Organisation/Theme: Early Years Executive lead for safeguarding children: Yvette Stanley Name of person completing form: Allison Jones Service Manager Early Years, Childcare and Children’s Centres Please complete this form and return by Assessment and evidence of the safeguarding children situation and significant activities in your organisation over the last 12 months Assessment of safeguarding children situation: New Ofsted framework in place for childcare providers with increased focus on early years providers suitability processes which includes safe recruitment and evidence of on-going suitability Local assessment of some practice in PVI sector shows gaps in safeguarding procedures, knowledge and practice National assessment (Ofsted) shows 74% of childminders and 81% of daycare providers are good and above in early years inspections. Data shows a positive overview for inspection outcomes in areas of deprivation (no variance for childminders and +2% for daycare) Assessment at end of Early years Foundation Stage shows that children living in the South Mitcham locality postcodes are the lowest achieving in the borough and have the highest number of children in the lowest 20% Needs assessment (Children’s Centres) show children in east of the borough continue to be disadvantaged and at risk of poorer outcomes Assessment of early years workforce shows on going requirement for CPD in key areas including child development, identifying need and understanding thresholds and referral pathways Evidence National evidence shows impact of positive early years experience for developing brain and wellbeing – parents, Children’s Centres and early years childcare/early education are key in supporting early brain development. Performance data – Children’s Centres, EYFSP, 0-5s Supporting Families and Ofsted grades inform priorities and service development Early Years Consultant and Children’s Centre monitoring visits show that there are some gaps in implementation of good practice in line with local Improvement Frameworks and OFSTED Q1 and Q2 data from LAN shows steady flow of children, with marginally fewer identified from South Mitcham which needs further analysis Increased numbers of families using Children’s Centres from targeted areas and from targeted age groups, but further analysis of services by vulnerable groups required Staff/workforce developing confidence in supporting families with identified needs, but on going support required Specific support for childminders and day nurseries in relation to implementing LADO procedures Childcare staff developing increased and improved understanding of safeguarding issues in relation to partnership working across multi agency professionals (training evaluation) 2 year old funded places are taken up by children with a social worker (LA discretionary priority) Workforce proactive in engaging with the key agendas and engage with training, support and advice and new initiatives Significant Activities Training: Provision of safeguarding training for all Ofsted registered settings . We have three main courses which are: Safeguarding for Leaders & Managers (covering safe recruitment, safeguarding procedures, role of LADO, staff allegations and whistleblowing) Attendance 99 Safeguarding Lead (covering referral routes into MASH, supporting families team and CC LAN. Writing a CASA. Awareness of LBM procedure and Ofsted requirements. Information sharing) Attendance 70 Basic safeguarding / Introduction to child protection (4 types of abuse, toxic trio, referral into MASH, early intervention referral routes, what to do if you are worried about a child, working together to safeguard children) Attendance 368 2 x workshops for PVI settings in April 2013, informing them of the changes in relation to MASH and CASA, and of the new children centre LANs (locality allocation networks) Attendance 108 Support for the initial foster carer training and plans to provide further training for foster carers around child development and supporting children’s learning in the home. Settings delivering places for vulnerable two year olds are encouraged to complete an accredited training course which includes a safeguarding module and working as part of an integrated team. Attendance 40 Training to staff across children centres in relation to using the estart system safely and in a manner which is in line with data protection and information sharing. Attendance 20 (In response to evidence of staff not following correct procedures.) Rollout of Five to Thrive training across Children’s Centre localities Development of a workforce strategy for Children’s Centres and early years workforce Access to services 2 year old funded education Merton has included local discretionary places for vulnerable to two year olds who currently have a child protection plan or child in need but do not meet the governments eligibility criteria. This year introduced a process of targeted contact for all known children to the local authority aged two to facilitate take up of places LAC Partnership work with the Virtual Schools team, supporting LAC children under statutory school age, by visiting them in their PVI setting, maintained nursery and in the foster home, to ensure that LAC children under 5 are well supported in their development. Children’s Centre Locality Working Locality Models of delivery The borough has moved to a locality model of delivery , with a greater emphasis on supporting families who have the most to gain from accessing early years services. There are 3 localities delivering Children’s Centres services from 3 lead centres with 8 linked centres Locality 1. Wimbledon and Morden (Newminster, Lower Morden, Avenue and Bridge) Locality 2 North Mitcham and Collliers Wood (Church, Abbey, Lavender Steers Mead/London Road Locality 3 South Mitcham Locality Allocation Networks Development of locality models of delivery incorporating Locality Allocation Networks (LAN’s) across the 3 children centre localities. The LAN provides a single referral pathway for supporting families through use of CASA. The meeting is attended by named Social Worker to give advice around thresholds and safe practice. Embedding CASA and safe practice Development of new Family Map and planning tool using CASA outcomes framework with greater emphasis on gathering child’s view and engaging parents rolled out across the CC services (includes 0-5s Supporting Families Team) Setting up the new 0-5s family support service, to include social workers and family support workers and CAMHS worker. Family Support Worker delivering service as part of the IAPT programme Setting up new case management, case audit, QA, management oversight and case supervision across Children’s Centres Monitoring Performance All children’s centres are subject to a quarterly performance monitoring visit by the LA which includes a rigorous safeguarding section. All centres undertake an annual safeguarding audit and the performance monitoring includes investigation into the use of the CASA process (appropriateness of referrals and the impact of intervention). Actions identified are followed up in order to make change before the next visit. Information sharing and data protection Staff in children centres have been supported to devise clear procedures and protocols around information sharing and data protection Systems and processes have been developed to gather early years information as requested via the MASH navigator Improving the parenting programme offer Delivery of evidenced based parenting programmes to include evidence based Incredible Years across the ages of 0-6 delivered across localities with new programmes for identified parents with children aged 0-1 year olds and toddlers. Working with health Partnership work with health to support delivery of 2 year development check and targeted work and share data Commissioned a review of Early Years and integrated services/health to inform future commissioning and service development and clarity of integrated referral pathways Delivery of the Family Nurse Partnership Working with early years day care providers Embed new Continuous Improvement Framework Ensure safeguarding is prioritised/audited/monitored as part of terms and conditions of funding Staff allegations We have worked with the LADO regarding allegations against staff, childminders and volunteers. We have devised new procedures around allegations against staff and notification of serious accident or death in any setting registered with Ofsted. Impact of activity: Training Over 500 staff and managers are now familiar with safeguarding procedure, and know how to make a referral to the new MASH team. (post course evaluation) 70 staff have undertaken training in writing a CASA and understand the LBM well-being model (rainbow). This has led to referrals coming in to the right place. (post course evaluation) 40 childcare practitioners have completed the accredited course for working with 2 year olds, evidence from post course evaluation indicates there is a greater understanding and knowledge of safeguarding thresholds, process, protocols and procedures Access to Services Although early days, foster carers are reporting that they find the support from our team very valuable, and as a result they feel more able to support children’s development and learning in the home. (informal feedback) This financial year 20 vulnerable two year olds have accessed a free early learning place who have a CIP or are a CIN, emerging evidence of progress in prime areas of learning and families taking up/accessing local Children’s Centre services (headcount, CC performance monitoring) Increased take up of services by vulnerable groups (performance management Children’s Centres) Improved outcomes for families accessing specific targeted services (Family Outcomes Star) Staff within children’s centres are clear about procedures and protocols regarding information sharing and data protection (post course evaluation) Staff Allegations Managers have an improved understanding of the LADO process and there has been a marked increase in the number of referrals coming in as a result. LADO referrals are of a better quality in terms of information being provided Settings are notifying us of serious accidents to children, which ensures we can deal with the matter appropriately and liaise with MASH and Ofsted in a more co-ordinated manner. Challenges and priorities for the future Priorities To narrow the gap and raise attainment at the end of the Early Years Foundation Stage Continue to upskill staff and managers Embed management oversight on case work, auditing and supervision Embed new Family Map to evidence impact of intervention Raise profile of LAN and ensure families are referred in accordance with identified need To ensure that staff work effectively with families and children so that they are engaged and have access to high quality child focussed services that improve outcomes over an agreed period of time To develop information sharing protocols with health to facilitate the swift and easy access of child led data between the agencies To develop clear pathways of support for Family Nursery partnership families and children To develop CPD opportunities across the workforce Prioritise resources to settings/centres in greatest need of support and improvement To ensure early years day care providers are equal partners in supporting children and their families who are identified as in need To ensure all eligible children are offered a 2 year old funded place Challenges To continue to support the improvement of early years day care across the PVI sector provision and ensure OFSTED grades are improved/maintained To continue to work with early years workforce to develop confidence and understanding of working in an early help/intervention framework Embed improved working practices and monitor/ quality assure the work To narrow the gap and improve attainment at end of the Early Years Foundation Stage Evidence impact of intervention To ensure that the child’s voice and needs are the key focus of our work To improve the take up of services by children aged 0 – 2 with a focus on improved take up by vulnerable groups To improve and increase the range of evidence based programmes within the network of centres to meet the needs of very young babies and children To develop referral pathways via midwifery