BIOLOGY OF SEX CHROMOSOMES AND THE GERM LINE: May 5th 2011 RSE George St XY Chromosome Speakers Intro – Wendy and Nick Gudrun Rappold Time 9.00-9.15 Title 9.15-9.45 The pseudoautosomal region, SHOX and disease Chair – Veronica van Heyningen Chris Tyler-Smith 9.45-10.15 Paul Burgoyne 10.15-10.45 Human Y chromosome structure: From restriction enzyme analysis to sequencing 1000 genomes Involvement of Y-encoded zinc finger transcription factors in male and female infertility COFFEE Meiosis Alec Jeffries 11.20-11.50 Why minisatellites aren't boring Chair - Adrian Bird James Turner 11.50-12.20 Meiotic silencing and mammalian infertility Kim Nasmyth 12.20-12.50 How do cells establish and maintain sister chromatid cohesion LUNCH Germ Cells and Stem cells Philippa Saunders 2.00-2.30 Chair –Niki Gray Pauline Yen 2.30-3.00 The sex chromosomes and spermatogenesis David Elliott 3.00-3.30 Roles of RNA binding proteins in germ cell development Shining a dazl-ing light on germ cell function COFFEE Ian Adams 4.00-4.30 Maintaining genetic and chromosomal stability in the developing germline Ron Mckay 4.30-5.00 Dynamic control of stem cells Closing remarks Howard Drinks reception at RSE 5.15-6.15