S. Roger Horman `68 - Randolph

PO Box 419
Dahlgren, Virginia 22448
(Home) 540-775-4839
(Cell) 540-408-3636
(email) shorman@crosslink.net
BS in Physics from Randolph-Macon College, 1968
MA in Physics from Williams College 1973
Numerous short courses on E-O, Radar, Systems Engineering, Program Management, EEO,
Supervisory Skills, COR Responsibilities, Management for Change and Leadership
DAWIA III Certified
PRESIDENT, RHI 4/04 – Present
Consultant to ONR 351, Asymmetric Defense Project
Principal Scientist, Theater Sensors Division, NSWCDD 7/97 – 4/04
Responsible for management and technical products of these multi-disciplinary projects,
including elements of sensing, tracking, engagement, communications, weapons design,
aerodynamics, warhead design:
ONR351 Asymmetric Defense Project, 10/02-4/04
ONR 351 Naval Fire Support Project 10/96-9/02
Shipboard Fire Control Exploratory Research Programs, 7/91 to 9/96
For ONR 351:
- Interactive Adaptation of Fire Control Sensors to the Environment
- Multi-Sensor Detection
- Multi-Sensor Tracking
- Focal Plane Array Non-Uniformity Compensation Sensor
- Low Elevation Track Filter
- Superresolution
- Laser Radar
For ONR 31:
- Multi-Function RF Sensor Component Feasibility Analysis
- Digital Array Radar
For Others:
Member, JDL/TAP Surface Based Radars Subcommittee, 6/91 to 9/96
Manager, Special Access Projects, 4/92 to 9/94
-Electro-Optical Project
-Passive RF Project
-Active RF Project
NSWCDD Scientific Needs and Technological Opportunities Focus Team 11/92 to 4/04
Manager and Systems Engineer, Sensor Systems, ZEN WARRIOR 5/91 to 9/92
Head, Electro-Optical Systems Branch 10/85 to 7/91: about 35 scientists, engineers and
Program Manager for SEAFIRE (II) 8/83 to 10/85
Group Leader, CW and Target Signatures Group 7/79 to 8/83
-Program Manager and Project Engineer for CW Scanning Alarm 10/79 to 8/83
-Program Manager, AN/KAS-1 CWDD, Exploratory Development through Production
10/80 to 8/83
-Project Engineer, Navy Target Signatures Program and High Energy Laser Programs 10/75
to 9/79
Project Engineer, Special E-O Sensors, Project HAVE NAME, 5/79 to 11/80
Lead Engineer, Joint Service Development of the Target Signature FLIR 9/76 to 7/78
Project Engineer, Chemical Warfare Advance Warning Program, 6/74 to 10/80
JPD, 7/73 to 6/74
Meteorological Observer, US Army, 11/68-10/70
 CW Advance Warning Sensor - Now on every Navy ship
 Non-Uniformity Correction Focal Plane Array Sensor
2003 Peer Recognition Award
John Adolphus Dahlgren Award 2002
2002 Peer Recognition Award
Outstanding Performance Award 1998
Science and Technology Excellence Award 1997
Superior Civilian Service Award 1997
Outstanding Performance Award 1997
Outstanding Performance Award 1996
Outstanding Performance Award 1995
Outstanding Performance Award 1994
Outstanding Performance Award 1993
Invention Award 1992
Outstanding Performance Award 1992
SECNAV Commendation for Significant Contributions During Desert Shield/Desert Storm
Outstanding Performance Award 1991
Superior Performance Award 1990
Superior Performance Award 1989
Outstanding Performance Award 1988
Invention Award 1988
Outstanding Performance Award 1987
Letter of Appreciation from NSWC Detachment 206 dtd 5 December 1987
Special Act or Service Award 1986
Superior Performance Award 1985
Meritorious Civilian Service Award, November, 1984
Sustained Superior Performance Award, 1984
Special Act or Service Award 1984
Group Achievement Award, February, 1984
Letter of Appreciation from C.O. NWSC Crane dtd 11 January 1983
Outstanding Performance Award 1983
Letter of Appreciation from NSWC Detachment 206 dtd 11 September 1982
Outstanding Performance Award 1982
Outstanding Performance Award 1981
Letter of Appreciation from CNO dtd 30 October 1980
Letter of Commendation from NAVSEA dtd 5 November 1979
Letter of Commendation from Commanding General USA White Sands Missile Range,
19 January 1979
Letter of Commendation from the Undersecretary of Defense dtd 10 July 1978
Letter of Commendation from ASN dtd 25 September 1978
Letter of Commendation from CNO dtd 17 August 1978
Letter of Commendation from the Office of the Test Director, Joint Services EO Guided
Weapons CM Test Program, USA White Sands Missile Range dtd 21 July 1978
Outstanding Performance Award 1976
Outstanding Performance Award 1975
Official Navy Technical Reports, Journal Articles, Juried Symposium Papers and Juried Proceedings
1. “False Alarm Mitigation for Hard-limited Waveforms Using Clutter Adaptive Threshold Control,” G.
Lefurjah, M. Levitas, P. Smith, B. Spaulding – Technology Service Corporation; J. Stapleton, S.R.
Horman – NSWCDD, Jun 2002.
2. Naval Surface Warfare Center, Dahlgren Division Technical Digest.. “DAR Technology for volume
Surveillance Radar Applications.” Ron Stapleton, Roger Horman and Harold Szu. 2001.
3. 1999 Aerosense Symposium of SPIE, vol 3698, p. 12-23. Invitation by Martin Kahmi, Technical
Director Test and Evaluation and Technology Requirements. “Seaborne Electro-Optical Sensors
and Their Technologies” by S.R. Horman, et. al., Jul 1999.
4. Record of the 45th Annual Tri-Service Radar Symposium, “Clutter-Adaptive Sensitivity Optimization
of the AN/SPY-1 Radar and Its Implications for Clutter Suppresion and Low-Elevation Target
Detection,” M.D. Young, S.R. Horman, J.K. Stapleton, V.R. Wiss – NSWCDD; G. Lefurjah, PR.
Smith, B. Spaulding – Technology Service Corporation, Jun 1999.
5. Naval Surface Warfare Center, Dahlgren Division Technical Digest. “Remote Detection of Chemical
Warfare Agents: Advanced Research to Full Scale production of the AN/KAS-1.” S.R. Horman,
6. Proceedings of the International Society for Optical Engineering AEROSENSE 97, “Uniformity
Compensation For High Quantum Efficiency Focal Plane Arrays”, S.R. Horman, et.al., April, 1997.
7. NATO AGARDOGRAPH 337, Multi-Sensor Multi-Target Data Fusion, Tracking and Identification
Techniques for Guidance and Control Applications, “Interactive Integration of Passive Infrared and
Radar Horizon Surveillance Sensors to Extend Acquisition and Firm Track Ranges,” S.R. Horman,
October, 1996.
8. Proceedings of the International Society for Optical Engineering AEROSENSE 96, “Uniformity
Compensation For High Quantum Efficiency Focal Plane Arrays”, S.R. Horman, et.al., April, 1996.
9. Proceedings of the American Society of Naval Engineers, “Design of a Real-time Multisensor Search
and Track System for the Detection and Tracking of Low-Flying Anti-Ship Cruise Missiles”, R.
Pawlak, S.R. Horman, et.al., March, 1996.
10. Proceedings of the 42nd National IRIS Symposium, “Uniformity Compensation For High Quantum
Efficiency Focal Plane Arrays,” S.R. Horman, et.al., 1994.
11. "Application of Advanced IR Focal Plane Array Uniformity Compensation to Commercial
Applications". S. R. Horman. Proceedings of the Symposium on Commercialization of Defense
Tcchnology by Small Business, 22 March 1994.
12. "Interactive Integration of Passive Infrared and Radar Horizon Surveillance Sensors To Extend
Acquisition and Firm Track Ranges", Proceedings of the 7th AGARD Guidance and Control
Symposium. October, 1993.
13. Record of the 39th Annual Tri-Service Radar Symposium, "Interactive Integration of Passive
Infrared and Radar Horizon Surveillance Sensors to Extend Acquisition and Firm Track Range", S.R.
Horman. et.al., June, 1993.
14. Proceedings of the 40th National Infrared Information Symposium, " Multi-Sensor Detection:
Extension of Battlespace Through Interactive Integration of RF and IR Sensors", S.R. Horman, et.al.,
May, 1993.
15. Proceedings of the 6th National Sensor Fusion Symposium, "Interactive Integration of Passive
Infrared and Radar Horizon Surveillance Sensors", S.R. Horman, et.al., April, 1993.
16. Proceedings of the Advanced Radar Conference, "Interactive Integration of Passive Infrared and
Radar Horizon Surveillance Sensors to Extend Acquisition and Finn Track Range". S.R. Horman,
November, 1992.
17. NSWC TR 90-101, Advanced Infrared Sensor for Counter-Stealth Applications, K.C. Hepfer, S.R.
Horman, et.al., February, 1990.
18. Proceedings of the 30th National IRIS Symposium, "Development and Evaluation of the AN/KAS-1
Chemical Warfare Directional Detector", S.R. Horman, May 1982.
19. NATO Panel VII Working Paper AC/225 (PVII) WP/159, "The Chemical Warfare Directional
Detector, S.R. Horman, October 1981.
20. NSWC TR 80-438, Evaluation of a Modified AN/TAS-4 FLIR as a Chemical Warfare Advanced
Warning Sensor, S.R. Horman, et. al., December 1980.
21. NSWC TR 79-132, The Infrared Spectral Absorption Characteristics of Selected Common Minerals,
S.R. Horman, et. al., November, 1980.
22. NSWC TR 79-134, Seasonally Dependent Background Signatures in a Littoral Environment, B.J.
Vastag, S.R. Horman and B. Gardner, November, 1980.
23. 13. NSWC TR 80-124, SEAFIRE Target Augmentation Study, S.R. Horman and S.B. Herndon, May
24. 14. NSWC TR 80-6, Radiance Distributions of Selected Dynamic Air Targets and Backgrounds,
S.R. Horman, et. al., January 1980.
25. 15. Proceedings of the IRIS Symposium on Infrared Countermeasures" Infrared Spatial Radiometric
Signatures from the PAVE PRISM, Phase 1A", S.R. Horman. et. al., November 1979.
26. 16. NSWC TR 79-126, Infrared Signatures from the NOSP III Tests: A Preliminary Report, S.R.
Horman, et. al., September, 1979.
27. 17. Proceedings of the Seventeenth IRIS Symposium on Infrared Countermeasures, 3-5 April 1979,
"Infrared Spectral Radiant Intensity Measurements of Several Air Targets from the NOSP III Tests",
B.J. Vastag, S.R. Horman, et. al., June 1979.
28. 18. Proceedings of the Seventeenth IRIS Symposium on Infrared Countermeasures, 3-5 April 1979,
"Infrared Spatial Radiometric Imagery from the NOSP III Test", S.R. Horman, et. al., June 1979.
29. 19. Proceedings of the Sixteenth IRIS Symposium on Infrared Countermeasures, 4-6 April 1978,
30. Spectral Radiant Intensity Measurements of Dynamic Air Targets", S.R. Horman, et. al., May, 1979.
31. NSWC/DL TR-3940, Measurement of Normalized Spectral Responses with a Continuously Variable
Filter, S.R. Horman and B.J. Vastag, January 1979.
32. NSWC/DL TR-3909, OPTRAN: A Computer Code for the Optimization of Electro-Optical Sensor
Response, S.R. Horman and W.J. Taczak, January 1979.
33. NSWC/DL TR-3895, The Feasibility of an 8-12 Micrometer Scanning Sensor as a Chemical Warfare
Agent Sensor, W.J. Taczak, S.R. Horman, et. al., November 1979.
34. NSWC/DL TR-3894, Technical Evaluation of the Spectral Filter Wheel Concept for Chemical
Warfare Advance Warning Against High Explosive and Chemically Filled Projectiles, W.J. Taczak,
S.R. Horman, et. al., November, 1978.
35. NSWC TR-3942, Calibration of a Michelson Interferometer Spectrometer, B.J. Vastag and S.R.
Horman, November, 1978.
36. NSWC/DL TR-3918, The Infrared Absorption Characteristics of Carbon Fibers, S.R. Horman,
November 1978.
37. Proceedings the Joint Meeting of the IRIS Specialty Groups on Infrared Detectors and Imaging,
13-15 June 1978, "A Comparison of Experimental and Simulated Radiometric Thermal Imagers of
Air Targets", D.C. Frontcrhouse, S.R. Horman, et. al., August 1978.
38. NSWC/DL TR-3840, 8-12 Micrometer Radiometric Imagery from the Unified Navy Field Test
Program. D.E. Troyer, S.R. Horman, et. al., June 1978.
39. NSWC/DL TR-3813, High Resolution Radiometric Thermal Imagery of Several Dynamic Air
Targets, D.E. Troyer, S.R. Horman, et. al., June 1978.
40. NSWC/DL TR-3814, 8-12 Micrometer Infrared Signatures of F-4 and A-7 Aircraft in Flight, D.E.
Troyer, S.R. Horman, et.al., June 1978.
41. NSWC/DL TR-3706, Spectrally Filtered FLIR as an Advance Warning Sensor of Chemical Agent
Attack, S.R. Horman, et. al., May, 1978.
42. NSWC/DL TR-3662, Occurrence and Distribution of the Major Minerals Along the Non-polar
Coastlines of the World, S.R. Horman and R.E. Weems, June 1977.
43. NSWC/DL TR-3623. Electro-Optical Target Signature Sensor System. D.E. Troyer, S.R. Horman,
et. al., May, 1977.
44. NSWC/DL TR-3547, 8 to 12 Micrometer Thermal Imagery of Soldiers in Chemical Warfare
Protective Clothing, S.R. Horman, et. al., August 1976.
45. NSWC/DL TR-3457, Remote Identification of CW Agents by Spectral Techniques: Calculation of
Cloud Emission in the Infrared, S.R. Horman, June 1976.
46. Proceedings of the Southeastern Section 25th Annual Meeting of the Geological Society of America.
"Eocene Fish and Reptiles from the Nanjemoy Formation in Maryland", S.R. Horman and R.E.
Weems, March 1976.
47. Proceedings of the IRIS Specialty Group on Infrared Imaging, 3, 4 February 1976. "The
Experimental Evaluation of a Spectrally Filtered FLIR as a Chemical Warfare Advance Warning
Sensor", S.R. Horman, et. al.
48. Proceedings of the 23rd National Infrared Information Symposium. "The Use of a FLIR/Laser
Rangefinder for Landing Craft Tracking and Control", D.E. Troyer, S.R. Horman, et. al., August
49. Proceedings of the 23rd National IRIS Symposium, "OPTRAN, A Computer Code for optimization
of EO Sensor Response", S.R. Horman, August 1975.
50. NSWC/DL TR-3313, The Detection and Tracking of Stack Effluent with a Forward Looking
Infrared Imaging Sensor. W.J. Taczak, S.R. Horman, et. al., June 1975.
51. NSWC/DL TR-3185, The 8 to 12 Micrometer Spatial and Temporal Characteristics of Exhaust
Radiation from U.S. Navy 5 and 8 Inch Guns. S.R. Horman, et. al., April 1975.
52. NWL TR-3184, Detection and Tracking of Chemical Warfare Agent Simulants with an 8 to 12
Micrometer Forward Looking Infrared (FLIR) System, W.J. Taczak, S.R. Horman, et. al., September
53. NWL TR-3171, A Preliminary Experimental Evaluation of an 8 to 12 Micrometer FLIR as a
Biological Warfare Agent Remote Sensor, W.J. Taczak, S.R. Horman, et. al., August 1974.
54. NWL TR-2850, The Experimental Evaluation of an 8-12 Micrometer FLIR as a CW Agent Detector,
W.J. Taczak, S.R. Horman, et. al. 1973.
55. Optics Communications "Characteristics of a 30 KW Peak, 496 Micrometer, Methyl Fluoride
Laser", F. Brown, S.R. Horman, et. al. Vol. 9, 1 September 1973.