National Foundation for Infectious Diseases

National Foundation for Infectious Diseases
Annual Continuing Education Survey
Survey Questions
Please choose your age group:
 Under 30
 30-50
 Over 50
Please indicate your gender
In what state do you reside? If you do not reside in the U.S., in what country?
What is your profession? (select one)
 Nurse
 Nurse Practitioner
 Pharmacist/Pharmacologist
 Physician
 Physician Assistant
 Scientist
 Student
 Researcher
 Other
Which term best describes the focus of your work? (select one)
 Epidemiology
 Family Medicine
 Immunology
 Infection Control
 Infectious Diseases
 Internal Medicine
 Microbiology
 Molecular Biology
 Obstetrics/Gynecology
 Pathology
 Pediatrics
 Public Health
 Student Health
 Surgery
 Travel Medicine
 Vaccinology
 Veterinary Medicine
 Other
What is your primary work setting? (select one)
 Academic
 Administration
 Patient Care
 Public Health
 Research
 Retail
 Sales and Marketing
 Other
Would you describe your setting as:
 rural
 urban
 suburban
 Other
On a scale of 1 to 5 with 5 being the most important, how important are each of these
areas to your work?
 Antimicrobial resistance
 Bacterial infections
 Emerging infectious diseases
 Fungal infections
 Mycobacterial infections (Tuberculosis and others)
 Parasitic infections
 Public Health/Epidemiology
 Rapid diagnostic tests
 Vaccines and Immunology
 Viral Diseases
On a scale of 1 to 5 with 5 being expert proficiency, how proficient are you in each of
these areas?
 Antimicrobial resistance
 Bacterial infections
 Emerging infectious diseases
 Fungal infections
 Mycobacterial infections (Tuberculosis and others)
 Parasitic infections
 Public Health/Epidemiology
 Rapid diagnostic tests
 Vaccines and Immunology
 Viral Diseases
On a scale of 1 to 5 with 5 being very interested, rate your interest in educational
activities in these areas.
 Antimicrobial resistance
 Bacterial infections
 Emerging infectious diseases
 Fungal infections
 Mycobacterial infections (Tuberculosis and others)
 Parasitic infections
 Public Health/Epidemiology
 Rapid diagnostic tests
 Vaccines and Immunology
 Viral Diseases
In your work setting, what is the most significant gap in knowledge or competence in
terms of infectious diseases? ___________________________________
How often do you participate in the following formats for continuing education?
 Live face-to-face activities
 Live distance education (teleconferences, webinars)
 Self-directed enduring materials (journals, monographs, online CE)
For you personally, how would you rate the effectiveness of the following methods?
 Didactic lectures
 Small group interactions
 Case studies
 Audience response system
 Panel discussion
 Open questions & answers
How do you learn best? _____________________________________
As a result of your participation in NFID continuing education activities, did you acquire
a strategy that you had not used before to address the investigation, prevention,
epidemiology, diagnosis and/or treatment of infectious diseases?
 yes
 no
If yes, please provide a specific example of the strategy: __________________
Have you actually implemented this new strategy to make changes in your work setting?
 Fully implemented
 Partially implemented
 Could not be implemented
 Will not be implemented
If yes, briefly describe the process involved in implementing this change:
If no, briefly describe the barriers you encountered that may have prevented the change:
Please indicate your agreement with the following statements:
 NFID activities present scientifically rigorous and evidence-based content.
 NFID activities are well balanced and free from commercial bias.
 NFID activities have content targeted to my educational needs.
 NFID activities have content matched my scope of professional activities.
 NFID activities promote improvements in health care and not proprietary
interests of a commercial interest.
 NFID activities are a good value for the cost.
 I would recommend NFID activities to my colleagues.
Any other comments about NFID continuing education activities?