Northern School of Anaesthesia & Intensive Care Medicine Core Trainee Changeover Form This form must be emailed to your new hospital within the next 7 days Start date at this hospital: Surname: First Name: Address: Postcode: Email Address: Home Telephone Number: Mobile Telephone Number: Current Hospital Base: Switchboard Number (including bleep/ dect number): Do you work Full time or Flexible? If Flexible, please contact the consultant rotamaker to discuss your working arrangements. Year of Core Training: Date of Entry to your current Year of Training: Date of planning to sit Primary FRCA: Date of passing Primary FRCA: Induction Have you worked in this hospital before? If yes, at what grade? Please give details of your training/experience in Anaesthesia & ICM post-Foundation: Have you completed your 3 month ICM core training: YES / NO Do you have any Obstetric Anaesthesia experience? If so, please give details: Competencies required in this Unit List of specialties and reasons: Rota Details (Do not delay sending your form if you do not have this information) My last on-call will be: My last weekend on-call will be: Leave Requirements – NOTE: official forms must also be completed and sent to the appropriate anaesthetic dept. Study Leave Name of Course Has this course been authorised? ** From: To: YES / NO YES / NO **If no, please send your study leave request form to the rotamaker. **If yes, please send a copy of the confirmation to the rotamaker. Exam Leave: From: To: From: To: From: To: From: To: Annual Leave Other Leave e.g. maternity/paternity leave: From: To: From: To: Not on-call requests for the first six weeks: From To From To Please state how long you will be working in this anaesthetic department? working day: From To** Please state your last **If you are planning to leave the department before the next changeover date then you must put this in writing to the rotamaker, copy to the anaesthetic secretary. BLOOD TRANSFUSION It is a national requirement that from November 2010 all personnel involved at any stage of the blood transfusion process must be formally assessed on their competence. This is to be reassessed on a 3 yearly basis. Please fill in the table below if you have undertaken formal blood transfusion competency training for the areas listed below. You will be expected to provide proof that you have undergone this assessment. It is still to be confirmed, however if you have completed this in one Trust it is likely that it will be accepted in all other Trusts in the region. Competency Hospital Date Achieved Collecting blood components for Transfusion (Some Trusts specifically exclude this for medical staff) Patient identification and labelling of Pre-transfusion blood samples Preparing to administer and administering a blood component transfusion It is expected that you will start your new hospital at the changeover time. If this is not the case, please write to the Rotamaker explaining your late arrival. A copy of the letter/email should be sent to the Service Coordinator/Anaesthetic Secretary. This form must be emailed to your new hospital within the next 7 days. Please do not send this form to Barbara Sladdin. Please keep a copy for your file Copies of this form must be emailed to the Office Manager/Anaesthetic Secretary at your new hospital base. forward this information to the Consultant rotamaker. Please keep a copy for your file. Secretaries will Hospital Name Title Email Address Cumberland Infirmary Kerry-Ann Armstrong Anaesthetic Secretary Freeman Road Hospital - general Carole Baggaley Senior Anaesthetic Secretary Freeman Road Hospital - cardio Diane Robson Cardio Anaesthetic Secretary James Cook University Hospital Sue Styan Office Manager Memorial Hospital (Darlington) NHS Trust Tanya Allan Anaesthetic Secretary North Tyneside General Hospital Wansbeck General Hospital Queen Elizabeth Hospital Joanne Ackinclose Anaesthetic Secretary Liz Brandon Anaesthetic Secretary Royal Victoria Infirmary Sunderland Royal Hospital NHS Trust Julie Angus Dr Judith Wilkes Carolyn Ross-Allison *Service Coordinator *Specialty Training Modular Organiser Anaesthetic Secretary University Hospital of Hartlepool Belinda Trotter Anaesthetic Secretary University Hospital of North Durham Emily Hutchinson Susan Currien Debbie Ghani Anaesthetic Secretary – shared post *Please email form to both *Please email form to both University Hospital of North Tees Educational Administrator - Anaesthetics