: Feedback loop Nyquist diagram with a voltage divider 5.2 Differential compensation The first compensation network is obtained using a by-pass capacitor across the resistor Rt of the voltage divider defined in section 5.1, as shown on the figure 5. Mullard 20 W tube amplifier – feedback loop gain and compensation networks optimization Pierre Touzelet Page Issue Date 6 3 24/08/08 Ct Rt Vi Rk Vo Figure 5 Phase lead compensation network The transfer function of the above compensation network is: H ( p) Rk 1 Rt Ct p 1 1 a d p Rt Rk a 1 d p Rt Rk 1 R R Ct p t k With: a 1 Rt Rt Rk Ct and d Rk Rt Rk We recognize (3) the transfer function of a differential or phase lead compensation giving the maximum phase lead m Arc sin a 1 1 for the angular frequency m . a 1 d a Applying these results to the Mullard 20W tube amplifier, we get, using the value defined for Rt in section 5.1, m 78deg a 91 Ct must be adjusted to have m r , where r is the angular frequency resonance of the feedback loop after the phase lead compensation effect. A value of Ct 250 p fulfils the above requirements as it is shown on the NYQUIST diagram of the compensated feedback loop given on the figure 5. The main effect of the phase lead compensation on the feedback loop transfer function is that we get stability for the amplifier. However, if the amplifier is now stable, the damping is not sufficient because a part of the feedback loop transfer function is entering into the circle Q=2.3 dB and if no peaking appears at the low end of the frequency bandwidth, because the transfer function stays on the right hand side of the vertical line x=-0.5, it is important and unacceptable at the high end of the frequency bandwidth, because a part of the transfer function is on the left hand side of the vertical line x=-0.5 (4) and (5). This situation is better shown on the diagrams on the figures 7 and 8 giving the feedback loop gain and phase shift versus the frequency and on the figures 9 and 10 giving the closed loop gain and phase shift versus the frequency. As a result, to achieve a better optimization of the feedback loop, it is necessary to improve the present situation by using an additional compensation network. Mullard 20 W tube amplifier – feedback loop gain and compensation networks optimization Pierre Touzelet Page Issue Date 7 3 24/08/08 NYQUIST Diagram Feedback loop 3 260 ° 240 ° MULLARD 20W 220 ° 280 ° 300 ° 320 ° 2 2,3 dB . 200 ° 340 ° 1 Imaginary part R=1 Phase lead compensation 0 A 180 ° O Rt=9k Ct=250p -1 0° 20 ° 160 ° 40 ° X=-0,5 -2 60 ° 140 ° 120 ° 100 ° 80 ° -3 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 Real part Figure 6: Feedback loop Nyquist diagram with a phase lead compensation Frequency response - Gain Feedback loop 40,00 30,00 MULLARD 20W 20,00 10,00 Gain dB . 0,00 -10,00 Phase lead compensation -20,00 Rt=9k Ct=250p -30,00 -40,00 -50,00 -60,00 -70,00 1,00E-01 1,00E+00 1,00E+01 1,00E+02 Frequency 1,00E+03 1,00E+04 1,00E+05 Hz Figure 7: Feedback loop gain with a phase lead compensation Mullard 20 W tube amplifier – feedback loop gain and compensation networks optimization 1,00E+06 Pierre Touzelet Page Issue Date 8 3 24/08/08 Frequency response - Phase shift Feedback loop 180,00 160,00 140,00 MULLARD 20W 120,00 . 100,00 80,00 Phase lead compensation 60,00 Rt=9k Ct=250p Phase shift deg 40,00 20,00 0,00 -20,00 -40,00 -60,00 -80,00 -100,00 -120,00 -140,00 -160,00 -180,00 1,00E-01 1,00E+00 1,00E+01 1,00E+02 1,00E+03 1,00E+04 1,00E+05 1,00E+06 Frequency Hz Figure 8: Feedback loop phase shift with a phase lead compensation Frequency response - Gain Closed loop 5,00E+01 MULLARD 20W 4,00E+01 3,00E+01 Phase lead compensation Rt=9k Ct=250p Gain dB . 2,00E+01 1,00E+01 0,00E+00 -1,00E+01 -2,00E+01 -3,00E+01 1,00E-01 1,00E+00 1,00E+01 1,00E+02 1,00E+03 1,00E+04 1,00E+05 Frequency Hz Figure 9: Closed loop gain with a phase lead compensation Mullard 20 W tube amplifier – feedback loop gain and compensation networks optimization 1,00E+06 Pierre Touzelet Page Issue Date 9 3 24/08/08 Frequency response - Phase shift Closed loop 1,80E+02 1,60E+02 MULLARD 20W 1,40E+02 1,20E+02 1,00E+02 8,00E+01 Phase lead compensation Rt=9k Ct=250p Phase shift Deg 6,00E+01 4,00E+01 2,00E+01 0,00E+00 -2,00E+01 -4,00E+01 -6,00E+01 -8,00E+01 -1,00E+02 -1,20E+02 -1,40E+02 -1,60E+02 -1,80E+02 1,00E-01 1,00E+00 1,00E+01 1,00E+02 1,00E+03 1,00E+04 1,00E+05 1,00E+06 Frequency Hz Figure 10: Closed loop phase shift with a phase lead compensation 5.3 Integral compensation The second compensation network to be used is obtained using a high frequency step circuit across the loading plate resistance of the input stage of the amplifier, as shown on the figure 11. Vi Cu Rp Vo Ru Figure 11: Integral compensation network Where: Rp Internal resistance of the input tube Loading plate resistance The transfer function of the above compensation network is: H ( p) With: Req Rp Rp 1 Ru Cu p 1i p 1 R eq Ru Cu p 1 b i p i Ru Cu b 1 Req Ru Mullard 20 W tube amplifier – feedback loop gain and compensation networks optimization Pierre Touzelet Page 10 Issue 3 Date 24/08/08 We recognize (3) the transfer function of a gain reduction or integral compensation. To match this compensation network, it is necessary to have 1 i R For the Mullard 20W tube amplifier, we have: 2.5M R p 0.1k Cu and Ru must be adjusted to have i Req 96k 1 , where r r is the angular frequency resonance of the feedback loop after the integral compensation effect. Values of Cu 400 p and Ru 20k fulfil the above requirements, as it is shown on the NYQUIST diagram of the compensated feedback loop given on the figure 12. In conjunction with the differential compensation, the additional effect of the integral compensation on the feedback loop transfer function is that it allows achieving the required damping and stability margins with practically no peaking (4) and (5). The transfer function has been warped enough to avoid entering into the circle Q=2.3 dB and the left hand side of the vertical line x=-0.5. This situation is again better shown on the figures 13 and 14 giving the feedback loop gain and phase shift versus the frequency and on the figures 15 and 16 giving the closed loop gain and phase shift versus the frequency. NYQUIST Diagram Feedback loop 3,00E+00 MULLARD220 20W ° 260 ° 240 ° 280 ° 300 ° 2,00E+00 320 ° 200 ° Q=2,3 dB 1,00E+00 Imaginary part . 340 ° R=1 Compensation networks 0,00E+00 A Phase lead compensation R13=9k C9=250p0 ° Integral control R3=20k C1=400p O 180 ° -1,00E+00 20 ° X=-0,5 160 ° 40 ° -2,00E+00 60 ° 140 ° -3,00E+00 -5,00E+00 -4,00E+00 -3,00E+00 120 ° -2,00E+00 -1,00E+00 100 ° 0,00E+00 80 ° 1,00E+00 2,00E+00 3,00E+00 4,00E+00 Real part Figure 12: Nyquist diagram with a phase lead compensation and an integral control Mullard 20 W tube amplifier – feedback loop gain and compensation networks optimization 5,00E+00 Pierre Touzelet Page Issue Date 11 3 24/08/08 Frequency response - Gain Feedback loop 4,00E+01 3,00E+01 MULLARD 20W 2,00E+01 1,00E+01 . 0,00E+00 Compensation networks Gain dB -1,00E+01 Phase lead compensation R13=9k C9=250p Integral control R3=20k C1=400p -2,00E+01 -3,00E+01 -4,00E+01 -5,00E+01 -6,00E+01 -7,00E+01 1,00E-01 1,00E+00 1,00E+01 1,00E+02 1,00E+03 1,00E+04 1,00E+05 1,00E+06 Frquency Hz Figure 13: Feedback loop gain with a phase lead compensation and an integral control Frequency response - Phase shift Feedback loop 1,80E+02 1,60E+02 1,40E+02 MULLARD 20W Compensation networks 1,20E+02 Phase lead compensation R13=9k C9=250p Integral control R3=20k C1=400p 1,00E+02 . 8,00E+01 6,00E+01 Phase shift deg 4,00E+01 2,00E+01 0,00E+00 -2,00E+01 -4,00E+01 -6,00E+01 -8,00E+01 -1,00E+02 -1,20E+02 -1,40E+02 -1,60E+02 -1,80E+02 1,00E-01 1,00E+00 1,00E+01 1,00E+02 1,00E+03 1,00E+04 1,00E+05 Frequency Hz Figure 14: Feedback loop phase shift with a phase lead compensation and an integral control Mullard 20 W tube amplifier – feedback loop gain and compensation networks optimization 1,00E+06 Pierre Touzelet Page Issue Date 12 3 24/08/08 Frequency response - Gain Closed loop 5,00E+01 MULLARD 20W 4,00E+01 Gain dB . 3,00E+01 2,00E+01 Compensation networks Phase lead compensation R13=9k C9=250p Integral control R3=20k C1=400p 1,00E+01 0,00E+00 -1,00E+01 -2,00E+01 -3,00E+01 1,00E-01 1,00E+00 1,00E+01 1,00E+02 1,00E+03 1,00E+04 1,00E+05 1,00E+06 Frequency Hz Figure 15: Closed loop gain with phase a lead compensation and an integral control Frequency response - Phase shift Closed loop 180,00 160,00 MULLARD 20W 140,00 120,00 100,00 Compensation networks Phase lead compensation R13=9k C9=250p Integral control R3=20k C1=400p Phase shift Deg . 80,00 60,00 40,00 20,00 0,00 -20,00 -40,00 -60,00 -80,00 -100,00 -120,00 -140,00 -160,00 -180,00 1,00E-01 1,00E+00 1,00E+01 1,00E+02 1,00E+03 1,00E+04 1,00E+05 Frequency Hz Figure 16: Closed loop phase shift with a phase lead compensation and an integral control Mullard 20 W tube amplifier – feedback loop gain and compensation networks optimization 1,00E+06 Pierre Touzelet Page Issue Date 13 3 24/08/08 6 Comments With the above defined feedback loop gain and associated compensation networks, the objective which was to warp the feedback loop transfer function in order that it stays outside the circle Q=2.3 dB and on the right hand side of the vertical line x=-0,5 has been achieved. As a result, on the Mullard 20W tube amplifier, a feedback loop gain of at least 20 db from 30 Hz to 6 kHz and 15 dB from 15 Hz to 15kHz is available. These results are interesting if we consider that the amplifier shows no peaking at both ends of the frequency bandwidth, with excellent damping and stability margins. 7 Conclusion Applying a certain amount of feedback on an amplifier is a difficult exercise according to the predefined optimization requirements. From that point of view, it is clear that using a network analysis programs is helpful, as it has been shown in this paper, because it allows defining simply and surely, feedback loop gain and associated compensation networks. References (1) Mullard Tube circuits for Audio amplifiers - Second reprint edition - Audio Amateur Publications, Inc. (2) Pierre Touzelet “Accurate non linear models of valve amplifiers including output transformers” - AES preprint 6830 - 120th AES convention Paris, France (3) J.-Ch.Gille, P.Decaulne, M. Pelegrin “Théorie et calcul des asservissements linéaires” - DUNOD Paris 1967 (4) Norman H. Crowhurst “Understanding Hi-Fi circuits” - First reprint edition - Audio Amateur Press. (5) R. Brault “Basse Fréquence et Haute Fidélité” - Second reprint edition - Librairie de la Radio. Paris Mullard 20 W tube amplifier – feedback loop gain and compensation networks optimization Pierre Touzelet Page Issue Date Annex: 1 ESACAP model of the Mullard 20 W tube amplifier Mullard 20 W tube amplifier – feedback loop gain and compensation networks optimization 14 3 24/08/08 Pierre Touzelet Page Issue Date # MULLARD 20W AMPLIFIER $$DES $FUN: limit(x,min,max); limit=MIN(max,MAX(min,x)); END; $FUN: pwrs(x,y); IF(x.GT.0) THEN pwrs=x**y; ELSE IF(x.LT.0) THEN pwrs=-((-x)**y); ELSE pwrs=0; ENDIF; ENDIF; END; $CON: # Sine input signal A=.160; F=1k; per=1/F; # Maximum amplitude # Frequency # EF86 Tube parameters # Norman L.Koren's model p11=201; # Tube parameter p21=48.4; # Tube parameter p31=.929; # Tube parameter p41=329; # Tube parameter p51=9.31; # Tube paramater p61=p41*.8693; # Tube parameter # ECC83 Tube parameters ( first triode) # Norman L.Koren's model t11=680; # Tube parameter t21=106; # Tube parameter t31=7910; # Tube parameter t41=1.06; # Tube parameter t51=437; # Tube paramater # ECC83 Tube parameters (second triode) # Norman L.Koren's model t12=680; # Tube parameter t22=106; # Tube parameter t32=7910; # Tube parameter t42=1.06; # Tube parameter t52=437; # Tube paramater # EL34 Power tube parameters (first pentode) # Combined Norman L. Koren's and Menno van der Veen's models p12=40.8; # Tube parameter p22=9.99; # Tube parameter p32=1.99; # Tube parameter p42=1970; # Tube parameter p52=3.70; # Tube parameter p62=p42*1.077; # Tube parameter # EL34 Power tube parameters (Second pentode) Mullard 20 W tube amplifier – feedback loop gain and compensation networks optimization 15 3 24/08/08 Pierre Touzelet Page Issue Date # Combined Norman L. Koren's and Menno van der Veen's models p13=40.8; # Tube parameter p23=9.99; # Tube parameter p33=1.99; # Tube parameter p43=1970; # Tube parameter p53=3.70; # Tube parameter p63=p43*1.077; # Tube parameter # Core geometry Ac=13.44E-4; Lc=0.208; Lc1=Lc/2; Lc2=Lc/2; Lc3=0.25; Lg=3E-5; Lambda=1.1; # Cross section area # Average magnetic path length # Average magnetic path length for primary # Average magnetic path length for secondary # Air gap length for magnetic flux leak # Air gap length # Fringing coefficient # OPT Topology X=0.43; # Screen feed back ratio # OPT parameters Np=2419; Rp=58; Ns=84; Rs=0.26; Cip=250p; # Primary turns # Primary resistance # Secondary turns # Secondary resistance # Anode to anode stray capacitance # Primary winding n°1 Npa1=Np/2; Rpa1=Rp/2; # Anode winding turns # Anode winding resistance # Screen winding n°1 Nps1=Npa1*ABS(X); Rps1=Rpa1*ABS(X); # Winding turns # Winding resistance # Primary winding n°2 Npa2=Np/2; Rpa2=Rp/2; # Winding turns # Winding resistance # Screen winding n°2 Nps2=Npa2*ABS(X); Rps2=Rpa2*ABS(X); # Winding turns # Winding resistance # Output Load RL=8; END; # Load resistance $NET: # Voltage amplifier section Ein(10,0)=A*SIN(2*PI*F*TIME); # Sine input Voltage R1(10,0)=1M; R2(10,20)=4.7k; R3(70,60)=20k; R4(30,40)=2.2k; R5(40,0)=100; R6(80,60)=100k; R7(80,50)=390k; R8(110,0)=82k; R9(90,80)=270k; R10(60,120)=1M; Mullard 20 W tube amplifier – feedback loop gain and compensation networks optimization 16 3 24/08/08 Pierre Touzelet R17(100,90)=15k; C1(70,80)=400p; C2(50,30)=.05u; C3(30,40)=50u; C4(80,0)=8u; C5(90,0)=8u; C6(120,0)=.25u; C12(100,0)=8u; E1(100,0)=440; Page Issue Date # DC supply # EF86 %Up1=V(50,30)/p11*LOG(1+EXP(p11*(1/p21+V(20,30)/(V(50,30)+1e-12)))); %Vp1=limit(%Up1,0,1E6); %Alpha1=.8693*pwrs(2/PI*ATAN(V(60,30)/(V(50,30)+1E-12)),1/p51); Jap1(60,30)=pwrs(%Vp1,p31)/p61*%Alpha1; Jsp1(50,30)=pwrs(%Vp1,p31)/p61*(1-%Alpha1); Cakp1(60,30)=5.3p; Cgkp1(20,30)=3.8p; Cgap1(20,60)=.05p; # Phase splitter section R11(90,11)=180k; R12(90,12)=180k; R14(21,0)=470k; R15(22,0)=470k; R18(21,31)=2.2k; R19(22,32)=2.2k; R20(41,0)=470; R21(42,0)=470; C10(11,21)=.5u; C11(12,22)=.5u; C13(41,0)=50u; C14(42,0)=50u; # First 1/2 ECC83 %Xt1=V(11,110)/t11; %Ut1=%Xt1*LOG(1+EXP(t11*(1/t21+V(60,110)/pwrs(pwrs(V(11,110),2)+t31,0.5)))); %Vt1=limit(%Ut1,0,1E6); Jat1(11,110)=pwrs(%Vt1,t41)/t51; Cagt1(11,60)=1.7p; Cgkt1(60,110)=1.6p; Cakt1(11,110)=0.46p; # Second 1/2 ECC83 %Xt2=V(12,110)/t12; %Ut2=%Xt2*LOG(1+EXP(t12*(1/t22+V(120,110)/pwrs(pwrs(V(12,110),2)+t32,0.5)))); %Vt2=limit(%Ut2,0,1E6); Jat2(12,110)=pwrs(%Vt2,t42)/t52; Cagt2(12,120)=1.7p; Cgkt2(120,110)=1.6p; Cakt2(12,110)=0.46p; # Power section R24(71,51)=1k; R25(72,52)=1k; # First power tube (EL34) %Up2=V(51,41)/p12*LOG(1+EXP(p12*(1/p22+V(31,41)/(V(51,41)+1e-12)))); %Vp2=limit(%Up2,0,1E6); %Alpha2=pwrs(2/PI*ATAN(V(51,41)/(V(61,41)+1E-12)),1/p52); Mullard 20 W tube amplifier – feedback loop gain and compensation networks optimization 17 3 24/08/08 Pierre Touzelet Page Issue Date Jap2(61,41)=pwrs(%Vp2,p32)/p62*%Alpha2; Jsp2(51,41)=pwrs(%Vp2,p32)/p62*(1-%Alpha2); Cakp2(61,41)=8.4p; Cgkp2(31,41)=15.4p; Cgap2(31,61)=1.1p; Cskp2(51,41)=0.5p; # Second power tube (EL34) %Up3=V(52,42)/p13*LOG(1+EXP(p13*(1/p23+V(32,42)/(V(52,42)+1e-12)))); %Vp3=limit(%Up3,0,1E6); %Alpha3=pwrs(2/PI*ATAN(V(52,42)/(V(62,42)+1E-12)),1/p53); Jap3(62,42)=pwrs(%Vp3,p33)/p63*%Alpha3; Jsp3(52,42)=pwrs(%Vp3,p33)/p63*(1-%Alpha3); Cakp3(62,42)=8.4p; Cgkp3(32,42)=15.4p; Cgap3(32,62)=1.1p; Cskp3(52,42)=0.5p; # OPT magnetic core %EP=-(Npa1*I(R28)+Nps1*I(R26)) +(Npa2*I(R29)+Nps2*I(R27)); %ES=Ns*I(R30); %Hc1=%Hc1+%Hc1*Lc1+%Hc3*Lc3-%EP; %Hc2=%Hc2+%Hc2*Lc2-%Hc3*Lc3+Lg*%Bc2/(µ0*Lambda)-%ES; %Hc3=1/µ0*(%Bc1-%Bc2); %Bc1=10000*µ0*%Hc1; %Bc2=10000*µ0*%Hc2; %PHIc1=%Bc1*Ac; %PHIc2=%Bc2*Ac; %D1=%PHIc1'; %D2=%PHIc2'; # Primary circuit n° 01 Epa1(100,81)=-Npa1*%D1; R28(81,61)=Rpa1; Copt(61,62)=Cip; Eps1(100,91)=-Nps1*%D1; R26(91,71)=Rps1; # Primary circuit n° 02 Epa2(100,82)=Npa2*%D1; R29(82,62)=Rpa2; Eps2(100,92)=Nps2*%D1; R27(92,72)=Rps2; # Secondary circuit Es(140,0)=-Ns*%D2; R30(140,130)=Rs; R31(130,0)=RL; #R32(130,150)=9k; #R33(150,0)=100; #C15(130,150)=250p; # NFB Mullard 20 W tube amplifier – feedback loop gain and compensation networks optimization 18 3 24/08/08 Pierre Touzelet Page Issue Date R13(130,40)=9k; C9(130,40)=250p; END; $$STOP Mullard 20 W tube amplifier – feedback loop gain and compensation networks optimization 19 3 24/08/08