Museums Connect: Building Global Communities Phase III Final Proposal Project Face Sheet Phase III Final Proposals for the 2015 cycle must be submitted by lead US museums no later than April 7, 2015. All materials must be submitted in English, in a sans-serif font (e.g., Arial or Verdana) at 11 or 12 point, and formatted for letter-size paper. Please note page and word limits. Additional pages are not considered for review. About the Project Project Title US Partner Museum(s) Non-US Partner Museum(s) Requested Funds Total Funds1 Cost Share Project Abstract In 100-150 words, describe the project, its goals, and its major outputs. Clearly indicate the target community audience and how that audience is involved in the work of the project. [Insert the project abstract here. Use only the space provided.] Project Themes Check all that apply. For descriptions of the themes, see Section 2.4 of the Proposal Packet. 1 Empowering Women and Girls Strengthen Civil Society and Social Inclusion Environmental Sustainability Youth Engagement and Leadership Development Social Innovation and Entrepreneurship Other Requested Museums Connect funds plus cost-share funds Museums Connect: Building Global Communities Phase III Final Proposal Lead Museum Face Sheet About the Lead US Museum Name of Museum Mailing/Street Address City / State / Postal Code / Country Phone Number (include all country codes) Website (if applicable) Male Name of Director (First Name FAMILY NAME) Director’s Title/Position Director’s Email Director’s Phone Number Year Founded Number of Paid Employees Female Type of Museum The museum has a D-U-N-S number: The museum does not have a D-U-N-S number. If awarded, the museum will apply for a D-U-N-S number within two weeks of notification by Museums Connect. Institutional Capacity Briefly describe the unique capabilities, resources, and contacts of the museum. Explain how the project aligns with the museum’s mission. The proposed project should reflect the institution’s expertise in the subject area and in planning programs that strengthen connections between museums and communities. [Discuss the museum’s institutional capacity here. Use only the space provided.] About the Project Coordinator Male First Name Middle Name/Initial (if used) Female LAST/FAMILY NAME Title/Position Specialty Email Phone Number Is the Project Coordinator a full-time, permanent employee of the museum? Yes If not, briefly describe the Project Coordinator’s relationship to the museum: [Insert information about the Project Coordinator’s relationship to the museum here. Use only the space provided.] Languages Please list all languages in which the Project Coordinator is proficient and rate the level of proficiency in each. Please include English even if it is the Coordinator’s first language. Language: English Excellent Good Language: Excellent Good Fair Language: Excellent Good Fair Language: Excellent Good Fair Language: Excellent Good Fair Signatures Museum Director Project Coordinator Fair No Museums Connect: Building Global Communities Phase III Final Proposal Partner Museum Face Sheet About the Partner Museum Name of Museum Mailing/Street Address City / State / Postal Code / Country Phone Number (include all country codes) Website (if applicable) Male Name of Director (First Name FAMILY NAME) Director’s Title/Position Director’s Email Director’s Phone Number Year Founded Number of Paid Employees Female Type of Museum The museum has a D-U-N-S number: The museum does not have a D-U-N-S number. If awarded, the museum will apply for a D-U-N-S number within two weeks of notification by Museums Connect. Institutional Capacity Briefly describe the unique capabilities, resources, and contacts of the museum. Explain how the project aligns with the museum’s mission. The proposed project should reflect the institution’s expertise in the subject area and in planning programs that strengthen connections between museums and communities. [Discuss the museum’s institutional capacity here. Use only the space provided.] About the Project Coordinator Male First Name Middle Name/Initial (if used) Female LAST/FAMILY NAME Title/Position Specialty Email Phone Number Is the Project Coordinator a full-time, permanent employee of the museum? Yes If not, briefly describe the Project Coordinator’s relationship to the museum: [Insert information about the Project Coordinator’s relationship to the museum here. Use only the space provided.] Languages Please list all languages in which the Project Coordinator is proficient and rate the level of proficiency in each. Please include English even if it is the Coordinator’s first language. Language: English Excellent Good Language: Excellent Good Fair Language: Excellent Good Fair Language: Excellent Good Fair Language: Excellent Good Fair Signatures Museum Director Project Coordinator Fair No Museums Connect: Building Global Communities Phase III Final Proposal Project Narrative Please complete the Project Narrative in no more than 8 pages. Additional pages are not considered for review. Refer to the samples from past awardees (see as a reference. Background and Project Concept Activities, Outputs, and Evaluation Activities Outputs Evaluation Target Populations Primary Population: Secondary Population/s: Tertiary Population/s: Outcomes Outcome #1: Communities in the US and [insert partner country] develop a broader knowledge about and understanding of one another’s cultures. Outcome #2: Outcome #3: Structure Impact Challenges Sustainability Museums Connect: Building Global Communities Phase III Final Proposal Biographies Please include brief (100-250 word) biographies for all Project Coordinators and additional key museum staff/primary participants. For each museum, biographies should be no longer than two pages total. Additional pages are not considered for review. Museums Connect: Building Global Communities Phase III Final Proposal External Communications Plan All US and non-US partners should collaborate on the response. Dynamic public outreach and public programming, both in the US and abroad, are important components of successful proposals. In this section, the museums outline a brief plan for promoting the project and its major activities and outputs through new media as well as through traditional media in their countries/communities. Museums should consult with outreach (e.g., public relations and/or marketing) staff about the ways in which existing media capabilities (e.g., the museums’ newsletters or Facebook pages) can be used to support the goals and activities of the project. Partners should also consult with staff at the local US Embassy or Consulate to discuss opportunities for collaboration on outreach. Museums should list outreach strategies and existing/targeted media partners as well as specific public outreach activities such as public festivals, concerts, demonstrations, film series, public lectures, etc.; cooperation with local press outlets (print, television, and radio); joint activities with and for local school systems; and partnerships with community groups and/or local, regional, or tribal governments. A sample plan is provided below. The plan is intended to provide examples of the types of audiences and activities museum may include; applicants are expected to create a plan that reflects actual audiences and activities for their project. Sample Plan General Project Activities Museums Connect assistance and support of the US Department of State's Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs and American Alliance of Museums will be acknowledged in all publications and products resulting from the project. Museum partners will use and share the following credit language: [Participation in] Museums ConnectSM is made possible by the U.S. Department of State's Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs and is administered by the American Alliance of Museums. Museums will submit all project-related press releases to the US Department of State's Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs and American Alliance of Museums at least two weeks in advance for review and, if requested, quotes from leadership. In addition to the activities listed below, the US and non-US museums will highlight project activities and post photos/videos to their new media sites at least twice per month. Primary participants will be encouraged to promote the project through their own social media networks and each museum will publish at least three student reflections on their blogs or websites or in their newsletters throughout the year. Target Museum Name Audiences 1. Primary participants 2. Supporting community groups/partners (list specifics) 3. Other related neighborhood/community groups and members, inc. families, friends, and peers of participants (list specifics) 4. Local teachers and students in related fields (list specifics) 5. Federal/state/local/appointed government officials 6. Museum Board members/leadership and funders/foundations (list specifics) 7. Museum members and audiences 8. Social media fans/followers 9. Traditional media Target Non-US Audiences 10. Primary participants 11. Supporting community groups/partners (list specifics) 12. Other related neighborhood/community groups and members, inc. families, friends, and peers of participants (list specifics) 13. Local teachers and students in related fields (list specifics) 14. Federal/state/local/appointed government officials (list specifics) 15. Museum Board members/leadership and funders/foundations (list specifics) 16. Museum members and audiences 17. Social media fans/followers 18. Traditional media Traditional Media Overview US Media Local newspapers (list specifics) Local radio and television stations (list specifics) Non-US Media Local newspapers (list specifics) Local radio and television stations (list specifics) New Media Overview Museum and Community Partner Sites (Below are examples of commonly used sites. Please add/modify the list below as best suites the partner’s needs; not all sites will work for all projects.) Facebook: US Museum: Non-US Museum: US Community Partners/Related Groups: Non-US Community Partners/Related Groups: Project (if applicable): Twitter: US Museum: @usmuseumname Non-US Museum: @nonusmuseumname US Community Partners/Related Groups: @uspartnername Non-US Community Partners/Related Groups: @nonuspartnername #ProjectHashtag (used to keep audiences informed of project-related news) Other: Museum/Project Photo Page/s: Museum/Project Video Channel/s: Museum/Project Blog/s: Program Funders Sites Museums tag project-related social media posts with one or more of the following pages, handles, or hashtag and encourage community partners, groups, and participants to do the same. Facebook: Museums Connect: Bureau of Educational & Cultural Affairs (ECA), DOS: Bureau of Educational & Cultural Affairs’ International Exchange Alumni: American Alliance of Museums: Department of State: Twitter: Bureau of Educational & Cultural Affairs (ECA), DOS: @ECAatState American Alliance of Museums: @AAMers ECA Assistant Secretary: @ECA_AS Department of State: @StateDept #MuseumsConnect (used to keep audiences informed of program-related news) #CulturalDiplomacy (used to connect with the broader audience of people interested in arts exchanges to further understanding and cooperation between countries) Other: American Alliance of Museum’s LinkedIn page: Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affair's Exchanges Flickr page: Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affair's ExchangesConnect YouTube page: Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affair's International Exchange Alumni online community: Activity Overview Announcement of Award Target Audiences: [insert numbers corresponding with target audiences listed in General Project Activities section, plus list any additional target audiences] Traditional Media Press release sent to local newspapers and radio/TV stations in the US and tk-country New Media Posts on all related sites Other Announcement sent to partner schools, youth centers, and school districts for publication in newsletters and on websites Presentations/Video Conferences/Field Activities Target Audiences: [insert numbers corresponding with target audiences listed in General Project Activities section, plus list any additional target audiences] Traditional Media 1-2 students asked to write brief report for museum newsletter about what they learned from the presentations/conferences/field trips US and tk-country New Media Posts on all related sites inviting community to attend 5-10 photos with captions posted on Facebook following presentations/ conferences/field trips; additional photos shared through Flickr 1-2 short video clips posted on Facebook and Twitter following presentations 1-2 students asked to write brief report for museum blog about what they learned from the presentations/conferences/field trips Other Invitations sent to partner schools, youth centers, and school districts for distribution Invitation sent to staff at US Embassy to attend presentations in non-US country Travel to US Target Audiences: [insert numbers corresponding with target audiences listed in General Project Activities section, plus list any additional target audiences] Traditional Media Story about travel exchange pitched to local newspapers and radio/TV stations 1-2 non-US students asked to write brief reflections during trip for publication in local newspapers and/or museum newsletter New Media Regular updates posted on all related sites throughout trip. Photo album with 10-25 compelling photos and short captions posted on Facebook following trip; additional photos shared through Flickr. 2-3 short video clips of travel highlights posted on Facebook and YouTube 1-2 students asked to write brief report for museum blog about what they learned from the trips Other Invitations sent to local school and government officials and US Department of State staff to visit museum during key event; speaking roles offered to key attendees Travel to Non-US Country Target Audiences: [insert numbers corresponding with target audiences listed in General Project Activities section, plus list any additional target audiences] Traditional Media Story about travel exchange pitched to local newspapers and radio/TV stations in the US and tk-country Article in museum’s newsletter following trip highlighting students’ reactions and thoughts New Media Regular updates posted on all related sites throughout trip. Photo album with 10-25 compelling photos and short captions posted on Facebook following trip; additional photos shared through Flickr. 2-3 short video clips of travel highlights posted on Facebook and YouTube 1-2 students asked to write brief reflections during trip for publication in local newspapers and/or museum blog Other Invitations sent to local school and government officials and US Embassy staff to visit museum during key event; speaking roles offered to key attendees Community Celebration/Project Culmination Target Audiences: [insert numbers corresponding with target audiences listed in General Project Activities section, plus list any additional target audiences] Traditional Media Press release highlighting key activities and outcomes sent to local newspapers and radio/TV stations in US and tk-country New Media Celebration promoted and community members invited to attend through posts on all related sites Photo album with 5-15 compelling photos and short captions posted on Facebook following celebration; additional photos shared through Flickr 1-2 short video clips posted on Facebook and YouTube Other Invitations sent to partner schools, youth centers, and school districts for distribution Invitations sent to local school and government officials, US Department of State staff (US), and US Embassy staff (non-US country); speaking roles offered to key attendees Other Activities Target Audiences: [insert numbers corresponding with target audiences listed in General Project Activities section, plus list any additional target audiences] US Traditional Media Non-US Traditional Media New Media Other Museums Connect: Building Global Communities Phase III Final Proposal Budget Narrative I. Salaries [EXAMPLE: B.ii. Other Museum Staff, included as cost share, is comprised of 12%/year of the Director’s time at $80,000 plus 15%/year of the Marketing staff time at $58,000.] II. Benefits [EXAMPLE: B.i. All Benefits, included as cost share, are calculated at 27% of all salary (grant funded + cost share).] III. Travel [EXAMPLE: A.II.a. Lodging is calculated at $127/night (DOS rate) x 5 people x 6 nights. EXAMPLE: A.II.b. Per Diem is calculated at $65/day (DOS rate) x 5 people x 4 full days (100%) + $65/day x 5 people x 2 travel days (75%).] IV. Supplies [EXAMPLE: A.i. 6 tablet computers @ $139/each (includes tax). The US museum will purchase all, checking for compatibility, and will distribute 3 to their partner.] V. Contractual [EXAMPLE: B.i. 5 hours of translation @ $100/hr. Half is covered by grant funds and half is being contributed by the translator so is included as cost share.] VI. Other Direct Expenses [EXAMPLE: A.v. Facilities Rental, included as cost share, is calculated at 24 meetings x 2 hours/meeting x $50/hour.] VII. Indirect (as necessary; if including indirect, please submit a copy of your negotiated rate agreement with your proposal)