
Operation Fortified Response Tabletop Exercise
Inject Responses – April 11 2013
Inject Response Report
Operation Fortified Response Tabletop Exercise
April 11, 2013
Sumter County Neighborhood Emergency Preparedness Program
Disaster Resistant Communities Group LLC
Operation Fortified Response Tabletop Exercise
Inject Responses – April 11 2013
This report contains the inject responses from the Operation Fortified Response Tabletop Exercise.
These responses are unedited and are directly exported from the information typed into the ONX System
during the exercise. The purpose of this report is to provide documentation for your organization’s records
of exact responses captured during the exercise.
www.drc-group.com – info@drc-group.com
Disaster Resistant Communities Group LLC
Operation Fortified Response Tabletop Exercise
Inject Responses – April 11 2013
Fortified Response - Hurricane - # 002
CERT of The Villages / Sumter County MRC
Residing in a community / neighborhood that is Disaster Ready is the first step
in being able to respond to and recover from any disaster or emergency.
Part 1
(Note: Access information on Avoiding Home Hurricane Damage.)
Is your organization involved in assisting community / neighborhood residents
in preparing themselves, their families and their homes for a hurricane and
other disasters or emergencies that could strike the region?
Part 2
Part 3
If the above answer is yes. – List in detail the various disaster preparedness
activities your organization undertakes to assist with community /
neighborhood preparedness.
(Example: Conduct an annual door to door campaign to distribute disaster
preparedness materials to area residents.)
Hurricane Expo
Emergency management System
Food & Water
Part 4
Community Watch
Ongoing Training
Supplies & Resources Verification
Weather Alert Radios
Contact Special Needs people
Disaster Resistant Communities Group LLC
Operation Fortified Response Tabletop Exercise
Inject Responses – April 11 2013
If the above answer is no. – Identify the name and point of contact information
(Phone Number and / or Web Site) of your community’s agencies or
organizations that would be able to assist with preparing neighborhood /
community residents for a hurricane or other disasters.
Part 11
(Example: Shoemaker County Office of Emergency Management – 555-5555555 – www.scoem.gov)
(Note: Access www.google.com to search for your community’s agencies or
Contact Information – Agency / Organization # 1:
Part 12 352-751-5728
Part 13 Contact Information – Agency / Organization # 2:
Part 14 CERT 352-674-2948
Part 15 Contact Information – Agency / Organization # 3:
Part 16 VPSD 352-205-8280
Fortified Response - Hurricane - # 004
CERT of The Villages / Sumter County MRC
Part 1
Would your organization have a role in assisting senior citizens, individuals
with disabilities and / or the transportation disadvantaged in preparing for the
approaching storm?
Part 2
Part 3
If the above answer is yes. – Describe the type of assistance that would be
made available to help them prepare for the approaching hurricane.
Part 4
The County Emergency Manager
If the above answer is no. – Identify the name and point of contact information
(Phone Number and / or Web Site) for agencies or organizations that would be
able to assist these residents.
Part 5
(Example: Low County Alzheimer Association – 555-555-5555 –
(Note: You can search the national 2-1-1 Information and Referral database
Disaster Resistant Communities Group LLC
Operation Fortified Response Tabletop Exercise
Inject Responses – April 11 2013
for agencies and organizations within your area that could assist senior
citizens, the disabled and the transportation disadvantaged in preparing for an
emergency or disaster.)
Contact Information – Agency / Organization # 1:
Part 6
Part 7
Contact Information – Agency / Organization # 2:
Part 8
Part 9
Contact Information – Agency / Organization # 3:
Part 10
Fortified Response - Hurricane - # 007
CERT of The Villages / Sumter County MRC
As the hurricane continues to approach the region will your organization be
Part 1 involved in assisting community / neighborhood residents with any last minute
preparedness activities?
Part 2 Yes
Part 3
If the above answer is yes. – Identify and briefly describe the activities that your
organization will assist with.
Secure personal home & Family
Amateur & organizational radio checks
identify empty homes in neighborhoods
Part 4
Verify neighbors are aware of danger approaching
Advise pet owners to depart with pets
Advise residents to acquire fuel & water & money
If the above answer is no. – Identify the name and point of contact information
(Phone Number, Address and / or Web Site) for agencies or organizations that
Part 5 would be able to assist residents in making last minute hurricane preparations.
Contact Information – Agency / Organizations # 1:
Disaster Resistant Communities Group LLC
Operation Fortified Response Tabletop Exercise
Inject Responses – April 11 2013
Part 6
Part 7 Contact Information – Agency / Organizations # 2:
Part 8
Fortified Response - Hurricane - # 008
CERT of The Villages / Sumter County MRC
Part 1
Would your organization be contacted by emergency management officials as
the hurricane approaches the region?
Part 2 Yes
Part 3
If the above answer is yes. – Identify the emergency response agency that
would have notified your organization.
Part 4 Villages Public Safety / Sumter County E.M./ Sumter County MRC
Part 5 If the above answer is no. – At what point would your organization be notified.
Part 6
Fortified Response - Hurricane - # 009
CERT of The Villages / Sumter County MRC
Part 1
Would your organization ever self-mobilize?
Part 2
Part 3
If the above answer is yes. – Briefly explain why.
Part 4
To provide emergency aid to our neighbors
The leader of your organization has been contacted and asked to mobilize due
to the region being under a Hurricane Warning.
Part 5
Briefly describe how the members of your organization would be contacted
and told that they need to mobilize.
Part 6
By telephone / e-mail
Part 7
Identify the individuals by name and title that would be responsible for
Disaster Resistant Communities Group LLC
Operation Fortified Response Tabletop Exercise
Inject Responses – April 11 2013
mobilizing your organization.
Part 8
Hilda Hartman / Wayne Ward/ NPP Leaders
Part 9
Part 10 Call out tree personnel
Part 11 Tertiary:
Part 12 Walter Thomas / Planner
Part 13
Would the same individuals be responsible for leading your organization
during its mobilization?
Part 14 Yes
Part 15 Briefly describe your organization’s mobilization process.
Part 16 Incident Command Callout Procedures
Fortified Response - Hurricane - # 010
CERT of The Villages / Sumter County MRC
Now that your organization has mobilized it will be important to effectively
coordinate the various response activities that will need to be undertaken.
Part 1
Identify the individuals that will fulfill the Incident Command System (ICS)
positions and briefly describe the responsibility for each position.
(Example: Logistics Section Chief – John Harper – Is responsible for obtaining
needed equipment and supplies that will be used to respond to the hurricane.)
NIMS Command System is implemented
Part 2 Department of Health is NIMS Compliant
Community Watch is NIMS compliant
Fortified Response - Hurricane - # 011
CERT of The Villages / Sumter County MRC
Disaster Resistant Communities Group LLC
Operation Fortified Response Tabletop Exercise
Part 1
Inject Responses – April 11 2013
Mrs Jones, an 87 year old widow, is a community / neighborhood resident
whose home is subject to flooding. She has just contacted a member of your
organization asking if someone could come help her with building a sandbag
barrier to prevent her home from being flooded.
(Note: Access information on filling sandbags and building sandbag walls.)
Will your organization be able to assist Mrs Jones with her request?
Part 2 No
Part 3
If the above answer is yes. – Briefly describe the actions that would be taken to
assist Mrs Jones.
Part 4
Part 5 If the above answer is no. – What will Mrs Jones be told?
Part 6 Evacuate to higher ground or call the County Emergency Manager
Fortified Response - Hurricane - # 016
CERT of The Villages / Sumter County MRC
Prepare a prioritized action plan (Incident Action Plan) outlining in detail
activities that your organization will undertake based on current information and
planning assumptions.
In preparing the Incident Action Plan (IAP) list any resources that will be needed
to undertake the action as well as develop a timeline for completing the
Part 1
identified action.
(Example: Action – Canvas the neighborhood by to determine if any residents
were injured during the storm. If medical assistance is needed for minor injuries
team members should provide First Aid. / Required Resources – First Aid Kit. /
Timeline – 1 Hour.)
Locate and render first aid to injured neighbors.
Part 2
Provide triage and first aid at shelters while assisting in shelter de-mobilization
Fortified Response - Hurricane - # 017
CERT of The Villages / Sumter County MRC
Disaster Resistant Communities Group LLC
Operation Fortified Response Tabletop Exercise
Inject Responses – April 11 2013
It will be important for your organization to remain in constant communication
with its members and various response agencies and organizations. Briefly
describe how communications will be maintained:
Part 1
(Note: Access the Neighborhood Emergency Radio Communications Planning
With emergency management officials.
Part 2 Through the Villages & Sumter County E.O.C.'s using hand held radios
Part 3 With law enforcement officials.
Part 4 Through the EOC staff positions
Part 5 With fire department officials.
Part 6
CERT is part of the Fire Department. Health Department & Fire Department
personnel will be in contact with each other during all phases of the incident.
Part 7 Among fellow team members.
Part 8 Handheld radio systems
Fortified Response - Hurricane - # 018
CERT of The Villages / Sumter County MRC
Needs Assessment
Part 1
Based on the Preliminary Damage Assessment and the Post Hurricane
Community / Neighborhood Evaluation of the community / neighborhood
prepare a list of resources (services, materials and supplies) that will be
needed to support residents of the community / neighborhood in the days and
weeks to come.
Need # 1:
Part 2
Part 3
Need # 2:
Part 4
Food & Water
Part 5
Need # 3:
Part 6
Hygiene & Sanitation
Disaster Resistant Communities Group LLC
Operation Fortified Response Tabletop Exercise
Part 7
Need # 4:
Part 8
Medical care & pharmaceuticals
Part 9
Need # 5:
Inject Responses – April 11 2013
Part 10 Security
Part 11 Need # 6:
Part 12 Generators
Part 13 Need # 7:
Part 14 Finances
Part 15 Need # 8:
Part 16 Pet supplies
Fortified Response - Hurricane - # 019
CERT of The Villages / Sumter County MRC
Assisting community / neighborhood residents with their response and
recovery needs will be a large undertaking and involve many government
agencies and departments as well as community and faith based
Part 1
Identify four agencies, departments and / or organizations (Community
Partners) with which your organization would work as well as the resources /
services that the identified Community Partner would be able to provide to
community / neighborhood residents.
(Example: Southern Baptist Disaster Relief – Local churches can assist with:
Chainsaw Crews, Childcare, Feeding, Sheltering, Transportation,
Communications and Clean-up.)
(Note: Access information regarding Southern Baptist Disaster Relief.)
Community Partner – Resources / Services # 1:
Part 3
MERT/ Emergency Repair-Meals/ spiritual
Part 5
Community Partner – Resources / Services # 2:
Part 6
Red Cross-Sheltering/staffing/ Communications
Disaster Resistant Communities Group LLC
Operation Fortified Response Tabletop Exercise
Inject Responses – April 11 2013
Part 7
Community Partner – Resources / Services # 3:
Part 8
Salvation Army/ Emergency Funds/meals/clothing/shelters/
Part 9
Community Partner – Resources / Services # 4:
Northland Church/ meals/spiritual
Part 10
Tide/ cleaning
Fortified Response - Hurricane - # 020
CERT of The Villages / Sumter County MRC
Is your organization in possession of any expendable supplies and / or
Part 1 equipment that can be utilized to assist community / neighborhood residents
with responding to or recovering from the hurricane?
Part 2 Yes
If the above answer is yes. – Prepare an itemized list, (Item, Quantity and
Storage Location) of the supplies and / or equipment.
Part 3 (Note: Access a listing of potential items to incorporate into a Neighborhood
Disaster Supply Kit.)
(Example: Item – Stretcher / Quantity – 3 / Storage Location – CERT Trailer)
Part 4 Bandages, blankets, generators
Fortified Response - Hurricane - # 021
CERT of The Villages / Sumter County MRC
Part 1
Due to the fact that electrical service remains off throughout the area damaged
during the hurricane, local officials have issued a dusk to dawn curfew.
Are the members of your organization exempt from the curfew?
Part 2 Yes
Part 3 If the above answer is yes. – Briefly explain why.
Part 4 We are a recognized organization that provides assistance
Disaster Resistant Communities Group LLC
Operation Fortified Response Tabletop Exercise
Inject Responses – April 11 2013
Part 5 If the above answer is no. – Briefly explain why.
Part 6
Part 7
If the above answer is unsure. – Identify the agency that would be able to tell
you if your organization is exempt from the curfew.
Part 8
Fortified Response - Hurricane - # 022
CERT of The Villages / Sumter County MRC
Emergency management officials have asked if your organization could help
with establishing and managing a location for the distribution of supplies (bottled
water, shelf stable meals, tarps, etc.) which would be given to community /
neighborhood residents needing assistance.
These types of distribution activities are normally referred to as a Point of
Distribution (POD).
Part 1
FEMA, state and local officials will provide all of the supplies to be distributed
and the equipment to operate the POD.
(Note: Access information on how to establish and manage a Point of
Will your organization be able to manage and provide man-power to support
this activity?
Part 2 Yes
Part 5
If the above answer is yes. – Briefly describe how your organization could assist
with setting up and managing such an operation.
Supplying able bodied and trained manpower
Part 6 Points of Dispensing to medications
Points of Distribution-to provide supplies/water
Fortified Response - Hurricane - # 023
CERT of The Villages / Sumter County MRC
Disaster Resistant Communities Group LLC
Operation Fortified Response Tabletop Exercise
Inject Responses – April 11 2013
Adam and Beth Morrison are an elderly couple whose home has survived the
storm. As is true with the rest of the community / neighborhood, they are without
power, water and phone service. The temperature outside has risen to 98
degrees and the humidity is close to 95%. Several of their neighbors have
Part 1
expressed a concern for their well being given the lack of drinking water and the
extreme heat and humidity.
Can your organization assist in this situation?
Part 2 Yes
Part 3
If the above answer is yes. – Briefly describe the actions that will be taken to
assist the Morrison's.
Locate neighbors to shelter them.
Part 4
Take them to a shelter
If the above answer is no. – Identify the name and point of contact information
Part 5 (Phone Number and / or Web Site) for an agency or organization to which you
would refer the Morrison’s for assistance.
Part 6
Fortified Response - Hurricane - # 024
CERT of The Villages / Sumter County MRC
Part 1
At what point would your organization demobilize?
Part 2
When the proper authority releases us
Part 3
Briefly describe the procedure for demobilization.
Part 4
Follow the NIMS checkout process
Part 5
Does your demobilization plan include an operational debriefing of all team
Part 6
Part 7
If the above answer is yes. – Briefly describe how this debriefing will be
Part 8
By demobilization leader
Part 9
Does your demobilization plan include a Critical Incident Stress Debriefing
Disaster Resistant Communities Group LLC
Operation Fortified Response Tabletop Exercise
Inject Responses – April 11 2013
(CISD) of all team members?
Part 10 Yes
Part 11
If the above answer is yes. – Briefly describe how this debriefing will be
Part 12 If needed, it will be done by MRC behavioral team
Disaster Resistant Communities Group LLC