The University of Texas Health Science Center San Antonio School of Nursing Total Program Systematic Evaluation Plan (TPSEP) 2013-2014 Revised 2013-2014 Evaluation Component Expected Outcome Evaluation Data STANDARD I - PROGRAM QUALITY: MISSION AND GOVERNANCE 1.1 Mission, goals and Mission, goals and SON mission, goals, expected program outcomes are expected program expected program congruent with professional outcomes are 100% outcomes nursing standards and consistent with guidelines for the preparation professional nursing Current AACN of nursing professionals. standards. Essential Series: BS MS DNP IA Differentiated Entry Competencies for Nursing Practice in Texas Current QSEN Competencies Current TIGER Competencies Current Core Competencies for Public Health Professionals Quad Council Competencies for Public Health Nurses Current CCNE and NTF Criteria Current Population Focused Nurse Practitioner Competencies Current AONE Nurse Executive Competencies White Paper CNL Responsible for Collection & Analysis Collection Schedule Committee on Undergraduate Studies Every 5 years or earlier as needed. Committee on Graduate Studies Next review is 20162017 Actual Outcome FA – Faculty Assembly FC –Faculty Council Action Plan Faculty Council Agenda September, 2016 Faculty Council Faculty Assembly Action Result Location of Document Official minutes kept in Dean’s Suite Evaluation Component Expected Outcome Evaluation Data STANDARD I - PROGRAM QUALITY: MISSION AND GOVERNANCE 1.2 Mission, goals, and HSC and SON HSC and SON expected program outcomes of mission, goals and mission, goals, and SON are congruent with HSC. expected outcomes are expected student 100% congruent. outcomes IA 1.3 Mission, goals and expected student outcomes are reviewed periodically and revised as appropriate to reflect professional nursing standards and guidelines. IB Mission, goals and expected student outcomes are reviewed periodically and revised to reflect professional nursing standards 100% of the time. SON mission, goals, expected student outcomes and professional nursing standards Minutes of COUS and COGS meetings Responsible for Collection & Analysis Faculty Council Collection Schedule Every 5 years or earlier as needed Actual Outcome Action Plan Faculty Council Agenda Action Result Location of Document Official minutes kept in Dean’s Suite January, 2016 Next review is 20162017 Committee on Undergraduate Studies (COUS) Annual (January) Faculty Council Agenda January, 2014 Committee on Graduate Studies (COGS) COUS and COGS minutes kept in Dean’s Suite Working Group minutes kept in Office for Academic Affairs Faculty Assembly Total Program Systematic Evaluation Plan (TPSEP) 1.4 Mission goals and expected student outcomes are reviewed periodically and revised as appropriate to reflect needs and expectations of community of interest. IB Mission, goals and expected student outcomes are reviewed periodically and revised to reflect needs and expectations of community of interest 100% of the time. SON mission, goals, student outcomes and needs and expectations of community of interest Faculty Council Every 3 years or earlier as needed Faculty Council Agenda Official minutes kept in Dean’s Suite January, 2014 Next review is 20152016 Minutes of meetings TPSEP 1.5 Expected faculty outcomes are clearly identified by the nursing unit, are written and communicated to the faculty, and are congruent with institutional expectations. IC SON expected faculty outcomes in teaching, scholarship, service and practice are written and communicated to the faculty, and are congruent with institutional expectations 100% of the time. SON mission, goals, and expected outcomes SON expected faculty outcomes in teaching, scholarship, service, and practice Faculty Council Every 3 years or earlier as needed Faculty Assembly Faculty Council Agenda January, 2016 Next review is 20152016 Official minutes kept in Dean’s Suite Evaluation Component Expected Outcome Evaluation Data STANDARD I - PROGRAM QUALITY: MISSION AND GOVERNANCE 1.6 Faculty and students Faculty and students Participation participate in program participate according documented in governance. to the Faculty minutes of formal Assembly Bylaws Faculty Assembly ID 100% of the time. Committees 1.7 Documents and publications are accurate. A process is used to notify constituents about changes in documents and publications. IE 100% documents, website and publications are accurate and constituents are notified of changes 100% of the time. Program offerings Program outcomes Accreditation status Responsible for Collection & Analysis Chairs of Faculty Assembly Committees Collection Schedule Annual (May) Actual Outcome Action Plan Faculty Council Agenda Action Result Location of Document Official minutes kept in Dean’s Suite May, 2014 Associate Dean for Admissions and Student Services Every semester review documents and website for accuracy Associate Dean for Academic Affairs Faculty Council Agenda Official minutes kept in Dean’s Suite December, 2013 May, 2014 Academic calendar Chairs of COUS, COGS Recruitment policies Admission policies Transfer credit policies Grading policies Degree completion requirements Tuition Fees 1.8 Academic policies of the parent institution and the nursing program are congruent and support achievement of the mission, goals, and expected student outcomes. IF Academic policies are reviewed periodically and congruent with HSC 95% of time and support achievement of the mission, goals, and expected student outcomes 100% of the time. SON and HSC academic policies in: Recruitment Admission Associate Dean for Admissions and Student Services Annual (May) Faculty Council Agenda May, 2014 Associate Dean for Academic Affairs Retention Chairs of COUS, COGS Progression TPSEP Minutes of meetings 1.9 Differences in policies are identified and support achievement of SON mission, goals and expected outcomes. IF 100% of SON polices that differ from HSC are identified and support mission, goals and expected outcomes of SON. Policies that differ COUS COGS Associate Dean for Academic Affairs Annual (May) Faculty Council Agenda May, 2014 Official minutes kept in Dean’s Suite Evaluation Component Expected Outcome Evaluation Data STANDARD I - PROGRAM QUALITY: MISSION AND GOVERNANCE 1.10 Academic policies are fair 100% of policies are SON Academic and equitable and implemented fair, equitable and policies in: consistently. implemented consistently. Handbooks IF HSC Catalog Course Syllabi Responsible for Collection & Analysis Dean Collection Schedule Annual (May) Associate Dean for Admissions & Student Services Actual Outcome Action Plan Action Result Location of Document Faculty Council Agenda May, 2014 Associate Dean for Academic Affairs Course Packets 1.11 Academic policies are published and accessible. 100% of policies are published and accessible. SON Academic policies in: Handbooks IF Dean Annual (May) Associate Dean for Admissions & Student Services Faculty Council Agenda Office for Academic Affairs May, 2014 HSC Catalog Faculty/Staff Associate Dean for Academic Affairs Handbook Course Syllabi Course Packets 1.12 Academic policies are reviewed and revised as necessary to foster program improvement. Academic policies are reviewed periodically and foster program improvement 100% of the time. IF SON Academic policies in: Handbooks Dean Associate Dean for Admissions & Student Services HSC Catalog Course Syllabi Course Packets Associate Dean for Academic Affairs Annual (May) Faculty Council Agenda May, 2014 Office for Academic Affairs Responsible for Collection & Analysis STANDARD II - PROGRAM QUALITY: INSTITUTIONAL COMMITMENT AND RESOURCES 2.1 Fiscal and physical Resources are adequate Physical resources and Dean resources are sufficient to to meet the mission fiscal resources enable the program to fulfill goals, and expected Assistant Dean for its mission, goals, and outcomes. Administration expected outcomes. Associate Deans IIA Chairs Evaluation Component 2.2 Adequacy of resources is reviewed and resources are modified as needed. Expected Outcome Review process is transparent and follows university policies. Evaluation Data Budgets prepared by Chairs and Associate Deans and Directors Consultation with student leadership IIA Dean Collection Schedule Actual Outcome Annual (October) Action Plan Faculty Council Agenda Action Result Location of Document SON Business Office November, 2013 Annual (October) Faculty Council Agenda Assistant Dean for Administration SON Business Office November, 2013 Associate Deans Chairs Directors 2.3 Academic support services are sufficient to ensure quality. IB 2.4 Academic support services are evaluated on a regular basis to meet program and student needs. Academic support services are sufficient and a process is in place to review and assure quality improvement in services. Evaluation data Associate Dean for Academic Affairs 100% of Academic support services are evaluated regularly. Evaluation data Chairs Student and faculty surveys Associate Deans Board of Nursing license HSC President Student and faculty surveys Annually in October or more frequently as needed Faculty Council Agenda Office for Academic Affairs November, 2013 Annual (October) Faculty Council Agenda Office for Academic Affairs November, 2013 IIB 2.5 The chief nurse administrator is a registered nurse, holds a graduate degree, and is academically and experientially qualified to accomplish the mission, goals and expected program outcomes. IIC Meets criteria as stated 100% of the time. Official transcripts Dean’s CV Annual Chief nurse appropriately credentialed None Indicated HSC President’s Office Responsible for Collection & Analysis STANDARD II - PROGRAM QUALITY: INSTITUTIONAL COMMITMENT AND RESOURCES 2.6 The chief nurse 100% congruence with HSC Handbook of HSC President administrator is vested with other deans of schools Operating Procedures the administrative authority authority. to accomplish the mission, goals, and expected program outcomes. IIC Evaluation Component Expected Outcome 2.7 The chief nurse administrator provides effective leadership to the nursing unit in achieving its mission, goals and expected program outcomes. IIC Effective leadership is demonstrated 100% of the time. 2.8 There is sufficient faculty to accomplish the mission, goals and expected program outcomes. 100% of the faculty is engaged in at least one of the research/scholarship, practice/service and, teaching missions of the school. IID Evaluation Data Annual evaluation by HSC President President 5 year comprehensive (360) evaluation Data from letters of appointment which includes FTE formula for program commitments Department Chairs Collection Schedule Actual Outcome Action Plan Action Result Location of Document Annual 100% congruence with other Deans of schools authority. None Indicated HSC Handbook policy Annual Positive evaluation by President – letter on file None Indicated Dean’s Suite 5 years 5 year evaluation due 2013 Every semester: Faculty Council Agenda (December) approved Faculty Workload document completed by Department Chairs December, 2013 (May) May, 2014 Documents housed in Dean’s Suite. Student-faculty ratio in classroom and clinical activities meet BON Rules and Regulations and National Standards 100% of the time. 2.9 Faculty members are academically and experientially qualified for their teaching responsibilities. IID 100% of faculty have role and functional preparation in area of teaching; academic background in area of teaching. Current CV TX Board of Nursing (BON) Report Department Chairs Annual (October) Faculty Council Agenda October, 2013 Departmental Offices Responsible for Collection & Analysis STANDARD II - PROGRAM QUALITY: INSTITUTIONAL COMMITMENT AND RESOURCES 2.10 Preceptors when used 100% of preceptors are Current CV Associate Dean for by the program as an academically and Academic Affairs extension of the faculty are experientially prepared. Clinical Agencies’ academically and MOUs Clinical Liaison experientially qualified for 50% of preceptors are their role in assisting in the serving more than two Department Chairs achievement of the SON’s years hold Adjunct mission, goals and expected appointments w/o salary student outcomes. Evaluation Component Expected Outcome Evaluation Data Collection Schedule Every semester: Actual Outcome Action Plan Action Result Location of Document Faculty Council Agenda Office for Academic Affairs December, 2013 Departmental Offices (December) (May) May, 2014 IIE 2.11 HSC and SON provide and support an environment that encourages faculty teaching, scholarship, service, and practice in keeping with the mission, goals, and expected faculty outcomes. IIF Internal and external sources of funding available for faculty development in research, instruction, practice/service. Expected outcomes for faculty role engagement are clearly defined 100% of the time. Consultants are regularly utilized for program review. Funded faculty research Associate Dean for Research Faculty development programs/appointments Associate Dean for Academic Affairs Consultants Department Chairs Faculty Handbook has faculty role delineation, promotion and tenure Faculty Assembly Assistant Dean for Administration Annual (September) Faculty Council Agenda October, 2013 SON Business Office Responsible for Collection Schedule Actual Outcome Action Plan Collection & Analysis STANDARD III - PROGRAM QUALITY: CURRICULUM, TEACHING-LEARNING PRACTICES AND INDIVIDUAL STUDENT LEARNING OUTCOMES 3.1 The curriculum is Curricula are 100% Minutes of Faculty Faculty Assembly Annual (September) Faculty Council developed, implemented, consistent with the SON Assembly Agenda and revised to reflect clear mission and goals. Faculty Council statements of expected Minutes of COUS September, 2013 student outcomes that are Curriculum reflects COUS congruent with the clear statements of Minutes of COGS program’s mission and student outcomes 100% COGS goals. of the time. Minutes of GSBS GSBS IIIA Minutes of Faculty Council Associate Dean for Academic Affairs Course Syllabi Evaluation Component Expected Outcome Evaluation Data Action Result Location of Document Office for Academic Affairs Program assessment data 3.2 Expected individual learning outcomes are congruent with the roles for which the program is preparing graduates. I00% of learning outcomes are consistent with roles for which the program prepares students. IIIA 3.3 Curricula are developed, implemented, and revised to reflect relevant professional nursing standards and guidelines, which are clearly evident within the curriculum and within the expected student outcomes (individual and aggregate). Expected learning outcomes COUS Annual (September) Faculty Council Agenda COGS Minutes of COUS and COGS September, 2013 Course syllabi Curricula are 100% consistent with: Minutes of Faculty Assembly BSN: The Essentials of Baccalaureate Education for Professional Nursing Practice (AACN 2008) Minutes of COUS MSN: The Essentials of Master’s Education in Nursing (AACN, 2011) Minutes of Faculty Council Faculty Assembly Annual (September) Faculty Council Agenda Faculty Council September, 2013 COUS Minutes of COGS COGS Minutes of GSBS GSBS IIIB Course Syllabi MSN and DNP: Criteria for Evaluation of Nurse Practitioner Programs (NTF, 2012) DNP: The Essentials of Doctoral Education for ANP (AACN, 2006) Other standards of practice (graduate and Program assessment data Associate Dean for Academic Affairs Office for Academic Affairs Evaluation Component Expected Outcome Evaluation Data Responsible for Collection & Analysis Collection Schedule Actual Outcome Action Plan Action Result Location of Document undergraduate programs) 3.4 The curriculum is logically structured to achieve expected student outcomes. IIIC 100% of the baccalaureate curriculum builds upon a foundation of the arts, sciences, and humanities. 100% of the master’s curricula build on a foundation comparable to baccalaureate level nursing knowledge. Program’s course sequence Faculty Assembly Annually (October) Faculty Council Agenda Office for Academic Affairs Faculty Council Graduation/retention rates COUS October, 2013 Minutes of meetings COGS NCLEX pass rates Associate Dean for Academic Affairs Certification pass rates 100% of the DNP curricula build on a baccalaureate and/or master’s foundation, depending on the level of entry of the student. 100% of post-masters APRN certificate programs build on graduate level nursing competencies and knowledge base. 3.5 Teaching-learning practices and environments support achievement of expected student outcomes. 90% of students rate teaching-learning experiences sufficient to achieve expected student outcomes for each course. Student course evaluations (classroom, clinical, teacher) 90% of the planned clinical practice experiences enable students to integrate new knowledge and demonstrate attainment of program outcomes. Agency Evaluations Associate Dean for Academic Affairs Every semester: Faculty Council Agenda Office for Academic Affairs (December) Department Chairs December, 2013 (May) May, 2014 IIID 3.6 The curriculum includes planned clinical practice experiences that enable students to integrate new knowledge and demonstrate attainment of program outcomes; and are evaluated by faculty. III E 100% of the planned clinical practice experiences are evaluated by faculty. Associate Dean for Academic Affairs Every semester: Faculty Council Agenda (December) Department Chairs December, 2013 (May) May, 2014 Office for Academic Affairs Evaluation Component Expected Outcome 3.7 Curriculum and teaching-learning practices consider the needs and expectations of the identified community of interest. 90% of students, faculty, and employers agree that teachinglearning practices meet their needs and expectations for each program. Evaluation Data Student exit surveys Alumni evaluation of program Faculty course evaluations Responsible for Collection & Analysis Associate Dean for Academic Affairs Collection Schedule Every semester: Actual Outcome Action Plan Faculty Council Agenda Action Result Location of Document Official minutes kept in Dean’s Suite (December) Associate Dean for Admissions and Student Services (May) December, 2013 COUS Every semester: COGS (December) May, 2014 IIIF Student course evaluations 3.8 Individual student performance is evaluated by faculty and reflects achievement of expected student outcomes. IIIG 3.9 Evaluation policies and procedures for individual student performance are defined and consistently applied. Faculty evaluate student performance 100% of the time. 100% of faculty evaluations of students reflect achievement of expected student outcomes. 100% of evaluation policies are written, clearly communicated to students and applied consistently. Course syllabievaluation criteria Examines learning activities, and clinical evaluation tools are reflective of expected learning outcomes Office for Academic Affairs December, 2013 (May) May, 2014 Course syllabi COUS Every semester: Student evaluation of courses COGS (December) Faculty Council Agenda Office for Academic Affairs December, 2013 Departmental Offices (May) Student performance evaluations IIIG Faculty Council Agenda May, 2014 Examples of student work 3.10 Curriculum and teaching-learning practices are evaluated at regularly scheduled intervals to foster ongoing improvement. 100 % of curriculum and teaching- learning practices are evaluated regularly to foster ongoing improvement. TPSEP Faculty Council Course meeting minutes Faculty Assembly Student evaluations COUS minutes COGS minutes Faculty Council Agenda May, 2014 COUS COGS IIIH Annual (May) Office for Academic Affairs Responsible for Collection Schedule Actual Outcome Collection & Analysis STANDARD IV -PROGRAM EFFECTIVENESS: AGGREGATE STUDENT PERFORMANCE AND FACULTY ACCOMPLISHMENTS 4.1 A systematic process The SON TPSEP is Program assessment Evaluation Specialist Annual (September) is used to determine reviewed annually and data and analysis in program effectiveness. outcomes are evaluated WEAVE on-line Associate Dean for to determine program Academic Affairs IVA effectiveness. Evaluation Component 4.2 Program completion rates demonstrate program effectiveness. Expected Outcome Graduation rates for each program are greater than 90%. Exit Surveys Alumni surveys Certification Pass Rates NCLEX Associate Dean for Academic Affairs NCLEX-RN pass rates are greater than 90%. Reports from TBON and certification bodies Associate Dean for Academic Affairs Evaluation Specialist IVB 4.3 Licensure and certification pass rates demonstrate program effectiveness. IVC Evaluation Data Annual (September) Action Plan Faculty Council Agenda Action Result Location of Document Office for Academic Affairs October, 2013 Faculty Council Agenda Office for Academic Affairs October, 2013 Annual (September) Faculty Council Agenda Office for Academic Affairs October, 2013 Certification examination pass rates by specialty are greater than 90%. 4.4 Employment rates demonstrate program effectiveness. IVD Employments rates for each program are 90% after 1 year and 80% after 3 years Exit and Alumni Surveys 4.5 Program outcomes demonstrate program effectiveness. Aggregate student outcome data are reported to faculty annually. Program assessment data and analysis in WEAVE on-line Annual (September) Associate Dean for Academic Affairs Associate Deans Faculty Council Agenda Office for Academic Affairs October, 2013 Annual (September) Faculty Assembly Agenda Official minutes kept in Dean’s Suite October, 2013 IVE Assembly in September evidencing evaluation of the programs at 90% 4.6 Faculty outcomes, individually and in the aggregate demonstrate program effectiveness. IVF 100% of faculty’s teaching is evaluated annually. Faculty effectiveness is rated by students with a minimum mean of 4.0 or higher on a 1–5 scale with 5 being highest 100% of faculty with greater than 50% appointments are engaged in scholarly Aggregate faculty data as relates to teaching effectiveness, scholarly activity and faculty practice Department Chairs Associate Dean for Research Vice Dean for Practice and Engagement Annual (January) Faculty Council Agenda January, 2014 Departmental Offices Responsible for Collection Schedule Actual Outcome Collection & Analysis STANDARD IV -PROGRAM EFFECTIVENESS: AGGREGATE STUDENT PERFORMANCE AND FACULTY ACCOMPLISHMENTS activity and/or practice/service activities. Evaluation Component Expected Outcome Evaluation Data 4.7 The program defines and reviews formal complaints according to established policies. 100% of formal complaints that indicate a need for program improvement result in appropriate faculty or administrative action being taken. Formal complaints Faculty/administrative action taken 100% of program assessment data is reviewed by faculty and program improvements are documented. Program assessment data and analysis in WEAVE on-line IVG 4.9 Data analysis is used to foster ongoing program improvement. IVH Faculty Administration Action Result Location of Document Faculty Council Agenda October, 2013 Office of Admission and Student Services Office for Academic Affairs Evaluation Specialist Associate Dean for Academic Affairs Faculty Council Faculty Assembly COUS COGS Revised August 26, 2013 Annual (September) Action Plan Annual (September) Faculty Council Agenda October, 2013 Office for Academic Affairs