Reflexivity as Integrity: Toward Earth/Life 4.0 Robert David Steele – Earth Intelligence Network (501c3) – Oakton, Virginia 22124 Science – both hard science and social science – has lost its way in a descending spiral of subdisciplinary isolation. It is time to begin working toward the goal of restoring integrity by applying holistic analytics, an emerging science of its own that fully integrates all relevant disciplines and all relevant information about “true costs”. By combining Cognitive Science and Collective Intelligence using Reflexivity as the over-arching cognitive, intuitive, and philosophical frame, we can achieve Science and Web 4.0. Reflexivity, rooted in the ideas and integrities of Buckminster Fuller and the design science of Russell Ackoff, is recognized as the critical mental tool-kit necessary to begin this reconstruction of science and society. The practical means of achieving reflexivity across all boundaries can be found in The Open Source Everything Manifesto: Transparency, Truth, & Trust (Evolver Editions Random House, June 2012). It requires Multinational, Multiagency, Multidisciplinary, Multidomain Information-Sharing and Sense-Making (M4IS2), in turn resting on open access by all minds to all information all the time. This presentation, from a humanities perspective rather than from a cybernetics perspective, will present the key figures from the forthcoming book, and offer an opportunity for interactive dialog about the meaning of Reflexivity in a local to global context where intelligence (decision-support) and integrity are required if humanity is to avoid doing further damage to the biosphere within which it exists. Ultimately Reflexivity appears to be a cultural phenomenon, one that demands a valuation of all human minds as being priceless, all human beings as deserving of the dignity of being heard, and human society as the means by which Reflexivity can design for sustainability. We are entering Epoch B. All governments, corporations, and organizations are organized for Epoch A. The purpose of Reflexivity is to flip the tortilla and return all of us to holistic integral consciousness.