April 2011 Curriculum Vitae of Ronald J. Elin BIOGRAPHIC INFORMATION: Office Address: University of Louisville School of Medicine Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine University of Louisville Hospital 530 South Jackson Street Louisville, KY 40202 502-852-4464 (Tel.) 502-852-8299 (Fax) rjelin01@louisville.edu (E-mail) EDUCATION AND BOARD CERTIFICATION: June, 1957 December, 1960 June, 1962 June, 1966 1966 June, 1969 1970 1970 1974 1974 1976 1980 1977 1980 Graduated from Patrick Henry High School, Minneapolis, MN (valedictorian) B.A., Magna Cum Laude, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN B.S., University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN M.D., University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN Minnesota State Board of Medical Examiners Ph.D., University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN Major: Biochemistry Minor: Pathology National Board of Medical Examiners Board of Medical Examiners of the State of California American Board of Pathology Clinical Pathology Anatomic Pathology Subspecialty - Medical Microbiology Subspecialty - Chemical Pathology American Board of Medical Microbiology American Board of Clinical Chemistry Page 1 CHRONOLOGY OF EMPLOYMENT: 1964-1967 1967-1969 1969-1970 1970-1997 1970-1973 1973-1974 1975-1997 1977-1997 1977-1978 1978-1997 1981-1982 1997-2000 1997-2001 1997-Present 1998-2001 2002-Present 2002-Present 2008-Present Graduate Assistant, Department of Biochemistry, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN Anatomic Pathology Resident, University of Minnesota Intern, Straight Medicine, University Hospital of California at San Diego, CA Active Duty - United States Public Health Service Staff Associate, Laboratory of Clinical Investigation, NIAID, National Institutes of Health Bethesda, MD Resident, Clinical Pathology Department, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD Chief, Clinical Pathology Department, Clinical Center and Tenured Senior Investigator, NIH, Bethesda, MD Chief, Clinical Chemistry Service, Clinical Pathology Department, NIH, Bethesda, MD Clinical Associate Professor of Pathology, Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences, Bethesda, MD Clinical Professor of Pathology, Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences, Bethesda, MD Consultant, Clinical Chemistry, Clinical Pathology Department, Georgetown University, Washington, DC Medical Director, Laboratory Corporation of America, Louisville Division Professor and Vice-Chair, Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, University of Louisville, Louisville, KY Medical Director, University of Louisville Hospital Laboratory Director, Pathology Residency Program, Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, University of Louisville, Louisville, KY A. J. Miller Professor and Chairman, Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, University of Louisville, Louisville, KY Chief of Pathology, University of Louisville Hospital, Louisville, KY Medical Director of Health Care Outpatient Center Clinical Laboratory, University of Louisville, Louisville, KY PROFESSIONAL SOCIETIES: 1975-Present Academy of Clinical Laboratory Physicians and Scientists 1985-1987 Secretary/Treasurer 1986-1993 Intersociety Pathology Council 1986-1993 Representative 1990 Vice President 1991 President 1989-1990 President-elect 1990-1991 President 1991-1992 Immediate Past President 1992-1993 Past President 1993-1996 Publications Committee 1995 Gerald T. Evans Award Page 2 1977-Present American Association for Clinical Chemistry 1983-1988 Arnold O. Beckman Conference Committee 1987-1988 Chairman 1989 Consultant 1995-2001 Member 2000-2001 Chairman 1987-1988 Member, Meetings Management Group 1990-1992 and 1995-2000 1986-1995 Board of Editors of Clinical Chemistry 1990-1995 Executive Committee, Board of Editors 1986 Nominations Committee, Capitol Section 1989-1991 General Chairman, 1991 National Meeting, Washington, DC 1993-1995 Board of Directors 1994 Liaison to the Division Management Group 1995 Liaison to the Meeting Management Group 1995-1999 CME Advisory Committee 1998-1999 Chairman 1973-Present Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology 1973-Present American Society for Investigative Pathology (formerly American Association of Pathologists) 1975-2011 American College of Nutrition, Fellow 1980-1988 Board of Directors 1979-1990 Chairman, Council of Laboratory Diagnosis 2007 Seelig Magnesium Award and Lecture 1972-1977 American Federation for Clinical Research 1972-1978 American Society for Microbiology 1975-Present American Society of Clinical Pathologists 1988-1994 Council on Clinical Chemistry 1978-1984 College of American Pathologists and 1992-Present 1978-1980 Standards Committee 1978-1980 Medical Operational Limits Committee 1992-2004 TDM/Endocrinology Resource Committee 1995-1998 Vice Chair 1999-2003 Chair 2004 Advisor 2003 Council on Scientific Affairs 2005-2010 Chemistry Resource Committee 2006-2011 Practice Management Committee Page 3 2008-2011 Public Health Policy Committee 2012-Present Economic Affairs Committee 1977-1997 1973-1981 Foundation for Advanced Education in the Sciences, Chemistry 309 (Clinical Chemistry) - 2 credits, 32 hours taught in 1979, 1981, 1983, 1985, 1987, and 1989 Infectious Diseases Society of America 1980-1983 National Academy of Clinical Biochemistry 1999-Present 1981-1982 Chairman, Committee of Scientific and Technical Affairs 1976-1997 National Committee for Clinical Laboratory Standards 1978-1984 Board of Directors 1984-1990 Nominating Committee 1985-1990 National Reference System for Clinical Laboratories Council 1973-1984 Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine 1974-1986 Washington Society of Pathologists 1976-1977 Secretary/Treasurer 1977-1978 Vice-President 1978-1979 President 1997-Present Kentucky Medical Association 1997-Present Louisville Medical Association 1997-2011 William M. Christopherson Society 1999-2011 At Large Director 1999-Present American Medical Association 2002-2010 American College of Physician Executives 2002-Present Association of Pathology Chairs 2002-Present Management Committee 2004-Present Kentucky Society of Pathologists 2006-Present International Society for the Development of Research on Magnesium 2011-Present American Board of Pathology, Member of the Chemical Pathology Test Development and Advisory Committee NIH COMMITTEES: Page 4 1975-1979 1980 1987-1997 1990-1993 1993-1995 Executive Medical Records Committee Medical Board Pediatric Care Committee Procurement Advisory Committee Clinical Center Advisory Board UNIVERSITY OF LOUISVILLE COMMITTEES: 1997-Present Medical School Practice Association/University Physicians Associates 2004-Present Finance Committee, Kentuckiana Medical Reciprocal Risk Retention Group (KMRRRG) 2004-Present Claims and Risk Management Committee, KMRRRG 1997-1999 Performance Improvement Committee 1997-2001 Utilization Management Committee 1997-Present Transfusion Committee, University of Louisville Hospital 1998-2001 Graduate Medical Education Committee, University of Louisville 1998-2000 Chair, CP Symposium Committee, Department of Pathology 2001-Present CP Symposium Committee, Department of Pathology 1998-2002 Chair, Education Committee, Department of Pathology 1999-2002 Physician’s Operations Committee of the Hospital 2000-2001 Chair, PBSI Committee, Dept. of Pathology 2000-2001 Quality Council, University Hospital 2000-2001 Promotions and Tenure Committee, University of Louisville 2000-2001 Chair, Hospital Services Committee, Dept. of Pathology 2000-2001 Chair, Hospital Attending Faculty Committee, Dept. of Pathology 2000-2001 Ad hoc Committee to select the Associate Dean for Student Affairs 2001 Ad hoc Committee for the internal review of the Geriatrics Residency Program 2001 Ad hoc Committee for the internal review of the Orthopedic Surgery Residency Program 2001-2002 Chair, Interdisciplinary Curriculum Committee for Microbiology and Pharmacology, University of Louisville 2002-Present Medical Executive Committee, University of Louisville Hospital 2002-Present Medical Council, SOM, University of Louisville 2002-Present Basic Science Chairs Committee, SOM, University of Louisville 2002-2005 Faculty Council, SOM, University of Louisville 2001-2002 HSC Task Force on Productivity, SOM, University of Louisville 2003-Present Program Advisory Committee, SOM, University of Louisville 2004-Present Chair, Educational Awards Committee 2004 Member of the ad hoc Committee on General Facilities for the LCME report and Chair, ad hoc Subcommittee on Building and Grounds for the LCME report HONORS AND SPECIAL INTEREST RECOGNITION: Phi Beta Kappa Alpha Omega Alpha Phi Lambda Epsilon Grey Friers Cyrus P. Barnum, Jr., Memorial Teaching Fellowship of the University of Minnesota Page 5 NIH Equal Employment Opportunity Award, 1977 Chairman, Gordon Research Conference on Magnesium in Biochemical Processes and Medicine, Plymouth, NH, August, 1978 Public Health Service Commendation Medal, 1980 Public Health Service Meritorious Service Medal, 1984 Co-Chairman, Fourth International Symposium on Magnesium, Blacksburg VA, August, 1985 American Association for Clinical Chemistry Award for Outstanding Contributions to Clinical Chemistry in a Selected Area of Research, 1994 The Academy of Clinical Laboratory Physicians and Scientists Gerald T. Evans Award, 1995 Outstanding Clinical Service Faculty, Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, University of Louisville, 1998 American College of Nutrition Seelig Magnesium Award, 2007 RESEARCH INTERESTS: Clinical Chemistry Definition of the Reference Interval Immunochemistry and Immunology Properties of Endotoxin Mineral Metabolism, Particularly Magnesium GRANTS AND CONTRACTS: 05/01/1999--12/03/2000 07/01/2002--06/30/2003 07/01/2002--06/30/2003 07/01/2003--06/30/2004 07/01/2003--06/30/2004 07/01/2003--06/30/2004 07/01/2004--6/30/2005 07/01/2004--06/30/2005 07/01/2004--12/31/2004 01/01/2005--06/30/2005 07/01/2005--06/30/2006 A multicenter, randomized, single-blind, red blood cell-controlled, parallel-group study to evaluate the effect on allogeneic red blood cell use and the safety of room-temperature stable hemoglobinbased oxygen carrier-201 (HBOC-201) when administered therapeutically and perioperatively in orthopedic surgery patients who have not received erythropoietin nor undergone preoperative autologous blood donation. Biopure Corporation $11,104.65 Pathology Services Medical Examiners Program KY Justice Cabinet $239,000.00 Cabinet for Families and Children $150,000.00 Medical Examiners Program Kentucky Justice Cabinet $283,500.00 Clinical Forensic Program Commonwealth of Kentucky $150,000.00 Clinical Forensic Nurses Program Louisville/Jefferson Co Metro Government $150,000.00 Clinical Forensic Nurses Program Louisville/Jefferson Co Metro Government $150,000.00 Clinical Forensic Nursing Program KY Cabinet for Human Resources $150,000.00 Medical Examiners Program Commonwealth of Kentucky $141,750.00 Medical Examiners Program Commonwealth of Kentucky $141,750.00 Clinical Forensic Nurses Program Commonwealth of Kentucky Page 6 07/01/2005--06/30/2006 Medical Examiners Program 07/01/2005--06/30/2006 Clinical Forensic Nurses Program 05/24/2006--06/30/2007 Laboratory Director Services 07/01/2006--06/30/2007 Clinical Forensic Nurses Program 07/01/2006--06/30/2007 Clinical Forensic Nurses Program 07/01/2006--06/30/2007 Medical Examiners Program 07/01/2007--06/30/2008 Clinical Nursing Program 07/01/2007--06/30/2008 Justice Cabinet 07/01/2007--09/30/2008 Clinical Nursing Program 07/01/2007--06/30/2008 Laboratory Director Services $150,000.00 Commonwealth of Kentucky $283,500.00 Jefferson Co Fiscal Court $150,000.00 KY Cabinet $191,362.00 Jefferson Co Fiscal Court $150,000.00 KY Cabinet $150,000.00 KY Cabinet $266,000.00 Metro Louisville LMP $150,000.00 State of KY $273,749.00 KY Cabinet $37,500.00 KY Cabinet $200,516.00 EDITORIAL APPOINTMENTS: 1986-1995 1990-1995 1990-1995 American Journal of Clinical Pathology Board of Editors Clinical Chemistry Board of Editors Executive Committee Book Review Editor 1981-1989 1990-1993 Journal of the American College of Nutrition Associate Editor Consulting Editor 1983-1989 Journal of Clinical Laboratory Analysis 1986-Present Associate Editor 1982-1994 Magnesium: Experimental and Clinical Research Editorial Board Trace Elements in Medicine 1984-Present Editorial Board 2006-Present Magnesium Research Editorial Board MANUSCRIPT REVIEW: Page 7 American Journal of Clinical Pathology Clinical Chemistry Infection and Immunity Journal of the American College of Nutrition Journal of Infectious Diseases Science Archives of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine Journal of Laboratory and Clinical Medicine Magnesium: Experimental and Clinical Research Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine Science Nephron MANAGEMENT TRAINING: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. Laboratory Management Workshop, College of American Pathologists, Chicago, IL, May 7-9, 1976. Managing Interpersonal Relationships, Wilson Learning Corporation, Bethesda, MD, October 11-13, 1978. Performance Planning and Evaluation, Harbridge House, Inc., Bethesda, MD, October 15, 1980. EEO for Supervisors and Managers, McClure Lundberg Association, Bethesda, MD, December 3-4, 1980. Managing People, The Wharton School of Business, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, December 11-12, 1980. Quality Circles in the Health Care Setting, American Hospital Association, Washington, DC, June 7-8, 1982. Managing Performance Feedback, Commonwealth Training Associates, Bethesda, MD, February 7-8, 1982. Touch Positive Management, Institute for Professional Education, Arlington, VA, April 25-27, 1983. Leadership Development Program, Center for Creative Leadership and the University of Maryland, College Park, MD, December 5-9, 1983. Getting Results, Hospital Learning Centers, Inc., Washington, DC, December 12, 1984 Program for Chiefs of Clinical Services, Harvard School of Public Health, Boston, MA, January 13-25, 1985. Advanced Financial Management for the Non-Financial Manager, Hospital Learning Centers, Inc., Washington, DC, June 13, 1985. The Winning Team - How to Build and Manage It, Career Track, Gaithersburg, MD, November 15, 1985. How to Get People to be Self-Starters, Aubrey Daniels & Associates, Washington, DC, February 18, 1986. Advanced Program for Chiefs of Clinical Services, Harvard School of Public Health, Boston, MA, February 23-28, 1986. Assertiveness Skills, Institute for Advanced Technology, Rockville, MD, September 17-18, 1986. Quality Assurance in Support Services: Advanced Approaches, Joint Commission on Accreditation of Hospitals, Baltimore, MD, October 2-3, 1986. Confrontation Skills, Hospital Learning Centers, Inc., Washington, DC, March 19, 1987. How to Deal With Difficult People, Career Track, Crystal City, VA, April 23, 1987. Page 8 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. Effective Negotiating, Chester L. Karrass Center for Effective Negotiating, Washington, DC, March 17-18, 1988. Getting the Critical Edge, Daniel Management Center, Washington, DC, June 7, 1988. The One-Minute Manager, Career Track, Washington, DC, October 4, 1988. The Supervisor's Workshop, Dun and Bradstreet Business Education Services, Rockville, MD, February 9, 1989. Business Writing Skills, Career Track, Rockville, MD, March 16, 1989. Interviewing Skills, Dun and Bradstreet Business Education Services, Rockville, MD, June 16, 1989. In Search of Excellence, Career Track, Rockville, MD, January 29, 1990. Managing Total Quality for Health Care, 3M Health Care, Bethesda, MD, December 3-7, 1990. How to Solve Communication Problems, Fred Pryor Seminars, Washington, DC , April 1, 1991. Managing Management Time, Dr. Donald Wass, Daniel Management Center, Washington, DC, April 9-10, 1991. Conflict Management and Negotiation Skills, National Seminars Group, Washington, DC, May 20, 1991. Personal Productivity under Pressure, Mr. Kenneth Wydro, Daniel Management Center, Washington, DC, June 19, 1991. Assertiveness Skills for Managers and Supervisors, Mr. John Mattone, National Seminars, Inc., Washington, DC, September 27, 1991. The Deming Approach to Quality Improvement, Mr. David Sloan George Mason University, Herndon, VA, November 13 - 15, 1991. Attitudes - How They Affect Productivity in the Work Environment, NIH, Rockville, MD, February 13, 1992. Implementing the Deming Approach to Quality Improvement and Productivity, Dr. Herbert W. Zagarow, George Mason University, Herndon, VA, April 28, 1992. Using the Scientific Approach to Implement Continuous Quality Improvement, Ms. Bonnie B. Hendrix, American Association for Clinical Chemistry, Chicago, IL, July 19, 1992. Strategic Management and Service Delivery in the Public Sector, Dr. Michael Barzelay and Ms. Catherine Moukheibir, John F. Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University, Potomac, MD, March 31 - April 2, 1993. The Art of Negotiating, Mr. Sanford Mevorah, Esq., Negotiation Institute, Washington, DC, May 10-11, 1993. Leadership for the 90s, Dr. Warren Bennis, The George Washington University, Office of Professional Development, Washington, DC, November 10, 1993. Managing Relationships Toward Greater Productivity, Dr. Jeffrey M. Johnson, NIH Training Center, Rockville, MD, January 26-27, 1994. Leader Led Change, Mr. Robert Slevin, NIH Training Center, Rockville, MD, February 14-15, 1994. Leaders on Leadership, Dr. James Belasco, The George Washington University, Office of Professional Development, Washington, DC, March 16, 1994. Accreditation Standards for Laboratories, The Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations, Baltimore, MD, March 18, 1994. Fifth Annual R & D Quality Symposium, Juran Institute, Chicago, IL, June 7, 1994. Leaders on Leadership, Mr. Ricardo Semler, The George Washington University, Office of Professional Development, Washington, DC, June 15, 1994. Page 9 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. Managing Change in the Health Care Environment, Dr. Marian Schwabbauer and Mr. Thomas Persoon, American Association for Clinical Chemistry, New Orleans, LA, July 19, 1994. Dealing with Conflict and Confrontation, Mr. Michael Staver, CareerTrack, Rockville, MD, October 21, 1994. Learning from Conflict, Ms. Rosalind Jeffries, NIH Training Center, Rockville, MD, February 13, 1996. Mission Possible: Creating a World Class Organization, Mr. Ken Blanchard, Blanchard Training and Development, Baltimore, MD, April 23, 1996. How to Overcome Negativity in the Workplace, Mr. Harry Chambers, CareerTrack, Rockville, MD, August 16, 1996. Mastering the Accreditation Process Workshop, ACGME, Chicago, IL, March 2-3, 2000. Time for Change: Emerging business models for hospital and health system laboratories, Health Care Development Services Inc., Chicago, IL, March 29-30, 2001. The Business of Pathology, American Pathology Foundation, Chicago, IL, December 8-9,2001. Succeeding in the Laboratory Outreach Market, Washington G-2 Reports and Park City Solutions, Atlanta, GA, June 6-7, 2002. Executive Development Seminar for Associate Deans and Department Chairs, Association of American Medical Colleges, Ft. Lauderdale, FL, October 4-9, 2002. Advanced Solutions and Strategies for Laboratory Outreach, Washington G-2 Reports and Park City Solutions, Atlanta, GA, February 20-21, 2003. Achieving Outreach Leadership for Lab and Pathology Services, Washington G-2 Reports and Park City Solutions, Atlanta, GA, February 5-6, 2004. Leadership for Physician Executives, Harvard Medical School and the Levinson Institute, Bedford, MA, March 21-26, 2004. Executive War College on Lab and Pathology Management, New Orleans, LA, April 2729, 2004. Program on Negotiation at Harvard Law School, Cambridge, MA, December 4-5, 2006. Dealing with Difficult People and Difficult Situations, Harvard Law School, Cambridge, MA, December 5-6, 2006. How to Say No and Still Get to Yes. Harvard Law School, Cambridge, MA, December 6-7, 2007. TEACHING—NIH: Chemistry 309 (Clinical Chemistry) - 2 Credits, 32 hours at the Foundation for the Advanced Education in the Sciences, NIH; 1979, 1981, 1983, 1985, 1987 and 1989 (NIH) TEACHING—UNIVERSITY OF LOUISVILLE: 1998-Present Sophomore pathology course for medical students 1998-2001 Pathology course for Allied Health students 1997-Present Pathology residents CONFERENCE ORGANIZATION: 1. Initiator and first chair of the Gordon Research Conference on Magnesium in Biochemical Processes and Medicine, Plymouth, NH, August 1978. Page 10 2. Advisory Scientific Committee, 9th International Magnesium Symposium, Vichy, France, September 10-15, 2000. PRESENTATIONS: 1. Chairman for Session on Magnesium and Formed Blood Elements and presentation on the subject of The Effect of Magnesium Deficiency on Erythropoiesis on Erythrocyte Membrane Structure at the Gordon Research Conference on Magnesium in Biochemical Processes and Medicine, Plymouth, NH, August, 1978. 2. Presentation entitled Clinical Utility of the Limulus Test with Blood, CSF, and Synovial Fluid at a Conference on the Biomedical Applications of the Horseshoe Crab at Woods Hole, MA, October, 1978. 3. Chairman of the Session on Magnesium and the Immune System and presentation of The Complement System and Magnesium at the Gordon Research Conference on Magnesium in Biochemical Processes and Medicine, Plymouth, NH, August, 1980. 4. Presentation entitled Changes in Acute Phase Reactants After Muscle Biopsy at the Capital Section of the American Association for Clinical Chemistry, September, 1980. 5. Presentation entitled The Effect of Magnesium on Erythrocyte Survival at Pathology Grand Rounds of George Washington University, January, 1981. 6. Chairman of the Session on Control Materials at the American Association for Clinical Chemistry meeting, Anaheim, CA, August, 1982. 7. Chairman of the Session on Cellular Magnesium and presentation of Magnesium Content of Lymphocytes at the Gordon Research Conference on Magnesium in Biochemical Processes and Medicine, Plymouth, NH, August, 1982. 8. Moderator for Flow Cytometry - A New Tool in Clinical Laboratory Medicine at the annual meeting of the National Committee for Clinical Laboratory Standards, Cherry Hill, NJ, March, 1983. 9. Invited speaker to the International Conference on Endotoxin Assays: Implications for Medicine and Production Quality Assurance at the Academical Medical Center, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, May 25-26,1984. Presentation entitled Clinical Utility of the LAL Test. 10. Chairman of the Session on Blood Cells and Magnesium and presentation of Determination of Magnesium in Mononuclear Blood Cells at the Gordon Research Conference on Magnesium in Biochemical Processes and Medicine, Plymouth, NH, August, 1984. 11. Presentation entitled Determination of Magnesium in Mononuclear Cells at the International Symposium on Magnesium and its Relationship to Cardiovascular, Renal and Metabolic Disorders, Los Angeles, CA, February, 1985. Page 11 12. Chairman of the Session on Diagnosis of Magnesium Status and presentation of Overview of Problems in Diagnosis of Magnesium Status at the Fourth International Symposium on Magnesium, Blacksburg, VA, August, 1985. 13. Chairman of the Session on Disease Entities Requiring Dietary Modification at the American Association of Clinical Chemistry, Chicago, IL, July, 1986. 14. Chairman of the Session on Magnesium and Immune Function and presentation of Magnesium Content of Mononuclear Cells at the International Symposium on Magnesium, Washington, DC, September, 1986. 15. Chairman of the Session on Advances in Methods for Measuring Magnesium at the Gordon Research Conference on Magnesium in Biochemical Processes and Medicine, Santa Barbara, CA, February 23-27, 1987. 16. Presentation entitled Assessment of Magnesium Status at Pathology Grand Rounds, George Washington University, Washington, DC, February 8, 1988. 17. Chairman of the Session on Diagnosis of Magnesium Deficiency and its Treatment and the presentation of Assessment of Magnesium Status at the Fifth International Magnesium Symposium, Kyoto, Japan, August 8-12, 1988. 18. Moderator of Session on Cholesterol Measurement and presentation of Quality Results: From the Laboratory to Decisions for Patient-Care at a conference entitled Clinical Laboratory Measurements: Accuracy and Patient Needs at the National Bureau of Standards, Gaithersburg, MD, October 19-21, 1988. 19. Presentation entitled Magnesium in Health and Disease at the monthly meeting of the Capital Section of the American Association for Clinical Chemistry, Bethesda, MD, September 20, 1989. 20. Chairman of the Session on Magnesium Methods at the Gordon Research Conference on Magnesium in Biochemical Processes and Medicine, Oxnard, CA, February 26 - March 2, 1990. 21. Director and speaker of a scientific symposium entitled Clinical Chemistry Potpourri at ASCP/CAP meeting, San Francisco, CA, March 2, 1990. 22. Cochairman of a minisymposium on magnesium at the FASEB meeting, Washington, DC, April 3, 1990. 23. Presentations entitled Assessment of Magnesium Status in Humans and Determination of Serum Magnesium by Clinical Laboratories at a symposium on Magnesium in Clinical Medicine and Therapeutics, San Diego, CA, May 2-4, 1991. 24. Director of and speaker at a workshop entitled Quality Management for the Clinical Chemistry Laboratory at the 43rd Annual Meeting of the American Association of Clinical Chemistry, Washington, DC, July 28, 1991. Page 12 25. Presentation entitled Magnesium: The Fifth but Forgotten Electrolyte at Clinical Center Grand Rounds, NIH, Bethesda, MD, October 23, 1991. 26. Teleconference entitled The Assessment of Magnesium Status in Humans for the American Society of Clinical Pathologists, November 5, 1991. 27. Presentation entitled The Measurement of Magnesium in Clinical Practice at the Consensus Development Conference on The Use of Magnesium in the Treatment of Diabetes sponsored by the American Diabetes Association, Philadelphia, PA, May 15, 1992. 28. Presentation entitled Magnesium: The Fifth but Forgotten Electrolyte at a symposium at the 44th Annual Meeting of the American Association for Clinical Chemistry, Chicago, IL, July 22, 1992. 29. Presentation entitled Tests for the Assessment of Magnesium Status in Humans at the IVth European Congress on Magnesium, Giessen, Germany, September 21-23, 1992. 30. Presentation entitled Magnesium: The Fifth but Forgotten Electrolyte at Medicine Grand Rounds, Walter Reed Army Medical Center, Washington, DC, March 19, 1993. 31. Presentation entitled Recent Advances in the Determination of Ionized Magnesium at the 45th Annual Meeting of the American Association for Clinical Chemistry, New York, NY, July 13, 1993. 32. Presentation entitled Magnesium Status in Health and Disease at the International Workshop on Magnesium and Physical Activity, Pescara, Italy, February 26-27, 1994. 33. Presentation entitled for Comparison of the AVL and NOVA ion-selective electrodes for magnesium at the Fifteenth International Symposium on Electrolytes and Blood Gases, Link ping, Sweden, May 20-23, 1994. 34. Presentation entitled Magnesium Metabolism and Assessment of Magnesium Status at the 19th Congress of the Collegium Internationale Neuro-Psychopharmacologicum, Washington, DC June 29, 1994. 35. Presentation entitled Ionized Magnesium: Measurement and Clinical Applications at the Annual Meeting of the Swiss Society for Research in Magnesium, Z rich, Switzerland, November 11-12, 1994. 36. Presentation entitled The Clinical Assessment of Magnesium Status at a seminar at George Washington University, Department of Physiology and Division of Experimental Medicine, Washington, DC, January 19, 1995. 37. Presentation entitled Evaluating the Role of Ionized Magnesium in Laboratory and Clinical Practice at the 5th European Magnesium Congress, Vienna, Austria, June 17, 1995. Page 13 38. Presentation entitled The Epidemiology and Diagnosis of Magnesium Deficiency at the American Diabetes Association meeting, Atlanta, GA, June 9, 1995. 39. Presentation entitled Comparison of Two Ion-Selective Electrodes for the Determination of Ionized Magnesium at the Gordon Research Conference on Magnesium in Biochemical Processes and Medicine, Oxnard, CA, January 28-February 1, 1996. 40. Moderator and presentation entitled Status of Methods for Ionized Magnesium at the NIH Clinical Center Clinical Staff Conference on The Role of Magnesium in Cardiovascular and Brain Disorders, Bethesda, MD, October 30, 1996. 41. Presentation entitled Assessment of Magnesium Status at the International Workshop on the Magnesium and Cerebral Palsy Hypothesis, Chicago, IL, November 1, 1996. 42. Presentation entitled Ionized Magnesium at an international workshop on Tocolytic Magnesium Sulphate: Biologic Plausibility for Fetotoxicity at the University of Chicago, May 9, 1998. 43. Presentation entitled Liver function: Is MEGX the answer? at the Wm. M. Christopherson Forum, Louisville, KY March 1998. 44. Presentation entitled Status of Ion-Selective Electrodes to Determine Ionized Magnesium in Blood at the Gordon Research Conference on Magnesium in Biochemical Processes and Medicine, Ventura, CA, February 7-11, 1999. 45. Presentation entitled The Effect of IL-2 on Magnesium Status in Patients with Renal Cell Carcinoma at the Clinical Laboratory Conference, Academic Medical Center, Amsterdam, Holland, November 30, 1999. 46. Presentation entitled Ionized Magnesium for Patient Care at the Department of Family and Community Medicine Grand Rounds, University of Louisville, Louisville, KY, February 11, 2000. 47. Plenary presentation entitled Laboratory evaluation of chronic latent magnesium deficiency at the 9th International Magnesium Symposium, Vichy, France, September 1015, 2000. 48. Presentation entitled Mentoring 101: Yourself and your team at the Management and Informatics Program sponsored by the Departments of Laboratory Medicine and Pathology at Mayo Clinic and University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN, December 1, 2000. 49. Presentation entitled Is chronic latent magnesium deficiency a factor for diabetes mellitus? at Endocrinology Grand Rounds, University of Louisville, Louisville, KY, December 20, 2000. 50. Presentation entitled Proficiency testing: A futuristic view at the annual meeting of the American Association for Clinical Chemistry, Chicago, IL, July 31, 2001. Page 14 51. Presentation entitled Overview of the role of magnesium in tissue damage at the International Conference on Antenatal Precedents of Cerebral Palsy, Loyola University, Maywood, IL, October 6, 2001. 52. Presentation entitled Diagnostic Guidelines of Magnesium Deficiency at the Gordon Research Conference on Magnesium in Biologic Processes and Medicine, Ventura, CA, February 3-8, 2002. 53. Presentation entitled University Pathology Associates Laboratory at the Center/Institutes Meeting, SOM, University of Louisville, November 5, 2002. 54. Presentation entitled Got milk? Testing for calcium and magnesium deficiency at the Clinical Laboratory Management Association/American Association for Clinical Chemistry meeting, Cincinnati, OH, April 30, 2003. 55. Presented a workshop entitled Making a business case for new programs at the Association of Pathology Chairs meeting, Mont-Tremblant, Quebec, Canada, July 24, 2003. 56. Presented a workshop entitled Emerging analytes: Should these be in your lab? at the College of American Pathologists annual meeting, San Diego, CA, September 13, 2003. 57. Presentation entitled The effect of magnesium deficiency on diabetes mellitus at Endocrinology Grand Rounds, University of Louisville, Louisville, KY, October 29, 2003. 58. Presentation entitled The role of magnesium in the body at The Magnesium Summit, Tucson, AZ, January 9-11, 2004. 59. Presented a workshop with Dr. Sidney Murphree entitled Evaluation of teaching: Quality assurance and consumer reports at the Association of Pathology Chairs meeting, MontTremblant, Quebec, Canada, July 22, 2004. 60. Presentation entitled Assessing magnesium status in health and disease at the Gordon Research Conference on Magnesium in Biological Processes and Medicine, Ventura, CA, February 6-10, 2005. 61. Presentation entitled Free magnesium: The answer to the diagnosis of magnesium deficiency? At the Research Conference of the Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, University of Louisville, Louisville, KY, March 10, 2005 62. Presentation entitled Challenges and importance of the assessment of magnesium status at the International Symposium on Health Aspects of Calcium and Magnesium in Drinking Water organized by the International Life Sciences Institute, Baltimore, MD, April 24-26, 2006. 63. Invited by the World Health Organization to a Meeting of Experts on Possible Relationship between Hard Water and Cardiovascular Disease, Washington, DC, April 27-28, 2006. Page 15 64. Presented a workshop with Dr. Fred Gorstein entitled Part A war stories: Sharing successes, failures and challenges at the Association of Pathology Chairs meeting, Colorado Springs, CO, July 13, 2006. 65. Presentation entitled Managing the Pie Chart at the Association of Pathology Chairs meeting, Colorado Springs, CO, July 15, 2006. 66. Presentation entitled Is magnesium status a factor in diabetes mellitus? at Endocrinology Grand Rounds, University of Louisville, Louisville, KY, January 3, 2007. 67. Presentation for the Seelig Magnesium Award lecture entitled Getting to know (no) magnesium at the annual meeting of the American College of Nutrition, Orlando, FL, September 29, 2007. 68. Presentation entitled The components of the professional component at the Southeast Association of Pathology Chairs, San Juan, Puerto Rico, January 17, 2008. 69. Presentation entitled Oral magnesium supplementation: Migraine as a case study at the Gordon Research Conference on Magnesium in Biochemical Processes and Medicine, Ventura, CA, March 9-14, 2008. 70. Presentation entitled Assessing magnesium status for diagnosis and therapy in the clinical setting: Using diabetes mellitus as a model as part of a symposium on “The role of magnesium and novel cation channels in inflammatory aspects of cardiovascular/renal/metabolic disease: From molecule to patient” at the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology Meeting, Anaheim, CA, April 24, 2010. 71. Presentation entitled Is magnesium status a factor in the etiology, control and side effects of diabetes mellitus? at Endocrinology Grand Rounds, University of Louisville, Louisville, KY, April 20, 2011. 72. Presentation entitled Pathology: past,present and future at the Association of Clinical Scientists Meeting, Louisville, KY, May 19, 2011. PEER REVIEWED MANUSCRIPTS: 1. Elin RJ, Armstrong WD, Singer L. Adrenal gland factors in magnesium-deficient rats. Proc Soc Exp Biol Med 1970;134:542-547. 2. Engel RR, Elin RJ. Hypermagnesemia from birth asphyxia. J Pediatr 1970;77:631-637. 3. Elin RJ, Armstrong WD, Singer L. Body fluid electrolyte composition of chronically magnesium-deficient and control rats. Am J Physiol 1971;220:543-548. 4. Elin RJ, Armstrong WD, Singer L. Enzyme, adenosine triphosphate, on blood cellular changes in magnesium deficient and control rats. Proc Soc Exp Biol Med 1971;137:635-640. Page 16 5. Blaschke TF, Elin RJ, Berk PD, Song CS, Wolff SM. Effect of induced fever on sulfobromophthalein kinetics in man. Ann Intern Med 1973;78:221-226. 6. Elin RJ. Erythrocyte survival in magnesium-deficient rats. Proc Soc Exp Biol Med 1973;142:1159-1161. 7. Elin RJ, Wolff SM. Effect of endotoxin administration on the growth of Candida albicans in sera from various species. Can J Microbiol 1973;19:639-641. 8. Hochstein HD, Elin RJ, Cooper JF, Seligmann EB, Wolff SM. Further developments of limulus amebocyte lysate test. Bull Parenteral Drug Assoc 1973;27:139-148. 9. Elin RJ, Wolff SM. Effect of pH and iron concentration on growth of Candida albicans in human serum. J Infect Dis 1973;127:705-708. 10. Elin RJ, Wolff SM., Nonspecificity of the limulus amebocyte lysate test: positive reactions with polynucleotides and proteins. J Infect Dis 1973;128:349-352. 11. Elin RJ. A simple method for determining erythrocyte survival in rats using 51 chromium. Lab Anim Sci 1973;23:653-656. 12. Elin RJ, Wolff SM. The role of iron in nonspecific resistance to infection induced by endotoxin. J Immunol 1974;112:737-745. 13. Cohen BE, Elin RJ. Vitamin A-induced nonspecific resistance to infection. J Infect Dis 1974;129:597-600. 14. Elin RJ, Edelin JB, Wolff SM. Infection and immunoglobulin concentrations in Chediak-Higashi Mice. Infect Immun 1974;10:88-91. 15. Cohen BE, Elin RJ. Enhanced resistance to certain infections in vitamin A-treated mice. Plastic and Reconstructive Surg 1974;54:192-194. 16. Dale DC, Reynolds HY, Pennington JE, Elin RJ, Pitts TW, Graw RG. Granulocyte transfusion therapy of experimental Pseudomonas pneumonia. J Clin Invest 1974;54:664-671. 17. Adamson JW, Dale DC, Elin RJ. Hematopoiesis in the grey collie dog: Studies of the regulation of erythropoiesis. J Clin Invest 1974;54:965-973. 18. Dale DC, Reynolds HY, Pennington JE, Elin RJ, Pitts TW, Graw RG. Experimental pneumonia due to Pseudomonas in dogs: Controlled trial of granulocyte transfusion therapy. J Infect Dis 1974;130:S143-S144. 19. Elin RJ. The effect of magnesium deficiency in mice on serum immunoglobulin concentrations and antibody plaque-forming cells. Proc Soc Exp Biol Med 1975;148:620-624. 20. Elin RJ, Vesell ES, Wolff SM. Effects of etiocholanolone-induced fever on plasma Page 17 antipyrine half-lives and metabolic clearance. Clin Pharmac and Therapeutics 1975;17:447-457. 21. Elin RJ, Lundberg WB, Schmidt PJ. Evaluation of bacterial contamination in blood processing. Transfusion 1975;15:260-265. 22. Elin RJ, Robinson RA, Levine AS, Wolff SM. Lack of clinical usefulness of the limulus test in the diagnosis of endotoxemia. N Eng J Med 1975;293:521-524. 23. Elin RJ, Wolff SM. Biology of endotoxin. Ann Rev of Med 1976;27:127-141. 24. Rudbach JA, Akiya FI, Elin RJ, Hochstein HD, Luoma MK, Milner ECB, Milner KC, Thomas KR. Preparation and properties of a national reference endotoxin. J Clin Micro 1976;3:21-25. 25. Kazmierowski JA, Elin RJ, Reynolds HY, Durbin WA, Wolff SM. Chediak-Higashi Syndrome: Reversal of increased susceptibility to infection by bone marrow transplantation. Blood 1976;47:555-559. 26. Elin RJ, Wolff SM, Chedid L. Nonspecific resistance to infection induced in mice by a water-soluble adjuvant derived from Mycobacterium smegmatis. J Infect Dis 1976;133:500-505. 27. Dale DC, Reynolds HY, Pennington JE, Elin RJ, Herzig GP. Experimental Pseudomonas pneumonia in leukopenic dogs: Comparison of therapy with antibiotics and granulocyte transfusions. Blood 1976;47:869-876. 28. Gelfand JA, Elin RJ, Berry FW, Frank MM. Endotoxemia associated with the Jarisch-Herxheimer reaction. N Eng J Med 1976;295:211-213. 29. Elin RJ, Sandberg AL, Rosenstreich DL. Comparison of the pyrogenicity, limulus activity, mitogenicity and complement reactivity of several bacterial endotoxins and related compounds. J Immunol 1976;117:1238-1242. 30. Elin RJ, Wolff SM, Finch CA. Effect of induced fever on serum iron and ferritin concentrations in man. Blood 1977;49:147-153. 31. Tuazon CU, Perez AA, Elin RJ, Sheagren JN. Detection of endotoxin in cerebrospinal and joint fluids by limulus assay. Arch Inter Med 1977;137:55-56. 32. Elin RJ, Tan HK. Erythrocyte membrane plaques from rats with magnesium deficiency. Blood 1977;49:657-664. 33. McAdam KPWJ, Elin RJ, Sipe JD, Wolff SM. Changes in human serum amyloid A and C-reactive protein after etiocholanolone induced inflammation. J Clin Invest 1978;61:390-394. 34. Sweet JB, Gill VJ, Chusid MJ, Elin RJ. Nitroblue tetrazolium and limulus assays for bacteremia after dental extraction: Effect of topical antiseptics. J Am Dental Assoc Page 18 1978;96:276-281. 35. Elin RJ, Alling DW. Survival of normal and magnesium-deficient diet vs. splenectomy. J Lab Clin Med 1978;91:666-672. 36. Elin RJ, Knowles R, Barth WF, Wolff SM. Lack of specificity of the limulus lysate test in the diagnosis of pyrogenic arthritis. J Infect Dis 1978;137:507-513. 37. MacLowry JD, Robertson EA, Elin RJ. The place of the computer in diagnostic medical bacteriology. Prog Clin Pathol 1978;7:49-70. 38. Dinarello CA, Elin RJ, Chedid L, Wolff SM. The pyrogenicity of the synthetic adjuvant muramyl dipeptide and two structural analogues. J Infect Dis 1978;138:760-767. 39. Gallin JI, Elin RJ, Hubert RT, Fauci AS, Kaliner MA, Wolff SM. Efficacy of ascorbic acid in Chediak-Higashi syndrome (CHS): Studies in humans and mice. Blood 1979;53:226-234. 40. Elin RJ. A program for residency training in clinical pathology. Am J Clin Path 1979;71:457-464. 41. Hande KR, Perini F, Putterman G, Elin RJ. Hyperxanthinemia interferes with serum uric acid determinations by the uricase method. Clin Chem 1979;25:1492-1494. 42. Lawrie DJ, Elin RJ, Gill VJ, Lewis TL, MacLowry JD, Witebsky FG. Microbiology subsystem of a total, dedicated laboratory computer system. Clin Microbiol 1979;10:861-875. 43. Elin RJ. Clinical utility of the limulus test with blood, CSF and synovial fluid. Prog Clin Biol Res 1979;29:279-292. 44. Elin RJ. Elements of cost management for quality assurance. Pathologist 1980;34:182-183,194. 45. Papadopoulos NM, Borer WZ, Elin RJ, Diamond LH. An abnormal lipoprotein in the serum of uremic patients maintained on chronic hemodialysis. Ann Int Med 1980;92:634-635. 46. Robertson EA, Chesler RA, Elin RJ. Serum collected with lithium iodoacetate is unsuitable for electrolyte and lactate dehydrogenase measurements. Clin Chem 1980;26:1228. 47. McClean SW, Elin RJ, Alling D, Chesler R, Seigel S, Utter AR, Green M. Comparison of four electrolyte instruments using the proposed NCCLS protocol for evaluation of precision and accuracy of automated instruments. Clin Biochem 1980;13:164-170. 48. Elin RJ, Utter A, Tan HK, Corash L. Effect of magnesium deficiency on erythrocyte aging in rats. Am J Pathol 1980;100:765-778. Page 19 49. Elin RJ. Instrumentation in Clinical Chemistry. Science 1980;210:286-289. 50. Elin RJ. Values assigned to calibrators should be traceable to a primary standard. Pathologist 1980;34:511-512. 51. Elin RJ, Utter AE. Positive limulus amoebocyte lysate reactions with polyriboinosinic acid-polyribocytidylic acid. J Clin Microbiol 1980;12:502-505. 52. Elin RJ. SI: Past, present and future. Pathologist 1980;34:622-624. 53. Robertson EA, Elin RJ, Johnson E. Low results for inorganic phosphorus with the SMAC Continuous-Flow Analyzer. Clin Chem 1981;27:490-492. 54. Elin RJ, Robertson EA, Sever G. Departmental resources and statistics of academic pathology. Am J Clin Path 1981;75:662-670. 55. Elin RJ, Robertson EA, Johnson E. Bromide interferes with determination of chloride by each of four methods. Clin Chem 1981;27:778-779. 56. Wei N, Pavlidis N, Tsokos G, Elin RJ, Plotz PH. Clinical significance of low creatine phosphokinase values in patients with connective tissue disease. JAMA 1981;246:1921-1923. 57. Tuazon CU, Elin RJ. Endotoxin content of street heroin. Arch Intern Med 1981;141:1385-1386. 58. Elin RJ, Wolff SM, McAdam KPWJ, Chedid L, Audibert F, Bernard C, Oberling F. Properties of reference E. coli endotoxin and its phthalylated derivative in humans. J Infect Dis 1981;144:329-336. 59. Papadopoulos NM, Elin RJ, Wilson DM. Incidence of g-globulin banding in a healthy population by high-resolution electrophoresis. Clin Chem 1982;28:707-708. 60. Elin RJ, Johnson EA. A method for the determination of the magnesium content of blood mononuclear cells. Magnesium 1982;1:115-121. 61. Gray BA, Elin RJ. Tris carbonate interferes with certain methods for protein and CO2. Clin Chem 1982;28:1246-1247. 62. Elin RJ, Foidart M, Adornato BT, Engel WK, Gralnick HR. Quantification of acute phase reactants after muscle biopsy. J Lab Clin Med 1982;100:566-573. 63. Elin RJ, Johnson E, Chesler R. Four methods for determining uric acid compared with a candidate reference method. Clin Chem 1982;28:2098-2100. 64. Robertson EA, Wright E, Chesler RA, Elin RJ. Lactate dehydrogenase activity as measured by the SMAC is related to flow-cell energy. Clin Chem 1982;28:2106-2109. 65. Csako G, Magrath IT, Elin RJ. Serum total and isoenzyme lactate dehydrogenase activity Page 20 in American Burkitt's lymphoma patients. Am J Clin Pathol 1982;78:712-717. 66. Elin RJ, Robertson EA, Sever G. Workload, space and personnel of clinical chemistry laboratories in teaching hospitals. Am J Clin Pathol 1982;78:839-846. 67. Elin RJ, Robertson EA, Sever G, Amenta J. Predicting space and personnel in academic clinical pathology. Human Pathol 1983;14:470-473. 68. Csako G, Elin RJ, Hochstein HD, Tsai C. Physical and biological properties of U.S. standard endotoxin EC after exposure to ionizing radiation. Infect Immun 1983;41:190-196. 69. Elin RJ, Robertson EA, Sever G. Workload, space and personnel of hematology laboratories in teaching hospitals. Am J Clin Pathol 1983;80:190-196. 70. Hook GR, Fiori CE, Elin RJ. Imaging lymphocyte magnesium. Proceedings of the Microbeam Analysis Society 1983;18:233-236. 71. Witebsky FG, Sliva CA, Selepak ST, Ruddel ME, MacLowry JD, Johnson EE, Elin RJ. Evaluation of four gentamicin and tobramycin assay procedures for clinical laboratories. J Clin Microbiol 1983;18:890-894. 72. Hosseini JM, Johnson E, Elin RJ. Comparison of two separation techniques for the determination of blood mononuclear cell magnesium content. J Am Coll Nutri 1983;4:361-368. 73. Elin RJ. The status of cellular analysis. J Am Coll Nutri 1983;4:329-330. 74. Kroll MH, Elin RJ. Mechanism of cefoxitin and cephalothin interference with the Jaffe method for creatinine. Clin Chem 1983;29:2044-2048. 75. Elin RJ, Gray BA. Liquid and lyophilized quality-control materials compared for use in continuous-flow analysis. Clin Chem 1984;30:129-131. 76. Rehak NN, Elin RJ, Chesler R, Johnson E. Comparison of the Du Pont ACA and Dow methods for determination of high-density lipoprotein cholesterol. Clin Chem 1984;30:127-129. 77. Elin RJ, Robertson EA, Sever G. Workload, space and personnel of microbiology laboratories in teaching hospitals. Am J Clin Pathol 1984;82:78-84. 78. Robertson EA, Csako G, Faust A, Elin RJ. Effect of calibration material lot changes on results for the "SMAC." Clin Chem 1984;30:1402-1405. 79. Kroll MH, Hagengruber C, Elin RJ. Effect of dialysis on interference by cefoxitin with determination of creatinine. Clin Chem 1984;30:1386-1388. 80. Kroll MH, Hagengruber C, Elin RJ. Reaction of picrate with creatinine and cepha antibiotics. Clin Chem 1984;30:1664-1666. Page 21 81. Nishi HH, Kestner J, Elin RJ. Four methods for determining total protein compared by using purified protein fractions from human serum. Clin Chem 1985;31:95-98. 82. Kroll MH, Elin RJ. Relationships between magnesium and protein concentration in serum. Clin Chem 1985;31:244-246. 83. Kroll MH, Nealon L, Vogel MA, Elin RJ. How certain drugs interfere negatively with the Jaffe reaction for creatinine. Clin Chem 1985;31:306-308. 84. Elin RJ, Hosseini JM. Magnesium content of mononuclear blood cells. Clin Chem 1985;31:377-380. 85. Kroll MH, Elin RJ. Molar absorptivity and the blank correction factor. Clin Chem 1985;31:462-465. 86. Nishi HH, Elin RJ. Three turbidimetric methods for determining total protein compared. Clin Chem 1985;31:1377-1380. 87. Blank DW, Kroll MH, Ruddel M, Elin RJ. Hemoglobin interference from in vivo hemolysis. Clin Chem 1985;31:1566-1569. 88. Kroll MH, Olson D, Rawe M, King C, Hagengruber C, Elin RJ. Comparison of creatinine as determined with the Ames seralyzer and by three Jaffe-based methods. Clin Chem 1985;31:1900-1904. 89. Hosseini JM, Elin RJ. Magnesium variability of lymphocytes from cell culture. J Am Coll Nutri 1985;4:613-617. 90. Hook GR, Hosseini JM, Elin RJ. Analytical approaches for biomedical elemental analysis. J AM Coll Nutri 1985;4:599-612. 91. Elin RJ, Hosseini JM. Clinical utility of the limulus amebocyte (LAL) test. Prog Clin Biol Res 1985;189:307-327. 92. Roach NA, Kroll MH, Elin RJ. Interference by sulfonylurea drugs with the Jaffe for creatinine. Clin Chim Acta 1985;151:301-305. 93. Elin RJ, Gersch SM. Considerations for the design of a new laboratory. Am J Clin Pathol 1986;85:61-66. 94. Csako G, Suba EA, Ahlgren A, Tsai CM, Elin RJ. Relation of structure to function for the U.S. reference standard endotoxin after exposure to 60Co radiation. J Infect Dis 1986;153:98-108. 95. Hook GR, Elin RJ, Hosseini JM, Swyt C, Fiori CE. A sample preparation for quantitative determination of magnesium in individual lymphocytes by electron probe X-ray microanalysis. J Microscopy 1986;141:69-78. Page 22 96. Csako G, Tsai CM, Slomiany BL, Herp A, Elin RJ. Modification of the chemical composition and structure of the U.S. reference standard endotoxin (RSE) by 60Co radiation. Radiat Res 1986;105:283-295. 97. Hook GR, Hosseini JM, Elin RJ, Fiori CE. Quantitative electron probe X-ray microanalysis and flame atomic absorption spectroscopy of human mononuclear blood cell magnesium. Proceedings of the Microbeam Analysis Society 1986;21:217-224. 98. Elin RJ, Hook GR, Hosseini JM. Comparison of two methods for determination of magnesium concentration of mononuclear blood cells. Magnesium 1986;5:301-305. 99. Elin RJ, Hosseini JM, Kestner J, Rawe M, Ruddel M, Nishi HH. Comparison of automated and manual methods for urinalysis. Am J Clin Pathol 1986;86:731-737. 100. Csako G, Tsai CM, Hochstein HD, Elin RJ. The concentration, physical state, and purity of bacterial endotoxin affect its detoxification by ionizing radiation. Radia Res 1986;108:158-166. 101. Hook GR, Hosseini JM, Elin RJ. Quantitative magnesium analysis of mononuclear cells: Electron probe x-ray microanalysis and atomic absorption spectroscopy methods compared. J Clin Lab Anal 1987;1:98-103. 102. Rehak NN, Chiang BT, Nealon L, Elin RJ. Calibration of the aca for glucose in cerebrospinal fluid. Clin Chem 1987;33:311-312. 103. Elin RJ. Status of the mononuclear blood cell magnesium assay. J Am Coll Nutri 1987;6:105-107. 104. Elin RJ. Computer-assisted therapeutic drug monitoring. Clin Lab Med 1987;7:485-492. 105. Kroll MH, Ruddel M, Blank DW, Elin RJ. A model for assessing interference. Clin Chem 1987;33:1121-1123. 106. Kroll MH, Roach NA, Poe B, Elin RJ. Mechanism of interference with the Jaffe reaction for creatinine. Clin Chem 1987;33:1129-1132. 107. Kroll MH, Jackson A, Elin RJ. Cefoxitin interferes with the "Clini-Skreen" column method for urinary 17-hydroxycortico-steroids. Clin Chem 1987;33:1219-1222. 108. Elin RJ. Assessment of magnesium status. Clin Chem 1987;33:1965-1970. 109. Csako G, Suba EA, Tsai CM, Mocca LF, Elin RJ. Dose-dependent changes in the antigenicity of bacterial endotoxin exposed to ionizing radiation. J Clin Lab Immunol 1987;24:193-198. 110. Kroll MH, Lindsey H, Greene J, Sliva C, Hainline A, Elin RJ. Bias between enzymatic methods and the reference method for cholesterol. Clin Chem 1988;34:131-135. 111. Hook GR, Hosseini JM, Elin RJ. Density gradients for isolation of mononuclear blood Page 23 cells for magnesium analysis by electron probe X-ray microanalysis. Magnesium 1988;7:1-5. 112. Elin RJ. Magnesium metabolism in health and disease. Dis Mon 1988;34:161-218. 113. Hosseini JM, Elin RJ. A method for determining the magnesium concentration of mononuclear blood cells. Trace Elements Med 1988;5:47-51. 114. Csako G, Suba EA, Elin RJ. Endotoxin-induced platelet activation in human whole blood in vitro. Thromb Haemostas 1988;59:378-382. 115. Huang CM, Ruddel ME, Elin RJ. Nutritional status of patients with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome. Clin Chem 1988;34:1957-1959. 116. Kroll MH, Ruddel ME, Elin RJ. Analytical bias for cholesterol and the percent of the population deemed at risk for coronary heart disease. Clin Chem 1988;34:2009-2011. 117. Kroll MH, Ruddel M, Elin RJ. A model for the effect of bias for cholesterol on the population at risk. Clin Chem 1988;34:2256-2259. 118. Huang CM, Ruddel ME, Elin RJ. Enzyme abnormalities of patients with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome. Clin Chem 1988;34:2574-2576. 119. Huang CM, Fleisher TA, Elin RJ. Magnesium content and concentration of mononuclear and T lymphocyte blood cells. Magnesium 1988;7:219-224. 120. Elin RJ. Status of the determination of magnesium in mononuclear blood cells in humans. Magnesium 1988;7:300-305. 121. Natanson C, Danner RL, Elin RJ, Hosseini JM, Peart KW, Banks SM, MacVittie TJ, Walker RI, Parrillo JE. Role of endotoxemia in cardiovascular dysfunction and mortality: Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus challenges in a canine model of human septic shock. J Clin Invest 1989;83:243-251. 122. Gralnick HR, McKeown LP, Wilson OM, Williams SB, Elin RJ. Von Willebrand factor release induced by endotoxin. J Lab Clin Med 1989;113:118-122. 123. Yang XY, Hosseini JM, Ruddel ME, Elin RJ. Comparison of magnesium in human lymphocytes and mononuclear blood cells. Magnesium 1989;8:100-105. 124. Hosseini JM, Yang XY, Elin RJ. Determination of magnesium in granulocytes. Clin Chem 1989;35:1404-1407. 125. Kroll MH, Chesler R, Elin RJ. Effect of lyophilization on results of five enzymatic methods for cholesterol. Clin Chem 1989;35:1523-1526. 126. Elin RJ, Csako G. Response of humans to gamma-irradiated reference Escherichia coli endotoxin. J Clin Lab Immunol 1989;29:17-23. Page 24 127. Bloom JN, Herman DC, Elin RJ, Sliva CA, Ruddel ME, Nussenblatt RB, Palestine AG. Intravenous fluorescein interference with clinical laboratory tests. Am J Opthal 1989;108:375-379. 128. Roberts MW, Tylenda CA, Sonies BC, Elin RJ. Dysphagia in bulimia nervosa. Dysphagia 1989;4:106-111. 129. Huang CM, Elin RJ, Ruddel M, Sliva C, Lotze MT, Rosenberg SA. Changes in laboratory results for cancer patients treated with interleukin-2. Clin Chem 1990;36:431-434. 130. Elin RJ. Tests for assessing magnesium status. Check Sample 1990;30:1-6. 131. Yang XY, Hosseini JM, Ruddel ME, Elin RJ. Blood magnesium parameters do not differ with age. J Am Coll Nutri 1990;9:308-313. 132. Elin RJ, Hosseini JM, Fitzpatrick L, Bliziotes MM, Marx SJ. Blood magnesium status of patients with parathyroid disease. Magnesium Trace Elem 1990;9:119-123. 133. Danner RL, Natanson C, Elin RJ, Hosseini JM, Banks S, Mac Vittie TJ, Parillo JE. Pseudomonas aeruginosa compared with Escherichia coli produces less endotoxemia but more cardiovascular dysfunction and mortality in a canine model of septic shock. Chest 1990;98:1480-1487. 134. Reinhart RA, Fananapazir L, Cannon RO, Hosseini JM, Elin RJ. The effect of intravenous magnesium sulfate on blood magnesium parameters. Magnesium Trace Elem 1990; 9:191-197. 135. Natanson C, Danner RL, Reilly JM, Doerfler ML, Hoffman WD, Akin GL, Hosseini JM, Banks SM, Elin RJ, MacVittie TJ, Parrillo JE. Antibiotics versus cardiovascular support in a canine model of human septic shock. Am J Physiol 1990;259:H1440-H1447. 136. Danner RL, Elin RJ, Hosseini JM, Wesley RA, Reilly JM, Parillo JE. Endotoxemia in human septic shock. Chest 1991;99:169-175. 137. Cohen MH, Elin RJ, Cohen BJ. Hypotension and disseminated intravascular coagulation following intralesional bacillus Calmette-Guerin therapy for locally metastatic melanoma. Cancer Immunol Immunother 1991;32:315-324. 138. Tylenda CA, Roberts MW, Elin RJ, Li SH, Altemus M. Bulimia nervosa: Its effect on salivary chemistry. JADA 1991; 122:37-41. 139. Emancipator J, Csako G, Elin RJ. In vitro inactivation of bacterial endotoxin by human lipoproteins and apolipoproteins. Infect Immun 1992;60:596-601. 140. Kroll MH, Elin RJ. Drug interference in clinical chemistry. Check Sample 1992;32:1-6. 141. Huang CM, Elin RJ, Ruddel M, Schmitz J, Linnoila M. The effect of alcohol withdrawal on serum concentrations of Lp(a), apolipoproteins A-1 and B and lipids. Alcohol: Clin Page 25 Exp Res 1992;16:895-898. 142. Elin RJ. The use of a computer for therapeutic drug monitoring. Check Sample 1992;13:1-6. 143. Cobb JP, Natanson C, Hoffman WD, Lodato RF, Banks S, Koev CA, Solomon MA, Elin RJ, Hosseini JM, Danner RL. Nomega-amino-arginine, an inhibitor of nitric oxide synthase, raises vascular resistance but increases mortality rates in awake canines challenged with endotoxin. J Exp Med 1992;176:1175-1182. 144. Emancipator K, Elin RJ, Fleisher T. Comparison of two automated nephelometers. J Clin Lab Anal 1992;6:399-404. 145. Elin RJ. Determination of serum magnesium concentration by clinical laboratories. Magnesium Trace Elem 1992;10:60-66. 146. Elin RJ. Laboratory tests for the assessment of magnesium status in humans. Magnesium Trace Elem 1992;10:172-181. 147. Quezado ZMN, Natanson C, Alling DW, Banks SM, Koev CA, Elin RJ, Hosseini JM, Bacher JD, Danner RL, Hoffman WD. A controlled trial of HA-1A in a canine model of Gram-negative septic shock. JAMA 1993;269:2221-7. 148. Eichacker PQ, Hoffman WD, Farese A, Danner RL, Suffredini AF, Waisman Y, Banks SM, Mouginis T, Wilson L, Rothlein R, Elin RJ, Hosseini JM, Mac Vitte TJ, Natanson C. Leukocyte CD18 monoclonal antibody worsens endotoxemia and cardiovascular injury in canines with septic shock. J Appl Physiol 1993;74:1885-92. 149. Elin RJ, Sampson M. Lithium: Review of methods. Check Sample 1993;9:1-6. 150. Altura BM, Brodsky MA, Elin RJ, Gums JG, Resnick LM, Seelig MS. Magnesium: Growing in clinical importance. Patient Care 1994;28(1):130-50. 151. Altura BM, Brodsky MA, Elin RJ, Gums JG, Resnick LM, Seelig MS. Magnesium therapy: Coming of age? Patient Care 1994;28(2):79-94. 152. Sampson M, Ruddel M, Elin RJ. Effects of specimen turbidity and glycerol concentration on nine enzymatic methods for triglyceride determination. Clin Chem 1994;40:221-6. 153. Sampson M, Ruddel M, Elin RJ. Lithium determinations evaluated in eight analyzers. Clin Chem 1994;40:869-872. 154. Quezado ZM, Hoffman WD, Winkelstein JA, Yaksiv I, Koev CA, Cork LC, Elin RJ, Eichacker PQ, Natanson C. The third component of complement protects against Escherichia coli endotoxin-induced shock and multiple organ failure. Exp Med 1994;179:569-578. 155. Rosenstein DL, Elin RJ, Hosseini JM, Grover G, Rubinow DR. Magnesium measures Page 26 across the menstrual cycle in premenstrual syndrome. Biol Psychiatry 1994;35;557-61. 156. Lee K, Csako G, Bernhardt P, Elin RJ. Relevance of macro creatine kinase (CK) type 1 and type 2 isoenzymes to laboratory and clinical data. Clin Chem 1994;40:1278-83. 157. Platt MS, Elin RJ, Hosseini JM, Smialek JE. Endotoxemia in sudden infant death syndrome. Am J Forensic Med Pathol 1994;15:261-5. 158. Elin RJ. Magnesium: The fifth but forgotten electrolyte. Am J Clin Pathol 1994;102:616-22. 159. Kroll MH, Elin RJ. Interference with clinical laboratory analyses. Clin Chem 1994;40:1996-2005. 160. Elin RJ, Hosseini JM, Gill JR. Erythrocyte and mononuclear blood cell magnesium concentrations are normal in hypomagnesemic patients with chronic renal magnesium wasting. J Am Coll Nutr 1994;13:463-6. 161. Schmidt ME, Kruesi MJP, Elia J, Borcherding BG, Elin RJ, Hosseini JM, McFarlin K, Hamberger S. The effect of dextroamphetamine and methylphenidate on calcium and magnesium concentration in hyperactive boys. Psychiatry Res 1994;54:199-210. 162. Hoffman WD, Pollack M, Banks SM, Koev LA, Solomon MA, Danner RL, Koles N, Guelde G, Yatsiv I, Mouginis T, Elin RJ, Hosseini JM, Bacher J, Porter JC, Natanson C. Distinct functional activities in canine septic shock of monoclonal antibodies specific for the O-polysaccharide and core regions of Escherichia coli lipopolysaccharide. J Infect Dis 1994;169:553-61. 163. Cobb JP, Natanson C, Quezado AM, Hoffman WD, Koev CA, Banks S, Correa R, Levi R, Elin RJ, Hosseini JM, Danner RL. Differential hemodynamic effects of L-NMMA in endotoxemic and normal dogs. Am J Physiol 1995;268:H1634-42. 164. Quezado ZMN, Natanson C, Banks SM, Alling DW, Koev CA, Danner RL, Elin RJ, Hosseini JM, Parker TS, Levine DM, Rubin AL, Hoffman WD. Therapeutic trial of reconstituted human high-density lipoprotein in a canine model of Gram-negative septic shock. J Pharmacol Exp Ther 1995;272:604-11. 165. Rosenstein DL, Ryschon TW, Niemela JE, Elin RJ, Balaban RS, Rubinow DR. Skeletal muscle intracellular ionized magnesium measured by 31P-NMR spectroscopy across the menstrual cycle. J Am Coll Nutr 1995;14:486-90. 166. Hristova EN, Cecco S, Niemela JE, Rehak NN, Elin RJ. Analyzer-dependent differences in ionized calcium, ionized magnesium, sodium, and pH. Clin Chem 1995;41:1649-53. 167. Ryschon TW, Rosenstein DL, Rubinow DR, Niemela JE, Elin RJ, Balaban RS. Relationship between skeletal muscle intracellular ionized magnesium and measurement of blood magnesium. J Lab Clin Med 1996;127:207-13. 168. Hoffman WD, Danner RL, Quezado ZMN, Banks SM, Elin RJ, Hosseini JM, Natanson Page 27 C. Role of endotoxemia in cardiovascular dysfunction and lethality: Virulent and nonvirulent Escherichia coli challenges in a canine model of septic shock. Infect Immun 1996;64:406-12. 169. Niemela JE, Snader BM, Elin RJ. Determination of ionized magnesium in platelets and correlation with selected parameters. Clin Chem 1996;42:744-8. 170. Rehak NN, Cecco SA, Niemela JE, Hristova EN, Elin RJ. Linearity and stability of the AVL and NOVA magnesium and calcium ion-selective electrodes. Clin Chem 1996;42:880-7. 171. Seelig MS, Elin RJ. Is there a place for magnesium in the treatment of acute myocardial infarction? Am Heart J 1996;132:471-7. 172. 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Granulocyte transfusion therapy of experimental Pseudomonas pneumonia: Comparison of granulocytes procured by centrifugation and filter adherence. In Goldman JM, and Lowenthal RM, (Eds). Leukocytes: Separation Collection and Transfusion, Academic Press, London, 1975, pp. 279-284. 4. MacLowry JD, Robertson EA, Elin RJ. The place of the computer in diagnostic medical bacteriology. In Stefanini M, et al (Eds). Progress in Clinical Pathology, Vol. VII, Grune & Stratton, Inc., New York, 1977, pp. 49-70. 5. Elin RJ. Non-specific resistance to infection. In Dick G (Ed). Immunological Aspects of Infectious Diseases, MTP Press Limited, London, 1979, pp. 1-19. 6. Wolff SM, Elin RJ. Some aspects of the induction of non-specific resistance to infection. In Sela M and Chagas C (Eds). Role of Non-Specific Immunity in the Production and Treatment of Cancer. Vatican Press, Rome, 1980, pp. 73-91. 7. Elin RJ. Role of magnesium in membranes: Erythrocyte and platelet function and stability. In Cantin M and Seelig MS (Eds). Magnesium in Health and Disease. Spectrum Publications, Inc., Jamaica, NY, 1980, pp. 113-124. 8. Elin RJ, Tan HK. Formation of plaques on erythrocyte membranes from rats with magnesium deficiency. In Cantin M and Seelig MS (Eds). Magnesium in Health and Disease. Spectrum Publications, Inc., Jamaica, NY, 1980, pp. 126-127. 9. Elin RJ, Wolff SM. Bacterial endotoxin. In Laskin AI and Lechevalier HA (Eds). CRC Handbook of Microbiology. Microbial Composition: Carbohydrates, Lipids and Minerals, Vol. IV, CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL, 1981, pp. 253-281. 10. Elin RJ. Magnesium. In Race GJ (Ed). Laboratory Medicine, Vol. 3, Chapter 25. Harper and Row, Publishers, Philadelphia, 1985, pp. 1-8. 11. Elin RJ. Overview of problems in the assessment of magnesium status. In Altura BM, Durlach J and Seelig MS (Eds). Magnesium in Cellular Processes and Medicine. S. Karger, New York, 1987, pp.67-76. 12. Hook GR, Hosseini JM, Elin RJ. Quantitative magnesium analysis of individual Page 33 mononuclear cells by electron probe X-ray microanalysis. In Altura BM, Durlach J and Seelig MS (Eds). Magnesium in Cellular Processes and Medicine, S. Karger, New York, 1987, pp. 142-150. 13. Elin RJ. Reference intervals and laboratory values of clinical importance. In Wyngaarden J and Smith P (Eds). Cecil Textbook of Medicine, Saunders, Philadelphia, 1988, pp. 2394-2404. 14. Elin RJ. Assessment of magnesium status. In Itokawa Y and Durlach J (Eds). Magnesium in Health and Disease, John Libbey & Co. Ltd., London, 1989, pp. 137-146. 15. Elin RJ. The assessment of magnesium status in humans. In Sigel H and Sigel A (Eds.). Metal Ions in Biological Systems, Compendium on Magnesium and its Role in Biology, Nutrition and Physiology, Vol. 26, Marcel Dekker, Inc., New York, 1990, pp. 579-596. 16. Elin RJ. Evaluation of pyogenic arthritis. In Prior RB (Ed). Clinical Applications of the Limulus Amoebocyte Lysate Test, CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL, 1990, pp. 111-114. 17. Elin RJ. Reference intervals and laboratory values. In Bennett JC and Plum F (Eds).Cecil Textbook of Medicine (20th edition), Saunders, Philadelphia, 1996, pp. 22232233. 18. Elin RJ. Reference intervals and laboratory values. In Goldman L and Bennett JC (Eds). Cecil Textbook of Medicine (21st edition), Saunders, Philadelphia, 2000, pp. 2299-2308. 19. Elin RJ. Laboratory evaluation of chronic latent magnesium deficiency. In Rayssiguier Y, Mazur A and Durlach J (Eds). Advances in Magnesium Research, Nutrition and Health, John Libbey & Co. Ltd., Eastleigh, England, 2001, pp. 233-239. 20. Elin RJ. Reference intervals and laboratory values. In Goldman L and Ausiello D (Eds). Cecil Textbook of Medicine (22nd edition), Saunders, Philadelphia, 2004, pp. 2495-2506. 21. Miller JJ, Levinson SS, Elin RJ. Interferences in laboratory tests. In Ward-Cook KM, Lehmann CA, Schoeff LE, Williams RH.(Eds). Clinical Diagnostic Technology: The Total Testing Process, Vol. 2: The Analytical Phase. AACC Press, Washinton, D. C., 2005, pp. 37-76. 22. Elin RJ. Reference intervals and laboratory values. In Goldman L and Ausiello D (Eds). Cecil Medicine (23rd edition), Saunders Elsevier, Philadelphia, 2008, pp. 2983-2995. 23. Elin RJ. Identifying magnesium deficiency: A diagnostic dilemma. In Cotruvo J and Bartram J (Eds). Calcium and Magnesium in Drinking Water: Public health significance. World Health Organization, Geneva, Switzerland, 2009, pp.59-61. 24. Elin RJ. Reference intervals and laboratory values. In Goldman L and Schafer AI (Eds). Goldman’s Cecil Medicine (24th edition), Elsevier Saunders, Philadelphia, 2012, pp.25582569. ABSTRACTS: Page 34 1. Elin RJ. Biochemical and pathological studies in magnesium deficiency in the rat. Dissertation Abstracts 1970;30:5351-B. 2. Elin RJ, Wolff SM. Iron and endotoxin induced nonspecific resistance to infection. Fed Proc 1972;31:802. 3. Elin RJ, Wolff SM. The effect of iron and pH on the growth of Candida albicans in human serum. Abstracts of the Annual Meeting of the American Society for Microbiology 1972;72:67. 4. Elin RJ. Erythrocyte survival during magnesium deprivation in the rat. Clin Res 1972;20:485. 5. Elin RJ. Factors effecting erythrocyte survival in magnesium deficiency. Abstracts of the American Society of Hematology 1972;15:92. 6. Blaschke T, Elin RJ, Berk P, Song C, Wolff SM. The effect of induced fever on sulfobromophthalein (BSP) kinetics in man. Clin Res 1973;21:258. 7. Elin RJ, Wolff SM. Infection and immunoglobulin concentrations in Chediak-Higashi mice. Fed Proc 1973;32:1030. 8. Elin RJ, Wolff SM. Studies of the specificity of the limulus amebocyte lysate test. Abstracts of the Annual Meeting of the American Society for Microbiology 1973;73:103. 9. Elin RJ, Wolff SM. Effect of fever on serum iron in man. 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