ACP WGC6/WP8 AERONAUTICAL COMMUNICATIONS PANEL (ACP) Working Group C – 6th meeting Toulouse, France 20 – 24 October 2003 Agenda items 6: Evaluation of potential technologies Institutional and business model aspects for a new satellite communication system Presented by Philippe Renaud Prepared by Phil Platt SUMMARY This working paper discusses some business and institutional issues that must be considered in proposing the introduction of a new satellite communication system. 1. Background The implementation of a new or improved satellite communication system may allow the provision of the extra communication capacity required to cope with the foreseeable air traffic growth. This is particularly true for data communications that will become the primary means of air/ground communication in the next decade. The current AMSS has been used for all forms of aeronautical communications for more than 10 years, including safety-related communications. The use of other systems for safety communications will require careful consideration. Work is underway in Eurocontrol and industry on the technical aspects of potential new generation satellite systems however complementary consideration has to be undertaken on the business, institutional and service requirements aspects. These are discussed below. 2. Business Aspects The use of a new generation of satellite communication system (e.g. NexSAT) could be of benefit to aviation provided it offers an adequate quality of service at an acceptable cost. In Europe such a system could provide the required future communication capacity to cope with air traffic growth and ATM improvements taking into account the existing congestion of the VHF band. In other parts of the world benefits could arise from the provision of communication for air traffic services where it has not been possible and from reducing ground infrastructure costs. A range of options exists, ranging from using an available satellite system to the development and deployment of a new satellite communication system. It is considered that the launch of a dedicated satellite will not be financially viable but options such as adding additional transponders on a new satellite may be viable. One fundamental choice that has to be made is the type of communications traffic to be supported. The overall requirements are contained in the NexSAT Mission Requirements document. This document discusses the requirements for safety and regularity of flight 1 533560589 communications only i.e. ATS and AOC, however support of non-safety communications i.e. AAC and APC may be considered necessary as part of the business justification. For NexSAT to be successful, the business case from various viewpoints has to be taken into account. These viewpoints include the following stakeholders – Airspace Users Air Traffic Service Providers Communication service providers Satellite service providers Industry 2.1 Airspace Users This set of stakeholders is crucial in the acceptance and deployment of NexSAT. As each aircraft will need to be equipped with NexSAT avionics this group will incur the greatest collective expenditure and therefore the business benefit has to be clear to them. Although the avionics could potentially reuse existing infrastructure in some aircraft, others will need to be retrofitted. Given sufficient interest amongst the airline community, NexSAT avionics may become standard Supplier Furnished Equipment, leading to lower certification and implementation costs. There is a strong relationship between the airlines and aircraft manufacturers which need to be carefully considered in developing the business needs. The Return On Investment (ROI), as calculated by each airline depending on the age and type of fleet, must be taken into account. 2.2 Air Traffic Service Provider This group of stakeholders will use the satellite communications system as enabling technology to give the airspace users a service which will be based on mandatory equipage (eventually). This will enable the ATSP to have additional means of communications when there is no alternative e.g. no VHF channels available or by enabling the provision of an ATS service in areas where it is difficult or impossible without NexSAT. Another possible scenario could be to use an improved communication service to provide better operational capability in areas where current satellite communications are being used. 2.3 Communication Service Provider A CSP will provide communication - usually in competition with other CSPs - to either the ATSP or the airspace user’s ground facility (e.g. an airline operational centre). This can be voice and/or data services. Traditionally ATSPs have owned and operated the VHF based voice service, however for data services the use of a CSP is the usual arrangement. The role of the CSP for NexSAT could follow either model depending on circumstances and ground connectivity. 2.4 Satellite Service Provider The SSP provides the space segment elements of the system comprising satellite, ground earth station and network control centre(s). The cost of using the capacity of this satellite infrastructure has to be recovered. Traditionally for the aeronautical community, this has been through a fixed levy passed on to the communication service provider who includes this in their overall cost of service. This is passed on to the airline or air traffic service provider. Another method of operating including leasing space segment to an operator (for example, as is done in leasing capacity for wide area augmentation systems). 2.5 Industry For industry to commit to developing or enhancing products to meet the requirements, they have to see a clear commitment to utilise NexSAT. For a new system, they will need to invest in the development, marketing and production process and will expect to make a reasonable return (profit) on their investment in a relevant short period. The business case should extend along the whole value chain from chip supplier to service provider. During the initial feasibility stage it is unlikely that industry will find it attractive to fund R&D and public funding may be required in the early stages. For an existing system, they will need to provide evidence of the suitability of their system to meet the requirements. For the avionics manufacturer the size of the market is an important consideration. The greater the market the more interest there is likely to be in industry, encouraging competition. The target market of aircraft will determine the size and also the expected cost of avionics. For example, the commercial airline market tends to use higher quality and higher price equipment than the general aviation market. This has to be taken into account when planning the business case. Market size will have an effect on the business case for the satellite segment provider and the communication service provider. 2.6 Cost and Benefit Assessment An important part of the business justification will be an assessment of the costs and benefits of a change in technology. It is important to estimate costs incurred in implementing or using the system for each of the stakeholders. The cost assessment has to cover all phases of the life cycle of an operational improvement from planning, research, and investment to operation. For the ATM system this has to be seen as the costs of the operational improvements to the ATM stakeholders (ATM/CNS regulators, service providers and users) and how these costs are shared. For an airline these costs include installation and operation costs. The benefits from using a technological solution must be clearly identified and preferably quantified. Benefits can accrue from various areas such as cheaper communications costs, improved efficiency through better flow of information and indirect benefits such as greater flexibility in operating times due to improved airspace capacity. Consideration must be given to the choice between a market driven option or a regulatory decision to mandate the use of satellite communications. 2.7 Business Models In considering the business case from the stakeholders’ point of view, various business models should be considered. 2.7.1 Service users Typical arrangements that may be considered include – 2.7.2 Single ATSP service provision – under this arrangement an ATSP contracts with a Satellite Service Provider (SSP) for access to the space segment. Multiple ATSPs service provision – under this arrangement a number of ATSPs within a region collectively contract with a SSP for access to the space segment. This may be done via an arrangement amongst the ATSPs or via an international organisation that represents them. Airline contracts with a CSP - To an airline the use of NexSAT may be transparent apart from a potential reduction in communications charges and improved quality of service. NexSAT may be integrated into the CSP’s communications infrastructure as another air/ground medium with some specific features. Use of NexSAT could then be transparent to the airline just as today ACARS uses AMSS, VHF, or HF systems depending on the aircraft’s location. Communication/Satellite Service providers Satellite service providers Since the establishment of the current AMSS, most intergovernmental satellite organisations have privatised their business activities. This enables competition among all satellite operators and strengthens their financial foundation to better discharge their public service obligations. But it also makes them much more commercially orientated. It is extremely unlikely that a new global service would be owned and financed by the public sector or by a single operator. Therefore, any new initiative must rely on the market, competition and the involvement of all operators on a voluntary basis. Communication service providers Communication service providers make arrangements with the satellite service provider to enable them to provide a ‘better’ service. They are probably the key actors in terms of risk sharing. 3. Institutional Issues A number of institutional issues will need to be considered in using or implementing NexSAT such as – Standardisation Spectrum requirements Satellite Service Provider Service Level Agreement Inter SSP Co-ordination Certification and Approval Below is a discussion of the issues. 3.1 Standardisation 3.1.1 ICAO NexSAT is a system that is intended to provide a worldwide communication service for civil aviation. To ensure global interoperability, NexSAT has to be based on international standards. ICAO is the relevant body to develop and obtain approval of worldwide standards and recommended practices (SARPS) for NexSAT. It is important to recognise that for ACARS or FANS 1/A no ICAO standards exist. SARPs exist for the current civil aviation satellite system known as the Aeronautical Mobile Satellite Service (AMSS). It is the role of ICAO to produce generic SARPs which will be applicable not only to the current AMSS but also to new satellite systems such as NexSAT; the technical details specific to each system will be contained a in Technical Manual. This process is costly both for ICAO and for the member States that support the standardisation activity in panel meetings and working groups. To ensure that the standardisation process is not started prematurely ICAO has developed a set of acceptability criteria which any new satellite communications system must comply prior to being considered. 3.1.2 Other standards activities In addition to ICAO standards, to get to a product into operation will require additional standards or least modification to existing standards. These include Minimum Operational Performance Standards (MOPS) and Minimum Aviation System Performance Standards (MASPS) which are typically developed by EUROCAE or RTCA. A considerable amount of work has taken place in RTCA and MOPS, and guidance documents exist for satellite systems such as contained in DO-270, DO-262, DO-222, DO215A and DO-210D. This work needs to be reviewed for applicability to NexSAT. One area for consideration is the performance values included in these documents in relation to their use in high-density airspace. Other industry standards such as airline form, fit and function standards should also be reviewed or developed through the Airline Electronic Engineering Committee (AEEC). Discussion on satellite communication systems is currently taking place in the Air/Ground Communications Systems Subcommittee. This subcommittee are considering changes to ARINC Characteristic 741 and ARINC Characteristic 761 to include Inmarsat Swift64, Iridium and Globalstar. In Europe, standards related to the radio performance of the AES and GES will need to be reviewed and possibly revised or new ones developed. These are undertaken by groups such as ETSI TC-SES which is responsible for drafting standards for all types of satellite communication services including fixed, mobile and broadcasting and for all types of earth station equipment. Several documents have already been produced and one the European Norm EN 301 473 is being updated. 3.2 Spectrum To ensure protection and performance of safety and regularity of flight communications over a satellite system they must operate in a specific part of the radio spectrum, namely the aeronautical mobile-satellite (R) service (AMS(R)S). Currently provisions exist in the L-band to accommodate this requirement through the application of a footnote in the Radio Regulations. It is expected that NexSAT will utilise the appropriate part of the L-band to offer AMS(R)S. If other bands are proposed a convincing argument needs to be made that this will be suitable. Following the recent World Radio Conference (WRC 2003) several Resolutions need to be taken into account namely COM7/7 for WRC07 and COM7/B for WRC10. 3.3 SSP Service Level Agreement In offering a service for safety related communications some form of guarantee for continuity, availability and integrity of the satellite communication service should be agreed. This could include the development of a Service Level Agreement between one or more parties. In the context of a global service, a commonly agreed set of parameters may be necessary. Note: current AMSS SARPS include some technical parameters such as end-to-end performance, error rates, etc. 3.4 Inter SSP Co-ordination NexSAT could have a global service supplemented by regional services. These services could be operated by different SSPs. In these circumstances the co-ordination between the SSPs has to be defined. A range of possible options could exist such as a user being limited to the use of one SSP depending on their area of operation. Alternatively full co-ordination may be required if one SSP acts as the back-up to the other to ensure the required continuity of service. This could entail, for example, the real-time exchange of log-on information. 3.5 Certification and Approval These are important issues which have to be considered at an early stage in the development cycle. For a new system knowledge of what applications the system will be used for is very important as this will dictate the design and development methodology. If the system is intended for safety related services then guidelines such as those contained in EUROCAE ED78A (RTCA DO-164). For existing systems that were not designed for safety applications it may be possible to adopt reverse engineering to demonstrate that they have the capability to meet the requirements but this could be expensive. 4. Conclusions The Working Group is requested to – 1. Review the information in this paper and provide feedback; 2. Consider if and how these issues need to be progressed within WG-C [END]