Cull cows urgently wanted Ian Potter Associates are seeking your cull cows to enter the food chain! All types of cows wanted, particularly ex-working plainer cows. We can also take cows from farms under TB restrictions and lame cows will be accepted, (subject to documentation). You will not be charged a commission! Cows go direct from Farms in England and Wales – not just locally – to a slaughterhouse, and a welfare conscious approach is considered paramount Cows do not have to be Farm Assured, although we are able to secure a Premium for Beef Farm Assured Cattle. We are also keen to market Organic Cull Cows for which a Premium is paid. Clean cattle under 30 months also required, both Assured and Non Farm Assured. All prices are based on dead weight, delivered in and exclude levy, bad debt insurance and transport costs. All Cows must be double tagged and born post 01.08.96. Each Slaughterhouse has specific requirements and with the numbers we are marketing each week we can sell the right cows to the right slaughterhouse, monitor grading and arrange cost effective collection and transport. For Further Information contact or call 01335 324594 Home