Writing 2– Grammar Lesson 25: Verbs and Verb Phrases

CWS– Grammar Lesson 18: Verbs and Verb Phrases
Exercise 1: Mixed Patterns 6-7. Classify each word of each sentence. They are either object
complement noun (OCN) or object complement adjective (OCA).
1. My sister happily painted the walls pink.
2. The cheerleaders named little Penny their new mascot.
3. Does your history teacher think Adolph Hitler a dictator?
4. You made him angry.
5. One new car makes trips a pleasure with its computerized information.
6. One computer even makes our car burglarproof.
7. Some safety experts consider colorful computer panels a driving hazard.
Exercise 2: Underline the verb or verb phrase in each sentence. Then identify the verb tense or verb
form by writing its corresponding number in the blank from the following list: (1) Present Tense (2)
Past Tense (3) Future Tense (4) Present Perfect Tense (5) Past Perfect Tense (6) Future Perfect Tense
(7) Progressive Form (8) Emphatic Form
______ 1. Rebecca will have exercised already.
______ 2. Joshua mows lawns for extra money.
______ 3. Those sailors will depart from New York.
______ 4. Mother had waxed the floor before the party.
______ 5. The fans are shouting for a touchdown.
______ 6. The children have been eating candy.
______ 7. The cow has grazed in our pasture this week.
______ 8. Daniel typed on the computer until midnight.
______ 9. The puppies have opened their eyes.
______ 10. He will have talked for an hour on the phone.
______ 11. Ruth did explain the directions clearly.
______ 12. Dad will have been lighting the charcoal.
Exercise 3: Underline each verb or verb phrase. In the first column, identify the verb tense by writing
its corresponding number in the blank from the following list: (1) Present Tense (2) Past Tense (3)
Future Tense (4) Present Perfect Tense (5) Past Perfect Tense (6) Future Perfect Tense. Then, in the
second column, circle R or I for Regular or Irregular.
1. They frequently talk about current events in that class.
R or I
2. Raymond talked on the phone for several minutes.
R or I
3. My parents will talk to your parents about our trip.
R or I
4. These office machines run all day on a small amount of electricity. _________________
5. My Uncle Ray ran for mayor last November.
6. Our men's club will run in the Boston Marathon next month. _________________
7. Joanne has talked to the salesperson for over an hour.
R or I
R or I
R or I
8. The contestants had answered every question within the time limit. _________________
9. By tonight the children will have opened their presents.
R or I
R or I
10. Aunt Pat always imitates Aunt Sue at our family reunions. _________________
R or I
R or I
Exercise 4: Underline the verb or verb phrase in each sentence. Then identify the voice of the verb by
writing A for Active or P for Passive in the blank.
_____ 1. A barn owl could be seen in the field behind our farmhouse.
_____ 2. The elderly grandmother carefully selected vegetables from the bins at the market.
_____ 3. The elderly mayor was selected as the town's outstanding citizen.
_____ 4. The bluebonnets bloomed by the side of the old country road.
_____ 5. Mrs. Rogers was driven to the hospital by her husband.
_____ 6. Coffee brewed in the pot over the open campfire.
_____ 7. The sleeping child was carried upstairs to her bedroom after dark.
_____ 8. Each child's picture was taped to the wall outside the classroom.
_____ 9. Rachel was tripped by the extension cord.
_____ 10. The two small girls happily picked blueberries on Mueller Mountain.
_____ 11. Mr. Keys, the museum director, removed several exquisite art pieces from the display.