
Name: _____________________________________________________________
Global II Midterm Review Sheet
GLOBAL I Material:
1. What geographic feature has been of the most importance to early civilizations?___
_____Rivers fertile land_________________________________________
2. What is a chain of islands called? ___________Archipelago__________________
3. Give 2 examples a nation that is a chain of islands? Japan_______, __Philippines
4. What 2 geographic features have traditionally limited cultural diffusion?
* mountains
* deserts
5. A variety of cultures in a given area is due to geographic factors__
6. Define the term culture: __The beliefs and ideas of a group of people, traditions
7. The study of early (ancient) peoples is known as? __anthropology______________
8. What makes up a groups culture?__Way of life, religion, economy, food supply (all ways in
which a group lives)
9. The spread of goods and ideas from one area to another is known as? _Cultural Diffusion
10. Define hunter and gatherers ____Nomadic peoples who followed and gathered their
11. Define Neolithic Revolution _New Stone Age….Birth of farming, new technologies
12. Define Paleolithic Revolution ___Old Stone Age, hunters and gatherers__
13. Define Traditional Economy _Economy based on the past, farming, hunting and gathering,
barter system_________________________________________
14. What is the major belief of Animism?_All living and non living things have a spirit.
15. What is a griot?_Oral story teller of ancient Africa____________________
16. Written down laws are? _Codified_______________________________________
17. Who was Hammurabi? King of Babylon, Middle Eastern Kingdom__________
18. Why is he famous (be specific)? Wrote laws that set punishments for breaking the law
19. Where did the concept of Democracy arise? Athens, Greece__________________
20. Define Democracy: _Political System where the citizens have a say in gov’t and voting rights.
21. Define Totalitarian:_Government where the leader has total control over the lives of the
22. Define ABSOLUTISM: Political system in Western Europe where the King and Queen
control the nation. Rule through Divine Right (Monarchs CENTRALIZE POWER)
23.Define Golden Age: Period of wealth and peace in an empire. Many Advancements are made
in education, art and literature.
24. Name 2 advances of the Golden Age of Muslim culture
- Mathematics (algebra)________________________________________
- Advancements in science___________________________________
25. What is the Koran (Quran)? Islamic Holy Book___________________________
Draw the Feudal Hierarchy of Europe
26. Those who owned the most Land_______ held the most Power______ in Feudal
27. Define Manorialism: Economic system of Middle Ages_________________
28. Define Feudalism: Political system of the Middle Ages linking nobles and peasants
29. Describe the influence of the Roman Catholic Church during the Middle Ages.
Church was a guiding force and held a great deal of power.________
30. Define humanism: __The concept of the Renaissance which focuses on human aspects in art
and writing. Individuality
31. What was the Renaissance and when did it occur?_Turning point that educated people in
challenging authority. Reawakening of the art styles of the Ancient Greeks and Romans.
32. Name 2 famous writers of the Renaissance and what they wrote:
*_Cervantes_________, __Don Quixote__________________
*_Shakespeare________, __Romeo and Juliet__________
33. What invention will help with the spread of education and “new” ideas? _____
_Printing Press____________________________________________________
34. Who invented it?__Johnanns Gutenburg_____________________________
35. Define IMPERIALISM:_When a powerful nation takes over a weaker one for social,
political and economic benefits.
36. What 2 nations imperialized South America beginning in the late 1400s?
* Spain
* Portugal
37. What was the encomienda system? _Forced labor system used on native Americans by the
Spanish imperialists.
- India (Nepal)
- Rules followed
- Holy Books
8 Fold Path
4 Noble Truths
- To where?
- How?
Split between Hindu
and Buddhist Indians
* Korea, Japan
- travel
- War
Practice of Zen arises
- Siddartha
- 500s BCE
- Middle East
(Roman Empire)
- Jesus
10 Commandments
Persecurion of groups
Guiding force for
- after 30 CE
- Middle East
Wars (crusades)
10 Commandments
- Abraham
Development of
Christianity and
- 4000 years ago
- Mecca, Saudia
5 Pillars of Faith
* Sunni – Caliph
from descendant of
- Mohammad
- 622 CE
- India
* Shiite- Caliph from
descendent of Ali
- Aryans
Caste System
- over 5000 years
Legal discrimination
between castes
* Europe, Americas,
- Missionaries
- War
- Conquest
-Trade, Travel
* Europe, Eastern
Europe, Americas
- Missionaries
- War
- Conquest
-Trade, Travel
* Europe, Eastern
Europe, Asia,
- Missionaries
- War
- Conquest
-Trade, Travel
* East Asia, Korea,
- travel
- trade
- War
39. What are Natural Rights and who promoted this idea? Life, liberty and ownership of
property…….John Locke___________________________________________
40. What were 2 results of the Glorious Revolution in England?
* English Bill of Rights
* Limited monarchy in England
41. How did the West African Kingdoms of Africa make their wealth? (Be specific) Sub Saharan
Trade Routes…Trading Gold and Salt
GLOBAL II Material:
42. The Enlightenment and the Renaissance encouraged people to _Think and reason…challenge
authority who?_Church and Government___________
43. What was the Enlightenment and when did it occur?_Period of “new” thinking about
government and politics. Happened in 1700s.
44. Describe 2 famous people associated with the Enlightenment:
* John Locke
* Voltaire
45. What is a revolution? Event that causes change to occur
46. What are 2 examples of revolutions?
* French Revolution (1789)
* Scientific Revolution (1500-1600s)
47. What is 1 common cause of many revolutions?_Oppressed group speaks up because they are
tired of being abused.
48. What are 2 common results of revolutions?
* Majority of people gain some rights
* Change in leadership
49. The revolution that utilized OBSERVATION and REASON: Scientific_________
50. Name 2 people associated with the Scientific Revolution:
* Copernicus/ Gaileo
* Frances Bacon/ Newton
51. What was Karl Marx’s philosophy when it came to workers of the industrial revolution?
_They were used and abused) (exploited) ______
52. Who advocated for laissez fair? Adam Smith_________________________
53. Where did he write about this?_The Wealth of Nations_____________
54. What about Russia’s geography helped protect them against France’s invasion in the
1800’s?_Location, Size and Winters__________________________________
55.Why is the Protestant Reformation considered a Turning Point: _Caused there to be a change
in the relationship between European nations (ended religious unity), new religion arose, and
challenging of authority came about
56. What revolution began in Great Britain in 1750?_Industrial Revolution_______
Why?__Natural Resources available, supportive gov’t, strong economic system
57. What 2 economic systems develop due to the Industrial Revolution, and who is associated
with each:
* _Capitalism__________________________, _Adam Smith_________________
* _Socialism (Communism)________________, _Karl Marx__________________
58. Creation of labor unions and urbanization were 2 Results____________ of the
Industrial Revolution.
59. The statement, “Government, keep your hands off of big business” is most likely
associated with whom? _Adam Smith__________
60. Why did so many people support Napoleon coming to power in France: He brought
STABILITY to France.
61. What was the Congress of Vienna? _Meeting after the French Revolution in which European
leaders met to make sure a Revolution doesn’t happen in their nation…..restore order to Europe
62. What caused the Congress of Vienna to meet?_French Revolution____
63. Independence movements and unification movements were spurred by
64. What is needed for unification and independence movements to be successful?
_Strong Leaders__________________________________________________
65. What individual worked for a nonviolent independence movement in his nation?
__Gandhi- India____
66. Through what nonviolent means did __Gandhi___ encourage India’s independence
* Salt March
* Fasting
67. In many nations that were imperialized by Europeans, what group of people has
maintained control, especially in South America? Wealthy _LANDOWNERS___
68. Name 2 European nations that were unified in the 1800s:
* Italy
* Germany
69. The Boxer Rebellion occurred in what nation and WHY? _China… rid China of foreign
70. Why did European nations look to Africa to imperialize? __for natural resources so as to
make money
71. What was the race to Africa in the 1800s known as? __Scramble for Africa
72. Place the following Turning Points in chronological order (with dates)
 Crusades, French Revolution, Enlightenment, Renaissance
- Crusades (1095-1296)
- Renaissance (1300-1600)
- Enlightenment (1700s)
- French Revolution (1789-1815)
73. What nation was the “King/Queen” of Imperialism? __GREAT BRITAIN______
74. Where did they imperialize?: _North America, India, Africa, China (Sphere of Influence)