BUILT ENVIRONMENT Page 1 of 7 Ref No Policy/ Objector Paragraph Ref No Inspectors Report Para Inspectors Recommendation Coventry City Council Response 209 BE 1 8.1.8 That the final sentence in the policy, referring to SPG, be deleted. Agree See Appendix B. 8.1.9 That the proposed changes be made to para 7.10, bearing in mind the recommendation on Policy 19(c), and to para 7.14(b). Agree. But because Policy 19(c) is relegated to text the words “and guidance” need to be added after the word “ Policy” to explain that both are recommended. Urban design frameworks dealt with in text are also part of the advice which is guidance. A fuller explanation is set out in Appendix A. See also Appendix B 211 8.1.10 That the proposed changes to para 7.17 be made. Agree See Appendix B. 212 8.1.11 That the second sentence in para 7.18 be deleted. 8.2.8 That the policy be modified by deleting the final bullet point, as in FPC 18, and to read: Promoting diversity through mixes of use which work together to create vital and viable places ;and Ensuring that developments are sustainable in terms of their design, layout and density. Disagree. The City Council disagrees with the blanket exclusion of developers undertaking consultation, but proposes to limit the matter to major developments A fuller explanation is set out in Appendix A. See also Appendix B Agree See Appendix B. 214 8.2.9 That the proposed changes to add paras 7.26(a), (b) and (c) be made. Agree See Appendix B. 215 8.2.10 That the text be further modified to clarify the meaning of sustainable design principles, and remove the impression that Agree generally but suggest changes to text in 7.26(b) to link sustainable 210 213 BE 2 085/0516CW 085/0517CW 133/0780 151/0967CW 158/1037 165/1130 187/1288CW 017/0070CW 085/0518CW 124/0733 140/0853 149/2463 151/1102 151/2307 165/2397 BUILT ENVIRONMENT Ref No Policy/ Objector Paragraph Ref No 216 217 BE 3 089/0543 165/1142 218 219 BE 4 220 221 031/0183 031/0184 075/0429 085/519 CW 132/0765CW 157/1005CW 222 Page 2 of 7 Inspectors Report Para Inspectors Recommendation Coventry City Council Response this concerns the use of particular materials or the internal layout of buildings. developments with design, layout and density specifically. Para 7.15 is also amended by making it clear what urban design covers. A fuller explanation is set out in Appendix A. See Appendix B. 8.2.11 That the text be further modified to include a reference to C5/94 Planning Out Crime. Agree but suggest the best position for this is in para 7.74(a) under Policy BE 19 (a) Safety and Security. A fuller explanation is set out in Appendix A. See Appendix B. 8.3.4 That Policy BE 3 be deleted. 8.3.5 That para 7.27 be modified to include the words in the former policy, as altered by the proposed changes. That no modification be made to Policy BE 4. Agree See Appendix B. Agree See Appendix B. Agree 8.4.5 That the Text Map BE (1) be modified as in the proposed changes. Agree See Appendix C 8.4.6 That the explanatory text in paras 7.28 and 7.29 be modified as proposed. Agree See Appendix B. 8.4.7 That the explanatory text be extended provide a definition of “environmental” enhancement”, preferably with some illustrative examples. That Policy BE5 be modified in accordance with the proposed change, to introduce “design and development guidelines” from the Coventry Canal Study, and that these be extended to provide clear and firm criteria against which development proposals might be assessed. That Policy BE 7 and para 7.36 be modified in accordance with the proposed changes. Agree See text changes to para 7.31 in Appendix B. Agree. See Appendix B 8.4.4 223 BE 5 151/1103 165/1131 8.5.4 224 BE 7 075/0430 085/0520CW 151/1104 157/1006CW 158/1038 165/1143 8.6.4 Agree. See Appendix B. BUILT ENVIRONMENT Page 3 of 7 Ref No Policy/ Objector Paragraph Ref No Inspectors Report Para Inspectors Recommendation Coventry City Council Response 225 BE 8 8.7.6 That Policy BE 8 be deleted. Agree to delete policy, with text following Conservation Area policies as suggested by the Inspector. See Appendix B 8.7.7 That paras 7.37 to 7.42 be modified to include the words in the former policy, and be clarified to define “ Areas of Local Distinctiveness” more precisely, and be abbreviated in their description of the ongoing work. That Policy BE 9 be further modified to read: New conservation areas, and changes to the boundaries of existing conservation areas, will be designated where: The area has special architectural or historic interest, and It would be desirable to preserve or enhance the character or appearance of the area. Agree See Appendix B That the text of para 7.43 be changed, to reflect more accurately the wording used in the Planning( Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas)Act 1990 and PPG 15. That Policy BE10 be modified to read: Development within, or affecting the setting of, a conservation area will only be permitted if it would preserve or enhance the character or appearance of the area. Having regard to the special architectural or historic interest of the area, the acceptability of development will be determined on the basis of: The scale, massing, siting, design and materials of any new building or structure; The effect of any associated loss, alteration or creation of buildings and other townscape and landscape features; and The nature of its use and resulting levels of traffic, parking, disturbance and other activities. Agree See Appendix B 038/0245 075/0431 151/1105 158/1039 226 227 BE 9 075/0432 094/0574 151/1106 157/0999 158/1040 165/1117 228 229 8.8.8 8.8.9 BE 10 094/0575 149/2464 /0975 158/1041 8.9.7 Supplementary Planning Guidance will be produced for conservation areas. Agree See Appendix B. Agree See Appendix B BUILT ENVIRONMENT Ref No Policy/ Objector Paragraph Ref No 230 Page 4 of 7 Inspectors Report Para Inspectors Recommendation 8.9.8 That the proposed changes to para 7.49 and FPC 58 be made, including the replacement of paragraph 7.47. 231 232 8.9.9 BE 10(a) 149/935 149/2465 8.10.5 That the second sentence of para 7.49 be further modified to indicate that funding can be sought from English Heritage. That the proposed changes , to add Policy BE 10(a) to the plan , be made and that the policy be further modified by the addition of a new opening sentence: Buildings which make a positive contribution to the character or appearance of a conservation area will be retained. Coventry City Council Response Agree See Appendix B Agree See Appendix B Partly agree. Propose to add the words “There is a presumption that” at the front of the first new sentence. Do not agree with the modification of the final bullet point and also wish to delete the words of the Proposed Changes. A fuller explanation is set out in Appendix A. See Appendix B. And, by modification of the final bullet point, so that it reads: That demolition does not take place until planning permission for the replacement scheme has been granted. 233 234 235 236 8.10.6 BE 11 017/0071CW 031/0185 053/0291 075/0433 084/0509 149/0936 149/2466 That the changes proposed to text in paras 7.50(a), (b) and (c) be made, as revised by FPC58, with further modifications: i. to para 7.50(a) to say that buildings proposed for demolition in conservation areas shall be assessed against the same broad criteria as proposals to demolish listed buildings; ii. to para 7.50(c) to omit the phrase “only because of a replacement scheme” Agree See Appendix B 8.11.7 That the proposed changes to Policy BE11 and para 7.52 be made. Agree to omit phrase but add further text to clarify the situation when conditions relating to demolition may be imposed. A fuller explanation is set out in Appendix A. See Appendix B. Agree See Appendix B 8.11.8 That FPCs 12 and 58 be made, including the addition of new paras 7.51(a) and (b). Agree See Appendix B 8.11.9 That para 7.53(a) be added and revised as in FPC 12, but the phrase “and so present special problems” in the first sentence be deleted. Agree See Appendix B BUILT ENVIRONMENT Page 5 of 7 Ref No Policy/ Objector Paragraph Ref No Inspectors Report Para 237 BE 12 8.12.7 017/0072CW 084/0510 149/0937 238 239 084/0511 149/0938 149/2467 Coventry City Council Response That Policy BE 12 be modified to read: Agree See Appendix B The change of use of a listed building (either in the short or long term) will only be permitted where it can be demonstrated that the proposed use would be the optimum viable use compatible with protecting the special architectural or historic interest of the building and its setting. Full details of all alterations, both internal and external, required to implement the new use, will be required with all applications. 8.12.8 BE 13 Inspectors Recommendation 8.13.6 That para 7.54 be modified as proposed, and further modified to explain the need for an assessment of the special interest of the building in question, and for a balancing exercise in accordance with PPG 15 to be undertaken. That the proposed changes to Policy BE13 be made. Agree See Appendix B Agree See Appendix B 240 8.13.7 That, in addition , the word “considered” in the third line of Policy BE 13 be changed to “permitted”, and the second sentence be modified to read: In the case of a development proposal involving the demolition of a listed building……. Agree See Appendix B 241 8.13.8 The supporting text in paras 7.55 and 7.56 be modified to be consistent with these minor changes to the policy. That no modification be made. Agree See Appendix B Agree 8.15.5 That the proposed changes be made to Policy BE 15 and paras 7.61 and 7.63. Agree See Appendix B. 8.15.6 That the second sentence of the policy be modified to read: Agree See Appendix B. 242 BE 14 243 BE 15 244 084/0512 158/1043 149/0939 149/2468 186/1276CW 8.14.3 Such remains should be accessible for public enjoyment and expert study, wherever this is feasible without being significantly detrimental to their preservation. 245 8.15.7 That the supporting text be further modified to include a Agree BUILT ENVIRONMENT Ref No 246 Policy/ Objector Paragraph Ref No BE 16 247 248 BE 17 249 BE 18 002/0005 035/0217 035/2020 035/2021 163/1084 031/0187 031/2004 063/0340CW 151/1107 165/1132 036/0228 038/0246 151/0968 165/1122 250 Page 6 of 7 Inspectors Report Para 8.16.7 8.16.8 Coventry City Council Response reference to the possibility that a watching brief might be needed during the development of some sites. That the proposed changes to Policy BE 16 and to the text of paras 7.66 and 7.67 be made. See Appendix B That the third bullet point of the policy be further changed to read: Agree See Appendix B 8.17.5 Equipment provision should not exceed the foreseeable needs of telecommunications operators. That the proposed changes be made to Policy BE 17. 8.18.6 That Policy BE18 be modified to read : Agree See Appendix B Agree See Appendix B Agree See Appendix B. Public art will be encouraged as a desirable element of good design in new developments. 8.18.7 251 BE 18 (a) 085/0521CW 8.19.3 252 BE 19(b) 134/2452 151/2314 8.20.5 253 Inspectors Recommendation 8.20.6 That paras 7.70 to 7.73 be modified to give a precise definition as to what is meant by public art, the types of development proposals into which it might be incorporated, and the role of planning obligations in funding it. That the proposed changes, to add Policy BE 18(a) and a modified para 7.73(a), be made. That the plan be modified to include Policy BE19(b). Agree See Appendix B. That the plan be modified to include para 7.74(b) as in the proposed changes, but revised to explain that the content of design statements would be variable and could in appropriate circumstances include some or all of the listed items as Agree. See Appendix B Agree See Appendix B. Agree to include policy but relocate policy to link with advice on other planning processes on urban design frameworks and development briefs which follow the policy on urban design principles BE 2. See Appendix B BUILT ENVIRONMENT Page 7 of 7 Ref No Policy/ Objector Paragraph Ref No Inspectors Report Para 254 BE 19(c) 8.21.5 described in para 8.20.4 above. That the proposed changes adding Policy BE 19(c) and paras 7.74(c),(d), (e) and (f) be not made. 255 8.21.6 That FPC41 be not made. 256 8.21.7 That a statement be added to the text explaining the possible use of development briefs in selected cases, including mixed use developments, very large housing schemes, development on sensitive sites and for areas of extensive change such as regeneration areas. 028/2034 095/2420 134/2448 151/2315 Inspectors Recommendation Coventry City Council Response Partly agree. Agree to delete policy but do not agree to delete paragraphs 7.74(c), (d), (e) and (f). See further comments on 7.74 (d) under 8.21.7 below. All paras moved to link in with advice on processes which follow BE 2. A fuller explanation is set out in Appendix A. See Appendix B. Agree See Appendix B Agree. See Appendix B