Cotner Monument LLC Emergency Action/Fire Prevention Plan Revision 2013-9-30 PURPOSE This Emergency Action Plan and Fire Prevention Plan has been developed for purpose of establishing employee actions and training in those actions in the event of fires, accidents, violent storms, earthquakes, releases of hazardous chemicals into the atmosphere and chemical spills, or any other catastrophe. PLANT EVACUATION In the event that a plant evaluation is necessary, an alarm to signal a full evacuation of the work place will be by voice notification or by whistle which is located in the Sales Manager’s desk. Any employee may determine that an evacuation is necessary. Whenever the alarm sounds, the entire plant will evacuate by designated routes to predetermined assembly areas. A full evacuation drill covering all employees will be held during the first full week of each year. Once an evacuation is begun, it will be carried to completion even if it is known to be a "false alarm.” Re-entry will not be permitted until the "all clear" is sounded. An “all clear” will be given by the Manager or designated alternate or designated alternate verbally to each employee or group of employees. No employee is to enter the plant until the “all clear” is issues. The Manager or designated alternate will contact local fire and emergency personal in the event of a plant evacuation. Associates are not to attempt any rescue or provide any form first aid. EMERGENCY ESCAPE PROCEDURES AND EMERGENCY ROUTES This plan includes illustration of the plant layout, emergency escape routes and the designated meeting locations, Appendix A. In case of any emergency, employees shall activate the facility alarm system (see above) and then leave the affected work area immediately via the emergency route assignments posted in their work area reproduced in Appendix A unless the route is blocked by the emergency and cannot safely passed by. An alternative route, remote from the emergency incident shall be designated by the Manager or designated alternate and will be used for emergency egress. Before implementation of this plan, a primary evacuation route and at least one alternate route will be designated. All primary emergency escape routes and designated meeting locations will be provided to each employee as part of their training and shall be posted at the Shop Safety Station and by the employee time clock. An orderly evacuation will be supervised by Manager or designated alternate or designated alternate who will check all rooms/enclosed spaces. Wherever applicable, they will also insure that all fire doors are closed on their way out and report to their designated meeting location. The Manager or designated alternate or designated alternate will provide for the specialized evacuation of any disabled employees. CRITICAL OPERATIONS OR PROCESSES The Manager will determine if there are any critical facility operations or processes which need to be shut down or inactivated before total evacuation is completed and will designate such processes and the employees to accomplish the shut down in advance. Where applicable, the Manager or designated alternate will assure that emergency shut down procedures are conspicuously posted on each machine or at each process. Currently, the following are the critical facility operations or processes which need to be shut down or inactivated before total evacuation is completed: 1. Turning off the compressor 2. Turning off the sandblast room(s) 3. Turning off the exhaust blower If an identified critical operation or process cannot be shut down or requires a substantial time delay, the Manager or designated alternate must be so notified when possible with the full explanation of the situation. In no event are employees to delay evacuation attempting to shut down processes. POST EVACUATION ACCOUNTABILITY OF ALL PEOPLE When the facility has been evacuated and all employees have arrived at their designated meeting places, a head count and accounting of any missing people will be taken when possible by the Manager or designated alternate. Any stragglers and the known location and condition of any injured people and will be reported to the Manager or designated alternate and emergency personnel. RESCUE AND MEDICAL DUTIES The Manager or designated alternate is expected to coordinate rescue or medical/first aid duties if and when needed in case of an emergency at this site. Employees are not to perform medical emergency services or attempt rescue operations. Fire or Emergency Responders are to perform all emergency response duties as needed. If anyone is trapped and/or injured in the emergency or during the evacuation, the situation and location shall be noted and communicated to the Manager or designated alternate and emergency personnel. PREFERRED MEANS OF REPORTING FIRES AND EMERGENCIES Activate the facility’s alarm and contact the Manager or designated alternate and communicate the particulars of the incident when possible. Report the emergency to the local emergency response number (dial 911) and give the particulars of the emergency to the dispatcher. The following are the person(s) to contact for information on this emergency action plan: Name(s) Address and Telephone Number Sam J. Flocks 618 Spradley Rd, Van Buren, AR 479-650-9132 Cathy Flocks 618 Spradley Rd, Van Buren, AR 479-462-3270 Training Associates will be trained by a competent trainer as determined by the manager. Training will be conducted during the Probationary Employment period but no later than thirty days from initiation of employment and updated periodically as deemed appropriate by the Manager. Training will be documented based on the Company Unified Training Log procedures. Evaluation and Review This policy will be reviewed and updated at least annually to reflect new or modified tasks and procedures which affect occupational exposure and to reflect new or revised employee positions with occupational exposure. The plant manager is responsible for annually reviewing and updating this program. Associate Access to Standards and Policy The policy will be made available to all associates in a manner consistent with the General Policy. Associates will be trained on the access to the standards and their location.