Relationships between the biomass of waterfowl and

Bibliography of birds at Barberspan
Compiled by Joel Avni, May 2010
The waterfowl of Barberspan
EL Shewell 1959. Ostrich Supplement 3
Proceedings of the First Pan-African Ornithological Congress, Livingstone, Southern Rhodesia, 15-19 July 1957
A description of the first two years of ringing waterbirds by the first ornithologist stationed at the newly opened bird
research station at Barberspan, with preliminary descriptions of the life histories and ecology of the local avifauna.
Contribution to the bird fauna of Barberspan
T Farkas 1963. Ostrich Supplement 4, pp 1-39
Shewell’s successor describes the general geographical and climatological characteristics of Barberspan as well as the
physical limnology, the influence of man and animal predators on the birds, aspects of their breeding and ecology, the bird
ringing programme at the reserve and the species recorded.
The Birds of Barberspan III: Some structural changes in the avifauna of Barberspan Nature
T Farkas 1966. Ostrich Supplement 6; pp 463-491
Discusses structural changes caused by extensive drought and is the first account of how changing climatic patterns
affect bird numbers and species composition at Barberspan.
The biology of Barberspan, with special reference to the avifauna
P le S Milstein 1975. Ostrich Supplement 10
The whole supplement is devoted to Barberspan with chapters on geology, physiography, limnology. Climatology,
vegetation, non-avian fauna, bird management, status of the avifauna, species requiring confirmation, probable additional
species, ringing; and bird ectoparasites. The new warden draws on more than a decade of regular counts and ringing to
present a grand overview of Barberspan. Essential reading, even today.
Twenty-first anniversary commemorative volume of the Barberspan Ornithological Research
Ostrich Supplement 12, 1977
Status of the Barberspan avifauna, 1971-1975; David M Skead and WRJ Dean. pp 3-42
Breeding of the Great Crested Grebe at Barberspan; WRJ Dean. pp 43-48
Seasonal abundance of Anatidae at Barberspan; David M Skead and WRJ Dean. pp 49-64
Diurnal activity budgets of Anatini during winter; David M Skead. pp 65-74
Pair-forming and breeding behaviour of the Cape Shoveller at Barberspan; David M Skead. pp 75-81
The sex ration in Yellowbilled Duck, Redbilled Teal and Southern Pochard; WRJ Dean and David M Skead. pp 82-85
A morphological study of Yellowbilled Duck and Redbilled Teal; DH Day. pp 86-96
Moult of the Curlew Sandpiper at Barberspan; WRJ Dean. pp 97-101
Population, diet and the annual cycle of the Laughing Dove at Barberspan: 1. Life expectancy and survival estimates;
WRJ Dean. pp 102-107
The moult of the Cape Sparrow; WRJ Dean. pp 108-116
Weights of birds handled at Barberspan; David M Skead. pp 117-131
Feeding association between Dabchicks and four Anas species; David M Skead. pp132-133
Interspecific aggressive behaviour of Anatini; David M Skead. pp 133-134
Egg carrying by nesting ducks; David M Skead. p135
Pair-bond of the Cape Shoveller; David M Skead. pp135-136
A tour de force by three of the reserve’s ornithologists describing research in Barberspan’s heyday.
Moult cycles of Anatidae in the western Transvaal
WRJ Dean1976. 16th Professional Conference of the Transvaal Division of Nature Conservators pp. 33. Mimeograph.
Moult of the Little Stint in South Africa
WRJ Dean1977. Ardea 65: 73-79.
The ecology of owls at Barberspan, Transvaal
WRJ Dean 1977. Proceedings of a Symposium on African Predatory Birds, pp 25-45, NTOS
Life expectancy of the Cape Sparrow.
WRJ Dean 1978. Ostrich 49: 16-20.
Moult seasons of some Anatidae in the western Transvaal
WRJ Dean 1978. Ostrich 49: 76-84
The use of Potamogeton pectinatus rafts as foraging substrates by birds
WRJ Dean1979. Ostrich 50: 186.
Population, diet and the annual cycle of the Laughing Dove at Barberspan. Part 2. Diet.
WRJ Dean1979. Ostrich 50: 215-219.
Population, diet and the annual cycle of the Laughing Dove at Barberspan. Part 3. The annual cycle.
WRJ Dean1979. Ostrich 50: 234-239.
Population, diet and the annual cycle of the Laughing Dove at Barberspan. Part 4. Breeding data and population
WRJ Dean1980. Ostrich 51: 80-91.
Brood division by Redknobbed Coot.
WRJ Dean1980. Ostrich 51: 125-126.
Plumage maintenance in some southern African Anatidae
WRJ Dean & DM Skead 1978. Ostrich 49: 199-202.
A note on the sex ratio in the South African Shelduck.
WRJ Dean & DM Skead 1978. Ostrich 49: 203-204.
Problems in sexing Red-knobbed Coots.
WRJ Dean & DM Skead 1978. Safring News 7: 9-11.
Whiskered Terns breeding in the western Transvaal.
WRJ Dean & DM Skead 1979. Ostrich 50: 118.
Moult and mass of the Red-knobbed Coot
WRJ Dean, & DM Skead 1979. Ostrich 50: 199-202.
The weights of some southern African Anatidae.
WRJ Dean & DM Skead 1979. Wildfowl 30: 114-117.
Features of spermatogenesis in the Laughing Dove Streptopelia senegalensis.
RA Earle & WRJ Dean1981. South African Journal of Zoology 16: 109-112.
Estimates of wetland availability and sizes of waterfowl populations on the Highveld derived from aerial surveys.
JN Geldenhuys & DM Skead 1982. South African Journal of Wildlife Research.
A preliminary list of the birds of the Schweizer Reneke district, Transvaal.
DM Skead 1969. South African Avifauna Ser. 65.
Ecological studies of four estrildines in the central Transvaal.
DM Skead 1975. Ostrich Supplement 11, pp 1-55
Social behaviour of the Yellow-billed Duck and Red-billed Teal in relation to breeding.
DM Skead 1976. Unpublished M Sc thesis, University of Natal. 170pp.
Feeding associations of Hirundo spilodera with other animals.
DM Skead 1979. Bokmakierie 31: 63
The ecological relationship of the Yellow-billed Duck to its habitat at Barberspan and vicinity.
DM Skead 1980. Unpublished D Sc thesis, Potchefstroom University.
Whitebreasted Cormorant Phalacrocoras carbo chokes on fish.
DM Skead 1980. Cormorant 8: 27.
Dispersal, life expectancy, and annual mortality of Whitebreasted Cormorants Phalacrocorax carbo ringed as nestlings at
DM Skead 1980. Cormorant 8: 73-80.
Recovery distribution of Redknobbed Coots ringed at Barberspan.
DM Skead 1981. Ostrich 52: 126-128.
Goliath Heron chokes on Carp.
DM Skead 1981. Bokmakierie 33: 51.
Field-feeding by the Yellowbilled Duck Anas undulata.
DM Skead 1981. Laniarius 14: 1-13.
Further notes on birds of the Bloemhof district, Transvaal.
DM Skead & HD Bandt 1968. Ostrich 39: 228-230.
Pintail Anas acuta In: "New Distribution Data: 5".
DM Skead & GJ Broekhuysen 1974. Ostrich 45: 134.
Black-tailed Godwit Limosa limosa. In: "New Distributional Data: 5".
DM Skead & DH Day 1974. Ostrich 45: 135.
Studies on the avifauna of Barberspan.
DM Skead. & WRJ Dean1975.16th Professional Conference of the Transvaal Division of Nature Conservation, Project TN
Breeding success of a pair of Fish Eagles.
DM Skead. & WRJ Dean1982. Ostrich 53: 245-246.
Grit ingested by waterfowl in relation to diet.
DM Skead. & RJH Mitchell 1983. South African Journal of Wildlife Research 13:22 pp32-34
Survival and recovery rates of yellow-billed ducks
WRJ Dean & DM Skead 1989. Journal of Wildlife Management 53:1 pp 119-122
Important Bird Areas of Southern Africa
K Barnes 1998.
Behaviour and evolution in the genus Euplectes
AJFK Craig 1980. Journal of Ornithology 121: 2 pp 144-161
Wild bird movements and avian influenza risk mapping in southern Africa.
GS Cumming, PAR Hockey, LW Bruinzeel and MA du Plessis 2008. Ecology and Society 13:2 26
Waterfowl (Anatidae) on Irrigation Lakes in the Orange Free State
JN Geldenhuys 1975. Ostrich 46: 3-4 219-235
Feeding, reproduction and body composition of Spurwinged Geese.
SA Halse 1982. Unpublished PhD thesis. University of Witwatersrand.
Diet and size of digestive organs of Spurwinged Geese.
SA Halse 1985. Wildfowl 36: 129-134.
Measurements of Egyptian Geese.
SA Halse & DM Skead 1982. Ostrich 53: 251-253.
Wing moult, body measurements and conditions indices of Spurwinged Geese.
SA Halse & DM Skead 1983. Wildfowl 34: 108-114
Diet, body condition and gut size of Egyptian geese
SA Halse 1984. Journal of Wildlife Management 48: 2 pp 569-573
Activity budgets of Spurwinged and Egyptian geese at Barberspan during winter
SA Halse 1985. Ostrich 56:1-3 pp 104-110
Carcass composition of spur-winged geese with comments on reproduction and moulting
SA Halse & JC Dobbs 1985. African Journal of Ecology 23: 3 pp 171-178
Gonadal cycles and levels of luteinizing hormone in wild Spur-winged geese, Plectropterus gambensis
S Halse 1985. Journal of Zoology 205: 3 pp 335-355
Atlas of Southern African Birds, volumes 1 & 2
JA Harrison, DG Allan, LG Underhill, M Herremans, AJ Tree, V Parker & CJ Brown 1997. BirdLife South Africa
Avian response to controlled fire at Barberspan
R Hoffman 2005. Unpublished M Sc thesis North-West University, Potchefstroom
The effects of fire on grassland bird communities of Barberspan, North West Province
R Hoffman & H Bouwman 2007. Ostrich 78: 3 pp 591-608
A directory of African wetlands
RH Hughes & JS Hughes - 1992 -
Fiasko by Barberspan.
J Lourens. 1988. Stywe Lyne March 1988: 8, 20.
The first ten years of ringing in South Africa.
GR McLachlan 1966. Ostrich Supplement 6: 255-263.
Population dynamics and the physical and financial impacts to cereal crops of the Egyptian Goose Alopochen aegyptiacus
on the Agulhas Plain, Western Cape, South Africa
M J Mangnall, T M Crowe 2002. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 90: 231-246
Satellite tracking of flamingos in southern Africa: the importance of small wetlands for management and conservation
G McCulloch, A Aebischer & K Irvine 2003. Oryx 37: 480-483
The Southern Pochard, Netta erythrophthalma brunnea
E Middlemiss 1958. Ostrich Supplement 2: 1-34
Problems of waterfowl conservation in the Transvaal
P le S Milstein 1976. Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Wetlands and Waterfowl, Heiligenhafen 1974,
pp 444-448
Preliminary feeding data on Red-billed teal, Cape teal and Cape shoveller at Barberspan.
RJH Mitchell 1983. South African Journal of Wildlife Research 13 (2): 47-48
Feeding behavior and ecology of the Goliath Heron
DW Mock & KC Mock 1980. Auk 97 (3): 433-448
Africa's feathered locust
PJ Mundy & MJF Jarvis 1989. Baobab Books
A comparative analysis of movements of southern African waterfowl (Anatidae) based on ringing recoveries.
TB Oatley & RP Prys-Jones 1986. South African Journal of Wildlife Research 16:1-6.
Red-billed teal foods in semiarid South Africa: a north-temperate contrast
SA Petrie 1996. Journal of Wildlife Management 60:4 pp 874-881
Rapid or slow moult? The choice of a primary moult strategy by immature Wood Sandpipers Tringa glareola in southern
M Remisiewicz, AJ Tree, LG Underhill & PB Taylor 2010. Journal of Ornithology 51: 429-441.
The yellowbill duck Anas undulata Dubois in southern Africa
MK Rowan 1963. Ostrich Supplement 5 pp 1-56
An analysis of the records of a South African ringing station.
MK Rowan. 1964. Ostrich 35: 160-187
Relationships between the biomass of waterfowl and submerged macrophytes in a South African estuarine lake system
IA Russell, RM Randall, BM Randall and N Hanekom 2009. Ostrich 80: 1, pp 35-41
Mating systems, parasites and plumage dimorphism in waterfowl
DK Scott & TH Clutton-Brock 1989. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 26: 261-273
The Cape Shoveller Anas smithii (Hartert) in southern Africa
WR Siegfried 1965. Ostrich 36: 155-198
South African red data book-Aves
WR Siegfried, PGH Frost, J Cooper & AC Kemp 1976. CSIR
Wildfowl distribution, conservation and research in southern Africa
WR Siegfried 1970. Wildfowl 21: 89-98
Morphological variation in the Common Fiscal Lanius collaris along an altitudinal gradient in South Africa
S Soobramoney, CT Downs, NJ Adams 2005. Ostrich 76: 3-4 pp130-141
Wader migration systems in southern and eastern Africa and western Asia
RW Summers, LG Underhill, DJ Pearson & DA Scott 1987. Wader Study Group Bulletin 49: 15-34.
Birds of the Transvaal
WR Tarboton, MI Kemp & AC Kemp 1987. Transvaal Museum
TOTAL CWAC Report: Coordinated Waterbird Counts in South Africa, 1992–97
PBTaylor, RA Navarro, JA Harrison, M Wren-Sargent & S. Kieswetter 1999. Avian Demography Unit, Cape Town
Migratory birds
LG Underhill 1995. In: Wetlands of South Africa, GI Cowan (ed). Department of Environmental Affairs and Tourism,
Pretoria, pp 163–177
Review of Ring Recoveries of Waterbirds in Southern Africa
LG Underhill, AJ Tree, HD Oschadleus & V Parker 1999. Avian Demography Unit, Cape Town
Research at PPRI on Environmental Effects of Quelea Control Operations
E van der Walt 1999. In: Workshop on Research Priorities for Migrant Pests of Agriculture in Southern Africa, Plant
Protection Research Institute, Pretoria, South Africa, 24–26 March 1999. RA Cheke & LJ Rosenberg (eds)
The Cape Teal
JM Winterbottom 1974. Ostrich 45: 110-132
Barberspan, South Africa: Information sheet for the site designated to the List of Wetlands of International Importance in
terms of the Convention on Wetlands of International Importance especially as Waterfowl Habitat
BirdLife IBA Factsheet, Barberspan and Leeupan
Report on the Conservation Status of Migratory Waterbirds in the Agreement Area
DA Scott 2002. African-Eurasian Waterbird Agreement: Information document to the MOP2 (Inf 2.14), Bonn.
Report on the Conservation Status of Migratory Waterbirds in the Agreement Area
Anonymous 1999. African-Eurasian Waterbird Agreement
An evaluation of the conservation status of aquatic biotopes
RG Noble. 1974 Koedoe - African Protected Area Conservation and Science 17: 1