Biographical Information of Speakers & Discussants Morning Chairman Welcome – Professor Jim Skea, PSI Jim Skea has been Director of the Policy Studies Institute since November 1998. He was previously Director of the Economic and Social Research Council's Global Environmental Change Programme and a Professorial Fellow at SPRU (Science and Technology Policy Research), University of Sussex. His main research interests are: energy/environmental policies; sustainable development; climate change; environmental regulation and technical change; and business and environment issues more generally. Introduction to the Conference – Professor Paul Ekins, PSI Paul Ekins is Head of the Environment Group at the Policy Studies Institute. He is also Professor of Sustainable Development in the School of Politics, International Relations and the Environment at Keele University; a Founder and Associate Director of the sustainable development charity Forum for the Future; Senior Consultant to Cambridge Econometrics; and a specialist adviser to the Environmental Audit Committee of the House of Commons. In 2002 he was appointed to the Royal Commission on Environmental Pollution. Paul Ekins’ academic work focuses on the conditions and policies for achieving an environmentally sustainable economy, and he has extensive experience consulting for business, government and international organisations. He is the author of numerous papers, book-chapters and articles, and has written or edited six books, the most recent of which is Economic Growth and Environmental Sustainability: the Prospects for Green Growth (Routledge, London, 2000). In 1994 Paul Ekins received a Global 500 Award ‘for outstanding environmental achievement’ from the United Nations Environment Programme. UK Energy research context – Dr John Taylor OBE, Director General Research Councils John Taylor is Director General of Research Councils in the UK Office of Science and Technology, responsible for the seven Research Councils funding research across the whole spectrum of science and technology in the UK science and engineering base. He was formerly director of Hewlett Packard Laboratories Bristol, the European arm of Hewlett Packard 's world-wide long range research laboratories, where he developed major programs of research in the areas of information utilities, information appliances and mathematics, including internet security, wireless communications, telecomms and personal digital imaging. Earlier, he led various research groups at RSRE and ASWE in areas including secure computing and communications, and command and control. He was President of the Institution of Electrical Engineers in 1998-9, and chaired the UK Technology Foresight Panel in IT Electronics and Communications until December 1998. He is an honorary fellow of Emmanuel College and sometime visiting industrial professor at Bristol University and a visiting professor at Imperial College, London. The energy System Speaker – Professor Dennis Anderson, Imperial College London Dennis Anderson is Director of the Imperial College Centre for Energy Policy and Technology (ICCEPT) and is Professor of Energy and Environmental Studies at the College. He holds degrees in engineering and economics and is a member of the Insitutes of Electrical and Mechanical Engineers and the Institute of Physics. He was previously the Energy Advisor to the World Bank, Chief Economist of Shell and an engineer in the electricity supply industry. He has published extensively on development economics, energy and the environment. Discussants Dr Dieter Helm, New College Oxford Dr Dieter Helm is a Fellow in Economics at New College, Oxford, and founding director of Oxford Economic Research Associates Ltd (OXERA). He is also a Fellow of the Institute of Energy, Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts, and Fellow of Winchester College. Dr Helm has been a Member of the DTI’s Energy Advisory Panel (1993-2003) and is Chairman of the DEFRA Academic Panel. He is Editor of The Utilities Journal and Associate Editor of the Oxford Review of Economic Policy, and has written extensively on energy matters, and recent publications include: ‘The Assessment: European Networks—Competition, Interconnection and Regulation’, Oxford Review of Economic Policy, 17:3, 2001; ‘A Critique of Renewables Policy in the UK’, Viewpoint, Energy Policy, 30:3, 2002; and ‘Security of Supply, Sustainability and Competition’, Energy Policy, 30:3, 2002. Other articles include ‘Designing Energy Policy’ (forthcoming in Energy Focus, 2002) and ‘Investment in Energy Networks: Auctions, Regulation and Planning’ published in Towards an Energy Policy, OXERA Press, (2002). He has just completed Energy, the State and the Market: British Energy Policy since 1979 published by Oxford University Press in 2003 and has advised governments, regulators, and major companies, in the UK and internationally. Jerry Ravetz, Freelance Jerry Ravetz was born in Philadelphia in 1929; He went to Swarthmore College and then to Trinity College, Cambridge, where he got his Ph.D. in Pure Mathematics. In 1957 he went to Leeds University to work in the History & Philosophy of Science, and stayed there nearly thirty years. He was the first Executive Secretary of the Council for Science and Society (1973-6). He wrote Scientific Knowledge and its Social Problems (1971, republished 1996), and (with Silvio Funtowicz) Uncertainty and Quality in Science for Policy, where the NUSAP notational system is developed. He has also collaborated with Zia Sardar (Cyberfutures, Introducing Mathematics). He is the Director of the Research Methods Consultancy Ltd. He writes and consults on issues related to Post-Normal Science, where typically 'facts are uncertain, values in dispute, stakes high and decisions urgent' Details on his work can be found at:: Energy Efficiency Speaker - Professor John Chesshire, SPRU Now Honorary Professor at SPRU, Sussex University, where he worked for 27 years. From 1986-97, he led the SPRU Energy Programme and co-directed the ESRC Centre for Science, Technology, Energy and Environment Policy (STEEP). He is an Associate Fellow, Environmental Change Institute, Oxford University; and Visiting Professor, City University. He co-edits the EU’s Annual Energy Review and advises the European Commission, OECD, the National Audit Office and several European governments. For 22 years he advised several House of Commons select committees. He is now a member of the Government’s Energy Advisory Panel; Chairman of the Energy Efficiency Partnership for Homes; Deputy Chairman of the Government’s Fuel Poverty Advisory Group; Chairman of Eaga Partnership Charitable Trust; and Chairman of the National Energy Foundation. He is a past President of the Institute of Energy. Discussants Jeremy Eppel, DEFRA Jeremy Eppel is Head of the DEFRA’s Sustainable Energy Policy Division (SEP), responsible for policy on household, business and public sector energy efficiency, CHP, fuel poverty, the climate change levy agreements and sponsorship of the Carbon Trust and Energy Saving Trust. From October 1992 to November 2000 he was Counsellor to the Environment Director of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) in Paris, where he was responsible for advising on the strategic direction of the OECD’s Environment Programme and its relations with other international organisations and business, NGO and trade union stakeholders. He also played a major role in the development of the OECD’s programme on sustainable development, and was in charge of its work on sustainable consumption and production for five years. Before moving to OECD, Jeremy Eppel occupied a number of posts in the Departments of the Environment and Transport, dealing with policy on: business and the environment (as secretary of the first Advisory Committee on Business and the Environment, ACBE); local authority housing and local government finance; waste management; marine pollution; and railways. Dr Elizabeth Shove, University of Lancaster Elizabeth Shove is a Senior Lecturer in Sociology at Lancaster University. She has written about energy use in buildings, A Sociology of Energy, Buildings and the Environment, with Simon Guy and has recently completed a book on Comfort, Cleanliness and Convenience: the social organisation of normality. Through this work, and as co-ordinator of a five-year programme of events on consumption, everyday life and sustainability (funded by the European Science Foundation), Elizabeth has brought theoretical approaches from the sociology of consumption and from science and technology studies to bear upon a range of energy-related issues. Such a strategy has generated new ways of thinking about demand and the social organisation of energy consumption. Renewable Energy Speaker – Dr Catherine Mitchell, University of Warwick Dr. Catherine Mitchell is a Principal Research Fellow at the Centre for Management Under Regulation in the Warwick Business School of the University of Warwick. Prior to this she worked in the Energy Group of the Science Policy Research Unit at Sussex University and undertook a Visiting Fellowship and Lectureship at the Energy and Resources Group at the University of California, Berkeley. She was a member of the Government's Energy Advisory Panel from 1998-2003 and has sat on numerous other energy policy advisory boards, both in a domestic and international context. Discussants Nick Hartley, OXERA Consulting Ltd Nick Hartley is a Senior Adviser at OXERA Consulting Ltd. He joined OXERA in 1996 after a career in the UK Government Economic Service. From 1984-89 he was the Chief Economist at OFTEL, responsible for developing the early stages of the economic regulation of the telecommunications industry. He then went on to head teams of energy and environmental economists at the Department of the Environment and the Department of Trade and Industry. At OXERA he advises companies and governments on regulatory issues in general, drawing on the UK experience with the regulation of all the privatised utilities. In 2002 he was seconded from OXERA to head the team which prepared the UK Cabinet Office (Performance and Innovation Unit) report on Energy Policy. This report laid the foundations for the UK Government Energy White Paper published in February 2003. Professor Michael Laughton, Imperial College Professor Michael Laughton is Emeritus Professor of Electrical Engineering in the University of London where he was formerly Pro-Principal of Queen Mary and Westfield College and subsequently Dean of Engineering of the University of London. He is currently a Visiting Professor in the Department of Environmental Science and Technology at Imperial College. He has been involved in renewable energy matters for over twenty years, from involvement with the SERC on an early wind energy panel, the Working Group Chairman and Editor of the 1990 Report on "Renewable Energy Sources" of the Watt Committee, a contributor to the Open University programme on renewables as well as discussing the subject in many seminars and papers. He is currently a member of energy policy advisory groups of the Royal Society, the Royal Academy of Engineering, the Institution of Mechanical Engineers and the Institution of Electrical Engineers. He has also acted as Specialist Adviser to different Parliamentary Committees on inquiries into alternative energy sources and efficiency of electricity use. Nuclear Energy Speaker – Malcolm Grimston, Royal Institute of International affairs Malcolm Grimston was Educated at Scarborough College and Magdalene, Cambridge, graduating in 1979 having read Natural Sciences and specialised in psychology. He went on to do a PGCE 1980, Open University BA (Hons) (First Class) 1993 after which he taught chemistry from 1980 to 1987 at Stowe and then Millfield. In July 1987 appointed Director of Talks for the UK Atomic Energy Authority and in April 1992 joined British Nuclear Industry Forum as Energy Issues Adviser. In October 1995 Malcolm joined Imperial College, London as a Senior Research Fellow (retain Honorary status) in the IC Centre for Environmental Technology Environmental Policy and Management Group. More recently Malcolm was appointed Senior Research Fellow at the Royal Institute of International Affairs, Chatham House in September 1999 (now Associate Fellow) and is conducting an investigation into the future of civil nuclear energy. Selected recent publications include: 1. Double or Quits - the global future of civil nuclear energy (with Peter Beck) (2002) Earthscan: London. 237 pp 2. 'The Potential and Role of Carbon Dioxide Sequestration in Tackling Global Climate Change' (lead author) (2001) Climate Policy 1(2), 155-171. 3. Civil nuclear energy - fuel of the future or relic of the past? (with Peter Beck) (2000) Royal Institute of International Affairs: London (with Peter Beck), 126 pp. 4. 'New nuclear investment - an unmanageable risk?', in Proceedings, Conference, 'Meeting the Competitive Challenge', BNES, London (December1999) Discussants Gordon MacKerron, NERA Gordon MacKerron is an economist working mainly on the economic and policy issues in energy and the environment. His particular specialisation has been in nuclear power. For over 20 years he was an academic at SPRU, University of Sussex, where he headed the Energy Programme from 1997 to 2000. Since January 2001 he has been at NERA (an economic consultancy) and was seconded for six months as a senior team member of the Cabinet Office PIU team that produced the 'Energy Review' in February 2002. He has undertaken a wide variety of consulting and advisory work, including Specialist Adviser and invited witness to a number of energy inquiries of the House of Commons Trade and Industry Committee, being Chairman of the Energy Panel, DTI/OST Foresight Programme from 1995 to 1998, and membership of the UKAEA QQR Steering Board in 1999/2000. Professor Jacquie Burgess, University College London Jacquie is Professor of Geography and director of the Environment and Society Research Unit. Her expertise lies in the field of environmental decision-making. In particular, she specialises in the development and application of deliberative and inclusive processes that bring specialists, stakeholders and citizens together to resolve what to do about complex and difficult problems. Jacquie recently led a specialist workshop for DEFRA which brought together a range of people to scope a public engagement process to support the New Body designated by government to resolve what should be done to dispose of the legacy of intermediate and high level radio-active waste. The European and International Dimensions Professor Eberhard Jochem, Fraunhofer Institute Eberhard Jochem, is a Professor at the Center of Energy Policy and Economics at the ETH Zurich, founded with his colleagues Massimo Filippini and Daniel Spreng the Centre for Energy Policy and Economics (CEPE) in 1999. He gives courses and seminars in energy economics, technology and policy at the ETH Zürich and Lausanne. Eberhard Jochem, born in Essen in 1942, received degrees in chemical engineering in Aachen (1967), in economics (Munich, 1971), and PhD in technical chemistry (Munich, 1971). He was research fellow in Munich and at the Harvard University, Boston (1971-1972). In 1973 he joined the Fraunhofer Institute of Systems and Innovation Research (ISI), Karlsruhe where he served as deputy director between 1983 and 1999. He lectured at the universities of Munich, Karlsruhe and Kassel. He is member of several national and international scientific advisory committees, among others of the Helmholtz Society and the Council for Sustainable Development appointed by the German Government, the Tyndall Center, U.K. and the Wuppertal Institute. He is member of the editorial boards of the scientific jounals Energy & Environment, Climate Policy, and Ecological Economics. Professor Aviel Verbuggen, University of Antwerp Aviel Verbuggen has a training in engineering as well as economics from Louvain in Antwerp and Stanford University respectively. Aviel’s energy research covers electricity economics (co-generation, planning, costing and pricing in power systems, distributed generation and grid access) and energy efficiency. Aviel is the co-founder of research and consultant units STEM, CENERGIE and FINES. Also Aviel conceived, supervised and edited the State of the Environment Reports in Flanders as well as being president of the Environmental Advisory Council between 1991 and 1995 and principal advisor to the Minister of the Environment (1999-01). Aviel also co-authored the IPCC Third Assessment Report WGIII, Ch. 5 (Barriers and Opportunities).