Educational Program Structure - Session 2 Program Philosophy Annual transition conference: Transportation (Program name and provided & dinner contact information) prepared and presented by the students in a program. Raffles. What is Working? Door-to door transportation for MTP meetings. Yonkers- Richard Bergen Collaborating with outside agencies. Linking with colleges Jeff KocalskiSUNYU Buffalobring in recent grads to talk Michael Milliman – Highland / Marlboro Brochure Transition I & II classes for general and special ed students Applications/ resumes Program Evaluation Field trips to worksites/workforce Increase in VESID referrals Tracking “afterschool” life journeys of students in collaboration with SUNY Potsdam mmyers@msc.k12.ny .us Job Coaches Student Input Quarterly Internship Meetings – ?What works? / What doesn’t? (Williamsville) Transition Advisory Council Meetings – (Erie 2 BOCES) Strategic Planning Resource Allocation Human Resource Development Assessing the students within the transition process – resumes, applications, cover letters, etc. Richard Bergen – Yonkers Hiring a guidance counselor who is specific to special ed Hire a vocational specialist specifically to work with the special ed students ( through the grant) Using UB to teach “Limited seating” in notices to set the tone of importance. Providing food, raffles, beverages Transportation- helps to get the students/ parents @ outside meetings. Counselor is partner in transition program. Keys to your Future (non- college) and Recipe for College Success. Student conferences sponsored by county BOCES transition program. Transition brochure for planning for parent conference. Work program – Self-addressed stamped envelope – helps to get paperwork back. Invite all MTP partners to Board Meeting – including director of curriculum planning. Existing human resources (transition staff) Williamsville Central School Newsletter- Scio CS – Doug Looney Close proximity to services to districts Embedded Coordinators in classroom (Patty Bennett – OCM BOCES; Kristin Duclek WSC schools) Survey to students to met & get ideas (Theresa Stromberg, Scio) Newsletters Real life authentic experiences College shadowing Visitations – District Transports Williamsville Transition Fair Speakers, Dr. Ellen Arnold (Best Practices in Transition) Erie 2 BOCES Student Empowerment What doesn’t work? Trying to follow through with the transportation piece of the grant VESID counselors with too much on plate. Not enough time. Slow process to get needed items Individuals doing individual activities (no collaboration) Planning – not well directed and thought out, no three year plan for grant. Need more help within districts Challenges? Getting the student actively engaged Students struggle with what is beyond today Parent attitude Role clarification, Different inventories are being used w/in the grant ( with different districts involved) VESID – promoting the name Finding real-life success stories Transportation w/in the families and w/in the grant. Educating the parents Guidance folks seem to overlook the students who need the most help. MTP did not develop It is a work in progress, where do we go? Follow-through on the district/ buildings. Contract amendments ( 2 mo turnaround) Selling of the philosophy of transition to the students Relate it to real-life experiences. Lack of funding for stipends for internships/ work stipends. Too many additional duties Coming in as an outsider is a problem. Budget amendments Realistic expectations of day to day life ( trying to get the students to understand what is really in store) Finding best practices to meet our population. Individuals doing “own” thing. How to turn individual practice into school policy? Space to work in Lack of computers $ vs. Business office Not enough staff for programs. Staff development / trainings needed, mission statement before beginning. allocation. Working with IEP diploma track students within school day. Lack of education on our roles Getting parents involved. (Mt. Vernon) How to address illegal immigration students within the project? Integration w/ Regents Students MTP vs NYSED Philosophy MTP (Transition ) needs to be part of curriculum Colleges New relationships or Ethan Allen Staffing ( Employment collaborations Agency) established? OMRDD (Be specific) Agencies: Gateway Industries VESID ARC RCAL (Resource Center for Accessible Living) Business Sector Yes- through local groups and deal & Brighton Schools (epilepsy foundation) Using district Teacher Center to explain process - Teachers get paid for learning about transition MCC – RIT Using parent network seminars as free teaching opportunities Using school tech classes to video tape conference for later viewing. steal Speakers- VESID, Military, Apprentice Unions, Job Corps, Agencies, SelfEmployment ( Door Prizes, fast paced, Erie 2 BOCES) Follow-up activities OMRDD – come in to educate the staff VESID – come in to educate the staff as well. Getting guidance to believe the special education students are their students as well. Network to find out how others are networking Checklist to make sure every student has received a VESID application Administrative training Continue to push VESID – and help to understand. Timetable to reallocate $$ What are good evaluation strategies? How to evaluate what is working? Need verification – what’s allowable regarding independent agencies Listserve Sharing with non- MTP districts. Developing program evaluation To share with non-MTP districts Develop initial philosophy for local MTP group Need a “plan” ie an IEP for the MTP Needed Information/ Tech. Assistance needs? Network for all MTP grants On-line sharing Assessment / Learning tools: Career Scope, Guidance, Regional training Timely information about grant availability after 3 1/2 years. VESID counselors’ caseload does not allow enough flexibility – aligning schedules with outside agencies 7:30-2:30 vs 9:00 – MECCA from Conover, Career zone (free) visiting schools? Additional Issues? 5:00. Long term notice about conferences and trainings. Need more specific guide (specific focus) Have VESID come in and provide informative presentations to the teaching staff. Deal & Steal website Rural vs Urban – possibly a division for conferencing based on district similarities / geographies Where is the funding??