International Scientific Conference BUSINESS TRENDS 13th and 14th November 2014 Section 1, 2, 3 (choose the right section) CONFERENCE PAPER NAME (Font size of 16 points, upper-case, bold, left) 1 free line, font size of 10 points Author´s (Authors´) Name (Font size of 12 points, bold, centre alignment, no academic degrees) 2 free lines, font size of 10 points INTRODUCTION 1 free line, font size of 10 points 1 CHAPTER NAME (FONT SIZE OF 12 POINTS, UPPERCASE, BOLD, MULTILEVEL NUMBERING) 1 free line, font size of 10 points 1.1 SUBCHAPTER NAME 1 free line, font size of 10 points Conference paper shall be maximum 8 pages of A4 size. The whole conference paper shall be written in Microsoft Word, using Arial font size of 10 points, single spacing, block alignment, please set all margins at 2.50cm, and do not number pages. Align the paragraph full and indent the first line 0.5cm. Use the tabulator to scroll texts. Citations shall be in the text, do not use footnotes. Tables and figures shall be in the text and numbered. Their number, using the font size of 10 points, bold, and left, must be stated on the left above each table or figure. Below each table or figure there must be given a source upon which the author has drawn. To express mathematical formulae, please use the equation editor. Formulae shall be marked with a number in round brackets, using the Arial font size of 10 points, right alignment next to the formula. If results of a particular project are published in the paper, a code and name of the project and provider identification shall be given at the end of the paper. 1 free line, font size of 10 points CONCLUSION 1 free line, font size of 10 points BIBLIOGRAPHY1 1 free line, font size of 10 points [1] BLECHOVÁ, B., JANOUŠKOVÁ, J. Podvojné účetnictví v příkladech. 10. Vyd. Praha: Grada, 2010. ISBN 978-80247-3208-4. [2] NOVÁK, J. Name. Journal, 2011, Volume 2, Issue 2, pp. 22 – 42. ISSN 1111-1111. [3] NOVÁK, J. Name [online]. Praha: Vysoká škola, 2011. [cit. 2011-02-01]. Available from: Bibliography shall be arranged alphabetically according to authors´ names; regulated by standards ČSN ISO 690 and ČSN ISO 690-2; the number shall be given in square brackets [ ] in the respective place in the text and then the work is cited under this number in the bibliography at the end of a paper. 1 Author’s (authors') address: Name, surname (including academic degrees), university name, faculty name, department name (institute name), and e-mail Fig. 1: Sample description of the figure Source: Tab. 1: Sample description of the table Source: CONFERENCE PAPER NAME IN ENGLISH (font size of 16 points, uppercase, bold, left alignment) 1 free line, font size of 10 points Abstract (maximum 250 – 300 words, font size of 10 points, in the block) 1 free line, font size of 10 points Key words (maximum 5 key words) 1 free line, font size of 10 points JEL Classification (see