BACKGROUND OCEANOGRAPHY and CLIMATOLOGY INTRODUCTION Climate is generally considered to be the long-term average of weather. One might say somewhat flippantly that climate is what you expect, and weather is what you get. Factors typically taken into consideration when characterizing climate include average temperature, the range of temperatures, and average precipitation. One may also consider factors such as humidity, wind speeds, snow and ice, photoperiod, and so forth. Broadly speaking one can divide the Earth’s climate into three zones based on latitude: polar, temperate, and tropical. However, climatic regimes can also be characterized in many other ways based on a variety of factors: for example, maritime (influenced by the ocean), continental (typical of the interior of large land masses and far from the influence of the ocean), alpine (high altitude – above the tree line), arid (dry). Most scientists now agree that human activities are causing the climate of the Earth to change and that the changes, now subtle, will become much more apparent during the next several centuries. The effects of projected climate changes on the human population are likely to be profound (Patz et al., 2005). Impacts will include, inter alia, changes in temperature and precipitation and associated effects on agricultural productivity, sea level rise, and a spread toward higher latitudes of the prevalence of tropical diseases such as yellow fever and malaria (Laws, 2007). By far the most important cause of anthropogenic effects on climate has been the release of carbon dioxide (CO2) into the atmosphere as a result (primarily) of fossil fuel burning and deforestation. Because CO2 is a greenhouse gas (i.e., it effectively traps infrared radiation that would otherwise escape to outer space), its presence in the atmosphere helps to warm the Earth. If human beings burn most of the remaining fossil fuels (coal, oil, and natural gas) over the course of the next 100-200 years, the concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere will likely rise 1 to 1,900 parts per million by volume (ppmv)1 from its current value of 380 ppmv (Caldeira and Wickett, 2003), enough to raise global temperatures by 10oC (Berner, 1994). The ocean has the potential to absorb virtually all of this anthropogenic CO2, but the response time of the ocean is very slow, on the order of 10,000 years, because the air-sea boundary is a considerable limiting factor to gaseous exchange. More efficient use of fossil fuels will not change this picture. Because the response time of the ocean is so long, it makes little difference whether the fossil fuels are burned over the course of the next 100 years or the next 300 years. Either way, the CO2 concentration in the atmosphere would rise to 1,900 ppmv. In this chapter we review some of the basic information needed to understand the climate of the Earth, the variations of climate from one region of the globe to another, and the impact of the ocean on climate and climate change, and hence its potential for impacting human health. THE CLIMATE OF THE EARTH OVER GEOLOGIC TIME To put our discussion in context, it is important to realize that over geologic time the climate of the Earth has in fact changed dramatically. Despite geological evidence for oxygenproducing photosynthesis as early as 3.5 billion years ago (e.g., widespread deposits of oxidized iron called Banded Iron Formations) the Earth’s atmosphere appears to have remained devoid of oxygen for roughly another 1.5 billion years. Most of the oxygen produced by photosynthetic processes was apparently consumed by reactions with (primarily) ferrous iron and (secondarily) sulfide in seawater (Schlesinger, 1997). Following this so-called rusting of the oceans it was possible for oxygen to diffuse into the atmosphere, but atmospheric O2 concentrations comparable to present values (21%) were probably not reached until the Silurian, roughly 430 million years ago. Initially much of the oxygen released to the atmosphere was apparently consumed by reactions with reduced minerals such as pyrite (FeS2), resulting in fluvial transfer of Fe2O3 to the ocean. This process of terrestrial weathering is evidenced by the accumulation of the so-called Red Beds, deposits of Fe2O3 alternating with layers of other lithogenous ocean sediments. Consistent with this scenario is the fact that the earliest occurrence of Red Beds roughly coincides with the latest Banded Iron Formation deposits (Schlesinger, 1997). 1 One ppmv is one liter of CO2 in one million liters of air. Since air behaves very much like an ideal gas, 1,900 ppmv is equivalent to 1,900 molecules of CO2 for every million molecules of N2 plus O2, the principal components of the Earth’s atmosphere. 2 There is good reason to believe that atmospheric O2 levels have not fluctuated outside the 15–35% range since the Silurian (Berner et al., 1989). At O2 concentrations less than 15% fires would not burn (Lovelock, 1979), and at concentrations greater than about 25% even wet organic matter would burn freely (Watson et al., 1978). The principal mechanism responsible for the stability of atmospheric O2 concentrations appears to be the negative feedback between O2 concentrations and the long-term burial of organic matter in sedimentary rocks (Schlesinger, 1997). Particularly noteworthy from the standpoint of current global climate change issues is the fact that atmospheric CO2 concentrations during Phanerozoic time (approximately the last 570 million years) Figure1. Ratio of atmospheric CO2 in times past to the present concentration (RCO2) as determined from the Geocarb II model (Berner, 1994) 3 have generally been higher than current values, perhaps by as much as a factor of 20–25 during the Cambrian (Berner et al., 2001). The impact of these elevated CO2 concentrations on the climate of the Earth has been profound (Fig. 1). Since the formation of the solar system the luminosity of the Sun has increased by about 43 percent, a result of the Sun’s slow expansion associated with the conversion of hydrogen to helium in its core (Sagan et al., 1997). In the absence of greenhouse gases to trap infrared radiation, the Earth would have been fully glaciated until roughly 1 billion years ago, but geological evidence indicates that there has been abundant liquid water on the Earth’s surface for more than 3 billion years (Sagan et al., 1997). Ammonia may have accounted for much of the greenhouse effect in the reducing atmosphere of the early Earth (Sagan et al., 1972; Sagan, 1977), but once atmospheric O2 levels rose to 21%, ammonia concentrations were probably far too low to provide much of a greenhouse effect. At the present time water vapor accounts for about 95% of the total greenhouse effect, CO2 for 3.6%, N2O for about 1%, and CH4 for 0.4%. In the absence of an atmosphere, the Earth’s surface temperature would average about 255oK or –18oC. The fact that the Earth’s surface temperature averages about 288oK or 15oC is largely attributable to the fact that greenhouse gases are rather opaque to infrared radiation. At the beginning of the Phanerozoic eon the solar constant was about 5% less than it is today. Had atmospheric CO2 concentrations been the same then as now, the Earth’s surface temperature would have averaged about 2oC (Berner, 1994). In addition to climatic effects associated with variations in atmospheric CO2 concentrations, the Earth has experienced very dramatic climatic changes manifested by the advance and retreat of continental ice sheets and polar ice caps. Continental drift is certainly one factor that has influenced the ice age cycle; the movement of Antarctica to the South Pole is a case in point. The most recent ice age began roughly 40 million years ago with the accumulation of ice on Antarctica, but intensified during the Pleistocene with the development of continental ice sheets in the Northern Hemisphere. During the Pleistocene ice age there was a cyclical advance and retreat of the Northern Hemisphere ice sheets that is most commonly attributed to variations in the eccentricity, axial tilt, and precession of the Earth’s orbit around the Sun. This explanation of glacial/interglacial periodicity was initially advanced by the Serbian geophysicist Milutin Milanković, but did not gain widespread acceptance until studies of deep-sea sediments 4 during the 1960s and 1970s produced evidence consistent with so-called Milankovitch cycles (Hays et al., 1976). These cycles are clearly apparent in the record of atmospheric CO2 in the Vostok ice core (Fig. 2). Evident in this figure is a systematic pattern of atmospheric CO2 Figure 2. Atmospheric CO2 concentrations during the past 420,000 years based on the composition of air entrapped in the Vostok ice core (Barnola et al., 1999) variation from roughly 180 to 280 ppmv. Low CO2 concentrations are associated with glacial periods, the most recent of which have been the Wisconsinan (15–70 thousand years ago) and Illinoian (125–200 thousand years ago). High CO2 concentrations are associated with interglacial periods, the most recent of which have been the Eemian (115–130 thousand years ago) and Holocene (11,500 years ago to present). The record clearly implicates CO2 as an amplifier of the effect of orbital forcing on the glacial/interglacial cycle. As noted, climate change at the present time is largely associated with the accumulation of CO2 in the atmosphere due to fossil fuel burning and deforestation. Fossil fuel burning, which currently releases about seven billion tons of carbon to the atmosphere each year, is generally 5 blamed for roughly 70% of anthropogenic CO2 emissions. Much of the rest is attributed to deforestation, because of the decrease in the uptake of CO2 by plants (Raven et al., 1999). Although roughly half of the anthropogenic CO2 released to the atmosphere is absorbed by the oceans and continental vegetation, the rest accumulates in the atmosphere. The result is clearly apparent in Fig. 3, which documents the rise in atmospheric CO2 concentrations by roughly 100 ppmv during the last two centuries. Figure 3. Atmospheric CO2 concentrations since 1000 AD estimated from ice core data and monitoring of CO2 at Mauna Loa (Etheridge et al., 2006; Keeling et al., 2006). CONTROLS ON THE CLIMATE OF THE EARTH Understanding the general characteristics of the Earth’s climate requires a modest amount of information and an understanding of a few important concepts. The first important piece of information is the fact that the radiant energy from the Sun is not equally distributed over the 6 surface of the Earth. Equatorial latitudes receive much more energy than polar latitudes, and as a result the atmosphere near the surface of the Earth is much warmer near the equator than near the poles. Heating air causes it to expand, become less dense, and rise (a phenomenon routinely used by hot air balloon enthusiasts). Cooling air causes it to sink. Because equatorial latitudes receive more solar energy than the poles, the differential heating of the Earth-atmosphere system causes air to rise near the equator and to descend near the poles. One might imagine that the atmosphere would therefore move directly north and south, rising at the poles and sinking at the equator, as shown in Fig. 4. Figure 4. Cross section of the Earth showing the pattern of circulation of the lower atmosphere that might be expected from differential heating of the Earth-atmosphere system by the Sun. In fact, atmospheric circulation is not so simple. Although air tends to rise near the equator, as it moves poleward it radiates heat into outer space and eventually cools and sinks at about 30o latitude. Similarly, cold air that sinks at the poles tends to be warmed as it flows along the surface of the Earth toward the equator and to rise near 60o latitude. The vertical circulation of the atmosphere, in simplified terms, consists of three circulation cells as shown in Fig. 5. The subtropical and temperate-latitude circulation cells are referred to as Hadley cells and Ferrel cells, 7 respectively, after the scientists who discovered them. The high-latitude cells are called polar cells. Figure 5. Meridional circulation that results from differential heating of the Earthatmosphere system by the Sun. Note that the vertical scale of circulation cells is greatly exaggerated. The vertical extent of the cells is approximately 10 km. THE EFFECT OF THE EARTH’S ROTATION In most respects Fig. 5 is an accurate characterization of the overall meridional (northsouth) circulation of the atmosphere, but it is an oversimplification. The real circulation pattern is neither as uniform nor as continuous as Fig. 5 implies. The figure suggests, for example, that surface winds would blow directly toward the equator in tropical and subtropical latitudes and directly toward the poles in temperate latitudes. This is only partly true. If we were to slice up the Earth along its latitude lines, we would get a series of rings, the largest at the equator and diminishing in size toward the poles. Because the Earth is rotating as a solid body, a point on a large ring moves faster than a point on a small ring. At 30o latitude, for example, the circumference of our latitudinal ring would be about 34,600 kilometers. A point on the Earth’s surface at that latitude is moving toward the east at a rate of 34,600 kilometers per 8 day, or 1,442 kilometers per hour. At 29o latitude, the surface of the Earth is moving faster, at 1,458 kilometers per hour, because the circumference of a cross section there is 35,000 kilometers. If there are no other zonal (east-west) forces acting on it, a mass of air flowing toward the equator across the surface of the Earth will appear to be deflected toward the west, because the underlying Earth is moving faster toward the east the closer to the equator the air travels (see Fig. 6). The surface winds that blow from about 30o toward the equator are referred to as the Trade Winds. Because winds are customarily named on the basis of the direction from which (rather than to which) they are flowing, these winds are known as the Northeast Trades in the Northern Hemisphere and the Southeast Trades in the Southern Hemisphere. Figure 6. The effect of the rotation of the Earth on a parcel of air initially at a latitude of 30o and moving at a speed of 8 m s-1 directly toward the equator (Trade Winds) or directly away from the equator (Westerlies). No east-west forces are assumed to act on the parcel of air. By the time the air has moved 1o, its direction has changed by about 45o. In the Trade Wind zone the parcel of air acquires a westerly component, while in the region of the Westerlies it acquires an easterly component. The effect of the Earth’s rotation is always to divert the air to the right of its direction of motion in the northern hemisphere and to the left in the southern hemisphere. Now consider the air that sinks at 30o and flows toward the poles. Since at higher latitudes the surface of the Earth is moving to the east more slowly than at 30o, this air will 9 acquire an apparent eastward motion. The surface winds between 30o and 60o are more complex and unstable than the Trade Winds, but they consistently have a west-to-east component, and hence are known as the Westerlies. Because surface winds between the poles and 60o are moving toward the equator, they are affected by the Earth’s rotation in the same way as the Trade Winds, blowing out of the northeast in the Northern Hemisphere and the southeast in the Southern Hemisphere (see Fig. 7). Figure 7. Direction of surface winds resulting from the combined effects of the Coriolis force and meridional cell circulation. Once again though, the situation is more complicated. The continental landmasses influence the flow of the wind, and because the land is unevenly distributed between the northern and southern hemispheres, the winds do not blow in an entirely symmetrical manner with respect to the equator. In fact, the entire wind system shown in Fig. 1-7 is shifted about 5-10o to the north. In addition, in temperate latitudes surface winds tend to circulate about high-pressure ridges and low-pressure troughs, and shifts in the positions of these ridges and troughs can produce important climatological effects. Finally, the difference in the heat capacity of the continents and oceans causes seasonal temperature differentials to develop between them. Because it takes a great deal of heat to warm a mass of water, and because the upper mixed layer of the ocean is large (typically it extends to tens of meters in the summer and perhaps hundreds of meters in the winter), the temperature of the ocean remains relatively constant compared to the temperature of the continents. During the 10 summer the continents are warmer than the ocean, and during the winter they are cooler. The exchange of heat between the Earth and atmosphere therefore causes the air over the continents to be warmer and less dense than the air over the surrounding oceans during the summer. During the winter the conditions are reversed. As the continental air warms and rises during the summer, air overlying the surrounding ocean is drawn in to replace it. In the winter, the cool, dense air over the continents tends to sink and flow towards the surrounding ocean. The winds associated with this seasonal circulation pattern are referred to as monsoon winds and are best developed over India, Southeast Asia, and Australia. THE EFFECT OF SURFACE WINDS AND THE CORIOLIS FORCE ON OCEAN CURRENTS Because the Earth is a rotating sphere, it appears to an observer on Earth that a force is always pushing the wind to the right of the direction of motion in the northern hemisphere and to the left in the southern hemisphere (e.g., Fig. 6). This force is called the Coriolis force, and it affects the oceans as well as the atmosphere. The Coriolis force is directly proportional to the speed of motion and to the sine of the latitude. The force is zero at the equator and a maximum at the poles. One would expect that ocean currents would flow in the same direction as the surface winds, but they rarely do. Just as landmasses affect the flow of winds, they impose some constraints on the direction in which ocean currents can flow. Virtually all coastal current systems flow parallel to the coast, regardless of the direction in which the wind is blowing. But even in the open ocean, surface currents do not tend to move in the same direction as the wind. Again, this is due to the Coriolis force, which causes those currents to flow at an angle to the right of the wind in the northern hemisphere and to the left of the wind in the southern hemisphere. The transport of currents at an angle to the wind is referred to as Ekman transport, after the Scandinavian oceanographer who explained the phenomenon theoretically. The combination of the Coriolis force and Ekman transport causes ocean surface currents in the region of the Trade Winds to flow almost exactly due west across the ocean basins, while in the vicinity of the Westerlies the flow is due east. When these transoceanic surface currents encounter continental landmasses, they may either turn and flow parallel to the coastline or completely reverse direction and flow back across the ocean basin. In the former case, they are called boundary currents; in the latter case countercurrents. The major current systems driven by 11 the Trade Winds and Westerlies in the Pacific Ocean are shown in Fig. 8. The transoceanic currents to the north of the equator are the North Pacific Current and the North Equatorial Current, and the corresponding boundary currents are the California and Kuroshio currents. The Figure 8. The Pacific Ocean subtropical gyre current systems. Note that the current gyres are not symmetric with respect to the equator. The Equatorial Countercurrent actually flows between about 4o and 10o N latitude. analogous current systems in the South Pacific are the West Wind Drift, the South Equatorial Current, the Peru Current, and the East Australia Current, respectively. The South Equatorial Current actually extends to about 4oN, and much of the flow in the West Wind Drift is actually circumpolar, since there are no continental landmasses to impede it between roughly 55o and 65oS. The Equatorial Countercurrent flows from west to east across the Pacific between approximately 4o and 10oN. Another eastward-flowing countercurrent, called the Equatorial Undercurrent, is at the equator at depths of approximately 100-200 meters. Obviously neither the Equatorial Countercurrent nor the Equatorial Undercurrent is driven directly by the wind. The Equatorial Countercurrent, in particular, would seem to be flowing into the teeth of the prevailing Trade Winds, but it flows through a region of light and variable winds called the Doldrums, which offers little resistance. The more-or-less continuous current system consisting of the 12 California, North Equatorial, Kuroshio, and North Pacific currents is called the North Pacific subtropical gyre, and its counterpart in the South Pacific is the South Pacific subtropical gyre. Table I compares the major boundary currents in the Atlantic and Pacific oceans. The Table I. Comparison of major boundary current systems in the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans North Atlantic North Pacific South Atlantic South Pacific Subtropical gyre current systems Western Gulf Stream and boundary current North Atlantic Kuroshio Brazil East Australia California Benguela Peru Current Eastern boundary Canary current Subolar gyre current systems Western Labrador Oyashio boundary current Eastern boundary North Atlantic current Alaska Drift poleward flowing boundary currents (Gulf Stream, Kuroshio, Brazil, East Australia, North Atlantic Drift, and Alaska) are particularly important from the standpoint of climate because they transport large amounts of heat from low latitudes to high latitudes. The impact of the heat transported by the combined Gulf Stream/North Atlantic Drift current system, for example, warms northwestern Europe by an annual average of as much as 5-10oC (Manabe et al., 1988; Rahmstorf et al., 1999). There is no subpolar gyre current system in the Southern Hemisphere, since there are no continental landmasses to block the West Wind Drift, a circumpolar current system that forms the southern boundary of the subtropical gyres in both the Atlantic, Pacific, and Indian ocean basins. An important point about the subtropical and subpolar gyres is the fact that Coriolis forces tend to push water toward their interior and exterior, respectively. This fact is apparent from an examination of Fig. 1-8, taking into account the fact that the Coriolis force pushes to the right of the direction of motion in the northern hemisphere and to the left in the southern hemisphere. 13 The result is that the sea surface is actually somewhat higher to the right of a current system flowing in the northern hemisphere and to the left of a current system flowing in the southern hemisphere. In a steady state situation, the force of gravity acting on the tilted sea surface exactly balances the Coriolis force. When this happens, the current is said to be in geostrophic balance, and the current is characterized as a geostrophic current. The difference in sea surface height (SSH) across the Gulf Stream, for example, is about one meter, with SSH being higher to the interior of the North Atlantic subtropical gyre (Kelly et al., 1999). Similar considerations influence the circulation of the atmosphere, but with the caveat that the analogues of high and low SSH are high and low atmospheric pressure, respectively. Thus in the northern hemisphere winds tend to blow in a clockwise direction around a region of high pressure and in a counterclockwise direction around a region of low pressure. In each case the pressure gradient force is in the opposite direction of the Coriolis force. In the southern hemisphere the circulation is in the opposite sense because the Coriolis force pushes to the left of the direction of motion. Thus a satellite image of a cyclone or hurricane (extreme low pressure system) in the northern hemisphere always reveals a pattern of counterclockwise circulation (Fig. 1-9). In the southern hemisphere cyclonic winds blow in a clockwise sense. Appropriately enough, the circulation of winds or currents around any region of low pressure or low SSH is characterized as cyclonic circulation (i.e., counterclockwise in the northern hemisphere and clockwise in the southern hemisphere). The circulation of winds or currents around any region of high pressure or high SSH is characterized as anti-cyclonic circulation. With this introduction, it is straightforward to understand some of the major patterns of the climate of the Earth. As the Trade Winds blow across the tropical ocean they pick up both heat and water vapor. Because warm, moist air is less dense than cold, dry air2, this air tends to rise where the Northeast and Southeast Trade Winds converge. This region is known as the intertropical convergence zone or ITCZ. As the air rises the water vapor condenses and falls as rain. The ITCZ is therefore characterized by excess precipitation over evaporation. Once the air has risen to an altitude of roughly three kilometers it is transported to higher latitudes by Hadley 2 Air behaves very much like an ideal gas, for which PV = nRT. The number of moles of air (n) per unit volume (V), therefore equals P/(RT). At constant pressure (P), n/V is inversely proportional to the absolute temperature (T). Water (H2O) has a molecular weight of 18. N2 and O2, the principal gases in air, have molecular weights of 28 and 32, respectively. When water displaces nitrogen and oxygen, the average molecular weight of the gases in the air decreases. Therefore warm, moist air is less dense than cold, dry air because there are fewer molecules per unit volume in warm air and because the average molecular weight of the molecules is lower in moist air. 14 Figure 9. Hurricane Katrina in the Gulf of Mexico. cell circulation (Fig. 5). Having lost most of its water vapor to condensation, the air is now dry, and as it moves poleward it radiates heat into outer space. As the air approaches a latitude of roughly 30o it becomes sufficiently dense (i.e., cold and dry) that it begins to sink. The climate 15 near 30o is therefore characterized by very low humidity and an excess of evaporation over precipitation. Most of the major desert areas of the world (the Sahara Desert in northern Africa, the Namib and Kalahari deserts in southern Africa, the Great Victoria Desert in Australia, the Arabian Desert, and the Great Desert of the southwestern United States and northern Mexico) are all found near 30o latitude.3 In the polar gyre systems air moving over the ocean toward the equator picks up heat and water vapor as do the Trade Winds in the tropics. The combination of increased temperature and humidity causes the air to rise at roughly 60o latitude. Like the ITCZ, the region near 60o latitude is also characterized by an excess of precipitation over evaporation. When the air rises to an altitude of roughly 3 km it moves either toward the poles (polar cell circulation) or toward the equator (Ferrel cell circulation). Having lost most of its water vapor, it now loses heat to outer space via radiation and eventually sinks near the poles or near 30o latitude. We can now understand why the climate of the Earth is wet near the equator and 60o and dry near 30o and the poles. It is no accident, for example, that rain forests are found in the tropics. Superimposed on this pattern precipitation and evaporation is a meridional4 temperature gradient, warm at the equator and cold at the poles. This analysis can also account for some of the general features of atmospheric pressure at the surface of the Earth. Keeping in mind that cold, dry air is more dense than warm, moist air, we can easily see that sea level pressure will be relatively low near the equator and 60o latitude and relatively high near 30o and the poles. The lowest sea level pressure tends to be found near the equator (warm, moist air) and the highest near the poles (cold, dry air). In the tropics an important east-west asymmetry in both precipitation and sea level pressure is also apparent across the major ocean basins. The explanation is apparent from an examination of Fig. 10. The Trade Winds blow both toward the equator and toward the west. Atmospheric pressure is relatively high and the climate cool and dry along the coast of northern Peru. 3 One major desert that does not fit this pattern is the Gobi Desert at approximately 40-45oN latitude. It cannot be attributed to the sinking of cool, dry air in the subtropics. However, it does lie in the region of the Westerlies, one manifestation of Ferrel cell circulation, and its location places it in the rain shadow of some very high mountain ranges. 4 Along a meridian or line of constant longitude. 16 Figure 10. The Walker cell circulation cycle over the Pacific Ocean. The vertical scale is exaggerated, the height of the circulation cell being about 15 km. This atmospheric circulation pattern tends to produce low atmospheric pressure and a warm, moist climate over Indonesia. For reasons already noted, they become warm and moisture-laden as they move from east to west over the tropical ocean. The result is an east-west asymmetry in sea level pressure and precipitation near the equator, with the lowest pressure and greatest precipitation at the western edge of the ocean basin. At the western edge of the ocean basin, part of the rising air mass moves back toward the east. As it moves, it radiates heat into the surrounding atmosphere and eventually cools and sinks near the eastern edge of the ocean basin. This circulation pattern is called a Walker cell, after British mathematician Sir Gilbert Walker, who made major contributions to our understanding of tropical meteorology in the first half of the 20th century. Because the air that sinks near the equator near the eastern edge of the ocean basin has lost heat as well as water vapor, it tends to be denser than the air that rises along the equator in the west. Consequently there is a small east-west difference in sea level pressure between the eastern and western sides of ocean basins in the Trade Wind zone. The pressure differentials associated with Walker Cell and Hadley Cell circulation are both manifestations of the impact of the Trade Winds on climate. Within the Trade Wind zone, the pressure will be highest near the eastern side of ocean basins at 30o latitude and lowest at the 17 equator near the western side of ocean basins. In the Pacific Ocean this pressure differential is known as the Southern Oscillation Index (SOI). One common measure of the SOI is the sea level pressure difference between Easter Island (27oS) and Darwin, Australia (12oS). THE OCEAN AND CLIMATE CHANGE Now that we have a basic understanding of how the oceans influence climate, let’s consider the issue of climate change. We will consider two kinds of climate change, one with a relatively short-term periodicity, the El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO) cycle, and the other with a much longer time constant, the thermohaline circulation of the ocean. We will begin with the ENSO cycle. El Niño was originally the name given to a dramatic shift in weather and sea conditions off the coast of Peru. Because of the tendency of the change to begin near Christmas, it was given the name El Niño, literally “the child” in Spanish. The changes observed included a warming of the ocean and, in extreme cases, torrential rains in a region normally characterized by very dry conditions.5 At one time El Niño was regarded as an abnormal event. However, scientists currently view El Niño as simply one phase of a natural cycle, the El Niño Southern Oscillation or ENSO cycle, that occurs every several years and is no more usual or unusual than the conditions during any other phase of the cycle. Furthermore, they now recognize that the changes in climate observed during El Niño years along the coast of Peru are simply a local manifestation of a much larger phenomenon that is driven by interactions between the ocean and atmosphere in the subtropics. The history of El Niños has been reconstructed from as early as 1525 using proxy information, and the record indicates that they occur about every four years, with strong events separated by an average of ten years. Unfortunately for purposes of prediction, the interval between El Niños is very irregular. It is not uncommonly six or seven years, but some events have been separated by as little as one year. The most recent El Niños occurred in 1957-58 (strong), 1965 (moderate), 1969 (weak), 1972-73 (strong), 1976 (moderate), 1982-83 (very 5 The normally dry weather reflects the fact Peru lies in the rain shadow of the Andes Mountains and that the sea surface temperature is cool for the latitude (e.g., 12 oS for Lima), a reflection of the cold water transported by the Peru current (Fig. 8) and the fact that the Southeast Trade Winds and Ekman transport induce upwelling of cold water along the coast. 18 strong), 1986-87 (strong), 1991-92 (very strong), 1993 (weak), 1994 (weak), 1997-98 (very strong), and 2002-03 (weak). El Niño conditions are triggered by a movement of warm water from the western Pacific to the eastern Pacific via the Equatorial Countercurrent and Undercurrent. The water is transported largely in the form of so-called Kelvin waves. Kelvin waves and similar waves known as Rossby waves are internal waves (they have their maximum amplitude below the surface of the ocean) whose dynamics are affected by the Coriolis force. Their wavelengths are on the order of thousands of kilometers, and their effects can be felt across an entire ocean basin. Kelvin waves cross the Pacific in two to three months. As their warm water reaches the coast of South America, it flows over the cooler water of the Peru Current system. The result is an elevation of sea level (Fig. 11) and an increase in sea-surface temperature. Some of the warm water flows north along the coast. Some flows south and causes El Niño conditions off the coasts Figure 11. The response of sea level in the equatorial Pacific Ocean to the 1972 El Niño. Note that sea level was high in the western Pacific (Solomon Islands) preceding El Niño, but had dropped dramatically by the end of 1972 as water flowed toward the east along the Equatorial Countercurrent and Undercurrent. Sea level was relatively low in the eastern Pacific (Galapagos Islands) preceding El Niño but rose by almost 30 cm as water arrived from the western Pacific. Redrawn from Wyrtki (1979). of Ecuador and Peru. As sea level rises and warm water accumulates in the eastern equatorial Pacific, air-sea interactions generate Rossby waves that move westward across the Pacific. The 19 time they take to cross the ocean is strongly dependent on latitude; it is about nine months near the equator and four years at a latitude of 12o. When the Rossby waves reach the western Pacific, they travel toward the equator in the form of coastal Kelvin waves. Upon reaching the equator they turn east and begin another crossing of the Pacific. When this second set of Kelvin waves reaches the eastern Pacific, sea level is lowered, the sea-surface temperature declines, and conditions along the coast of Peru return to “normal”. Since roughly 1985 these “normal” conditions have come to be known as La Niña (literally “the girl” in Spanish). However, the airsea interactions associated with the lowered sea-surface temperatures intensify the Trade Winds, and this shift in the winds sends Rossby waves westward across the Pacific. Upon reaching the western Pacific, these waves travel toward the equator as coastal Kelvin waves and then return to the east along the equator. This final set of equatorial Kelvin waves raises the sea level in the eastern Pacific and completes the El Niño cycle. The entire process is illustrated in Fig. 12. Figure 12. The wave system that constitutes the negative feedback mechanism in the El Niño cycle. Equatorial Kelvin waves (EK) travel west to east across the Pacific Ocean raising sea levels. When they reach the coastline of South America they propagate poleward and are clearly identifiable as coastal Kelvin waves (CK) at latitudes higher than 5o. Air-sea interactions associated with the arrival of warm water in the eastern equatorial Pacific cause the Trade Winds to slacken. This shift in the winds sends a series of off-equatorial Rossby waves (R) that lower sea levels back across the Pacific. These Rossby waves reach the western Pacific and propagate toward the equator in the form of coastal Kelvin waves (CK) that also lower sea levels. The Kelvin waves reach the equator, turn east, and move back across the Pacific as sea-level-lowering equatorial Kelvin waves. The equatorial Kelvin waves require about 2-3 months to cross the Pacific, but the off-equatorial Rossby waves require anywhere from a few months to a few years. A complete El Niño cycle requires that the Pacific be crossed by two sets of Rossby waves and Kelvin waves, one set raising sea levels in the direction they are moving and the other lowering them. Hence a complete El Niño cycle typically requires 3-5 years. 20 AIR-SEA INTERACTIONS Because of the exchange of heat between the atmosphere and ocean, changes in seasurface temperature in the eastern Pacific can have a significant effect on the intensity of the Trade Wind system. When the eastern Pacific warms during an El Niño year, the Walker cell circulation is slowed because the temperature difference between the eastern and western Pacific is reduced. Thus, the speed of the equatorial Trade Winds, and consequently the speed of both the South Equatorial and North Equatorial currents, decreases. A decline in the strength of the equatorial Trades allows more warm water to flow from the western to the eastern Pacific, further reducing the temperature differential between the eastern and western Pacific. On the other hand, when the eastern Pacific is cool, the Walker cell circulation is increased, because there is a greater temperature differential between the eastern and western Pacific. The Trade Winds become stronger, and the North and South Equatorial Currents intensify. The strengthening of the Trade Winds opposes the transport of warm water via the Equatorial Countercurrent and Undercurrent, further increasing the temperature difference between the eastern and western Pacific. Those air-sea interactions are an example of what is known as a positive feedback loop. They tend to reinforce El Niño or La Niña conditions, whichever condition prevails. The reason there is an oscillation between El Niño and La Niña conditions is the negative feedback loop created by the movement of the Kelvin and Rossby waves across the Pacific. During El Niño conditions, the eastern equatorial Pacific warms and the Trade Winds slacken. The change in Trade Wind intensity generates off-equatorial Rossby waves that lower sea levels in the western Pacific. Ultimately these lower sea levels generate Kelvin waves that travel back east and lower sea levels in the eastern Pacific. One implication of this analysis of air-sea interactions is that the Southern Oscillation Index may provide a useful predictor of forthcoming El Niños. The index is high (the pressure differential is large) when the Trade Winds are strong (La Niña conditions). The index is low (the pressure differential is small) when the Trade Winds are weak (El Niño conditions). Figure 13 shows the behavior of the Southern Oscillation Index and sea-surface temperatures off the coast of Peru for the period from 1968 to 1985. The El Niños of 1972-73, 1976, and 1982-83 are all apparent as increases in sea-surface temperature of at least 2oC above long-term monthly averages over a period of several months, and each El Niño is associated with a drop in the 21 Southern Oscillation Index of at least 8 millibars (mb). A drop of greater than 4 mb is usually a sign that an El Niño is approaching. Figure 13. Three-month running mean variations in the Southern Oscillation Index (top) and sea-surface temperature (SST) off the coast of Chimbote, Peru (bottom) from 1968 to 1985. Monthly variations are the difference between the value for a given month and the long-term average value for that month. During this period. El Niños occurred in 1972-73 (strong), 1976 (moderate), and 1982-83 (very strong). The El Niños of 1972-73, 1976, and 1982-83 are all apparent as increases in temperature of at least 2oC over a period of several months, and each El Niño is associated with a drop in the Southern Oscillation Index of at least 8 millibars (mb). Recognition of the connection between the Southern Oscillation Index and El Niño has given rise to the acronym ENSO – El Niño Southern Oscillation. The ENSO cycle is understood to consist of an irregular meteorological oscillation characterized by two extreme conditions, a warm phase (El Niño) and a cool phase (La Niña), driven by exchanges of heat and water between the ocean and atmosphere in the tropical Pacific. SHUTDOWN OF THE NORTH ATLANTIC CONVEYER BELT Not all of the water transported to the North Atlantic by the North Atlantic Current and North Atlantic Drift is returned via the Labrador Current (Table I). Instead, evaporation of water vapor from these warm currents causes the salinity of their surface waters to increase and the temperature to decrease. Sea ice formation is not a factor, but during the winter the combined 22 effect of increased salinity and decreased temperature causes some of the water transported by these currents to sink to depths of 2-4 km in the Greenland Sea and Labrador Sea off Greenland. In the Southern hemisphere bottom waters are formed along Antarctic ice shelves during the time of sea ice formation in the winter. The fact that surface waters sink to depths of several kilometers results from the surface waters’ being very cold and saline, but the mechanism responsible for creating these conditions differs somewhat in the North Atlantic and Southern Ocean. In the Southern Ocean surface waters sink to the bottom due to an increase in salinity associated with the formation of sea ice.6 Because the formation and movement of water masses at intermediate and bottom depths in the ocean are driven by temperature and salinity effects, the deep water current system is referred to as the ocean’s thermohaline circulation. Once formed, bottom waters remain submerged for roughly 1,000 years, but they eventually return to the surface. From there, surface currents transport them back to the regions of deep and bottom water formation in the North Atlantic and Southern Ocean, respectively. The grand pattern of surface and bottom water circulation in the ocean is referred to as the ocean’s conveyer belt. The analogs of the Gulf Stream and the North Atlantic Drift in the North Pacific Ocean are the Kuroshio Current and North Pacific Current, respectively, but there is no analogous formation of bottom water. Why does bottom water form in the North Atlantic but not in the North Pacific? The answer is that of the major ocean basins the North Atlantic has the highest salinity and the North Pacific the lowest. The low salinity of the North Pacific relative to the North Atlantic is primarily the result of differences in rainfall. Precipitation on the Pacific and Atlantic Ocean averages about 120 and 80 cm per year, respectively (Gross, 1982). The result is that surface waters at high latitudes in the North Pacific are less saline than underlying waters, and cooling of surface waters during the winter is insufficient to make them denser than the more saline waters beneath them. In the North Atlantic on the other hand the salinity gradient is very small, and cooling during the winter is sufficient to cause surface waters to sink to depths of several kilometers. This comparison underscores the importance of freshwater inputs in determining whether bottom water is formed. In the Southern Ocean bottom waters are formed because freshwater is 6 Sea ice contains very little salt compared to the water from which it was formed. The liquid brines that remain after sea ice forms are literally at the freezing point of seawater and are hypersaline due to the exclusion of salt from the ice. 23 effectively removed by the formation of sea ice during the winter. In the North Atlantic, deep waters are formed in the winter because freshwater and heat are removed by evaporation. In the North Pacific freshwater and heat are also removed by evaporation, but the effect of evaporation on the density of the surface waters is more than offset by the input of freshwater from rainfall. Since global warming will warm the ocean’s surface waters and accelerate the hydrologic cycle, it is reasonable to ask what impact global warming may have on the thermohaline circulation. Figure 14 illustrates the nature of the problem. Freshwater forcing is here defined to be the net effect of surface exchange, wind-driven ocean currents, and thermohaline circulation. Figure 14. Relationship between freshwater forcing in the North Atlantic and the rate of formation of North Atlantic Deep Water. One Sverdrup (Sv) = 106 m3s-1 (Rahmstorf, 2000). When freshwater forcing is in the range zero to roughly 0.13 Sverdrup (Sv)7, two very different but stable modes of the Atlantic thermohaline circulation are possible, one in which there is no deep water formation and the other in which North Atlantic Deep Water (NADW) is formed at rates ranging between roughly 11 and 22 Sv. Although the Atlantic is a net evaporative basin (i.e., net surface exchange of freshwater is negative) the overall freshwater forcing is believed to be positive at the present time but almost certainly less than 0.05 Sv (Rahmstorf, 2000). Hence either of two modes of NADW formation is compatible with the present rate of freshwater forcing, and an increase on the order of 0.1 Sv in freshwater forcing could cause the system to 7 One Sverdrup = 106 m3s-1 or 3.2x104 km3y-1. 24 undergo the transition indicated by the (a) arrow. Once the system settles into that mode, it will remain there until freshwater forcing drops below zero, at which point the system transitions back to the current mode as indicated by the (b) arrow. The ocean contains about 1.3x109 km3 of water. Under current conditions deep and bottom water is formed in the Southern Ocean and North Atlantic at a combined rate equal to about 0.1% of this volume per year or about 43 Sv (Broecker, 1997). About 47% of this deep water formation occurs in the North Atlantic, i.e., the NADW flow is about 20 Sv (Broecker, 1997). Based on Fig. 14 this would imply that freshwater forcing is roughly 0.02 Sv, and an increase of about 0.1 Sv in freshwater forcing would indeed be necessary to shut down the North Atlantic component of the conveyer belt. Is there any evidence that this has happened in the past? The short answer to this question is yes. During the most recent glacial period (Wisconsinan) there was a series of brief warm periods known as Dansgaard-Oeschger events and extreme cold periods known as Heinrich events. The best known of the Heinrich events is the Younger Dryas cold event, which lasted from roughly 12,700 to 11,500 years ago and immediately preceded the transition to the present Holocene interglacial. Many paleoclimatologists believe that the Younger Dryas was triggered by the draining of about 9.5x103 km3 of water from Lake Agassiz8 through the St. Lawrence River into the Atlantic Ocean (Perkins, 2002). Similar emptying of large lakes formed along the edge of northern hemisphere ice sheets9 may have triggered other Heinrich events. The resultant influx of freshwater was presumably sufficient to shut down the North Atlantic Drift and NADW formation (Fig. 14). The associated drop in heat transport to the North Atlantic and Europe would have produced a dramatic transition to frigid conditions in Europe and the accumulation of sea ice in the North Atlantic. Eventually, however, conditions along the ice edge during winter months may have led to the formation of bottom water by the same mechanism currently operative in the Southern Ocean (see above). With the formation of NADW thus renewed, the transport of heat by the 8 Lake Agassiz was an immense lake, larger than the area of the present-day Great Lakes combined, and covered much of Manitoba, Ontario, Saskatchewan, and northern Minnesota and North Dakota. It appears to have formed ~13,000 years ago and was fed by glacial runoff. At various times it discharged to the south through the Mississippi River system or to the northwest through the Mackenzie River. The event that triggered drainage of about 85% of Lake Agassiz’s volume through the St. Lawrence River about 12,700 years ago was apparently the failure of an ice dam. Modern remnants of Lake Agassiz include, inter alia, Lake Winnipeg, Lake Winnipegosis, Lake Manitoba, and Lake of the Woods. 9 For example, large ice-dammed lakes that are known to have formed in the Siberian Altai Mountains. 25 North Atlantic Drift would have returned, eventually leading to the next Dansgaard-Oeschger event. Thus during glacial periods such as the Wisconsinan, a plausible mechanism exists to explain alternating Dansgaard-Oeschger and Heinrich events. One might naively assume that abrupt drainages of ice-dammed lakes would not be a factor during interglacial periods, but this is not entirely true. During the Younger Dryas the Laurentide Ice Sheet moved south again, eventually blocking the outflow of Lake Agassiz through the St. Lawrence River. Lake Agassiz refilled with glacial meltwater and eventually merged with another meltwater lake, Lake Ojibway. During the early years of the Holocene interglacial the combined volume of the two lakes is estimated to have been about 2x105 km3, about 60% more than the combined volume of all the world’s lakes today (Barber et al., 1999). As the Holocene climate warmed, the ice dam again failed, this time over the Hudson Bay. Geological studies indicate that most of the enormous volume of the combined meltwater lakes drained into the Labrador Sea within one year, a flux of roughly 6 Sv (Barber et al., 1999). It is likely that this influx of freshwater completely blocked formation of deep water in the Labrador Sea and may have significantly reduced formation of NADW in the Greenland Sea as well. The result, once again, was a dramatic reduction in the transport of heat to the North Atlantic and Europe. The failure of the Hudson Bay ice dam occurred about 8,470 years ago and led to a cold event that lasted roughly 400 years. The cold event of ~8,200 years ago is the most recent climate change attributed to large influxes of freshwater to the North Atlantic, but it is by no means the most recent Holocene climate change. Both Bond et al., and DeMenocal et al. have argued persuasively that climate during both glacial and interglacial periods is modulated by a cycle with a period of 1,500 ± 500 years (Bond et al., 1997; deMenocal et al., 2000). Although the ultimate mechanism responsible for producing this modulation is unknown, the process appears to be independent of high-latitude ice sheets and involves “large-scale ocean and atmosphere reorganizations that were completed within decades or centuries, perhaps less” (deMenocal et al., 2000, p. 2201). The most recent manifestation of this climate cycle was the Little Ice Age, which lasted for a period of several hundred years following the so-called Medieval Warm Period (Fig. 15) and was associated with bitterly cold winters in North America and Europe (Fig. 16). The fact that such climatic changes can occur by mechanisms we do not currently understand raises serious concerns about 26 our ability to predict the impact of global warming on the dynamics of ocean/atmospheric interactions and future climate. Figure 15. Reconstruction of global temperature anomalies during the last 1,000 years. Source: <>. Figure 16. A Scene on the Ice by Hendrick Avercamp was inspired by the harsh winter of 1608 in Europe. Source: <>. 27 One very obvious concern is whether global warming could shut down the formation of bottom water in the North Atlantic and thereby trigger a prolonged period of cooling. Based on computer simulations, Rahmstorf has argued that a shutdown of the North Atlantic conveyer is unlikely to occur through temperature effects alone (Rahmstorf, 2000). A large influx of freshwater is a much more likely trigger, and as noted by Rahmstorf, “The location of the freshwater perturbation is also important – a rule of thumb is: the closer to the deep water formation regions, the more effective it is” (Rahmstorf, 2000, p. 251). Gregory et al., have argued that the Greenland icecap will begin to melt if air temperatures rise more than 2.7oC and that a temperature increase of 8oC would cause most of the Greenland icecap to melt within 1,000 years (Gregory et al., 2004). Is this likely to happen, and if so, would the influx of freshwater be sufficient to shut down the North Atlantic conveyer? If the entire Greenland icecap were to melt, sea level would rise by about seven meters (Gregory et al., 2004). Since the surface area of the ocean is 3.6x1014 m2, the volume of water added to the ocean by melting the Greenland icecap would be 2.5x1015 m3. If this amount of freshwater were added to the ocean over a period of 1,000 years, the average flux would be 0.08 Sv. Based on Fig. 1-14 and the foregoing discussion, this might be insufficient to literally shut down the formation of NADW, but it would certainly reduce the rate of formation, perhaps by as much as 30-40%. An important caveat to this argument is that melting of the Greenland icecap would almost certainly not result in a steady flux of freshwater into the North Atlantic Ocean for 1,000 years. The flux might be substantially less than 0.08 Sv for extended periods of time and substantially greater than 0.08 Sv during other times. Is there any reason to believe that the temperature over Greenland will increase by as much as 8oC? The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) projections indicate that by the end of the 21st century atmospheric CO2 concentrations will have increased to 710 ppmv and temperatures will have risen by 1.4-5.8oC.10 What happens after that? Caldeira and Wickett have addressed this question with the use of a computer simulation model in which they assume that we continue to burn fossil fuels until there is literally nothing left (Fig. 17) (Caldeira and Wickett, 2003). Their model says that atmospheric CO2 concentrations will rise to a peak of ~1,900 ppmv 10 The IPCC Web site is <>. 28 Figure 17. (a) Atmospheric CO2 emissions, historical atmospheric CO2 levels and predicted CO2 concentrations, together with changes in ocean pH based on horizontally averaged chemistry. (b) Estimated maximum change in surface ocean pH as a function of final atmospheric CO2 pressure, and the transition time over which this CO2 pressure is linearly approached from 280 p.p.m. A, glacial−interglacial CO2 changes; B, slow changes over the past 300 Myr; C, historical changes in ocean surface waters; D, unabated fossil-fuel burning over the next few centuries. Reprinted by permission from Macmillan Publishers Ltd: [Nature] (Caldeira and Wickett (2003), copyright 2003). around the year 2300 and then very slowly decline. Based on Berner’s GEOCARB II model, an increase in atmospheric CO2 from 380 to 1,900 ppmv would increase average global temperatures by about 9.7oC (Berner, 1994). The temperature rise would be substantially greater at high northern latitudes, because the melting of Arctic sea ice would substantially reduce the albedo of the Arctic Ocean. So there is a distinct possibility that burning fossil fuels until there is literally nothing left will melt the Greenland icecap and raise sea level by seven meters. What then? There are several issues to consider. First, the icecap will require roughly 1,000 years to melt. The rise in sea level will therefore average about 7 mm per year. Second, a complete shutdown of NADW formation will require several centuries (Rahmstorf, 2000). Although most of the anthropogenic CO2 added to the atmosphere will eventually be taken up by the ocean, the process of air/sea exchange will require thousands of years to effect a significant drawdown of atmospheric CO2 concentrations. Caldeira and Wickett’s model, for example, indicates that atmospheric CO2 concentrations will decline from 1,900 ppmv in the year 2300 to ~1,500 ppmv by the year 3000 (Caldeira and Wickett, 2003). Thus the global warming caused by the rise in atmospheric CO2 concentrations will remain in effect for centuries. As noted by Rahmstorf, “A 29 serious cooling of the North Atlantic region (including northwestern Europe) results only in the longer term, when greenhouse gases decline again and the circulation remains in the ‘off’ mode” (Rahmstorf, 2000, p. 253). One major uncertainty in the long-term climate change forecasts concerns the role of the El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO) cycle. Currently freshwater export from the Atlantic increases by about 0.1 Sv during El Niño versus La Niña years, and “in one model, increased El Niño frequency resulting from global warming draws enough water vapor from the subtropical Atlantic across into the Pacific to cancel out the weakening effects on the thermohaline circulation” (Rahmstorf, 2000, p. 252). 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