Manufacturing Technology Platform (MTP)
MTP Theme: Key Technologies
The goal of the IMS Sustainable Supply Chain Management MTP is to contribute to a 30%
improvement of end to end supply chain logistics, with particular attention to energy efficiency,
environmental responsibility, social responsibility, risk management, and security.
Initiative Title: Sustainable Supply Chain Management (SSCM)
Richard K. Bank
Sustainable Supply Chain Foundation
Manufacturing Technology Platform (MTP)
1.1 R&D OBJECTIVES ................................................................................................................. 3
1.2 OVERVIEW OF THE INITIATIVE ............................................................................................ 4
1.3 PLANNED WORK, RESOURCES AND TIMING ....................................................................... 4
1.3.1 PLANNED WORK .................................................................................................................. 4
1.3.2 RESOURCES.......................................................................................................................... 5
1.3.3 TIMING ................................................................................................................................. 6
1.4 PARTICIPATING REGIONS, PROJECTS INVOLVED AND PARTNERS .................................... 6
1.5 CONTACT INFORMATION ...................................................................................................... 6
Manufacturing Technology Platform (MTP)
Initiative Title: Sustainable Supply Chain Management
1.1 Background & Motivation
This document with a “Rev” filename extension is a working draft. Comments and ideas
are welcome.
Sustainable supply chain management involves integrating environmentally and
financially viable practices into the complete supply chain lifecycle, from product design
and development, to material selection, (including raw material extraction or agricultural
production), manufacturing, packaging, transportation, warehousing, distribution,
consumption, return and disposal. Environmentally sustainable supply chain
management and practices can assist organizations in not only reducing their total
carbon footprint, but also in optimizing their end-to-end operations to achieve greater
cost savings and profitability. All supply chains can be optimized using sustainable
For many organizations logistics supply chains may have a far greater impact on the
environment that any other part of their operations, such as manufacturing. While most
corporate and public focus has been on the sustainable profile of a product, (i.e. its
source and whether it is recyclable), there is a need to spotlight and to understand the
sustainability issues related to the transportation and distribution of those products.
Due to commercial, regulatory, and competitiveness pressures, there is the need for
global collaboration in the area of sustainable supply chain management. As a starting
point, the two co-leaders of this IMS MTP project lead signature umbrella research
efforts in this field in their respective IMS regions. These are the Sustainable Supply
Chain Foundation of the USA which is dedicated to the topic and the Zaragoza Logistics
Center in Europe which is launching a European Technology Platform on supply chain
logistics which will bring industry together to help the European Commission shape
future research call topics within Horizon 2020.
1.2 R&D Objectives
The following Objectives are brainstorming.
Please review, comment, add, delete,
Objective 1: To conduct market research to identify industry SSCM research needs
and concerns with the intent to develop abstracts/recommendations to funding bodies for
future research call topics
Objective 2: Identify and formalize key sustainability logistics metrics for energy
savings, efficiency, resilience, security and social responsibility in the warehouse itself
Manufacturing Technology Platform (MTP)
(structure), as well as in the manufacturing and assembling processes (and other value
added services) which take place in the warehouse as an extension of the
manufacturing which occurs in the principal factory or manufacturing facility.
Objective 3: Analyze supply chains to optimize “how to transport” and “what to
Objective 4: Apply the concepts developed to industrial use cases and evaluate the
Objective 5: Create a metrics-based sustainability assessment service, with
independent verification.
Objective 6: Exploit and disseminate the results to scientific and industrial organisations
including standardisation bodies.
1.3 Overview of the Initiative
This MTP project is designed as an umbrella initiative, under which a number of ongoing research projects in the participating regions can collaborate. It will amplify
existing activities and organizations such as the MIT Global Scale Network and the
Sustainable Supply Chain Foundation, by using the IMS member regions to further
expand the nature and number of participants tackling this multi-aspect problem.
Participants will play roles ranging from research, certification services, industrial pilots,
standardization, and dissemination.
1.4 Planned Work, Resources and Timing
The MTP initiative will include the following activities:
1.4.1 Planned Work
Activity 1 – Shaping the Initiative
This activity will consist of two major phases. First, the background of each participating
project (and/or partner) will be documented as it relates to SSCM. These contributions
will be assembled into the first MTP deliverable (D1 – SSCM Baseline) which will serve
as a common reference point for the project and initiate the process of sharing best
Once the baseline is established and the partners fully understand each
other’s capabilities and commercial interests, the second phase will be the confirmation
of the targeted project foreground. This will result in D2 – SSCM Objectives & IPR
Considerations which will refine the objectives in this project description to make them
pointed, quantifiable, and with responsibility assigned. In addition, this deliverable will
revisit IPR aspects to ensure all partners agree on treatment of the foreground.
Manufacturing Technology Platform (MTP)
Activity 2 – Conducting the Research
Activity 2 will conduct the targeted research in support of the objectives identified in D2
and that prepare the project for demonstration activities. This phase will result in one
consolidated deliverable (D3 – Research Results). If any particular result is IPR
sensitive, a “declassified” summary will be included in the consolidated document. This
phase will also include preparation for the pilot activities to ensure all planning aspects
are finalized.
Activity 3 – Creating an Assessment Service
This activity will result in one consolidated deliverable (D3 – Assessment Services). The
service will use the metrics defined in Activity 2, and will be validated by an independent
party, to be determined.
Activity 4 – Workshops and Dissemination
International workshops are planned during the period of this initiative once a year.
Members of the initiative will organise sessions during relevant conferences. Conjoint
papers will also be published in scientific journals etc.
Activity 5 – Contribution to Standardisation
Standardisation of the reference models and metrics coming from this research will be
contributed to standardization committees as deemed appropriate during the course of
the work.
1.4.2 Resources
Indicative resource requirements for these activities are:
Manufacturing Technology Platform (MTP)
1.4.3 Timing
Activity 1
Activity 2
Activity 3
Activity 4
Activity 5
Jan- June
Jan- June
Jan- June
1.5 Participating Regions, Projects involved and Partners
This IMS MTP initiative involves partners from three regions; Europe, Mexico and the
Sustainable Supply Chain Foundation
Zaragoza Logistics Center?
MIT Center for Transportation and Logistics?
1.6 Contact Information
Richard K. Bank
Sustainable Supply Chain Foundation
1818 N St. NW, Suite 400
Washington, DC 20036