South Texas College - Sharyland Pioneer High School

South Texas College
Math and Science Division
Biology Department
Master Syllabus
Fall - 2013
Name of Instructor: Nancy Ochoa-Garza
Office/Classroom Location: SB 155
Telephone Number: (956) 580-5300 ext. 1186
Fax Number:
(956) 580-5311
E-mail Address:
Course Name: Biology for Science Majors I
Course Number: BIOL 1406
CRT HRS:04 – LEC HRS:03 – LAB HRS:03
Lecture Meeting Date : Mon.-Wed.
Lab Meeting Date : Thurs. Fri.
Prerequisite: A passing score of 78+ on the Reading ACCUPLACER Exam or equivalent;
or completion of READ 90 with a grade of “C” or better
Teaching Schedule:
BIOL 1406 S04
BIOL 1406 S01
Biology for Science Majors I
Biology for Science Majors I
Catalog Course Description:
This is an in-depth study of the fundamental principles of living organisms including physical
and chemical properties of life, cellular organization and function. Concepts of metabolic
pathways, cellular respiration, photosynthesis, mitosis, meiosis, and molecular biology of the
gene, genetics, biotechnology, evolutionary adaptation and the scientific method are included.
Program Learning Outcomes:
1. All laboratory science courses include aspects of the scientific method, analysis, and research.
All students have laboratory experience.
2. All courses involve research and understanding of the scientific literature and students are able
to communicate and analyze these findings.
3. The student will be a literate student of science with a basic understanding of the biological
4. The student will be able to participate in civic activities that are concerned with health,
wellness of the community and environment, and to improve knowledge and appreciate the basic
biological concepts.
5. The student will be able to participate and/or lead in civic activities &/or critical issues
affecting the community and environment.
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Core Component Exemplary Educational Objectives:
1. Relate and apply method and appropriate technology to the study of natural sciences.
2. Identify scientific and quantitative methods and the differences between these approaches and
other methods of inquiry and to communicate findings, analyses, and interpretation both orally
and in writing.
3. Identify and recognize the differences among competing scientific theories.
4. Demonstrate knowledge of the major issues and problems facing modern science, including
issues that touch upon ethics and values and public policies.
5. Demonstrate knowledge of the interdependence of science and technology and their influence
on, and contribution to modern culture.
Course Learning Outcomes:
1. List steps of the scientific process and utilize laboratory equipment including microscopy to
conduct laboratory experiments, collect and analyze data, employ critical thinking to make
informed decisions in the laboratory, and communicate results.
2. Describe the characteristics of life, properties of biomolecules, and basic metabolic pathways
including photosynthesis and cellular respiration.
3. Define characteristics of prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells, and outline cell reproduction,
meiosis, and the functioning of the plasma membrane and organelles.
4. Recall basic chromosome structure, DNA replication, transcription of DNA into RNA,
translation of RNA into protein, and biotechnology; match these processes to principles of
inheritance; and reproduce simple genetic crosses and pedigree charts.
5. Distinguish the evidence for evolution through natural selection, understand the link between
the unity and diversity of life and relatedness through common descent, and state the importance
of the theory of evolution in unifying biological study.
Departmental Course Intellectual Competencies:
1. Reading: Students will read, analyze and interpret the chapters in the text and lab manual
covered in class as well as assigned journal articles and master both general methods of
analyzing printed materials and specific methods for analyzing the subject matter of individual
2. Writing: Students will produce clear, correct and coherent prose adapted to purpose, occasion
and audience. Students will discover a topic and develop and organize it and phrase it effectively
for their audience through practice and reflection.
3. Computer Literacy: Students will use computer based technology in communicating, solving
problems, and acquiring information. Students should have an understanding of the limits,
problems, and possibilities associated with the use of technology, and should have the tools
necessary to evaluate and learn new technologies as they become available.
4. Speaking: Students will use clear, coherent, and persuasive language when speaking, using
language appropriate to purpose, occasion, and audience. Students will acquire poise and
develop control of the language through experience in making presentations to small groups, to
large groups, and through the media.
5. Listening: Students will analyze and interpret various forms of spoken communication.
6. Critical Thinking: Students will embrace methods for applying both qualitative and
quantitative skills analytically and creatively to subject matter in order to evaluate arguments and
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to construct alternatives strategies. Students will do problem solving as one of the applications of
critical thinking, used to address an identified task.
Departmental Course Perspectives:
1. Recognize the importance of maintaining health and wellness.
2. Develop personal values for ethical behavior.
3. Integrate knowledge and understand the interrelationships of the scholarly disciplines.
Departmental Course Requirements:
STC Departmental Guidelines:
75% Lecture:
 40% Lecture exams
 15% Term Paper/Project
 20% Final exam
25% Lab:
 10% Lab practicals
 10% Other
 5% lab quizzes
Sharyland High School Guide lines:
60% Major Assignments:
 Lecture exams
 Term Paper
 Projects
40% Minor Assignments:
 Lab practicals
 Lab quizzes
 Lab assignments
For students enrolled in Biology DE/AP, two different grades will be submitted. A letter
grade will be submitted to STC based on STC’s Biology Departmental grading guidelines.
A numerical grade will be submitted to Sharyland High School based on Sharyland ISD
grading guidelines.
For students not enrolled in Biology DE, a numerical grade will only be submitted to
Sharyland High School based on Sharyland ISD grading guidelines.
 McGraw-Hill Connect™ Web-based LearnSmart™ Study Modules, library, multimedia,
internet, and Biology Computer Lab
 Biology with Connect Plus by Peter H. Raven, George B. Johnson, Kenneth A. Mason,
Jonathon B. Losos, and Susan R. Singer McGraw-Hill Publishing Co. ISBN
 Biology 1406/1407 Lab Manual, McGraw-Hill Publishing Co. ISBN 978007804873-9
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Quadrille Composition book for Labs
Developmental Studies Policy Statement:
 Failure to remain in at least one developmental Studies course for students who have not met
the passing standard on an approved assessment instrument in reading, writing, and / or
mathematics may result in the student’s withdrawal from ALL college courses.
 All developmental courses including the College Success course will be included in the
Semester Grade Point Average (GPA) for all students at STC.
 Students in Developmental studies will be limited to a maximum of 13 credit hours of course
work per semester and 7 credit hours per summer session. Students taking 12 or more credit
hours per semester who have not met the passing standard on an approved assessment
instrument will be required to take two or more developmental courses every semester if they
are deficient in more than one academic skill (reading, writing, and mathematics).
Teacher Outcomes:
 It is expected that you turn in all assignments on time.
 All cell phones will be collected during testing and returned after testing administration.
 If absent from class, please communicate with your instructor as to your absence either
by e-mail or telephone.
Statement of Equal Opportunity: No person shall be excluded from participation in, denied
the benefits of, or be subject to discrimination under any program or activity sponsored or
conducted by South Texas College on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, sex, age,
veteran status or disability.
Alternative Format Statement: This document is available in an alternative format upon
request by calling (956) 872-8302.
ADA Students with Disabilities Statement: Reasonable accommodations may be made that allow disabled
students to be successful at STC. Accommodations may be provided for those students who submit the appropriate
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Biology 1406
Semester Year
(Aug. 26-30)
(Sept. 2-6)
(Sept. 9-13)
12th Class Day Roster
(Sept. 16-20)
Ch. 1 Introduction to biology and the
scientific method
Ch2: the nature of Molecules and
Properties of Water
Ch. 3: The Chemical building Blocks
Lab Safety and Scientific Method
Measurement and quantitation
Tests for biological molecules
Ch. 4: Cell Structure
Ch. 5 membranes
Microscopy (cell structure
Test: Chapters 1-3
Ch. 5: cont.
Ch. 9: Cell communication
Diffusion and Osmosis
Writing reports and scientific papers
Test: Chapters 4-5;9
(Sept. 23-27)
(Sept. 30-Oct. 4)
(Oct. 7-11)
(Oct. 14-18)
(Oct. 21-25)
Enzyme Catalysis
Ch. 6: Energy and Metabolism
Writing reports and scientific papers
Ch. 8: Photosynthesis
Plant Pigments and Photosynthesis
Ch. 7: How Cells Harvest Energy
Cellular respiration
Test: Chapters 6-8
Ch. 10: How Cells Divide
Ch. 11: Sexual Reproduction/Meiosis
Midterm Exam (comprehensive Chapters 1-11)
Lab Midterm (Lab Safety; Scientific
Method; Measurement and
Quantitation; Microscopy;
Osmosis; Enzyme catalysis; plant
pigments and Photosynthesis; Cell
Ch. 12: Patterns of Inheritance
Chromosomes and mitosis
(Oct. 28-Nov. 1)
Ch.13: Chromosomes, Mapping, and
Ch.14: DNA: The Genetic Material
Mitosis and Meiosis
(Nov. 4-8)
Ch. 15: Genes and How They Work
Genetics of Organisms
(Nov. 11-15)
Last Day to Withdraw
(Nov. 19-20)
Ch. 16: Control of Gene Expression
Bacterial Transformation
Test: Ch. 12-16
Ch. 20: Genes w/in Populations
Ch. 21: The Evidence of evolution
Population Genetics and Evolution
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(Dec. 2-6)
Ch. 22: The Origin of Species
Ch. 23: Systematics, Phylogenies, and
Comparative Biology
(Dec. 9-13)
Final Exam (comprehensive – Ch. 1216; 20-23)
(Dec. 16-20)
Lab Final (Chromosomes;
Mitosis/Meiosis; Genetics of
Organisms; Bacterial
Transformation; Population
Genetics and Evolution
Presentations/Book Review
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