the Regional Assembly Programme of Work 2015

The Square, Ballaghaderreen, Co. Roscommon
Tel: 094 9862970 Fax: 094 98 62973
Closure of the Regional Operational Programme 2000 – 2006
Regional Operational Programme 2007 – 2013 and 2014 - 2020
Financial Management and Control
Other Managing Authority Functions
Structural Funds Programmes 2014-2020
Monitoring the Impact of National/EU Programmes in the
NW Region
Co-ordination of the Delivery of Public Services in the NW Region
Policy and Research
Regional Development Initiatives
INTERREG VB Atlantic Area Programme
INTERREG VB Northern Periphery Programme
SEE Project - DG Enterprise Design Initiative
SPIDER - IVB North-West Europe
Metric Ireland
Remote - Northern Periphery Programme
INTERREG IVC and INTERREG Europe Programmes
TESLA - Interreg North West Europe Programme
MARNET - IVB Atlantic Area Programme
6.10 Wood Footprint Programme ( URBACT )
Closed EU Projects – TOURage, LakeAdmin, GRISI and
Slow Tourism Slow Adventure Experiences across N. Europe
North-South Co-Operation
ERDF Gateways and Hubs Fund
Regional Spatial Economic Planning
Corporate Strategy
Operational Issues
Schedule of Meetings 2015
Government Policy, as set out in ‘Putting People First’ in 2012 proposed significant changes for
the Regional tier of government, primarily consisting of a rationalised set of structures
comprising three new Regional Assemblies to replace the existing eight Regional Authorities and
the two Regional Assemblies. The Northern and Western Regional Assembly was established on
the 1st January 2015 and comprises the Counties of Donegal, Leitrim, Cavan, Monaghan, Sligo,
Mayo, Roscommon and Galway City and County. There are twenty four members on the
Assembly from the constituent Local Authorities.
In accordance with Article 21 of the Local Government Act 1991 (Regional Assemblies )
(Establishment ) Order 2014, the Regional Assembly shall, no later than 28th February each year,
adopt a programme of work for that year. Accordingly, this programme of work sets out the key
areas of work for the Northern and Western Regional Assembly for 2015.
The activities are set out in accordance with the principal responsibilities of the Regional
Assembly, i.e.
Managing the Regional Operational Programmes 2007 – 2013 and 2014 - 2020;
Monitoring the impact of EU expenditure in the NW region;
Co-ordinating the delivery of Public Services in the Northern and Western region
Ensuring that national policies take the regional dimension into account.
Develop, Implement and monitor Regional Spatial and Economic Strategies
Comply with the Planning and Development Acts 2000 to 2014
Assessment of local economic and community plans
Facilitate and support the Regional Economic Forums
Provide assistance to local authorities engaging with EU institutions
Facilitate the National Oversight and Audit Commission
In addition, a number of activities in relation to operational issues, policy and research and the
promotion of INTERREG Programmes are included. This document also includes a schedule of
meetings, which may be subject to change.
Closure of the Regional Operational Programme 2000 – 2006
Responses to queries which were raised by the EU Commission and/or its audit services
arising from the Final ‘Closure’ Report on the BMW Regional OP 2000-06 submitted in
September 2010 were submitted as required and it is expected that the closure process
will be completed in 2015.
Regional Operational Programmme 2007 – 2013
Financial Management and Control
Provide training and guidance seminars where required for Intermediary Bodies
and Public Beneficiary Bodies on the Structural Funds IT System and on financial
management and control regulations including publicity requirements.
Provide forecasts of ERDF drawdown in 2015 to the Department of
Public Expenditure & Reform (Certifying Authority);
Carry out verification spot-checks and submit certified payment claims to the
Certifying Authority in respect of co-financed ERDF expenditure in respect of the
2007-2013 OP, to meet in full the 2015 certification requirement;
Facilitate the financial verification audits of the 2007-2013 OP being carried out
by the Audit Authority and collate management responses to audit queries/ reports;
Liaise with the ERDF FCU (Audit Authority) in relation to the conduct of systems
audits on co-financed Intermediary Bodies and collate management responses to
draft reports;
Other Managing Authority Functions
Ensure the full compliance with the Information and Publicity requirements in line
with the OP-level Communications Action Plan and the Structural Funds
Assist in the preparation an Annual Implementation Report for 2014, for adoption
by the OP Monitoring Committee and submit to the European Commission by the
end of June 2015;
Publish a beneficiaries list of all receipiants of EU funding in the BMW OP, by
the end of June 2015 on the NW Assembly website;
Manage the Technical Assistance priority which relates to expenditure incurred in
the appraisal and monitoring of operations, OP publicity, evaluation and audits.
Participate in the Annual Review Meeting with the EU Commission to examine
the progress of the BMW Regional OP 2007-13, to take place at the end of 2015;
Oversee the implementation of the ERDF Gateways and Hubs Grant Scheme in
2015, verification of expenditure, payments to local authorities and preparations
of B1, B2 and B3 declarations
Regional Operational Programme 2014-2020
Prepare Implementation Plan for each co-funded scheme, including selection
process and criteria.
Hold the inaugural Monitoring Committee meeting for the 2014 – 2020 BMW
Regional operational Programme in March 2015.
Publish the Operational Programme document and organise a high profile launch
of the Operational programme.
Prepare a description of the financial management and control system including
the anti-fraud measures for compliance assessment in 2015.
Launch the ERDF Gateway Fund Scheme under the 2014 – 2020 Programme
Support the development of the IT system for European Structural and Investment
funds in Ireland for the 2014 – 2020 programmes.
Enter into an administrative agreement with each Implementing Body for the 2014
– 2020 Operational Programme
Prepare Management Verification checklists for the 2014 – 2020 programmes
Contribute to the development of national ERDF eligibility rules and information
and Communication Guidelines
Develop a Communication Strategy of the BMW Regional Operational
Programme 2014 – 2020 and an Action Plan for 2015 for approval by the OP
Monitoring Committee.
Develop an Evaluation Plan for the BMW Regional Operational Programme 2014
– 2020.
Monitoring the Impact of the National and EU Programmes in the NW Region
Prepare comprehensive reports and documentation for the meeting of the BMW
Regional Operational Programme Monitoring Committee in May 2015 and if
required a further Monitoring Committee Meeting in Autumn 2015
Prepare Summary Reports for the meeting of the NSRF Monitoring Committee;
Provide an input into the Monitoring Committees on which the BMW Regional
Assembly is represented:
NSRF Monitoring Committee 2007 – 2013And Partner Agreement 2014 - 2020
Committee for coordination of funds
Interreg IV & V
Rural Development Programme 2007 – 2013, 2014-20
Human Capital Investment Programme (ESF) 2007 – 2013, 2014 - 20
Co-ordination of the Delivery of Public Services in the NW Region
Communicate the role of the NW Regional Assembly and the needs of the NW
Region to Government Departments, Regional Bodies, Local Authorities and State
Agencies. Prepare a brochure for wide circulation, on the role and activities of the
NW Regional Assembly
Where possible, address relevant conferences and workshops on the role and work
of the Assembly;
Examine, in consultation with the Western Development Commission, the scope
for continued co-operation and co-ordination of activities;
Continue formal links with the Committee of the Regions and enhance links with
other EU regional networks such as CPMR (Committee of Peripherial & Maritime
Regions) and
Liaise with the region’s representative in the Irish Regions Office (IRO) Brussels.
Policy and Research
Draft, commission or manage relevant research projects on areas relevant to the NWRA
Region during 2015.
Complete Research Projects during 2015 include;
 Co-author and launch the publication of “Design-Driven Innovation: Why it
Matters for SME Competitiveness” in March 2015. This report has been developed
under the SEE Project in conjunction with CIRCA Group Europe, Cardiff
Metropolitan University, Dublin City Council, Dublin Institute of Technology,
InterTradeIreland, Invest Northern Ireland and the Centre for Design Innovation,
IT Sligo.
 Manage the delivery of a report to evaluate the impact of innovation and research
activities under Priority 1( Innovation, ICT and the Knowledge Economy ) of the
2007-2013 BMW Regional Operational Programme.
Prepare policy submissions on behalf of the Assembly in response to relevant public
consultations by Government Departments and Agencies and policy briefings for
meetings with Ministers and Departmental Officials;
Monitor the development and implementation of national policies and regional policy and
their impact upon the NWRA Region, develop appropriate responses to highlight issues
impacting the Region;
Continue to represent the Assembly on the Plenary Steering Committee of the Enterprise
Ireland funded MetricIreland initiative partnership which is comprised of NUIG, UL,
Athlone IT, GMIT and IT Sligo. This project seeks to highlight and leverage services
available in the Medical Technology sector from these third level institutions and make
them available to the medical technology firms in the region.
Foster and promote the development of a Regional Identity. Strive to be a strong voice
for the region and play a key role in unifying and harnessing the efforts of local and
public authorities and community organisations for the well-being of the region.
Represent (make presentations) on behalf of the Regional Assembly on relevant policy
bodies and at appropriate meetings of regional stakeholders, including the CSO Enterprise
Statistics Group.
Regional Development Initiatives
INTERREG VB Atlantic Area Programme
The Interreg Atlantic Area Programme promotes transnational co-operation in the five
member states of Ireland, Western UK, Western France and designated regions of Spain
and Portugal. For the 2014-2020 programming period, the Northern and Western
Regional Assembly is the National Contact point and First Level Control authority
(responsible for expenditure verification) for the Interreg VB Atlantic Area Programme.
The Assembly will, during 2015:
 Work closely with the Programme Authorities to ensure the successful submission of
the Atlantic Area Co-Operation programme to the EU Commission.
 Participate in meetings of the Atlantic Area Monitoring Committee and National
Contact Point Meetings;
 Promote the Interreg V Atlantic Area programme and provide support to Irish project
partners in applying to the programme.
 Host National and Regional Information Events on the programme and organise
Financial Management seminars to assist Irish partners with the online claims system;
 Undertake the first level control function by carrying out desk-based and on-site
verification checks on expenditure declared by Irish programme participants;
 Liaise with the Programme Managing Authority and Joint technical Secretariat based
in Oporto, Portugal; and
 Work with SEUPB to encourage cooperation between Partners in Ireland & Northern
 Explore new project opportunities for the Northern and Western Region
INTERREG VB Northern Periphery and Arctic Programme (NPA)
The Northern Periphery and Arctic Programme 2014-2020 promotes trans-national cooperation with Scottish, Nordic and Scandinavian countries. For the 2014-2020
programming period, the Northern and Western Regional Assembly is the Regional
Contact point and First Level Control Authority (responsible for expenditure verification)
on the Programme.
The Assembly will, during 2015:
 Participate in Programme meetings including Programme Management,
Monitoring Committee, Regional Contact Point and other programming
committee meetings;
 Act as Regional Contact Point for the Programme in Ireland;
 Promote and Disseminate information on the programme in Ireland and provide
information to interested applicants on programme priorities, eligible area, calls
for proposals etc;
 Organise National and Regional Information events on calls for proposals and
other publicity events.
Undertake the first level control function by carrying out desk-based and on-site
verification checks on expenditure declared by Irish project partners based in the
BMW region;
Organise and Facilitate meetings of Irish Regional Advisory Groups (RAG) to
review and assess project applications;
Work with the SEUPB to encourage cooperation between Partners in Ireland &
Northern Ireland.
Assist project partners in developing project ideas and identifying appropriate
partners throughout the eligible territory; and
Liaise closely with the Joint Technical Secretariat of the programme based in
Copenhagen, Denmark.
Explore new project opportunities for the North and Western Region
SEE Project – DG Enterprise Design Initiative
The NWRA is a partner in the SEE Project which is led by the Cardiff Metropolitan
University in Wales. The project is focused on developed innovation in the public and
private sector using design processes. It involves a network of 11 organisations across
Europe aiming to develop new design innovation practices and influence local regional
and national design innovation policies. This project runs from March 2012 – March
During 2015, the BMW Regional Assembly will:
 Present at the Final Conference in Brussels in February; and
 Launch a report titled “Design-Driven Innovation: Why it Matters for SME
Competitiveness” in March, 2015.
SPIDER Project – IVB North-West Europe
The Northern and Western Regional Assembly is a partner in SPIDER (Supporting Public
Service Innovation using Design in European Regions) Project from 2013 to October
2015.. This project is led by the Cardiff Metropolitan University and involves 10 partners
from Belgium, France, Ireland and the UK and aims to deliver innovation in public
services by putting citizens at the heart of the development process using service design.
This project will be implemented in the Northern and Western Region through best
practice transfer and the implementation of a pilot project during the course of this two
and a half year project.
This project commenced in January 2013 and runs for two and half years.
During 2015, the Assembly will:
Manage the roll-out of a pilot project on the re-design of Alzheimer’s Services in
conjunction with the Centre for Design Innovation at IT Sligo, Health Service
Executive and the Alzheimer’s Society of Ireland
Manage and deliver service-design training to 100 public sector workers;
 Fingal County Council, National Disability Authority, Cork Institute of
Technology, Medical Council of Ireland, Health Service Executive
Disseminate the findings of the report at:
 The SEE Final Conference, Brussels February 10th 2015
 The Service Design in Government in the UK Conference, London, March
18th 2015
 The SPIDER Final Conference, Dublin, June 9th and 10th 2015
Organise, host and deliver the SPIDER Final Conference at Dublin Castle in June
Procure a pilot public policy innovation demonstration project focused on
providing service design solutions targeted at extended independent living for
older people. This is led by IT Sligo.
Metric Ireland
During 2015, the NW Regional Assembly will:
 Oversee a ‘research voucher’ pilot project being run by MetricIreland to bring
academia and industry closer together in the medical technology sector; and
 Attend steering group meetings.
REMOTE Project – Northern Periphery Programme
The REMOTE project will develop and implement support mechanisms based on existing
best practise renewable energy solutions adapted for remote areas and to the scale of
sparsely populated areas in the NPP regions.
During 2015, the NW Regional Assembly will:
 Carry out its duties as an associate partner in collaboration with the Ryan Institute
at NUI Galway this will include attending meetings and helping them draft and
disseminate a report on project findings.
INTERREG IVC and INTERREG Europe Programmes
The Interreg Europe Programme promotes public sector co-operation projects across the
entire EU in order to exchange experiences and transfer of good practice.
During 2015 the Northern and Western Regional Assembly will: Participate on the Interreg Europe (2014-2020) Programme Development Group;
 Carry out the first level of financial control (certification) for project partner
expenditure in the BMW Region; and
 Participate, as appropriate, in Programme Monitoring and Steering Committee
 Organise regional and national events to promote the programme.
Across all transnational and interregional programmes, the Northern and Western
Regional Assembly will continue to work with other contact points and the SEUPB on
programme management issues, project development matters and co-operate on the
organisation of events.
TESLA Project - Interreg North West Europe Programme
During 2015 the Northern and Western Regional Assembly will continue to act as lead
partner for the TESLA project which is a major transnational Innovation support project
involving eight partners from Ireland, the UK, Belgium, France, Germany and the
Netherlands. The partnership is comprised of Public, Private and Higher Education
partner organisations.
During 2015 the Northern and Western Regional Assembly will:
Organise the final 2 transnational project steering committee meetings;
Support the independent evaluation of the project
Prepare final progress reports and payments claims to the Programme Secretariat. ;
Jointly organise the final TESLA Project conference in Galway
Participate in EU Enterprise Events to promote and present the positive results of
Support project events organised in the partner regions.
Support events organised by the North West Europe Programme.
Consider the potential for further collaboration.
MARNET – IVB Atlantic Area Programme
In 2015 The Northern and Western Regional Assembly will continue to lead a Marine cooperation project entitled MARNET (Marine Atlantic Regions Network). This
transnational co-operation project worth €1.3m involving Regional Authorities and
Research Institutes in Spain, France, Portugal, Scotland and Ireland has, for the first time
mapped the value of the Atlantic Marine Economy by developing a suite of comparable
marine indicators.
As part of the role as Lead partner, the Northern and Western Regional Assembly will in
Organise a final steering meeting of the Marnet project in March.
Prepare final progress reports and expenditure claims for submission to the Programme
Secretariat in Portugal
Continue to participate in EU Marine led events and events organised by CPMR.
Facilitate the development of the Marnet network.
Continue to liaise with DG MARE on the potential for using the Marnet indicators as a
measurement tool for the Atlantic Action Plan.
Consider the potential for further collaboration.
Wood Footprint Project (URBACT )
The overall goal of the URBACT funded Wood FootPrint Project is to bring together EU cities
with a strong influence in wood sector (covering the entire supply chain) that now face a
transformation process following production and sales decay. There are ten Partners from nine
EU countries – Ireland, Spain, United Kingdom, Greece, Estonia, Italy, Denmark, Belgium and
The URBACT Wood FootPrint Project will be completed in the second quarter of 2015. All
existing information and outputs are being compiled and drafted into the final output of the
project which is the Local Action plan (LAP). The main activities for the project in 2015 include:
Drafting of the Local Action Plan and validation and agreement on the final actions
Organisation and participation in remaining (Local Support Group meeting ).
Participation in URBACT Info day on 05th February in National university Ireland
Attendance and participation in a meeting with Mr Gerald Nash T.D. on 11th February to
discuss outcomes and outputs from the project and request support for implementation of
the project actions
Facilitate a delegation from Monaghan for a return visit to one of the Partners on the
project in Yecla, Spain to share knowledge and best practice around the creation of
Business Districts, Business Incubation Centres and Business Associations which provide
strong structure and support to the local furniture industry.
Organise consultation event/meetings for the Draft Local Action Plan towards the end of
February / beginning of March 2015 to validate the Draft LAP
Finalisation of Draft LAP following consultation with editing, formatting and design of
the Final LAP (late March / early Apr)
Attendance and participation at the project launch of Wood Footprint at final conference
in Pacos de Ferreira, Portugal on 22-24 late April 2015
Organisation of a formal Launch of Monaghan LAP in Monaghan Town (Marquee Event
in early May)
Attend URBACT II Final summary conference in Riga on 7-9 May re learning of
URBACT II Projects and developing new URBACT III projects
6.11 Closed EU Projects – TOURage, LakeAdmin, GRISI and CHARTS
Four EU projects – TOURage, LakeAdmin, CHARTS and GRISI+ were closed on 31st
December, 2014. It is the intention of the Regional Assembly to complete all outstanding
requirements in relation to these projects (project reports, dissemination and financial reports) in
2015; and where necessary participate in applications for further projects which will support
implementation of the Regional Planning Guidelines in the West and Border Regions.
6.12 SPARA
SPARA 2020 (Smart Peripheral and Remote Airports) is a 3-year project under the Northern
Periphery and Arctic Programme 2014-2020 to develop airports in peripheral regions such as the
North West Region. Working in partnership with both Ireland West Knock Airport and Donegal
Airport, the Assembly will undertake work across a range of areas to enhance the
competitiveness and sustainability of these airports. The project which is led HITRANS the
Highlands and Islands Transport Partnership in Scotland involves undertaking work programmes
across to develop the following areas – Low Carbon Solutions, Non Aeronautical Services,
Technology-Driven Solutions, a Sustainable Peripheral Aviation Network and Smart Engagement
Strategies. This project will commence in the 2nd quarter of 2015 with partners from Sweden,
Scotland and Norway.
6.13 Slow Tourism - Slow Adventure Experiences across Northern Europe
This project involves a partnership of six countries including Scotland, Finland, Sweden, Canada,
Ireland and Northern Ireland. It is a preparatory project funded under the NPP and is purposely
designed to complement the NORA project, ‘Nordic Slow Adventure’. It will bring together
partners to develop a proposal for a Main Project in which they, and others interested, will work
together to facilitate and develop the implementation and promotion of new services and products
that enable and encourage people to enjoy and experience the outdoors, engaging with remote,
wild and nature-rich places in ‘slow adventure’ activities that go beyond, and complement, more
dynamically-oriented adventure sports. The project is about the trans-national sharing of skills
from Scandinavian expertise and knowledge of ’friluftsliv’ and outdoor life to Scottish
entrepreneurship in adventure tourism and adventure marketing, and a merging of different types
of outdoor skills training.
These slow adventure activities will draw upon each region’s remarkable natural resources, as
well as the rich cultures and histories of the involved regions, such as hunting and fishing, love of
and respect for nature and wildlife, relationships between food and the land/sea, and traditions of
human-powered (sustainable) travel within and between areas.
North-South Co-Operation
Develop North – South co-operation initiatives and include this function within the
terms of reference for the new Strategic Planning Area (SPA ) Committee for the
Border Region;
Liaise with and support cross-border bodies and institutions including the Northern
Ireland Assembly, North-South Ministerial Council, and other cross border bodies
in relation to their activities and Regional Spatial and Economic Development
Continue to work with and develop new initiatives and projects with existing cross
border networks of North West Cross Border Group (NWCBG), Irish Border
Central Area Network (ICBAN) and the East Border Region (EBR), together with
the International Centre for Local and Regional Development (ICLRD) and all
Local Authorities and District Councils along the border;
Continue the close links with the Special EU Programmes Body in relation to
managing authority functions, financial management and major projects;
Continue to participate on the PEACE IV and INTERREG VA Monitoring and
Steering Committees and other joint committees and working groups;
Participate in the preparation of the PEACE IV and INTERREG VA programmes;
Promote North South co-operation in the implementation plan of the BMW
Regional OP 2014 - 2020.
ERDF Gateways and Hubs Fund 2007 - 2013
The NW Regional Assembly is the Body responsible for the €17.15m ERDF Gateways and Hubs
Fund under the Regional OP 2007-13.
These responsibilities in 2015 will include:
 Processing of final local authority payment claims;
 Verification of expenditure and issuance of payments;
 Certification of expenditure on the EU SF IT System;
 Reporting to the OP Monitoring Committee; and
 Providing information and publicity for the Scheme
Regional Spatial and Economic Planning
The Regional Assembly now has responsibility to oversee the implementation of
Regional Planning Guidelines 2010-2022 for both former NUTS III Western and Border
Regions. The Assembly is also responsible for the creation and implementation of the
new Regional Spatial and Economic Strategies (RSESs) which will be the successor
document to the existing RPGs.
In 2015 the Assembly will 
Be a key delivery vehicle for the implementation of the National Spatial Strategy (NSS),
(and its successor document), at regional level through implementation of the Regional
Planning Guidelines 2010-2022 in consultation with local planning authorities and other
statutory agencies.
Monitor and coordinate the implementation of the RPGs 2010-2022 in accordance with
the provisions of the Planning and Development Acts, 2000, as amended.
Prepare statutory planning submissions on an on-going basis for the Regional Assembly
Members in respect of their statutory role under the Planning and Development Act 2000,
as amended with a view to promoting consistency and a regard for the development
requirements of the region. These are:
 Development Plans and associated documents of the Local Authorities in the
region; and in adjoining regions as appropriate,
 Variations to Development Plans and associated documents,
Arrange for the preparation of submissions/observations on Local Area Plans (and
associated documents), Strategic Infrastructure Applications, Strategic Development
Zones (SDZs), other significant development proposals, regional strategic planning
documents and draft Ministerial Directions
Present other planning reports and submissions to the Members of the Northern &
Western Regional Assembly, as required, to ensure alignment with RPG/RSES objectives
Arrange attendance at An Bord Pleanála Oral Hearings, as necessary
Support the work of the National RPGs Implementation Steering Committee in the
preparation of appropriate monitoring criteria, the evaluation and reporting of the impact
of RPGs Strategies and policies in addressing the region’s development priorities, in
particular by promoting the development of the NSS designated Gateway and Hubs, and
the key towns.
Continue support for the preparation of the National RPGs Annual Report updating the
current status of progress made during 2014 in the attainment of the RPGs objectives
under the Planning and Development Act 2000 as amended
Make statements as appropriate on matters relating to the functions of the Assembly as
may be requested by the Minister for the Environment, Community and Local
Government or a constituent authority.
Promote, through consultation, co-ordination and co-operation, the development of the
following sectoral elements in the region and its economy: Agriculture, Horticulture &
Food; Forestry, Fishing & Aquaculture; Industry & Services; R & D; Innovation &
Entrepreneurship; Energy & Exploitation of Natural Resources; Tourism; Urban
Renewal; Urban & Rural Development; Access & Internal Transport Infrastructure;
Water & Waste Water Supply & Waste Management; Environmental Protection &
Sustainable Development; Coastal Protection, Inland Waterways & Arterial Drainage;
Health; Education & Training; Physical & Natural Amenities, Archaeological & Historic
Heritage; Cultural Resources, Arts Facilities & Crafts Sector; ICT & the Information
Coordinate and manage the preparation of the RSES documents in accordance with the
provisions of the Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended). More specifically,
key duties include:
 preparation of issue papers in line with population targets and analysis of
development needs and potentials
 Organise public consultation events at key stages of the preparation process including
Draft Issues Paper and Draft RSES documents
 Prepare Directors Reports to summarise submissions received and recommendations
made, following all public consultation events
 Commence Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) (and Appropriate
Assessments, if required) for the new RSES and preparation and integration of Flood
Risk Assessments
 Promote and facilitate engagement with Department of Jobs, Enterprise and
Innovation, economic agencies in preparing the regional economic strategy and
identify investment priorities
 Prepare Draft RSES documents
Participate in a national oversight committee responsible for the review of the NSS and
the new NPF as well as the preparation of the new RSES in line with Ministerial
Together with DECLG, other Regional Assemblies and Local Authorities, establish and
agree protocols for the review of all draft LECPs and subsequent submission of
observations and recommendations
Establish SPA Committees with relevant stakeholders, develop its work programme and
continue to organise and support the work of Technical Working Groups that will provide
technical planning support for each Strategic Planning Area
Engage with economic agencies to define a regional economic strategy and identify
investment priorities
Agree Terms of Reference and membership for the Regional Economic Fora
Liaise with Department of Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation to align with Regional
Enterprise Strategy processes
Agree working arrangements with each Local Authority and with the National Transport
Continue to support the OPW in the development of CFRAM Studies for the relevant
River Basin Districts within the Region.
Contribute to local and regional strategies (e.g. Wind Energy, Retail, Recreation,
Peatlands, Landscape, etc.)
Continue to participate in the Regional Planners Network (RPN) in the preparation and
delivery of 2015 Work Plan, promote best practice and coordination of planning activities
between the Assembly areas, as well as monitoring of activities and outputs
Continue to contribute to, and support the work of other state agencies involved in
research, e.g. through ad hoc Steering Group roles, dissemination of information or
preparation of research/ guidance
Participate in Irish/EU networks and EU projects which support the implementation of
RPG/RSES objectives and the objectives of the E U Regional Operational Programme.
Corporate Strategy
The Assembly must prepare a five year Corporate Strategy for the Northern and Western
Regional Assembly in accordance with Article 55 of the of the Local Government Act
1991 (Regional Assemblies ) (Establishment ) Order 2014.
The strategy will set out the following:
a mission statement consistent with the functions of the Regional Assembly
a description of the operating environment, including relationships
with local authorities and other relevant bodies, and internal capacity and resources
a statement of the strategic objectives for the term of the Regional Assembly
including the supporting strategies and actions that are to put in place to achieve the
strategic objectives.
the manner in which the Regional Assembly proposes to assess its performance in
respect of its functions and activities and the achievement of its strategic objectives
activities to meet the objectives
Operational Issues
Liaise with the Dept of Environment, Community and Local Government on the
implementation of the regional reform process.
Oversee the recruitment process to fill all vacant posts arising from the regional
Develop new corporate identity , headed paper, signage etc
Prepare and publish an Annual Report on the activities of the Regional Assembly
in 2015;
Develop and implement the Assembly’s Communications Strategy by holding
regular meetings of the Communications Steering Group, identifying opportunities
for coverage, drafting regular press release on relevant issues of public interest and
focusing on dissemination and pick-up to national media outlets and a wider
distribution of press releases.
Continue to update the NW Assembly’s web-site to make it more attractive and
Implement the Official Languages Act 2003 as it relates to the Assembly;
Update the work place Safety Statement and keep it under review;
Provide staff specific training in relation to expenditure certification, website
maintenance, Human Resource Management, Freedom of Information, IT and
other areas that are necessary.
Compile a Training Needs Analysis based on PDPs.
Co-operate with the Southern, and, Eastern and Midland Regional Assemblies on
operational issues;
Respond to Freedom of Information requests, as they arise, in accordance with the
relevant legislation, and continue to participate in the FOI network;
Continue to respond to requests for information on sources of funding;
Support representatives on all Monitoring Committees;
Participate in the following committees:
Rural Development Programme Monitoring Committee
Peace IV Monitoring Committee
Interreg Europe Monitoring Committee
Seafood Development OP Monitoring Committee
Interreg IVB (Atlantic Area) Programme Monitoring and Steering Committees
Interreg IVB (Northern Periphery) Programme Monitoring Committee
Freedom of Information Public Service Users Network
Local Government Management Services Board HR Committee
COMREG Consumer Panel
Facilitate delegations and study groups visiting the Assembly and the Region;
Arrange the use of Assembly facilities by regional and other bodies;
Prepare Financial Statements for 2015;
Prepare Budget for 2016;
Provide comprehensive financial administrative support for all Assembly
Provide assistance and policy support to the NW Committee of the Regions
members as required;
Facilitate attendance at relevant conferences by Assembly members;
Participate in the EU Commission Open Days event October 2015;
Implement the Public Service Agreement (Haddington Road Agreement) as it
relates to the NW Regional Assembly;
Commence engagement with the National Oversight and Audit Commission
Regional Strategic Planning Monitoring
Area Committee
23rd January
20th February
27th March
24th April
15th May
19th June
10th March 2015
17th July
18th September
23rd October
20th November
11th December