How to Solve Sudoku By Computer

Solve Sudoku By Computer
Let me first remind you about the rules of the puzzle
game Sudoku:
The numbers 1 to 9 have to be placed in the boxes in
such a way that each row, each column and each 3 X 3
block of squares contains each of those numbers once.
A number of squares are given. I handed out two
examples (one easy, one hard) for you to try if you get
bored with my talk.
But, you will probably have guessed that this talk is not
really about Sudoku. In fact, I am going to use Sudoku
as an example of the use of probability theory. Indeed,
I will show that the computer can solve Sudoku by
making clever guesses!
To see that apparently random guesses can in fact give
concrete answers to specific questions, let me first show
a simple example.
Who knows the area of a circle?
One can approximate the value of by randomly
placing a large number of points in a square and
counting the number inside a circle. Since the ratio of
the area of the circle and the area of the square is /4, it
follows that n/N, where n is the number of points
inside the circle, and N is the total number of points.
This demonstrates that there are in fact Laws of
Probability! The first pioneers of Probability Theory
were Fermat, Pascal, Huygens, and Bernoulli:
Fermat and Pascal had an exchange of letters about the
relation between counting and chances. They realised
that the odds of obtaining a certain result is greater if the
number of different ways in which this result can be
obtained is greater. For example, in throwing two dice,
the chance of getting a total of 9 is four times greater
than that of getting a total of 2, because 9 can be
obtained in 4 different ways:
9 = 6 + 3, 9 = 5 + 4, 9 = 4 + 5, and 9 = 3 + 6.
(Of course, 2 can only be obtained as 2 = 1 + 1.)
This led Pascal to introduce his famous triangle:
10 10 5 1
15 20 15 6 1
This has the following meaning: Suppose one throws a
coin n times and counts the number of times a head
comes up. Then the k-th number in the n-th row tells us
how much more likely it is that the number of heads is
k-1 as opposed to 0. For example, if n=6 then it is 15
times more likely that 2 heads come up rather than
The first published account of the mathematics of
chance was by Huygens, a Dutch astronomer. I have
heard that many of the early probabilists were
astronomers, but I don't know if that is true.
Huygens also had good contacts with Leibnitz, whom he
instructed about probability. One of Leibnitz' students
was Jacob Bernoulli, a Swiss mathematician.
The Bernoulli family was a true dynasty of
mathematicians, several of whom made important
Jacob Bernoulli developed probability theory further. In
particular, he investigated the coin tossing problem in
more detail, and in using Pascal's triangle, proved the
so-called Law of Large Numbers. This law says that as
the number n of tosses increases, it becomes more and
more likely that the average number of heads is close to
n/2. In fact, he proved more: if the coin is not fair, i.e. if a
head has a probability p different from 1/2 then after
many tosses the number of heads will be close to np
with high probability.
Probability theory became a mature subject in the 18-th
and 19-th century. Then also random variables with a
continuum of possible values were introduced. The
famous Gauss introduced in particular the bell-shaped
curve and proved the first version of the Central Limit
Theorem, which says roughly that for large n the
deviations from the mean are distributed according to
the bell-shaped curve.
The bell-shaped curve
The bell-shaped curve was first applied in Physics in
1898 by Maxwell. He argued that the distribution of the
molecular velocities in a gas should also be a bellshaped curve because these velocities are the result of
many independent collisions. Boltzmann generalised
this law to general systems at equilibrium. He realised
that Maxwell's distribution is of the form exp(-E/T),
where T is the (absolute) temperature of the gas and E
is the total kinetic energy of the molecules. He then
argued that this should be true in general provided
potential energy is taken into account.
A proper axiomatic approach to probability was
developed only at the beginning of the 20th century, first
by Borel and Cantelli, and its final form by the great
Russian mathematician Andreii N. Kolmogorov.
He postulated a few basic axioms and was then able to
derive very general results. For example, together with
Chebyshev, he proved a very general version of the Law
of Large Numbers, not just for coin tossing, but for any
random variable. This law is also the basis of the Monte
Carlo method for approximating As N increases the
fraction of points inside the circle approaches the
average or expected number, i.e. N /4 with high
Can we apply the same technique to solving Sudoku?
That is, could we simply guess at the answer? Let us
count the number of possible combinations. In the first
example, the first block of 9 squares has 6 unknown
squares, the second 4, etc.
If we guess an arbitrary order for the remaining numbers
in each block, we have for the first block
6! = 6 x 5 x 4 x 3 x 2 x 1 = 720 possibilities, for the
second 4! = 24 etc. and therefore the total number of
possible choices is
6! x 4! x 6! x 7! x 5! x 7! x 6! x 4! x 6!
= 453296916542545920000000 = 4.5 x 1023
If a computer could check each possibility in 1
nanosecond, it would take 4.5 x 1014 seconds, i.e.
about 15 million years to check all possibilities!
This does not sound like a good idea!
However, there is a better way. This method has its
roots in Physics. When modern computers were still in
their infancy, and few places had access to one, it was
proposed (by Ulam) that one might use it to compute the
properties of materials from first principles by
simulation on a computer. Any material, however,
contains an enormous number of molecules and to track
the motion of each would be impossible. Even if one
assumes that the properties are not significantly
changed if one considers only a small number, say 1000
or so, the possibilities for their motion is still huge.
Therefore, Mayer and Ulam independently suggested
taking an average over a random sample of possible
motions. This seems like a reasonable idea, but it is still
not good enough. N. Metropolis et al. found a better way
of sampling.
To illustrate the basic problem, consider the following
example. Suppose we want to approximate the area
underneath the curve of the function e-x say from 0 to
100. If we enclose it by a rectangle as before and
choose points at random, most of these will lie above
the graph of the function and it will take a long time to
get a reasonable approximation. This is because for
most values of x, it is very unlikely that the value of y is
less than the function value.
Metropolis et al. realised that the same is also the case
for the motion of the molecules: certain motions are
much more likely than others.
Boltzmann had shown that, if the material is at a given
temperature T, the likelihood of a particular molecular
movement is proportional to the Boltzmann factor
where E is the total energy of all molecular motions.
(This is conserved during the motion.)
Therefore, one should make sure that motions with a
relatively large Boltzmann factor are chosen
proportionately more often than those with a small
Boltzmann factor. This is achieved by the Metropolis
algorithm. It is used nowadays in a multitude of
Let us now see how to apply this method to the problem
of solving Sudoku. First we need to assign a fictitious
'energy' to every possible choice of the numbers in each
block. We do this by counting, for each square, the
number of identical numbers in the same row or the
same column, and adding the results for all squares.
Obviously, the higher this number, the further we are
from a solution in some sense.
We now want to choose successive assignments of the
numbers, similar to successive movements of
molecules. We do this by successively interchanging
two numbers in a 9 x 9 block (only those that have not
been given of course).
The next problem is what to value to take for the
'temperature'. Here the analogy with molecular motion is
useful. If the temperature is high, the molecules move
vigorously, which is demonstrated by the fact that the
Boltzmann factor of many possible molecular
movements are large, so that there are many equally
likely movements. At low temperature, very few
movements are possible: the molecules are nearly fixed.
Given an arbitrary initial guess for the numbers in each
block, if we take the temperature too low, it will take a
long time to find an move with large Boltzmann factor.
On the other hand, if the temperature is too high, many
motions are allowed, but this does not distinguish well
enough between 'good' and 'bad' moves. Curiously,
taking a temperature somewhere in between will not do
either! This can be illustrated by the following 'graph':
In fact, the best way to find the pattern with the minimal
energy is to gradually decrease the temperature. This
procedure is well-known in materials science and is
called annealing. The same method is used in practice
to obtain perfect crystals.
The same method explained here is used for many
applications, e.g. in elementary particle physics, to
calculate the predicted outcome of experiments, in
biology, to determine probable relations between gene
expression and disease, and in pattern recognition
programs of various kinds.
As a final note, the method is also useful for computing
an optimal table arrangement at dinners or a seating
plan for offices as suggested in the following cartoon: