The purpose of the subject Romanian language and medical

The Republic of Moldova Ministry of Health
The State University of Medicine and Pharmacy
“Nicolae Testemitanu”
At the meeting of The Faculty of Medicine N.2 Council
The Minutes N.3 _ from 08.02.2011
The dean of The Faculty of Medicine N.2,
Doctor, professor _ M. Gavriliuc
At the meeting of Romanian language and medical terminology department
The minutes N. 7 from 02.02.2011
The head of the department
Doctor, associate professor, Eugenia Mincu
The Syllabus
The course name: Romanian language and medical terminology in the foreign
students groups
The code of the course: G.01.A.009; G.02.A.014; G.03.A.026; G.03.A.032;
G.01.0.008; G.02.0.019; G.03.0.028; G.04.0.035; G.01.0.015; G.03.0.034;
G.04.0.039; G.01.0.012; G.02.0.022; G.03.0.033; G.04.0.040
The type of the course: compulsory subject
Number of hours – 272
The 1st year
Total number of hours- 136
The 2nd year
Total number of hours – 136
Number of credits allocated for a course unit: 0
Chisinau, 2011
The purpose of the subject Romanian language and medical terminology:
The study of Romanian language at The State University of Medicine and
Pharmacy “Nicolae Testemitanu” is dictated by important factors with the purpose
to prepare the future doctors, actually the foreign students, who must know the
official language as a language of oral and written communication in The Republic
of Moldova, the country where they study, ulterior being integrated in the social
and cultural life of the state; in particular, to cultivate in the foreign students the
respect for the Republic of Moldova’ official language, to help them deepening
knowledge in the field of language, assimilating the medical terminology.
Training objectives within The Romanian language and medical terminology
The connection between the actual situation and the final one as a component part
of didactic, instructive vision is made through the formulation of the objectives.
A) Te assimilation of a volume circumscribed by the theoretical knowledge
dealing with professional medical terminology, as well as with their
integration in the everyday usage.
B) The cultivation of skills and abilities to apply the norms of the language in
the oral and written (reading, translation, analysis, conversation) speaking.
C) The cultivation of the vocabulary used every day and of the medical
terminology, the formation of the expressive reading and fluent speaking
At the end of the course the student will be able:
At the knowledge and comprehension level
 to explain the purpose of the institution where they study;
 to motivate the necessity and the importance to begin a such study
(formation of motivation);
 to understand, to have grammar knowledge, knowledge for everyday use
and knowledge of medical terminology in Romanian;
 to promote educational habits, to distinguish value from nonvalue, to
respect Romanian language, exploring it as a language of new
information gathering (medical terminology), as an indispensable aspect
of the creation of medical personality;
 to educate the healthy tolerance principles of respect and understanding
for neighbour peoples;
 to be able to listen, to discuss, to present, to deny and to justify his
 to assume responsabilities for auto development and to cultivate
continuous study skills.
At the application level
 to argue the necessity to study the course of Romanian language and
medical terminology, creating a favorable psychological climate and
preventing eventual blockages;
 to promote a study of diagnosis establishment: the assimilation of the
material is not a control, the individual results in possessing
Romanian language and medical terminology will serve for
etymological, morphological and lexical analysis, to a linguistic
terminological axes, to a self manifestation;
 to compare the standard medical terminology (international) with our
own medical terminology, identifying their advantages and
 to classify information accumulated at the courses in basic
information (compulsory lexical minimum) and adjuvant one, to
systematize the information;
 to exercise in Romanian - the exercise indicates a superior step in the
Romanian language assimilation and it is an important aspect of the
communication process, the information concentrates attention at
At the integration level
 to study, to know, to be acquainted with the last reality, present or
virtual; to learn to study always, to approach by himself to the
cultural values;
 to study to act getting a pragmatic competence in medicine (as the
field of activity);
 to learn how to face different and complex socio-professional
levels of communication:
doctor → patient
doctor → doctor
doctor → mapamond;
 to learn valuing the personality, to perfect continuously
himself accumulating medical terminology, promoting an ethic
moral status of the doctor through objectivity, universality and
high professionalism;
 to live the cultural, professional, socio-economical values, to
promote and also to amplify them through their own acts of
investigation (see Rapport a l’ UNESCO, 1996);
 to determine medicine social objectives, appreciating the
medicine aim by socio-economic development;
 to appreciate the situation of medicine in Republic of Moldova,
correlating it with world medicine.
Preliminary conditionings and exigencies
The Romanian language and medical terminology in the non-native groups is a
discipline that forms abilities of receiving and assimilation of the Romanian
medical terminology by non-native students. The knowledge that it offers are
indispensable for ulterior socioprofessional integration of the future doctors and
will assure a level of quality in the doctorţs profession performance in Republic of
Moldova. The course summarizes knowledge of Romanian language (starting with
the alphabet to systematize and to unify the knowledge of Romanian language
assimilated in different lyceums from Republic of Moldova) and the terminological
lexical minimum omnipresent in the Romanian medical language and forms
communication skills (oral/written aspects, monologues, dialogues), of visual and
auditory receiving of the medical message in Romanian language.
The content of the discipline Romanian language and medical terminology in
the groups of foreign students, including 1st year Anglophones from Medicine,
Pharmacy, Dentistry faculties:
Nr The subject
The 1st. module. The origin of Romanian language. Introduce
1. Modalities of introduction. Frequent questions. Introduce yourself
(situational conversation).
Grammar: Writing’s origin. Phonetics. The Latin alphabet for
Romanian language. Vowels and consonants. Diphthongs and
triphthongs. Orthography and pronunciation. Exercises of language
consolidation and grammar ones.
The 2nd module. Who are you? (basic text) The names of the
countries. Nationalities. Languages of communication. Professions.
2. Greetings. Salutations. Addressing a request.
Grammar: The personal pronoun. The pronoun of politeness. The
verb “to be” paradigm. The noun’s gender and number. The cardinal
numeral. The interrogative pronoun and adjective. Intonation.
Grammar consolidation exercises.
The 3rd module. The classroom. In a classroom (basic text). The
sequences of time: seasons, weather (situational conversation). The
3. seasons and the months of the year.
Grammar: The noun’s gender and number categories. The compound
cardinal numerals. Exercises of grammar and language consolidation.
The 4th module. In a students hostel.
In a students hostel (the basic text). My flat (conversation subject).
4. Grammar: The conjugation of the verb “to have” in indicative
present. The indefinite pronoun and adjective. The negative pronoun.
Exercises of grammar and language consolidation
The 5th module. Bucuresti.
We are in Bucuresti (the basic text). In the city (additional text). My
5. native town (additional text).
Grammar: The definite article. The indefinite pronoun and adjective.
The adjective with four forms. The indefinite adjective.
Exercises of grammar and language consolidation.
The 6th module. A working day.
6. A working day (the basic text). The daily program (situational
Grammar: The indicative mood. Present tense, affirmative and
negative forms. Exercises of grammar and language consolidation.
The 7th module. What are we doing today?
What are we doing today? (basic text) We go to the theatre (basic
7. text). At the university library (situational conversation). At the
exhibition. In the park. At the museum. Theatre (situational
Grammar: The indicative mood, present tense. The imperative mood.
The verbs’ conjugation. The demonstrative pronouns and adjectives.
Exercises of grammar and language consolidation.
The 8th module. At the canteen.
At the students canteen (basic text) At the restaurant (additional text).
8. Names of food products: drinks, fruits, vegetables, dishes and others.
Grammar: The indicative mood, present tense. Irregular verbs. The
perfect tenses. Preposition plus (determined) noun.
Exercises of grammar and language consolidation
The 9th module. Trips. Rest.
A trip to Sinaia (basic text). The favorite sport (basic text). At the
9. seaside. At the mountain (situational conversations). A letter from
Moldova (additional subject). Plans for vacation (basic text).
Grammar: The personal pronoun, accusative case, accentuated form.
The adjectives with three, two and one forms. The demonstrative
pronouns and adjectives.
Exercises of grammar and language consolidation.
The 10th module. Shopping.
Shopping (basic text). The shop “Unirea” (basic text). In a grocery
store. In the universal store (situational conversations). Names of
10. industrial products (clothes, shoes). Names of sausages.
Grammar: Conjunctive mood, present tense. The conjunctive mood
dissociation. Conjunctive with imperative value.
Exercises of grammar and language consolidation.
The 11th module. On the telephone.
On the telephone (basic text). At the telegraph (situational
conversation). On the telephone (dialogue). Visiting friends
(composition). At the post-office (basic text).
Grammar: Conjunctive mood, present tense. The conjunctive of the
irregular verbs. The syntax. Conjunctive mood, present tense usage.
The indicative mood, future tense. The relative pronoun and
adjective. The relative adverbs: where, when, how. The syntax. The
direct and indirect speech.
Exercises of grammar and language consolidation.
The 12th module. At the doctor.
At the doctor (basic text). At the internist (situational conversation).
Grammar: The personal pronoun. The accusative case, unstressed
forms: a) the nun substitution; b) the persons. The unstressed
pronominal forms position related to the verb. The indicative mood,
present tense. Conjunctive mood, present tense. The indicative mood,
future simple.
The 13th module. A letter from the mountains (basic text).
Grammar: The indicative mood, present tense. The reflexive
pronouns in accusative. Exercises of grammar and language
The 14th module. In a new house (basic text).
Grammar: The noun. The demonstrative adjective and pronoun.
Exercises of grammar and language consolidation.
The 15th module. My family (basic text). My family (monologue).
Grammar: The possessive adjective. The personal pronoun. Genitive
case, the 3rd person. The combinations noun + adjective in genitive.
Exercises of grammar and language consolidation
The 16th module. At the post-office (the basic text).
Grammar: The modal adverb. The personal pronoun: a) dative case
(unstressed forms); b) The unstressed pronominal forms position
related to the verb. Verbal constructions with dative. The
interrogative and relative pronoun.
Exercises of grammar and language consolidation
The 17th module. Plans for vacation (the basic text). Situational
conversation “A day of vacation”.
Grammar: The verb. The indicative mood, future simple. The
interrogative and relative pronoun and adjective.
Exercises of grammar and language consolidation.
The 18th module. We go to the theatre. Situational conversation “At
the theatre”.
Grammar: The interrogative and relative adjective: care (which).The
participle: affirmative and negative. Exercises of grammar and
language consolidation.
The 19th module. The shop “Unirea” (basic text). Situational
conversation “Shopping”.
Grammar: Personal pronoun in dative case, the stressed forms. The
indefinite pronoun one, another. The indefinite article. Prepositions
and prepositional constructions with Genitive. The reflexive pronoun
in Dative. Verbs with reflexive pronouns in Dative.
Exercises of grammar and language consolidation
The 20th module. My job.
What job to chose? (the basic text) The doctor profession (situational
Grammar: The unstressed pronominal forms dative +accusative. The
reflexive pronoun + the personal pronoun. The unstressed forms
positions related to the verb. The demonstrative pronoun and
adjective: acelasi, celalalt (same, other). The collective numeral:
amindoi (the both).
Exercises of grammar and language consolidation
The 21st module. The favorite sport.
Grammar: The noun: vocative case. The verb: imperative mood, the
2nd person singular; special forms of imperative.
Exercises of grammar and language consolidation
The 22nd module. The origin of Romanian language (the basic text).
My mother tongue (situational conversation).
Grammar: The possessive adjective. The genitive article. The
possessive pronoun. The usage of the genitive article. The relative,
interrogative pronoun cine (who) in Genitive.
Exercises of grammar and language consolidation.
The 23rd module. Republic of Moldova.
Republic of Moldova (the basic text). My country (situational
Grammar: The verb: past continuous. Gerund. The demonstrative
article. The adjective and the adverb at superlative degree. The
words’ forming.
Exercises of grammar and language consolidation
The content of the discipline Romanian language and medical terminology in
the groups of foreign students, including 2nd year Anglophones from
Medicine, Pharmacy, Dentistry faculties:
Nr. The subject
The 1 module. The specialty.
1. What specialty to choose? ( basic text) At the policlinic (dialogue). 4
Why do you want to become a surgeon? (situational conversation)
Names of specialties.
Grammar: Pronominal verbal structures. Anteriority.
Exercises of grammar and language cultivation.
The 2nd module. The preventive medicine.
The human and the environment (the basic text). How did you adapt
to Moldova’s medium? (situational conversation). The health and the 4
environment. What do you know about ecology?
Grammar: The verb. Gerund – verbal changes. The expression of the
Exercises of grammar and language cultivation.
The 3rd module. The smallest functional structural unit – the cell.
The cell: plasma membrane, cytoplasm, the cell’s nucleus (basic
text). What do we know about cell? The cell’s functions. The cell –
minimal unit of the organism.
Grammar: Verb. The Indicative mood, perfect tenses. The relation of
cumulation in sentence and phrase.
Exercises of grammar and language cultivation.
The 4th module. The histological terminology.
The tissues (basic text). What do we know about tissue? (situational
conversation). From the cell to the tissue.
Grammar: Prepositional constructions + nouns in Genitive. The
purpose expressing in sentence and in phrase.
Exercises of grammar and language cultivation.
The 5th module. The anatomical terminology.
The general composition of the human body (the basic text).
Medicine in your country. Composition based on the following
scheme: cell – tissue – organ – system of organs – organism.
Grammar: The genitive article: al, a, ai, ale. The expressing of time
in sentence and in phrase. The relation of simultaneity.
Exercises of grammar and language cultivation.
The 6th module. The digestive system.
The digestive system (the basic text). The human body – some
functions of the internal organs. The gallstones (additional text). The 10
digestive system’ functions.
Grammar: The indefinite pronoun and pronominal adjective in
Nominative and Accusative. Correlative constructions. The
expressing of the condition – with what condition?
Exercises of grammar and language cultivation.
The 7th module. The nervous system.
The nervous system: a system of sending information (the basic
7. text). Emotiveness and sleep (additional text). The reactions of the
organism to the stimulus “the growth of the organism” (additional
text). The reactions of the organism to the social stimulating factor –
the exam (situational conversation).
Grammar: The interrogative and relative pronoun. Relative and
correlative constructions.
Exercises of grammar and language cultivation
The 8th module. The preventive medicine
8. The factors of the environment (the basic text). Cholecystitis and
gallbladder cancer (additional text). Vaccination in my country
(discussions). Starvation (situational conversation).
Grammar: The verb. The Conjunctive mood – perfect tenses. The
expressing of the cause in sentence and phrase.
Exercises of grammar and language cultivation
The 9th module. The vitamins’ role in the organism.
The vitamins soluble in water and lipids (the basic text). The
9. vitamins in nutrition. Diseases caused by the deficiency of vitamins
(additional text).
Grammar: The verb – passive voice.
Exercises of grammar and language cultivation
The 10th module. The clinical terminology.
How to establish the diagnosis? (the basic text) The simulation of a
medical consultation: the establishment of the diagnosis. Chose a
10. disease and characterize it.
Grammar: The interrogative and relative pronoun – care in Genitive
and Dative. The expressing of the result.
Exercises of grammar and language cultivation
The 11th module. Bacteria and viruses
Bacteria and viruses (the basic text). The flue – a vital disease
11. (situational conversation).
Grammar: The verb. The indicative mood, present tense. Negation.
Exercises of grammar and language cultivation
The 12th module. The allergy
12. Diseases caused by pollen (the basic text). The allergy and its results.
Allergic factors and their control (situational conversation).
Grammar: The verb. The supine mood.
Exercises of grammar and language cultivation
The 13th module. The anatomical terminology
The brain’s mystery (the basic text). The functions of the brain. How
13. the human thinks? (situational conversation)
Grammar: The indefinite pronoun and pronominal adjective.
Similarities and opposition
Exercises of grammar and language cultivation
The 14th module. The anatomical terminology.
The sense organs (the 1st section). The sense organs (the 2nd
section). The sense organs (the 3rd section) (basic texts). How do we
14. hear? The eyes – expression of the soul (additional texts).
Grammar: The indefinite pronoun and pronominal adjective. The
expressing of the manner (how?)
Exercises of grammar and language cultivation
The 15th module. Blood – blood circulation.
Blood, source of our life (the basic text). Again the gastritis
15 (additional text). From the press: situation on the territory after the
last floods (additional text). Speak about the cardiovascular system
(situational conversation). The Romanian about the heart (proverbs
and sayings).
Grammar: The indefinite pronoun and pronominal adjective: atita.
The subject. The predicate.
Exercises of grammar and language cultivation
The 16th module. The clinical terminology.
The flue – “queen” of the viruses. The vital chronic hepatitis (B)
16 (additional text). How to fight with flue? The flue epidemics
(situational conversations).
Grammar: The indefinite pronoun and pronominal adjective: orice.
The comparison expressing.
Exercises of grammar and language cultivation
The 17th module. The preventive medicine
Save me, doctor (the basic text). The treatment (additional text).
17 From the press: “A major risk” (additional text).
Grammar: The indefinite pronoun and pronominal adjective: oricat;
syntax; affirmation.
Exercises of grammar and language cultivation
The recommended bibliography:
A. The compulsory bibliography:
1. O. Bălănescu. Limbaj medical românesc pentru străini, Bucureşti,1998.
2. M. Velican-Aldea, A.Mateescu, E.Şoşa. Limba română (profil medical).
Manual pentru studenţii străini. Bucureşti, 1991.
3. Gr.Brîncuş, A. Ionescu, M. Saramandu. Limba română pentru studenţii
străini. E.D.P., Bucureşti, 1991.
4. L.Pop. Româna cu sau fără profesor. – Cluj, 1991.
B.Additional bibliography:
E.Mincu, A.Chiriac. Limba română. Profil medical. Litera, Chişinău,2003.
V.Bejenaru, G.Bejenaru. Dicţionar medical rus-român. Chişinău, 1991.
A.Neagu. Din tainel şi curiozităţile corpului uman. Iaşi, 2001.
J.V.Voiculescu. Anatomia şi fiziologia omului. Bucureşti, 1989.
The teaching methodology:
The Romanian language sector uses methods and techniques of work adiquate
for teaching activity performance:
a) teaching methods in which communication prevails: oral expositry, oral
interrogative, written at medical language level; b) teaching methods with a
dominant action of reaserching reality; c) teaching methods in which the
practical, operational action prevails; d) teaching methods that pay attention
to creativity and to problematic situations. In this context the methods of
exercise and interview, report and round table are requested.
A set of methods that form the skills of oral communication becomes a basic
one: star explosion, academic controversy; the speech, the dialogue, active
audition, the ideas’ launching and development; brainstorming; quotations;
the T graph;
- the reading skills formation: summary of the text, reading in pairs,
summaries in pairs, interrogative reading of the text; multiprocessing query;
Blit evocation;
- the written communication skills formation: associative chains; free
writing, cinquain, clustering, the cube;
- the researching skills development: the research elaboration, the report, the
Suggestions for individual activity:
How to learn a language
Don’t let yourself challenged by those who propagate the monolingualism,
considering a foreign language study as a direspect of the mother tongue. Per
contra, just the respect for the mother tongue and the profound understanding of its
philosophy can assure a successful study of a foreign language.
The knowledge of another language than the native one opens new sources
of assimilation the information, so necessary for the students in medicine. An
important factor for study performance is the psychological predisposition, because
ones can not be forced or led by the feeling of obligation to learn. The informative
advantages offered by the knowledge of o foreign language should prevail.
Some practical advice
1. If you decided to start the study of a course, don’t treat it as something
difficult, complex, impossible to be assimilated. Trust your own
2. Learn to listen the rhythm and the intonation of the language, even if
you don’t understand the full message.
3. Don’t be afraid of mistakes, because they are inevitable; don’t be
ashamed to try; even if it is wrong, to express your thoughts in
another language.
4. Don’t give up, the people are different. Consider this a way to
overtake the psychological barrier. Control the situation!
5. The way we learn to spell the words will mark the accuracy of
pronunciation, so important during the process of communication. We
can know the information, but speaking uncorrectly, we risk not to be
6. Make up, first of all, small, brief but able to send information
sentences. Be mindful of their structure!
7. A conscious study involves the comparative method (the mother
tongue and another language), because only in a such case the
linguistic features of a language can be expressed and respected.
8. The translations are also welcomefor the vocabulary cultivation but
their excess is detrimental for a model construction (of forming the
word combinations, sentences) and risk to use inadequate tracings.
9. A new qualitative step in the language study is the trial to think in
another language than the native one, a fact that will facilitate the first
information selection as well as its verbalization.
Methods of evaluation:
Current: continuous assessment, tests, observation paper, colloquy;
Final: a complex exam involving three steps – the practical skills
assessment, control test, oral exam.
The curricular evaluation varries from initial evaluation papers, quck
tests that reffer to thethe last subject studied at the lesson.
These works are preferable: are incentive for the student who should
be always ready for the lessons, to be able then to pass with less
difficulty the exam. The second advantage is that the misunderstundings
got during the assimilation of a certain subject could be avoided
immediately and are not gathered forming a barrier in comprehention.
The oral evaluations (in number of two) are scheduled in the plan and
have as a purpose the systematization, globalisation of knowledge
assimilated during the anterior lessons. The student’s pronunciation, way
of thinking and expressing himself will form a criterion of knowledge
At the elaboration of the tasks for the final evaluation are counted:
a) the level: knowledge – understanding – applience – analysis –
synthesis – evaluation;
b) the conditions for test realization should be flexible: the student can
choose tasks of a certain level of difficulty;
c) the creation of appropriate conditions for proving different skills in
accordance with general and background objectives.
The decision of final evaluation (depending on the faculty) is expressed
through a note (under the system of assessment of 10 points) or through a
mark (admitted / rejected, confirmed or not) which permit the student’s
advance in the following step of the process of study.
The criteria of evaluation are discussed at the meeting of the Department
of Romanian language and medical terminology and then are proposed to
be approved at the meeting of the both departments of Foreign
Languages and Romanian Language.
The students with a less than 5 final mark and those who didn’t recover
the absences are not admitted to the final exam for Romanian language
and medical terminology. At the exam, the students have 45 minutes to
prepare the subjects and 15 minutes for the answer.
The subjects for the exam are approved at the department’s meeting
and are displayed with at least one month before the exam. The
content of the examination card for foreign students.
The card for the foreign students is presented under the following form:
the card itself and an additional paper. It includes the material studied
during the year.
The structure of the examination card:
The 2nd year
The card itself is formed from 4 points and includes the text retelling (by
memory) (the 1st point), respecting the recommended lexical minimum;
formulation of situational compositions (the 2nd point): a) usual; b) dealing with
culture and civilization; c) dealing with medical terminology.
It is insisted on the texts dealing with medical terminology, situational
conversations (usual and of speciality) and the lexical minimum (such fields as
anatomy, clinic), reading, the translation of an unknown text, guestions and
answers formulation, the summary retelling (the 3rd point).
The 4th point supposed an additional paper with grammar exercises and
The points 1-3 represents an oral task, the 4th point – a written one.
The students should:
a) change sentences;
b) choose appropriate adjectives for given terms;
c) find the correct form of the verbs at indicative mood present and future
tenses; conjunctive and conditional moods;
d) continue sentences respecting logical consequence;
e) make up sentences by themselves using a certain lexical minimum.
Attention will be paid to pronunciation, way of speaking, the vocabulary
knowledge, to the ability to make up sentences.
The students will be appreciated according to the present rating scale.
The language of teaching: Romanian, Russian, English.