Lecture 10 Life History Strategies in Fish Human impacts on lowland rivers By Dr Rick Leah Jones Building, School of Biological Sciences It is recommended that you follow-up subjects from the lecture by further reading. These notes are intended only as a memory prompt – The course website is being developed to provide additional information but is NOT a substitute for reading scientific literature. Life History Strategies Many factors affect the life history of a fish Allocation of Energy Variation in allocation of energy Input = food Output = Excreta and progeny Vary according to habitat and food availability (resources) Have to satisfy the Standard Metabolism This changes with habitat and therefore metabolic requirement Fast flowing river Then allocate to growth (somatic) Then to reproduction (gonadic) Allocation of time Allocation of time Split between feeding (essential), resting/predator avoidance and reproduction (mature fish only) Feeding time is proportionally greater in immature fish Feeding Feeding is dependent on the range of food items available and Food Characteristics Size and visibility Prey eaten (size and number) Too small to see or not worth the effort (pomegranites) Too large to capture (physically or swimming ability) Palatability – are they liked (contaminated toxic prey) Digestibility – are they digestable or worth the digestion energy (celery) Requirements of fish need meeting Proteins, lipids, vitamins and essential ions and elements Food eaten depends on availability and abundance i.e. Competition Intraspecific (between same species) Particuarly in shoaling fish (bream) or as juveniles (when many about) Terretorial fish preclude others from area Therefore competition reduces food availability Interspecific (between different species) Fish have a restricted habitat available to them Therefore come into competition with other species 533561748 1 15/2/16 Can affect food size available (better, more efficient remove bigger ones so small are left (bream and roach) However if food resource is predictable in time and space can get specialisation Need time to evolve it therefore tropics have more cases of this African Cichlids of lake Victoria and Malawi or South American Characins South American Characins Each species highly adapted morphology for specific feeding strategies they are not omnivorous like temperate fish Life History Variation Different species of fish have different ways to increase their population Tend to look at females when looking at life history variation They produce the eggs that limit the potential recruitment to the population As mentioned earlier the allocation of energy and time changes throughout fishes life cycle Age and Maturity Trade-off between probability of successful reproduction vs. risk of death of the mother to be A female that delays maturation until larger and hence older will produce more eggs but risks dying before reproduction takes place Fecundity and length Ovary size is often used to determine the reproductive potential of a fish and its population and is called fecundity Bigger fish have greater fecundity as ovaries are bigger and more eggs (eg. Mature perch ovaries form 20% of total weight) F=aLb F = fecundity, L length and a and b are constants Studies have found b to be around 3 This means that there is a direct cubic relationship i.e. volume increase with length fecundity increases with volume Body Size Larger fish are less susceptible to predation Larger fish also store more energy and can swim faster and farther and overcome harsher abiotic conditions Also territoriality dependent on size So beneficial for large size but reqiures more energy allocation to somatic growth Longevity Longer life means more reproductive chances but depends on Age and Size at maturation (above) Availability of resources (is it reliable enough to let you live a long time) and Length of time between reproductive opportunities (ie 1 year 12 times vs. once a year for 8 years) although environmental conditions may mean that all 12 will die but spread it out may mean that years 3 and 6 and 7 all live Clutch Size Obviously no. of eggs depends on the condition of female and size/age 533561748 2 15/2/16 No. of spawnings per season Expect that females in populations where adult survival is poor will devote more energy to reproduction than when survival is better E.g. Commercially exploited species show increased fecundities compared to unexploited populations European Flounder Alternative is if large adults removed get earlier maturation at smaller and younger age E.g. Nile Tilapia in lake George (now not commercially viable because all small) Egg size and size at hatching Volume of ovary is obvious limitation on egg number and size Larger eggs mean lower fecundity But larger eggs mean larger yolk therefore more independent Therefore not looking for food and risking predation When they are hatched are larger So trade-off again between investment and survival Fertilisation strategies Different strategies employed to produce enough fertilised eggs that survive to be recruited into population Broadcast Spawners Lots of small eggs sprayed out into pelagic water Often individuals synchronous by tides and moon Especially in tropics Huge mortality as predation and lack of fertilisation Eggs in substratum Salmon Female makes depression in the gravel known as a ‘Redd’ and lays eggs within the depression Male ejaculates sperm into the Redd Eggs are covered by more gravel left partly protected by gravel and when they hatch, the young can live amongst gravel Parental carers and guarded eggs Parents allocate a lot of energy Eggs bigger so more yolk and hatch bigger stronger Often when hatch get parental care Extreme case are the mouthbrooding Cichlids in African lakes Migration Aims to maximise success at different stages of life history Migration Different timings can be used at each migratory stage Depending on species e.g. sun intensity, temperature, olfactory cues (salmon) Migration and time often limited by life stages abilities i.e. swimming ability Juveniles have more difficulty moving through water have to attain size to overcome hydrodynamic constraints e.g. grow bigger and stronger muscles Two types Potadromy – within lake eg char and whitefish (known as the Gwyniad in Llyn Tegid) Diadromy –between two habitats eg between salt and freshwater 533561748 3 15/2/16 Anadromous eg salmon Catadromous eg eel Human Impacts on Lowland Rivers Floodplains Engineering and climate means less important in temperate areas Very important in tropical areas Especially when monsoon rains increase water flow massively Height can increase by several metres Therefore overflows and spreads out Zambezi River low water area 537km2, peak flood 10752 km2 (20X increase) Flood plains enriched with deposition Whole system very productive Many fish have lifecycles that use this increased food and increase in shallow heterogeneous habitat for protection/nursery In Britain and temperate regions in the past has allowed fish to disperse to new river systems when flood recedes Pollution Effects on Fish Distribution in Rivers and Lakes Pollution sources People (sewage) – organic and phosphorus Industry – inorganic chemicals, thermal and organic-chemicals (PCBS) Agriculture and runoff – Organic-chemicals, silt, turbidity and nitrates Organic Pollution Initial deoxygenation Affects fish directly so that they leave or ventilation increases (too low and they die) Affects fish indirectly as prey may disappear therefore no food Therefore species and population falls But like eutrophication primary productivity increases and some fish species take advantage Effect is diluted as travel down stream And increased competition means population size returns to normal (next week) Silt Effects General effect so affects the majority of fish in a similar way Gills get clogged Also turbidity can affect visually feeding fish and spawning sites get silted so no O2 to the eggs Toxic Pollutants Mercury from an ultraviolet lamp factory or Arsenic from a gold mine If high enough all organisms will die Fish downstream (either swim or current population) Some more tolerant however so population increases and diversity low Thermal Pollution Same as toxic Fish have thresholds 533561748 4 15/2/16 Different fish different thresholds So some can die while others live But sudden increase will shock fish and all die Then down stream some more adapted than others Other toxins such as Organochlorines However work differently Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCB’s) or DDD a pesticide Hydrophobic, fat soluble and biologically stable Therefore they are accumulated in body fats They are biomagnified along food chain so effects are not seen until top carnivores are reached Fish can play a big part in this DDD in lakes Californian lake repeatedly sprayed 1949-1957 with DDD to control invertebrate midge larvae (Chaoborus) Non-biting but bothered bathers and anglers Killed the larvae but also entered algae and zoop and herbivorous fish Also along foodchain Via predatory fish to Grebes 1954 found 100 dead Western Grebes DDD in body fat was 1600 mg/kg Bioconcentration of 80000 times that which was sprayed Other places fish kills have occurred 533561748 5 15/2/16